HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.06.2079 Burllngame, Callfornla June 2O, 1949 A :re gula:: meeting of tho BurlLngarne Clty Courcll was held on the above glven date. Meetlng ca11ed to order at 8:0O p.m. - Uayolr Love ln the Cahlr. RoI1 CaI1: Present - Councl}neh: Dahl-iIunt-Love-slmondsAbsent - Councllmen: Ear?er Beforo the completLon of the RoII CaII, Mayor Love, on behalf ofthe City Councilr recognlzed Clty Attor.riey Karrnel, who add.:ressedthe Councl.l and spoke of the passing of forme:: po11ce chlef andClty CounclLman John J. Ila:rper, early Monday mornlng, the 2oth day of June, 1949. Volclng the sentlments of the Councll and thecltlzens of Burllngame, Mr. Karno 1 expnessed the sorrow of al-lin thil loss of one of Bunlingame t s best lovod citl.zens and laudedthe exempla:ry ltfe he llved. The mLnutes of the pnevlous meetlng of June 6, L949, submltted to membens of the Councll and as posted on the Bulletln Board ln theClty YaL1, were approved on motlon of Councllman Sl,monds, seconded.by Councllman Dah I and unanLmously ca::rled. City elerk Herbert K. Vlhlte lnformed the Councll that no blds hatt beeir receLved on the sale of Flre Al.a::m Equlpment as advertlsed tobo opened at.th6 ragulaz. Councll meetlng June 20, 1949. A letter dated June !7, 1949, wgs noad fbom ths Clvll Senvlce Com-mlsslon submlttlng the followlng eIlglbIe llst for Clty Llbrarian: 1. -!tr!r. trbederL ck F. tr{cl,earr2. tr[rs. KatherLne ItI. Donbaugh C or:nct lman Slmonds mov6d that the I1st be accepted as submltted, seconded by C ounc lJman Dehl anat u:ranlmousIy'canried. A Lotter dated, June L7, L949, was ::ead flom the Bu::lingame Llbna::yBoard requestlng the appolntment of a Clty L,Lbrarlan flon the e1i-glble 1lst submltted by the ClvlL Servlce Cormlsslon. Mayor Lovestated that lf there were no obJections the subject would. be he1d.in abeyanco untll a dlscussLon was held wl th the CLvil Se:rvlceCormlsslon. A Letter dated June L7, A949, was read from K. S. Fltehr Dlrector ofPubllc Works, requostLng that an eJ.lglble list bo estabiLshed at anearly^date for the positLon of Street MaLntenance Man. Thero belngno obJectlons, the subJect was heId. 1n abeyanco to be dlscussed wlEhthe CivlL Servlce Comlssion. A letter dated Jrrne 17, 1949, was :read Ilom K. S. Eltch, Dlrectorof Publ1c_Wo:'ks regresttng that addl tlonal slck leave b6 granted toJew61l- Kelton, Clty u1""tr"lcian, who ls 6t111 serlously iI1. Coun-cllman Eunt moved that ttre extension of sick Leave be granted, wlthpayr-untl1 July J.5, 1949, seconded by Councllman DahI and ruairlnously.camLed. A letter dated June 19, 1949, was nead f?om R. C. Theuer, pollceChlef repontlng on-a survey made of th€ flow of trafflc lasslngtho Lntensectlon of Ralston Avenue and peppen Avene, and recomnend-lng that tl:e Or:dlns'lce be changed to stop peppen Av6nuo traffLcLnstead of Ralston Avenue at tfr1s locatl-bn. - ctrlef rheue:: addressedthe Council and ::equested that actlon be withheld temporarily lnord6r that a funther dlscusslon may be held on the sutject. A letter dated June 17, 1949, was lread, fuom K. S. Fitch, Dlrectorof Publlc llorirs, :regardlng the Ro1llns Road Rlght-of-t{ay. The lette::lnfomed the Council that-Geonge F. Lyon hes offered th6'proposedilght-of-way to the City upon the condltLon that the Clty-,resclnd -I80 prevLous actlon, whl ch declared thl-s street as a thoroughfarg.Il*ther, to clea:r the tltle, l-t was reconnended that the City dlsmlss tho condemnatlon actlon pending ln the Superlor Court for a storm d::alnage easement, as the owners have subsequently g?anted the easement, and that a nesol-utlon be prepared dlsmlss- lng the actlon. Corrncllman