HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.12.05238 Burlirqgame, Califoz'nla December 5, 1950 A special hearing meetS-ng called for the purpose of determlning vr'hetiren or not rent control within the City of Burlinsarne shouldbe eontinued beyond December 51, 1950, wr:.s held on the abrove givendate. lJayor Love in the Chair. RolI Calll Present - Councilman: Atwater Byrd - IIunt -'Love SlmondsAbsent Couneilman: Idone Iliayo:' Love announced that the Council vras interested in the pres-entation of facts and everyone woi:"ld be gi_ven an opportunity to speak and su-ggested that representatives of groups speak first. lilr. Ia,i.ther Carr, representlng a ntrrrber of landlords favoring thedecontrol of rents, opened th.e hearing by citing the reasons forthe origlnal controL of rents and'statlng ln his opinion the law toda3r ls dlscrlmlnatory a;lainst property oyn:ers. He further stat-ed that und.er the Houslng and Eent Act the orinerts rlght to enJoythe prlvilege of ornershlp vras deni ed. Ii,Ir. Cerr closed. ir.is remarirswith t}:.e request thst the Council exereise home rule and ilrant d.e-control. It'ir. H. Sherldan-Blckers, repraesentlng tenents against r;ncontnollednents, spoke on the results of a sr:rvey of the clty he trad mad.edurlng the past nonth indicatlag a housing shortage aecordlng tohis survoy. Iylr. Blckers aLso submLtted flgures on controlLed ren-tals at a lovr fS.gure and uncontrolled at a rauch hlgher flgure. I,{n. George ifilllams, bulIder, also spoke in favon of decontno3. ofrents and presented statistics on housing unlts and data on lowrentals. Hr. Wlll-lams stated ln his oplnion propenty owners and.landlonds are justlfled in raLslng rentaLs a reasonable auiount tocompensate for higher maintenance costs and hlgher taxes, Amongi indlvidual olvner:s favori.ng and speaking ou. the subject therewere: L{ns. Ethel Connorr*1,,1r. George Thurmond., },{r. Ft'ank-Bode,Hr. Hugh Keville and 1\,1r. R. C, Doss. Those |.lainst decontrol trere: 1ffiIliams Grubbse Fl-oyd l,,turphy andseveral othen speakers. Follorvlng a fr,rll discusslon and a hearing, Couneilman B;rrd noved.that Ln vievt of the many facts presented the Cou-ncl ] eonsld.er ttr.ema-tter and annollnce its decision at the next regular. raeeting onthe 18th of Decembe::, 1950, seconded by Councilman llunt and-nnan-inously carried. i]avi-ng completed tire btrsiness for whLch the meeting r,'ras ca11ed,the meeting vras adjourned. Eespectfullyr submltted, Herbert !i. Tltilte City Clork Approved: "r"*lLIan R, ita;'91' Love, *M"/-r*k4-lh