HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1948.12.14IL Burlingene, Call.forrrla December 14, L948 A meetin€! of the Burllngarae City CounclL was held on the above given date. lfeeting cal].od to ord.er at 8:OO P.l{., }iayo:: Slmondsin the Chair. Ro11 CaII: Present - Councilmen: Ha4)or-Ilunt-Love-Sirnonds Absent - Councll:aen: Dah]- On motion of CounclLman llunt, seconded by CouI]cllman Love and urraninous 1y carried, Councilman Dahl Eas excused flom the neetlng. I,layor Simonds called for a canvass of ttre votes of th6 Speclal L{unlcipal ElectLonr held ln the CtW of Burlinqame on December 7,1948. The City Clerk opened the envelopes of the various pr:e- cincts Ln vrhLch were enclosed tho ta11y sheets. The result tgas arurounc e d as follows: Itre Bond Fropos itLon Preclnct ]iumber Agains t 44 27 l7 46 36 24 16 51 Jb 3+ 42 oo 20 a7 11 Total Votes 2,!OZ 43O Fire Bond Proposltlon, provlding for a bonded lndebtedness of $17OrOOO.OO for tire completion and constructlon of lnprovementsto rthe fac1lltles of the E[re Department of the Clty of Burlln-galro, passed by the requfued najor.lty. n There beln3 no fu:rther buslness, tho Councll adJourned onmotlon of Counc Llman Earper, seconded b)t CouncLhlan Hunt and unanlmous 1y carrLed. Respectl\rIly submltted, r eit K A B c D E F E I J K L u N o Ior 12X. oo orr L77 L43 160 ]..o2 206 L22 106 153 156 184 126 187 e oved: ds I,layors -:r ( ne:;t pa3e ) City Clerk .I 12. d *Resolutlon #59-48 ttDeclaring Resuft of tho Speclal Election He1d.in Ure Clty of BurlLngsmo, December 7, !948n was introduced by CounclJroan llunt, who moved Lts passapJe, seconded by Council- man Love ancl adopted by the unanimoug lrote of the menbers present.'3. / d,f