HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.10.10114 An acljourned neeting of October 3, L949, was ]re1d on the above given date. Lieeting call-ed to order at 7:3O Ir.m. - l,rlalror Love ln the Chair. 'ro11 Call: Preient - Absent Burllngame, Calif ornia 0ctober 10, 1949 ounciknen! A trrva te r-Dahl -Love -Sileo nds ouncilmen: Hunt lle spectfully submit ted, i{c rbe r.t 1,. ,yitite, Ci tv Cr p-r- c (.1 The adjournecl meeting uas callied for the purpose of reaching a deci sion lrhether the ilri 11 Tol're rra s acceptable by t]'Ie City or not. i(. S. Fitch, Superlntendent of Public !'jorks, adviserd the council that final acceptanco of the ljrill Tovier on cEi- iforrlia Drive sl:ould be delayed r:ntll- the contractor had complied t,''i th certain requirements and specifications of his contract wj.th the Ci ty. The City Council r'evielred a ]-etter from Dave Br-irr Insurance Agency in i,;hi ch ire asked if the City of Bilrl inl:ane vrou].d author- iZe its Fi.re Department to respond to alarns fron the iioover School ln orcler that the Burlin5ane !,J1ementary School lji strlct ralght receive the benefits of a reduced insurance rate. The Council lvas of tire opinion that this service could be rendered the school provided it dld not interfere r-rlth proper servlce and protection to property ortne rs within the city limlts at al-1 times. TI:e nratter vras referred to Chief Ii. J. Leis and the Fire Cor:,r:lission { or tl:eir c c;ns idei'ri tl on and re c onr.tendati on. The Clty Clerk read a letter dated October 6, 1949, by ii. s. Fitch Badressed to the Ca1 ifornia Constrrretors, advlslng that the City Council would agreo to accept the street improvoment s when completed lf the Callforrrls Constructors would accept the proposal that two outside consulting civil engineors named Messrs. Ives and Wu1f, sald speclallsts be employed by thom to prepare speclficatlons and supervlse the work, thls erpense to te borne Ly the Ca1 ifornla Constructors. City Attorney Karrnel lnformed the Cor:rrcil that he had met wlth Mr. F'rm k B. Ingensoll, representLng the Califomia Constructors and Clty Englneer l-ltch concernlng thls proposal. Mn. Ingersoll agneed to accept the servLces of consulting englneers name d qbove for this work and offered to plrrce on deposit lvi th the City $12rO0O.OO as a Suar-antee that thls, reconstrrrctlon trlll be conpleted to the Cltytgsatlsfaction. rhe menbers of the Clty C6ung11 questloned Lhe posltLon of the City ln case the prlce exce€detl thls amount. Aften conslderable discussion, Counci irnan Atvrater moved that Clty Attorney Kamel be authorl-; ed to make a condltlonal accopt- anc-e of thl s' proposal vrhereby the Clty !'iouId accept f or deposlt the S12roilo.O0 and that the plans and speciflcatlons of the consulting engi-neers should be subrnitted for blds to determine the aetual cost before any flnal acceptance 1s consurmatedi then if the proJect exceeded that of the deposit, the mattor would be reconsldered by the Clty Councll to determlne necessa4r stepsto be taken by the Callfornla Constructors or the Pnrdentlal Insuranco Company to seeure sufflclent fuads. The motion lva s seconded by Councllman Dahl and unanLmously carnled. A lette:' dated September 50, 1949, lvas reaal f rorx E::rnet B. Iiayes tondoring his reslgnation as a memben of the 01v11 Service Cos'nission because of his removal to oan i{ateo. Councl lman DabL moved that the reslgnation be accepted and that a letter be directed to I'ir. Hayes thanklng him for hls servlce to t}:eCity, seconded by Councilman Simonds arrd unanlrnouirly carrled. There bel-ng no further business befone the Councl1, the meeting was adjourned on motlon of Councilman Dah1, seconded by CounclL- man A tl',iate r and rrnanimously carried. "t -.f /,.,- Dan lt. Love, I'iayor