HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.08.15- 9s Burllngame e Californl-a August 15, 1949 A r.eguLar meeting of the BurlLngame Clty Councll was held. onthe above glven date. MeetLng caIIed to order at B:OO p.nl.rtr - Mayor Love ln the Ctrair. Bo11 GaII: Present - CbunelLmen: Atwater-Dahl-Hunt-Love-Slmond.sAbsent - Councllmon: None The minutes of the prevlous meetlng of August 1, 1949r &s subnlttodto mombens of the Clty Council and as posted. on the Bulletln Boardln the Clty Hal-Lr were approved and accepted on motlon of CorrncLlman Hunt, seconded by CounclLnan Dahl and unardmously carrled. The FolLowJ-ng bld.s as adventised for and sehed.uled for openS-ng on August 15, 1949, were opened. and read.r 8s follows: BAY PARK NECREATIONAL AREA Peter Sorenson Redwood Ctty Seetlon 4 Sectlon 5 Section 6 Sectlon 7 Sectlon B Sectlon 9 Sectlon LO AlternatAlternatAlternat eAeBeC Earth Yrlonk, etc. Crusher Run Base Concrete PlayLng Courts Steel Fenclng Wood Fbtbrldge Asphalt Paths Masonry flreplaces, tables Frame handball court, deduct 0mit flreplaces, tables, doduct Laykold Surface, deduct $ o.4o por eu.yd. 2,937 .OO 15, 960. OO 5r 5OO . OO 650.00ggo. oo BOO.OO $ soo.oo BOO. O0 2, OO0. OO Bond accompanled bid, L. C. Smlth San Mateo Sectlon 4 Sectlon 4 Sectlon 5 Sectlon 6 Section I Sectlon 9 Earthwork, r.mclasslfied S O.Earthwork, stmeturaL l. Crusher Run Base Truck Yd.. 3. ?tt x 8rr Header Boards eham. O. Concnete Playing Cor.rrts-lump sun$15r966. 52$p8r cu. yd. gO lt tr ll OB ll ll tt 45 ILn. ft. 44 Alternate A $Iood.en irfallr d educt Alternate C Laykold sunface, deduct Bond accompanied bld. Iillm. Horstmeyer Co., San Franclsco Sectlons 4. to 1 0 inclusiveAlternate A Deduct ALternate B DeductAlternate C Deduct Bond accompanled bld. Fr"ank !''il. Smith San Mateo Seetlon 4 Earthwork, gradlng, etc. struc. common exeavation Sectton 5 Crusher Run BaseSectlon 6 Concrete Playing Coi;rts Section 9 Asphalt PathsAlternate A Deduct Alternate C Deduct Bond &ccompanted bid. Footbridge, h:mp sum Aspha3.t Paths $ lr4gE.oo.11 se. f t. $ rbo.oo 2, 600. oo #z+r?so.oo 666.O0 1, OOO . OO Lr 6g4.0o 2.5O per cu. yd. .75 ll ll lt ., 4.1O per cu. yd. $12 , 060. CO 12.00 per ton 1, 080. oo 1, 7gO. OO 96 FENCING IN RAY PARK San Jose Steel Co., San Jose Installlng chaln Link fence, etc., per spoc. Bond aeco*panled bLd. Anchor Post Fence Divislo San Francisco Installlng fence, etc. Bond accompanled bid. Cyelone Fe eDl vl slon San Francisco Installlng fence, etc. Bond accompanied bid. California V/i::e Cloth Co ratlon 0akland Fencing per speciflcations Bond accompanled bld. BURLINGA}IE VILI,AGE BUITDING Arthur Bros., San },'Iateo $ BrrB4.oo {N 2, 688 . OO $ 2r994.o0 ConstructlonAlteratlon A, d.eductAlternate B, d.oductAlternate C , deductLlst of subcontractors listed. $ orzoo.oo $ Yr 49z,oo 576.00 525. OO 70. oo Bond accompanied bid. VLnc.ent A. Ernlco, Burlingame Constnuction Altennate A, d.eductAlterriate B, deductAlternate C, deductLlst of subcontracts and bond accompanied bld. S 619g?.oo 557.00 575.00 10B.OO S 6r860.oo 560 - OO 525.00 85.00 Charles J. Pedersen , Burlingame Constnrctlon $ 61940.00Alteratloa A, d.oduct 5OO.OOAlternate B, deduet 31O.OOAlterrrat€,Cr d.educt 80.00List of subcontnactors and bond accompanled. b1d. gq4{qUlql EIos., Menlo Park Constrrrction s6,AlternatAlternatAlternat , deduct , ded.uct , deduct eAeBeC "17 56 27 5 4 7 t a a o0 oo oo oo70. Llst of subcontractors and. bond acconpanied bid. Tdm. C. Smlth , Bunllngame ConstructLon $ 61025.00Alternate A, deduct 425,OOAlternate B, deduct 17O.OO ALtennate C, deduct 7O.OOLlst of subcontractors and. bond accorrpanled bld. ConstntrctlonAlternat€ A, d,eductAlternate B, deduetAlternate C, dedrpt Subcontractors and bond aceompanied bld, Ralph