HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.02.1718e Sebmary 17, 1936 A regllar ueetlng of the 61ty Counoil of the Ctty of Surllngane wae held on the above given clate. lfhe meetlng was ca1Ied togetherat SIOO P.M., lilayor Buak 1n the shatr. Counollmen, Buck, Eandlos, Elgh, Elves, and Eunt answered roLl oaLl.lbsent, Counoll.nen, l{one. Ehe nlnutes of the prevlous neetlng of February 5, L956 wero read and approverl. I. letter wag read frop B.B. Eowell, IL{g Oxforit Boatt, coyerlngdralnage 1n oreek to the rear of hls property. It was the aotlonof the Councll after talktag wlth Superlntendent of Streets, RoIIlns andl Mr. $chuek that no IlablItty regts wtth the Clty as thls water-ray ls ln outslde terrltory. fhe Clerk wssr therefore, lnstruotetlto write to Mr. Eowell to thls effeet. A letter was read from Darld Lamoreaux, Chalrman of the Dreslclentf sBlrthday BaLl oomrnltt€e, anaouneing net profits of over $600.00.the CounotL was eonpS.lnentecl for thelr ooopelatlon ln naking theball a Buooess. It w&s announoed by Mr. Eamoreaur that $+00 or more of the mon€y w111 be tupounileil la San Mateo County InfantileParalysls frnd to meet future exigenoles. The letter was orderedflledl. An tnvltatlon to the Counoll to attend a meeting of Ednund Parrott, Chapter I{o.16, Dlsabletl Veterans, orr trtebnrary ?Let. in the lnterestof Elghway safety was referretl to the Counall nenberg to attend lfpossible. .|, Lotter was reacl from the City PLannlng Cornmlselon urgtng a mor€unlform plan to be folLowed ln the seleotlon of trees; that for eaoh street or series of streets a certain type of tree to be used exelusively. It ls aLeo reoomrnencled that the Counoll appolnta comolttee composerl of two oitlzens versoel 1n tree plantlng toact ln an advlsory eapaoity wlth the Superlntenclent of Parks ln an endeavor to tleterulne the speoies of trees best sulted for thepurposs. A motion to aeoept the reeonmenrlatlons as set forth wasoffered by Counolluan Eunt. The same was duLy secoualecl and earrietl;the advlsory oonultteo to be appolnterl later. A letter from rYoung Bepublloans of Californian requeetlng the lssuance of 'a non partisan proolamation by the trtayor,biiseal on good government, urglng voters to re-reglster at onoe ln orcler topartlclpate ln the L956 eleotlone. Ifiayor hrck asked tbe represen-tatives of tbe San !fiateo llLues and the .0,dvanoe Star to glve afore- saial letter publloity. B. Eeokenkeurper was given a 50 tlay revooabLe permlt to operate a bowllng aLLey ln the basement of 1116 Burllngame .6,venue, togetherrith a oounter for dlspensing soft drinker oaDilyr olgars andl sandlrlcheg. ?he purpose of thls grant is to faolLltate a gaIc. An adldltlonal50 ilays extension lf needed ts to have the sanotion of the Counoll. A pl.ea from Eenry Mtddenalorff, 11L4 Baysrater .&,venue, to tleny useof Eoover Eq!L to a party on Xrebruary 29th was overruLert due to thefaat that ff will be prlvate ln lts nature, entranoe belng onlythrough invitatloa. fhe Clerk was lnstructed to so ailvleeIlr. Mtddendorff. Chtef of PolLoe Earper submlttetl report on oouplalnt of Ida. J.Brooks' fl1ed at a prevlous meeting. Il[r. Earper stated exhaust plpefron Patge Shop ls cxteniletl out to the easement. Formerly Lt wes open ancl on rqquest 1t is now oovered ancl no clust oan escap€. .&Ll firture buAllng w111 be done before 10 A.![. as requlred byordtaanoe. fhe report was ordered reoelvecl ancl placed oa fl1e. .