Simonds moved that the c orrn:nLca- tlon be recelved and ttre subJect be acted. upon later In the meetlng, under the headlng of Resolutlons, seconded by Councll- man Eunt and rrnanlmous 1y carriedl A lette:r d.ated Jrrre 9, 1949, was ::ead llom K. S. Eltch, Dhector of Publlc lyorks, tnansmltting a memorandum of Agreement for expen- dlture of Gas Tax F\rnds fo? t'tre Flseal Year 1949-195O, settlng fonth the folJ-owing allocatlon of gas tax funds fo:: that per- iod as follows: Pro Ject ProJect ProJect Pro Ject 19 - Ca::olan Ave. rlght of way acquLsitl.onAddltlonal tr\rnds 36 - Maintenance of MaJo? and s econda:ryClty Streets ' 57 - Surfaclng CalLfornla D::Ive, on6-ha1f wldth flom Rosedale to Dufferln 58 - Installatlon of Tnafflc Slgna1,Callfornla Drive and Broadway $19, ooo. oo 14,57O. O0 15,38O. O0 5r5OO. OO Tob a1 $52,45O.OO The letter f\rlther advises that thi s rLLl leave an unallocated balance of gas tax funds ln the amount of fi4r436.24. There b61ng no obJectlonse the matter waa received to be acted on, unden the headlng of ResolutLons. A letter dated Jurre 16, 1949, was read f::om Clty Clerk Whlte reguesting the temporar.y appolntment of a Senlor Clerk-Steno- grapher for hLs office. There beLng no objectlons, the sub- Ject was tabled to be dLscussed wl ttr the Clvil Se:rvice Comls- sLon at a later date. .A. letter dated June 13, 1949, was read from tho Burllngame Gate frprorement Club, requesting conrectLve moasures be takento combat the mosquLto€s Ln that area. The letter was referrecl to Mr. Wtlltan Roese, Burllngamets representstLve on the Three Clttes Mosqulto Abatement Dlstrlst and the Clty C1e::k ins t?uc-ted to reply to the fmprovement Club lnfornS,ng them of Councll ac tlon. A combined report, flom the Fl]ro Department, the Bulidlng In- spector and the Hsalth Departmont, datod June 15, L949, was 3ead, r ecommending that following a survey of the sub-standard shack adJolnlng the premlses at 1O18 PenLnsula Avenuo, th.e bulldlng bo :removed. A Lette:r sent to ttre owner, by the Hrb-llc Health Engineer, was also :read, requestlng that irmedlate steps be taken to have the shack removed. The City Clerk was instructed to ascertain that the necessary correctlve steps were taken and to :.eport at the noxt regular Council meetLng. Mayor Love stated that the Council ,!i'64" ot the oplnion that before any actlon ls taken Ln tl.e scLectLon of e Clty Llbnar-lan, each applicant should be inte::vlewed by the Council and therefore nequested that the Ctty Clerk be l-nstructed to ad- vlse the two appllcants on the Llst ttra t the CouncLL desLresto meet wlth them on Thur"s day evenlngr June 25, 1949, at 7:30 p.m. ln the Clty H411, Bur1lnga.me. Monthly reports of the tr'ire Department and the Po11ce Depart- ment for the month of May wero read. A report submitted byIlallk D. Anderson, Park SuperLntendent, on hLs attendance to the Natl onal Shade Troe Conference, Ytlestern Chapter, Sactramento on !,,lay 25th to May 28th, 1949 was read. Mry o:r Love, on be- half of the CounclL tlranked Mr. Anderson for hls comprehenslve rep ort. Resolution No. 56-49r entltled, rrAcceptlng Conveyance from Lyon and lloag, a Corporatlonn, was introduced by CouncL lman Ilunt who moved lts adoptlon, seconded by Councllman Dafil 8Ild unanlmous 1y carrl-ed by the CouncLl. 