HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.01.06183 Bur1ingame, Callfornia January 6, L936. A regular meettng of the City Council of the City of tsurllngame was held on the above given clate. fhe meeting was eaIled togetherat B:00 P.M., IJIayor B,uok in the chair. Counollmen,Buck, Hantllos, Htgh, Eives, ancl Eunt answered ro11 caII. .&bsent : GounciLmen, None. fhe mlnutes of the previous meeting of Seeember 16th were read and approved. Iretters were read frorn the llbrary Board advising of a xleeting on January ?th at B:00 P.]iI. and from the Progress Club compliment-ing the CounclL in the selection ancl placing of the new Ileon sig:ns on the Bayshore Boulevard. Soth communications were ordered placecl on f1le. R.B. EoweLL, 1140 Oxford Roaclrcomplainetl of an overgrovrn hetlge acljacent to his property whlch forces pedestrians to walk 1n thestreet. Ehe same was ordered turned over to Superintendent Schuck for investigation and report. A letter was read from the Burlingame lYomanrs C1ub, Il{rs. Agnes S. Mi11er, Presiilent, lodglng a protest against the ineffective control of the sele of 1 enforoement of the Law a Mrs. Sprague addressed t Mayor Buck, in answer to lquor in Burlingame and urglng striotgalnst saLe to minorg. !Irs. ldlller and he Council in the tnterest of the petltion. L{rs. Mlller ancl }drs. Sprague, stated hefelt as they did but unfortunately control restecl with the State Board of Equal-Tzation ancl the City was absolutely without Jurlsdictlon in the natter even to the blocklng of requests for permJ.ts for'0n $a1en privllege unless it can be provetl appllcant has a bad reputation. Pollee Chief Harper conourred in what the t{ayor stated and remarked that any appeaL uust eome through the legtsLatrr€o Counollman Eantllos commended the actlon of the Burllngame Wonanrs Club and offerecl as a motlon that the Clerk be requested to address a letter to the State Boartl of Equall-zation asktng that no morg permlts be lssued to applicants requestlng license to tlo buslnesE in the Clty of Burllngame. Motlon was seconcled by Councllmen Hunt. Carrlecl --a11 voting AYE. Superintendent Schuek reported wtth reference to request of T.E. llryert to renove trees ln front of Parklag area' lot 1 - bloak 59, lyon Eoag, that he woulcl recommencl the removal of onetree and the tri.mmlng of the remainlng trees; the same to be at the erpense of Mr. ltmpert. The CLerk was instructed to com- mtrnLeate Mtl'$chuckrs report to lflr. llmpert. A Letter was reacl from the lPreasury Department of the fnternaL Revenue Servlce, San Francisco, urging that the Ctty of Burllngame through lts officials, sponsor the Presldentrs blrthday balL ln the interest of the Georgla Warm Sprtngs Foundatton ftrntl. fhe same wats lald over for the next meeting. A olaln for damag€s, $L1'lr4?, f1Ied as of ilate, Decembsr 26, L95fr, by Mrs. F,F. Parlato antl Frark F. Parlatorh-br husbandl, agalnst theCity of Burllngame for damago'. done by falIlng llnbs was reacl.Ur. SarLato acldressed the Counell in the lnterest of the petltion. City .0,ttorney Davls advlsetl the Couneil to deny the petltion asthe Councll ts not a court of law, urging Mr. Parlato, if he feels he has an aotlon, to lnstitute sult agalnst tiie City through the courts for reclr€sso A motlon to deny elalm for damages as read was offerocl by Counci]nan Elves antl seconded by Councilman Hancllos. Carried--all votlng AfE. A map of the Ctty of Burlingame showlng major streets &s a request from the State Eighway Cornmlsslon, was atlopted by Resolutlon on motion by Councihnan Eancllos and seconded by Councilman High. Carrled-a1l voting AYE. A Resolutioa was adoptetl cletermlnlng that the foLloor portions thereof bo deslgnatetl as maJor streets Burlingame: wing stf,eetsof the City Callfornla Drlve -- Penlnsular Avenue to Orove Avenue. 184 Barrollhet Avenue--- Dnight Roatl 0rove Avenue Etghland AvenueEillside Drlve Howard .6,venue Oak Grove Avenue 0colclental Avenue--Iark Road Balston Avenue EL Camino Real to E1m AYenue. Peninsular Avenue to Bayshore lIlghway.El Camlno ReaL to Callfornla Dr. Eowarcl Avenue to Callfornia Drive. El.Camino ReaL to Burltngame Clty limlts. EL Camlno ReaL to Eumboldt StreetEI Camlno ReaL to Bayshore Eighway.Barrollhet Avenue to BelLerme Avenue. E1 Camino.Real to Eowaril Avenue. 0cclclentaL Avonue to Pepper .lLvenue. l Foregoing Resolution was introdr.rcecl by Councilman Handlos and seccnded by CounGlLman Hlgh. 0n motton by Councilman Huntr Acting Engirleer longson waslnstructetl to prepare plans ancl speclflcations for the resur-faclng of Oak Grove Avenue from California Drive to E1 CamlnoReaL. Carried--alL voting AYE. City Attorney Davls reported relative to a11ey to the rear o.fstores ln Block 5, Burlingame Avenue, that I majority of theproperty frontege favored the lnprovement and urgecl the CounciLto initlate the proeeedings forthivith. A Resolution of Inten-tion was reatl, the same being lntroduced by Councllman Eunt and seeontled by Counellman Eandlos. Carried---a11 voting AYE. 0rillnance No. eBB amending Section L6 of Ordinance No. L86,flrst readl on Deoember L6, L955, wetrs glvea second readlng anrl was adoptetl on motion by Councilman High and seconrlecl by Councllman Haadlos. All voting AY3. Ihe Deoe,mber reports of the lYeter, Police, ancl Flre Departments ancl of the Clty Judge, also the annual report of the tr'ireDepartnent, were reacl ancl the same ordered placed on ftle. Councllman Eunt reported that Park Superintendelt Anderson hadfound a favorable attltude from resldents in the viclnity ofthe proposed tennls courts at CabrilLo Avenue and Easton Drive,sufficlent to go aheacl with the project. Councllman Eunt presented the proposltion of the acquiring ofthe Farnan property at S.E. corner of Primrose Roarl anclDonnelly Avenue for the parking of autos to relieye traffio on Burlingame Avenue antl Primrose Roacl; the s&me to be on a taxremit basls if it can be arranged. Superintendent $chuek was asketl to look into antl bring in flgures on fllllng the ground antlmaking the same suitable for parking. The Council thereupon atl journed. Respect Iy subrnitted, v e a Approvecl, fr