HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.09.19r 105 Bur"llnga.me, Californla September 19, 1949 A negular meetlng of the Bu:r1lngamo Clty CounciL was hoLd on the above gLven date. Meetlng caIled to order at B:15 p.n.- Mayon Iove in the Chair. RoIl Ca1I: Presont - Councilmen: Atwa ter-Dahl-Ilunt -Lov e-S lmonds' Absent - Councllmen: None The mlnutes of the prevLous meetlng of September 6, 1949, as submltted to members of the CouriclL and as posted on theBulletln Board Ln the City Ea11 were accepted and approved on motion of Counc lLmeJi Slmonds, seconded by CounclJ.nan Hunt and unanlmous Iy carried. A letter dated Septembe:: 15, 1949, was read firom Supe:rtntendont of Rocreatlon LLncoln re conmendlng that audLtonh:m chai.r,s andcraft room stools be procured p:ri.or to the openlng of the CormunLty Cente:r Bulldlng and r,equestlng that the pu::chaslng agent be authorLzed to make these purchases lnmedl-ate1y. Council- man Slmonds moved that the Council concur In the recormendatlon and that authorizatlon be gLven to the Buildlng CormrJ.ttee of the Council the Supe::intendent of Rec::eation and. to the Purchasin.3 Agent, to procu::e 3O0 chalrs and'S0 stools from the arnouni re- maining ln the Recreation Building Construction Rrnd. The motlon was seconded by Cou.rtcllman Hunt and unanlmous 1y canr"ied. A letter. dated September 14, 1949, was read fYom E. L. llncoln, Sup e::l-ntendent of Recreation, suggesting ttrat the purchasing ag6nt be authorl-zed to purchase a floor s crubbing and polishlng machine ln onder that the new C ommunLty Center building may be propenly maLntained. Mayor Love stated tlrat the subject would be discussed at a meeting with the Recr:eation Commission. A letter datertr Septemben 12, 1949, was read from the Bur'Ilngame Recreatlon Conroission, submitting recommendations as to priorlty ratings for the reservatlon and use in connectlon wlth the new C oronunlty Cente:: trb.cllltles and reo.uesting Ceunsll consideration and approval of the submitted recommendatlon. l'{ayolt Love statedthat a rneetlng wou1,l be heLd wlth the Cowrcil and the Rec::eation Commisslon on Ft'lday evefri.ng, Sep tembe:r 23t 1949, at 7:OO p.r..at which tlme the subject vr ould be dlscussed. A letter dated September L2, 1949, was nead I)nom the Bu::1lngame Eecreatlon ComLsslon submlttlng a IIst of f\rnlshlngs and e qu5.pmont needed to comp}ete.the new C ommunlty Center p::oject. Mayor Love stated tha t lf there were no obJections the subject would be referred to the Bulldlng Commlttee of the Councll. Ilearlng no objectlons, such was the order. A letter dated September 15, 1949, was read flom R. C. Theue::, Chief of Po1lce, submitting the reslr',natlon of PatroJman, Willtam H. Kllbourne, effocti.ve as of September 29, 1949. Councilman Dahl moved.that the res-'rgnatLon be accepted, sec'onded by CouncLlman .Atwater and unanlmous1y ca::nled. A lette:r dated September 15, 1949, was read from B. C. Theuerr Clilef of Police, nequestlng that ttrre e appolntments be made from tho eLlgib1e 1lst of Patrolman to f111 exlsting vacancies ln the Pol1ce Department. Upon belng questioned by the Councl1, Chlef Theue? advised that he has contacted the th::e e eI1glb1e men rvho trave expressed tl:elr wi3.llngness to accept the positionl CounciLnan Dahl thereupon moved that the Council eoncur ln th6 ::ecorrnendatLon that the first e1igib1e, lYtl1lam P. Brigham, bsappolnted as requested, seconded by Councilman Eunt and unanlmouslycamied. On motion of Councilman Dah1, secondod by C orrnc llman I{unt and unanlmous ly canrj.ed tho second eL1glb1e appllcant Rlchard S. Leach' was appolnted to the position of patrolman. fhe. thl:rd e1lgib1e, Harol-d F. E11iott, was also appointe d to theposltlon of patrolman, on motlon of Councl]rnan Dah1, seconded by Councl-'l man Atwator and unanlmously ca::rLed. A11 appol,ntrnents areto be made subject to ttre passlng of a satlsfacto::y medlcal ex- ar:rinatlon. It06 .A lotter dated. $eptg.mber 16, 1949r was read from K. S. FitchrDlrecton of Publl-c lluorks, requesting that an eligible Ilst forStreet l/Iaintenance l\{an, Fi::st Class be established. CounciLnran Slmonds moved that the Council concur in the request and thattheClvll