&. letter from Ashton Brttten submlttlng proposltlon as to senageoontrol at the new plant was referred baek wlth statement that thlsoontrol r1L1 be handled looalIy. l[ervya Griffln was glven use of Baghlngton Fark on evenlngs of Febnrary 25-26-21 for the purpose of eonduotlng San Uateo County tr_90 Wom€nrs Doubles fennls Chauptonehlp as per letter; the City to bupbly the light anel a noninal entrance fee to be exaeted euffl-olent to buy tennls ballE. Motlon by Counallnan Eandlos and, secondetl by Counellnan Eunt. ^&n lnvttatlon from Coastsiile Ctvlo Unlon to a peet at EI Orauada on February 18tb at 7 P.M. was read. askerl to observe date and to attend 1f posslble. lng antl dlnnerfhe CounolL was A letter was read fron the teague of CaLlfornla Municlpalltlesrelative to proposed Leglslatlon on lntoxleattng Llquor ancl announolng ueeting at los .Lngeles on February 80th aad 21st. Inasmuah ae tlne was.Llmlted, a BesoLutlon was lntroelueed by Counollnan Eandlos fav0rlng eontrol by the Counotl and lisensc to be lssaed onLy on the recormendation of the Chlef of ?o1lce. lfiotlon seaoncled by Councllnan Elgh. Carrled-- all votlng AY]E. Phe Counoll's 8otion was orderecl telegraphed to the Eeague Head-quarters in los Angeles. ln invltatlon from ldayor Slmen of San l[ateo to the Counol]. tosit ln at a disougslon to conslcler the uatter of formlng a publlcuttlity or Eater Distrlat, 8t the San }dateo City EaL1r on February 2oth at 7 :60 P.M., w&s aooeptect; also a oonference on February 24th wlth referease to franohlse for electrto on€rglo .l letter,datetl February lgth from the H.8. Eesett $ysten of Relnforoed Concrete Construatlon as to what upwardl pressure the dome of the sludge dlgestlon tark ln sewer troatment pLant was dcslgned to withstand, was reacl.lBhe Gounoll wes agreed that lt was luposslble to get anyone to assune the responslblLtty ofrepairs, the cost of whloh wllL approxlmate $1000 of wbtsb there s111 be sone saving if handled loca1ly. A notlon was off,ered by Gounellnan Eigh and seoonclecl by Councllman Hunt that the Ctty Attorney be lnstrueted to comutrnleate with the W.B. Eewett Coupany aclvlsing then that clue to the lnadequate strength deslgnof the doue of the sludge iltgestlon tank to wlthstand the pressure, the Clty wlLl hold them responsible for the cost of repalrs.Caried-- all vottng Alts. I petltlon from locaL barber shop owners for CounolL to adopt a proposed ordlaanoe regnlatlng hours of labor 6to. Ln consonanoo wlth Assembly 81L1, $o.L870 and $enate BtLl, So.28l, sag referredto Ctty lttorney for investlgatlon anrl report at the next meeting. Edwartl B. Iifiartin subnitted an appratsal of beneflts and damages ocoasloned by proJeoted alley transverslng Bloek 5, Sowu of Burllngame, the sarae being rearl by the CLerk. James lawrenee, one of the property owaers affested by the assessurent, stated to the Counotl he belleved the return as macle by Mr. Martln a falr one and was eatlsfied the rest of the property ownero wouI,d ap- prove the report. City ^&ttorney Davie reportecl lnasmuch as iuprovements were depentlent on a W.P.A. apportlonnent of fuads, the Clty aocept report as prosented by Mr. !fiertln. A motion to aoaept was offered by Counollman,Elves and seconcledl by Councllman Elgh.--Gartlodr- Hr. Savls was lnstmcted to proeeed wlth the aeguirlag of rlght of ways. 0ounsil.man Eives suggested the appotntment of James E. Mttobell as archlteot to prepare plans anel speelfleatlons on proposeil bulLtting to be looatetl on l.anrl dellneated ln Mr. EartinrB report. fhe saroe was offered in the way of a motlon and ras secontletl by Councll.ran Eantllos. 0agteit--aII votlng AYE. Mr. MitcheLl was asked to confer wlth Chlef Earper ln preparing pf pIans. .[re]. Johason, representlng the Saa Mateo Investment Company' was glven perult to pLace a building on the northerly 70r of lot 49' Burllngarne Eelghtsi lt being hls lntentlon to rebulLtl Later on tbe renalnlngl southerly 7Or. ?he Plaaalng Cormlssloa approvetl the appLlcatlon of Mr. Johnson as to the Loaatioa of the bu1I_allng. Uotfon by Oounellman Elves anal seeonded by CounoiLnan Elgh. Mr. Johnson ras askeA to present hle plaa to the Counell for the second bullding when lt ls readly so 1ts loeatton on the 1ot may harmonLze wtth bulldlngs funmedlately atlJacent. Dernancts agalnst the Ctty, So.I59 to So.855 tnclusive, were reacl and approvetl an{t warrants wexe ordered cirawu on the Clty lreasury for thelr respeottvs amountB. aed.fhe Councll APPRO[EI) t oa fo Resp I su tte rk. I