Larsen & Eon, San Franclsco 97 Conway and. Culllgan , San Mateo Constrtrctlon $ 5,443.Ao Altennato Ar Ded.uet 256.00 Alterrrate B, Deduct 125.00Alternate C, Deduct 7O.OOLlst of subcont:ractors and bond accompanied bid Ba11let Bros. Construction Co.r San Francisco Constnrctlon $ 7r9oo.oo ALtennate A, Deduct 575.00 ALter.nato Br Deduct 525.00Alternate C, Deduct 78.00Llst of brrbcontnactons and bond. accompanied bld HanrSr P. KLme & Son , San Mateo Gonstructlon $,Alternate A, DeductAlternate B, Deduet Alternate C, DeductList of subcontractors and bond accompanied bid Y{ard C. Van Sant , South San Franciseo ConstructlonAlternate A, DeductAlternate B, Deduct Alterr:ate C, Ded.uctList of subcontractors submitted. No bond. 7 1564.00 42g.OQ 400.o0 107. oo $ 6rB4s.oo 591.00 550.OO 95. oo C. E. Bessett , Burllngame Constnrction S 7 ,239.ooAlternate A, Deduct 29O. O0Alternate B, Deduct 565.00 Alternate C, Deduct 75.00Llst of subcontractors and bond accompani-ed bid. Al.L the foregLng blds nere referred to the Butlding Comnttteeof ths Councj.l-, the Clty Englneer and City Attorr:ey for their study and reeomnnendatLon, to be submitted at an adjourned meetlngof the Councl-I, Wednesday evenlng, riugust' J.7r 1949, at 8 orclock.p.m. A letter dated. August 12, 1949, $as read. from the Ctvll Servlce Cormlssion submittlng the followlng eIlglbIe llsts: Troe Trlmmer Jesse C. Garner Street Mai-ntenance tlian Douglas J. Kay Carl Gothan Jaaes F.- Horton McKinley iteed. George A. Burnham Utllity },lqn Menzo 0. ',qJiltsle Aubrey B. Pilgrim Counclknan Dahl moved that 1lsts as submitted be accepted, seconded. by Councilman Simonds and unaniraously carried. A letter datod August 1O, 1949, ur.is read fnom F?ederiek F . llcI,ean,Librarlan, requesting that a Senior Librarlan be appolnted. fromthe curnent Ilst, and that a Junior Lj-brarlan eligibl-e ..-istjte establislied. i.iii;,<>i, Love stated that the subJect would be further conside:red and d.lscussed with the Library Corrmittee of the Counc11 98 and the Librarlan at a later date. A letter dated. August B, L949, Tyas read. from the Burllngame Clty Plannlng Conmisslon, recorrnendlng that conslderatlon be given to the craation of a new street fnomBroadway to }iihitethorn llaXr and that thedetalls be worked out by the Ctty Englneer to lnelude parklng space or loadLng zoneso The commtrnleation was referred. to the Clty trhgineen in onder that he may propare and. submit a report to the Council. A letter dated August 12, 1949, was r"ead from K. S. Fiteh, Dlr.ector of Pub1lc Vrlorks, recomroendlng that the lamp contractfon July 1, 1949 to June Wt 1950 be awarded. to the RlchmondElectrlc Compan;,, 22O Callfornia Drive, Burlingame, Ca1lforni.a, Councllman Slmonds moved eoncurrenco ln the recorunendation, seeonded by Councilman Dahl and unanlmousl;' carried. A letter dated August 12, 1949, ftIas nead from K. S. Fltch, Dlreeton of Pub1ic llJorks, r€questing that the Building Inspector and the Clty Engineer be authorized to attend. the Faciflc Coast Bullding Off1clals Conference, September 20 to 23, incluslve, ln Seatt1e, Washlngton. Mayor Love stated that ln dtscussing the matter, the Cor:ncil were of the oplnion that it should not rescind lts prrevlous action of no partlclpati.on in Conferences outside the State and therefore the request was denled. A letter dated August !2, 1949r was nead from K. S. Flteh, Dlrector of Publlc Vforks, reguostlng that a warr&nt be drawn ln favor of the CaLifornia Paclflc Title Insurance Company 1n Ure amount of $7.WT.AO, in the acqulsitLon of Parcel No. 33, CarolanAvenue extension, and that a pr:oper resonution be adopted accopting the pareel. C orrncllman Slmonds moved the adoptlon of Resolution No. 63-49, Acceptlng Parcel Itro. 