Service Commission be instructed tp prepa.:re an eligiblelist fon the above classl-fication, secon$.ed by Counellman Hunt and unanimously carried.. A letter dated. September 16, Irg4g, was read from K. S. FitchDlrector of Public Vtlorks, requesting that tvro appointments be mad.e for Street Malntenance Men to the Public Vilorks Departmen.t. Councihnan Huht moved that the Counci.l concui3 in the recorutendation and that Douglas Kay be appotnted, effectlve October 1, L949, secondod by Councilman Atwater and unanimously carried. Counej-Iman Simonds moved concurrence in the I'ecoffirendatj-on and.that Carl Gothan, the next ellglbIe be appoLnted, effective October 1, L949, seconded by Councilman Hunt and unanlmously carried.. A letter dated September 16, 1949, was read fnom K. S. Fltchr Dfu:ector, of Pub1lc lllorks requesting that one t::ee t rimmer beappolnted effective 0ctober l, 1949. Councilman Dahl. movedthat the CorrnciL concur in the necornmendation arC that JesseC. Garner be appointed to the posltion, seconded by Courrcilman Atvrater" and unanlmously carried. A letten dated. September 16, Ag4g, was read from K. S, Fitch,DLr"ector of Public lTorks, recommenaing that a request made blrI\{rs. Agnes.Benri-nger for a leave of absenee without pay begranted for the period of two weeks dr.ring the flrst part ofOctober. Councllman Datrl moved that the Council concur i-n therecornroendation and that l{rs. Agnes Berringor be granted aleave of absence vrj-thout pay during the first part of Octobe::, Seconded by Councilrnan Hr.rgt and unanimously carried. A letter dated septemben 16, 1949, was read from K. s. FitchDinector of Pub1lc wonks, reguesting that an appointment be made from the e1lgib1e llst for water serviceman to fill ex-lstlng vacancy. councilman simonds moved that the councilconcur ln the request and tl:.at the next eliglble, NicholasDe l\{arco be appolntdd, effective, October t, 1,o+e, secondedby Councllman Hunt and. unanimousiy carnled. A letter dated september 16, lg4g, rras read f?om K. s. FitchDirector" of Public filorks requesting that new e].lgib1e listsbe established for the positlon of-Yfater servlcerilan andUtl1lty li[an in the YJater Depantment. Councllman Dah]- morre6that the council concur in the submltted::equest and that theClvl1 Senvice Cormnission be lnstructed. to prepare the eligible1lst for the above classlfications. A letter dated september 16, !g4g, was read from the clvil ,'./servj-co coumrlsslon necolnmendLng that two new resolutions ., | / affectilrg. changes ln the Civil Senvlce Rules and Regulatiqnsor.!!9 9itf of Bur'linEame, be adopted.. Resolution fro.,tz-4g,entitledr t:4mgnding Resolutton No. 19-4s, seetLon ehor Ruli[ trof the civtL service Rules and legulations of the city orBurlJ.nganrett whlch was introdueed by douneilman llunt who movedlts ?doptlon, seconded, by councllman Dahl and. canried. by theunani.mous af.firmative vote of the Council member:s. ResolutionNo.'/3.:-49t entitled, trAddition to riule rr - section two, sickLeaven was Lntroduced b{ councllman Dahr who moved its passage, se^c-onded-by Councllman Hunt and adopted, by the unanimousafflrmative vote of the Council members. Reports from ttre Bunllnganie }-ir,e Depar"tnent and. the police Department, fon the month of August, 1949, were read and _ordered fiIed. Ordinance No. 481, as amended and en-tltled., trAn Ondlnance etc.r,was- glven second reading. On motion of Councilman Hunt, second- 9O_!y Council-man Dah1, 0rdinance No. 4Bl, was ad.opted. ty tnefollowlng vote. Ayes: Noes: Counci-lmen: Counci.lmen: A twa ter-Dahl -I{un t- Love -S imond s None L07 ordlnance No. 482, as amended and entltLed, rrAn ordj.nance etc. was given socond reading. 0n Motlon of C ounc ilmen Slmondsr seconded by C ouncilman Atwater, Ordlnance No. 482, was adop ted by the following vote: Ayes: Courlcl1men: Atwater-Dahl-Hunt-Love-Slmonds CouncLlrnon: None Or.dLnance No. 485, entit}ed, ttAn 0:rdinanco, etc.x was intro- duced by C ouncllman Eunt and given f5.rst readlng. A lette:: dateal September. 