81 Resolutlon No. 57-49, enti.t16d, flRescinding Resolutlon No. 44-47i was lntroducod by Corrncl}nan Dahl who moved Its paBsage, seconded by Councllmar Hunt and adopted by th.e unanlmous affLrmatlve voteof Councll meribers. Resolutlon No. 38-49r nDecla::lng Certain Pxoporty ln the Clty of &r1lngame to be en Open and Publlc Street!, was lntnoduced by Councl'lman Slmonds, who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Hunt and adopted by the unanlmous afflrratlve vote of the Councll. ResolutLon No. 59-49, rrAuthorlzlng Dismlssal of ActLon-Ctty of Bu:elLngame vs. George F. Lyon, et al, Caso 229O8n, was introduced by Councilman llunt who moved 1ts passage, seconded by Councllman Slmonds and adopted by the unarilmous affirnatlve vote of the m6ni-bers th.ereof . Resol-utlon No. 40-49, author.iztng executlon of an agreement be- tween the Clty of Bu:rlingarne and the State Personnel Boe.rd ln per- forulng servl.ces lncident to preparatlon and ratlng of examlnatLonmatertal, was j.ntroduced by Councilman DaJrI, who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Simonds and adopted by the unanlmous affl:rm- atLve vote of the Councll. Resolutlon No. 4L-49, ontltled, trAuthorlzlng the kecution of an Agreernent wlth the County of San Mateo for the Es tabllshnrent ofa Teletypewrlte:r Servico" was lntroduced by Councllnan Dahl lrtro moved its passage, seconded by Councllman Hunt and carried by the ulanlmous affir.rnatlve vote of the Cou-ncl1. ResolutLon No. 42-49, submlttlng a request for acquls5,tJon ald tothe Pos twar Publtc llllorks Revlew Board in the anount of $14, 689.00 was introduced by Councllman Hunt, who moved its passage, secondedby Counciloan Sl-monds and Adopted by the r:nanimous affl-rma.tlve voteof the Councl1. ResoLutLon No. 45-49, ent5.t1ed, rAcceptlng Conveyance flom LouisV. Monton and Mary Irene }lorton, IIls Wlferr nas introduced by Coun-clIman Slmonds, seconded by Councilnan Dah 1 and adopted by the unan- Lmous afflnratLve vote of the Councl1. BesolutLon No. 44-49, entltled, nAccepting ConveJrance I'rom LoulsV. Morton and Mary lrene ltfirnton, Hls Wlfes, was lntroduced by Coun-cllnan Dai- l who moved 1ts passege, seconded by CounclJman EuDt and. unanlmous Iy ca:rr.ied. ResolutLon No. 45-49, rAdoptlng Budget and Appnoving Memorandum of AgreeBent for Expendl tunes of Gas Tax Allocatlon for MaJor CltySt:reots for ttre Fiscal Year 195Or, was lntroduced by Councllnan Simonds who moved 1ts passage, aeconded by C ouncl lman Dahl and. adopted by the unanlmous afflrmatlve vote of the Cor:ncil. A clalm ln the amount of $500.00 was submltted from Allce Strangefor lnJuries sustainod ln a faII upon th6 sLdewalk on the northslde of Broadway, at the intersoction of Paloma Avenre. Councll- lran DahL moved that the clalm be denled, seconded by Councllnan Eunt and unanlmous 1y carrled. The Clalrn was referred to the Cltytgtngurance carrLer. A claim ln tho anount of $595.00 ras sub!0ltted flom Clara F. D.rrlfon lnjurles sustaLned flon a fa1I upon the sldewe.lk at 1100 Burlin- game Avenuo. Councllman Slmonds moved that the claln be reJected, seccnded by Councllman Dehl and unanLmous 1y car::led. The clalm was referred to the Citytg Lnsuranco ca::nler. C1ains Nos. 7O4O to 7a16, wene read and. on motlon of Councllman Dah.L, soconded by Councilman Eunt, warrants we::e o::dered drawn on the City Tneasury for.their :respectlve amounts. Mayor -Love r.equested that as many of the ernployees of the Cltyattend Courrcllman Harperts funeral servlces to be conducted on llledao s day, Jlu::o 22, 1949, at the Burllngame Baptist Church,2 otclock p.m. and. the Depar,tment heads arrange to mai-ntaln asufflcLent cnew Ln thek departments in case of emengency. 92 There belng no furthen business, Counci lman Dahl moved that the Couflcll ad. J. Ilarper unanLmous 1y carrled. Approved: Re spec tf\r1Iy submL tted. journ out of respect to the memory_of Counci laan Johnto meet July 5, 1949, seconded by Councl].ran Eunt and , EERBMT K.Clty C1erk IIE ,lo,* rt /* DAN R. IOVE, tr[ayor