33, seconded by Councilman Dahl and adopted by the r.manirnous affirmative vote of the Council. A letter dated August 15, 1949r was read. from the City C1erk, nequesting authorizatlon to transfer certall special_funds as provided in the budget, for the operatlon of partlcu-1ar depart- ments to the Genoral Fund of the Ctty. C ouncllnan Htmt introduced. and. moved the adoptlon of a Resolutlon No. 60-49, authorizlng the transfer of the funds as requested, seconded by CouncLlman Dahl and adopted by the i.rnanlmous afflmrative vote of the Councll. A letter dated August l?t 1949, was read. from the City C1erk, fequestlng that the Councll authorize the issuance of a Peity Caifr ft:rrd-in the amount of $25.00 to the City Assessor, ln orrC.er to carrT on the d.utles of the offi-ce more oxped.ltlously. Councll- man Dahl moved. concurrence In the request, seconded by Councl-Lman Hunt and unanimously canried. A letter dated. August 9, L949, was nead from the State Retlrement System, encloslng the Consultlng Actuariest report in connection witf, the proposal to amend the contract between the Board. of Arrmintstratton and the Goverrning Boand of the City of BurLlngamet provldlng a $5OO.OO death beneflt for retined. members and reduclng the mlnimr:rm norroal servlce retlrement age for miseel-laneous employees, fj.remen and poIlce. Clty C1erk Tlhlte advLsod thet tbo rate for the cltyrs coniributlon vOirf.g'be faise0;from.8"906% to 3:0.523%, unden tJ:e new retirement amendnents. Thls would_requlre an lncnease in current contrLbutlons of approxlmately S4r5OO.OO annua3.ly ln addltion to the payment for the qltyll PFre ln tho prlor s'ervlce eontrLbutlon of approxlmately $3rOOO.09 ?1!r111yLver present payments. The corrniu.nlcation was ordered fiIed, to be dlscussed at a laten date wlth the Civll Senrlce Commlsslon. A letter dated August 1, 1949, was r"ead from lvlns. Ttr. B. li/arrenp 1655 Coronado [rlayl Burllngame, protestlng the air trafflc over the tromes ln Ray- Fark and-reguesting that some plan be formuLated to eombap thts Ltrport menace. &Iayor Love stated that the Cor:ncl1 is ln aceord wlth the vlows expressed', and the Clty Clerk was lnstructed. to wrlte to the Clvil Aeronautlcs Board expresslng Councll objoctlons, and that a lette:r be wnltten to Mrs. Iilarnen advislng h6r of Council action. &layor Love further requested that the rnatter be contlnued untll an approprlate reply ls received. 99 A letter d.ated. August l3n 1949, was read from Mrs. Maudle Dud.ley, 305 Howard Avenue, Bur'lLngame, requesting permlssion to conduct a llome for the Aged. at 1100 Drake Avenue. As a slmllar request has boen submitted to the Plannlng Comnisslon and will be placed on lts agenda at the next negular meeting, the above comnunieation was referred to that Commlssion. Reports from the Po1lce Judge, the Burllngame Flre Depantr:rent, the Po1lee Depantment, for the month o1' July, 'r9+9, and tlr anrrual ftLne Department report, 1948-1949, and uhe Sanitary Section of the San Mateo County Department of .tluorlc Health and Werfare for the months January througrr June, 1v+9, lrero read and ordered. fl}ed. Resolution 1{o . 62-49, entit}ed, "Ad.optlng Budget or the. Ctty of Bunlfu€ame for th6 Fiscal Year Endlng Jr.me 5O, 1950", wqs- introduceO Uy Councllman Hunt who moved lts passa$e, seconded by Counciluan Dahl and adopted by the unanlmous afflrmatlve vote of the councll' Mayor Love thanked the Flnance committee of the Oouncll and Cor;nellman DahI for thelr tlme and effort ln preparing the submLtted budget. An Agreement, betlteen the Burlingame Charncer of Corunerce and the City-of Burllngame, sovering the period July 1, L949 to June 50, 1950, ln the amount of $11800.00, ulas read.. Councllman Simonds introd.uced