17, 1949, was read from H. R. [Jhitlng, 1L87 l,tlddle Aver MenLo Park, Callfornla, requestJ-ng the BurlLngame Clty Ceunsll to assist and cooperate wlth othercitLes and countLes.ln the Bay Area and the Penlnsula in the oppositl,on of the Southern Paciflc Conpanyr s petition to the CalLfornla State Public Utllities CommLssion to lncrease all fares for passenger transportatlon to San fbancisco from thePenlnsula. The Letter was refemed. to the City Atto::ney with Lnstructi.ons to keep the Cowrcl-I Lnfor,rned of any actlon forth- comlng. A letter was also lnstructed to be sent to the [rite]3 Mr. II. R. Whltlng, informing hlm of Councl-I action. A petitlon ft om nlnety-seven property ovners and nesldents Ln thevlclnlty of 110O Dpake Avenue was presented to the Councilr protestlng the request of Mrs. Levy at the above address for perTnission to seII her propenty for the purpose of establishing a lleal-th Hone. Councl'lman Slmonds stated that the petition as submLttod was concluslve evidence of t}.e residents re- actions to the :request and as the Plarurlng Cornmlsslon rec- orrmended that the ::equest be denled, thereupon moved that the Councll concur ln the recommendation of the Planning ConmrlssLon and thet the appllcatlon for pe::mlssion to es-tabllsh a Health llome be donied. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Hunt and unanlmous Iy ca:rried. Clty C1e::k Herbert K. Whlte advlsed that a petltlon had been fl].ed ln hls office for the reclasslflcatlon and va::- lance to recognlzo pre{.sxLsting use of the property des- caibed as Lots 21A and 2lB of BJ-ock 2L, tyon and Hoag Sub-dlvlslon and. that the 29th day of Septemben, 1949, a pubIlc hearlng would be held before ttr e PlarrnLng Cormlssion of theClty. Acting on a recomnendatl on from Shar.ps and Bp6vn, Archltects,that the Clty accept the lvcs'k of Contractor IU. J. Ilenryfollowing the completlon of the new Dri.11 Towe{, the subject was refor:::ed to the Butldtng Cornmlttee of ttre uor.urcil, theClty Englneer and the Buildlng Inspeetor for theLr. re- corn:renda tl on. Clatms Nos. 7401 lo 7526, inclusive flere read and on motionof Councl lman Dah1, seconded by uounclllman Atwater, warrants were ordered drawn on the 01ty Treasury fo:: thol:: respectlve amounts, togethor wi th payrolls for the months of July, S34r904.65 and August $361017.18. A letter dated Septeniber 19, 1949, was nead from K. S. Fltch submlttlng a prellmLnary report on ttre wldening of Chapln Avenue wLth the foJ.lowlng cost estlmates: f. Total Acquisition Costs .If. Total Constructi on Costs.$eI 9, 9?O. OO 4,1OO. OO The letter suggested that f\r the r proceedlng be determlnedfollowlng pe:rsual- by the Plannlng Oornmlsslon and a<ivice of theClty Attorney, Courcilman Simonds moved concurrence l-n the suggestLon and the subject was referred to the P1ann5.ng Conmls si onr the Ctty Attorney, the olty Englneer and thosolnterested. ln the property, seconded by Councllman Hunt srrd unanlmous 1y carrled. x08 Irr. A. R. Doenlngr Chafu"man of the Conmunity Center Comnlttee, addressed the Counci1 requestS.ng lnformatLon as to the re- commended. policies and prlority :ratings on the new Conmuni ty Center facilities. Mayor Love stated ttrat fo1lowLng a closed meetinl3 and dlscusplon with the C6ung11 and the Recneatlon Comaisslon, the publlc would be lnvited to discuss the policies and priority ratings . Mrr. A. E. Van Bo1t, fo:: Council l.nformatLon, quoted from a natlonel Lnvestment statlstical j our-naI showLng Southern Paclflc Companyr s dl-vtdends of 14.3fi average yieId, on its conuron s tock. K. S. Fitchr. DJ.rector of Public llllorks, was authorized by the CouncLl to prepare a foundatlon for tkre ez'ection of a temporaryflag poJ.e to be used at the dedlcator.y services of the new C omnr.rni. ty Center Bulldlng on September 25, and tha t at a later date arrangements be mad6 to &iscuss a pennanent lnstallationwlth the Building and Grounds Cornmlttee of ttre Councl1. Mayor Love, on behalf of the Council, invited the public to attendthe dedlcatj.on ceremonles of the Cormrunity Center Building to beheld Su-nday, Soptember 25, 1949, at 2 ol clock, p.m. There being no furthor business the meelring was adjourned on motLon 6f C6ungllynan Datr1, seconded by CouncLlman Hunt and unanLmous 1y carried. Respe c tI\r11y submitted BtrRT K.rTEClty C1e:rk APFROVED: Dan R. Love, Mayo:: ,lr-ttL