HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.11.272,34 Burlingame, Calif ornl a November 27, 1950 An adjourned meetlng was he1d. on the above glven date as per adjournment of I{ovember 20, 1950. Meetlng called to order at B:10 p.rr. - Mayor Love in the Chalr. iloll CalI: Present - Councilnen: Atvrater-Byrd-Hunt-Love-SiraondsAbsent Councilnien: Ilone l,Jayor Love stated the meeting had beens cheduled for t}:e purpose of considering the appointraent of the City Lngi-nr:er. The City Cierk reacl the eligiole list as submitted b;; the 0ivi1 Serviee Comrrlission as f ollows: 1[o. ] - ['lr. i(einholci B. Hanserr 7O Seville St., San Francisco No. 2 - Itlr. Johan rlt. i<,rabbe2 t't. 5th AvenuerJan i,lateo }io. 5 - Idir. George J. iiiarr 1498 Sr-rmmit Rd., Berkeley Couneil-man lttw,ter moved that the list be accepted, seconded by Councilman iiunt and unaninrously carri-ed. Counci}i:ian llunt tirereupon rnoved 'bhat I'tro. 3 on the rist, i,{y. George J. Illarr, b e aopointed to che position of City iinginee r, seconded by Councilman Siraonds and unanimously carried. ir{ayon Love, speairing in behalf of the Council,stated thai the Council i:ad raade a thorough study of the qualifica- tions and experience of all the applleants before the unanimous deeisiorr was reached to appoint I',[r. ]Jarr tcr t]:e position. There being no further business to transact ti:e neeting nas adjourned on motion of Counci.lman iluntr s€conded by Councilman Byrd and wranirnously carried. Re spectfully submltted, Ilerbert K. ilhlte City Clerk Approve d:t Dan R. Love, J Mayor - I