and moved the passage of Resolutlon ]'tro. 64-49, acceptlng the proposed agreement, in the amount of SLrSoO.OO, comrrencing July 1, L949, and moved lts adoptLon, seconded by Councllman Hunt and adopted by the r:nanlmous affiroatlve vote of the Counci.l. A letten dated August 3-, 1949r was read from HarrY Francis Davis, concernlng the problem of the street work in Burllngamo Ivlanor and t€questlng Council assistance ln that at such time as tho roconstmctlon vrork is completed accordlng to speciflcatlon, the City will accept for malntenance the streets and utlIlties of Burllngame Manor. Mayor Love stated for the benefit of those in attend.ance, that the Councll is not ln a position at thls time to take action but that the matter hasbeen referred to the Clty Engineer and the Clty Attorney and follovring thelr lnvestigatlon, a report will be submltted to the City Cor:ncLl. A letter dated August 15, llg4g, was read. from James A. HaII, submlttlng hls resignatlon as a momber of the Burlingame Library Board. as he is novr employed as a regular Civl] Servlee employee of the City and expressing his appreeiatlon for the opportunity of servi-ng the CiW. Counclknan Slmonds moved that the resigna- tlon be accepted wlth regret and that a letter be dlnected to Hir. HaII erpresslng Gotrnctl.,-apirreclatlon for hls efforts 1n behalf of tho Clty of Burllngame, seconded. by Cor.rncllman Dahl and unanfunousl-y carried. Mayor Love submltted. tbe name of Mr. FrancLs Raymond, 5OZ Al-m'er RoLd, Bprllngaue, as a member of the Llbrary Boardr.and on motlon of Councl]man Dah1, seconded by Cor:nciLnan Atwater:, the appolntment was unanimously eonfirnned. CLalmE Nos. 7283 to 7399 inclusLve, were read, and on motLon of CouncLLman Dahl, soeonded by Councilman Atwater and unanimously carnied, warrants were ordered. dnawn on the City Treasury for thelr respective amounts. Couscllman Slmonds moved that the firm of Sharps and Brown, the archLtects award.ed the contr"act for the constmctlon of the new flre statj-on, be lnstsrrcted. to prepare the plans and speciflcations for the oreetion of the bullding, seconded by Councl-lman Dahl and unanimously carnled.. Mayor Lover or behalf of the Clty Counell thanked Councilman and. Mrs. Slmonds, Chai:man and Co-Chalrlnan respegtively, for thelr efforts ln making Burlingame Day at the San &iateo Courf Fiosta a suceess. Couneilman Slmonds, In turn, publicly thanked the 100 entlre CounelL, the officlals and tkreir wives, the Chamber of Cor*u""u Directors, and those employees of the eity - -*fr"-pt"ticfpaied ln tbe festlvitles- and. also exprossed his "pp"E"irtloir to Mrs. Florenee &lorgan who asslsted ln the office work. Director of Publlc Works Fltch presented. the councJ-I wlth the lilashirreton Park proposed. Comnunlty Center Land'scapo Plan for Cor:ncil studY. chtef Theuer and hls d.opartment wero cornplimented on_recelvln8 "puci"f citation awards-from the Callfor:nla Automobile Associa- tion and the NatlonaL Safety Comm:ittee- as a nesuLt of rocent tnafflc sor.\ruys conaucted tLrougtrout the State and countrT. Duo to the absence of &layor Love and Vice hiayor Hrtnt, dr:rlng- the week of A;;;i iz, fb+9, Coqneilman Atwater was appointed to serlrre as Actlng MaYor. The CiW Attorney was instrr.icted' to ascertain the Le$e11ty .i-tfr" bf tyts-exiendlng-fund.s toward. the malntenance of a ifrree Cttlesr foirna or-ln a soclety provldlng fon the care and welfaro of unwantod. and unclalmed anlna1s. There belng no further buslness, -the meeting was adJourned' io-meet Wednosaay, August L'l , 1949, a!-B:OO P'9' --or motLon of Copncilman'Oairi, s6cond.ed. by Coqncll^man Hr:nt and rrnanlmouslY carrled. ResPectfullY submitted, K. T.IHITE City Clenk /d*/?.fu APPROVED: Dan R. Love, Jr. Mayor