HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.09.05208 Br:r1lngame, Callfornla Septeaben 5, 1950 A re gu1ar meetlng of the Burllngane City Councll was heLd onthe above glven date. Meotlng called to order at 8:OO p.n. Mayo? Love Ln ttre Chalr. RoIl CaII: Present - Councllman Atwater-Eunt-Love Absont - Oorincllman Byrd - Sl"monds C ouncl}nan By?d appesred at the neeting at 8:4o p.m. - Gouncl lman SLmonds excused vihll-e on vacatLon. The mLnutes of Augus t 21, 1950, as submLtted to members of the Clty Council and as postod on the Bulletln Boa::d ln the Ctty IIal I worc approved on motlon of Council:nan Atwater, seconded by Councllman Ilu.nt and unanlnous1y carl-ed. The mLnutes of tho adjor.rrned meetlng of Augus t 28, 1950, as submLtted i;o nenibers of tho City CounclL and as postod on the Bulletln Board in the Ctty Ea1I were adopted unanlmous Iy on motion of C ouncllman I{rrnt and seconded by Councilman Atwater. Fbllonlng a ::equost submLtted by K. S. Fltch, D :ector of Pub1Lc V[orks, Ln a letter dated September 1, 195O, Donnie {osek, the next e1lgibIe on the 1lst, was appointed to the posltlon of groundsman ln the Park Depantment, effectlve Soptomber 15, subject to the usual requLrements of execution of loya!-ty oath and medlcal oxamlnatlon, on a motion introduced by Counclfuran Eunt, seconded by Councilnan Atwater and unanimous 1y carrled. A letter dated. Augus t 25, 1950, was read from K. S. Fitch, Dlrector of Pub1lc ltlorks, transmitting a copy of a cost estinate for street lmprovemonts in the Ray Park Recreatlon Area, and :recommending that a warrant be drav.'n in favor of Theo. G. Moyer & Sons, successors in inter'- est to [1r. and Xtns. Ml].ton S. Bay, ln the amorrnt of {}4r 594.84, fo:: fir11 paSrrnent for street lmproveuents assessable to the City owned frontage of 749.56 feot on Balboa Avenuo and Deverer:x Drlve. A letter was also r:ead from Roy I9. Seaf{raves, attornoy for Theo. G. Meyer & Sons, r'e- ques ting lmmediate attentlon that steps be taken to expedite the payment of the above obllgation. Inayor Lovo statod that tn the lutorest of, and for the protection of the taxpayers of Burllngane, the CouncLl has procoeded cautiously ln the mattor, and after conslderation, the amount to be oxpended hes been provided for in the 1950-51 budget. Corrncilman I{unt the::eupon in No. 58-50, acceptS.ng tho cos Ray Park RecreatLon Area, anln the amount of 1i4,594.94, seconded by Councllman Atwat troduced and moved the adoption of Resolutlont estLmate of Sbreet fmprovemonts ln the d authorlzlng the issuance of a warrant covorir4l the cost of sald imp::ovements,er and unanlmous 1y carrl-ed. A letter dated Augus t 28, 1950, was read ilom ttre Publlc Utllltles Cormlsslon, advLsing that the Rallway Expross Agency has flled notlce wlth the ComnlssLon of lntention to cLose lts offlce a t Burllngame effective Septonber 50, 1950. Mayor Love stated that slnce rec€ipt of tho above commrrnLcation, the appl5.catlon has been vdthdrarvn for the present e nd the Council as well as the Chambe:r of Conmerce of Bu.rlingame hes been so advl-sed. fhe letter was therefore ordered filed. In a letter dated Septernber 1, 1950, Chief of PolLce, R. C. Theuert advised that under date of Septeraber 2, 1950, Alfred J. Lena has been tempora::ily appolnted to the positl-on of patrolman, fiIIln* the vacancy of Offlce:r 'Utl11iam B::lgham vrho was :recently lnducted lnto the Arrae d Serrvlces. The temporar:y appolntmont vras nade accortllng to pnovislons under Ordlnanco lTo. 590 of the City of Br:r1lngame. The letter was aclceowlo dge d and ordered flIed. On a motion lntroduced by Councllman llunt, seconded by C ounclSroan Atwater arld uran lmous Iy car:rLed, Chief of Pollce Theuer vras g::antod a thirty-day oxtension of tLne to complete a tuaffic suryey adjacont to the Broadway and Br.rrll-ngame business dlstrlcts, as requested by Chtof Theuer ln a- letter add::essed to ttre Councll and datocl August 31, 1950. Actlon on a request for: an Autcrrrobile Dealerr s Llcense a Avenue, Bu:r1lngame, subnltted by [1r. Alfred Ca::r, 645 Ml CalJ.fornia, was de I-ayed untll the next r oguLan meotlng o September 18, 1950. t1 dd1ft 014 PenLnsuLa e Boad, B olmontr he Councll on 209 A letter dated Ausust 29, 1950, nas road fnom Clyde D. Paige,405 Oregon Street, Bekersfleld, Ca1lfo::nla, and the oume:: ofproperty at 732 Neucha tel Avenue, Br::r1lngame, neques tln6i tl:a tan investlgation be made of ttre d::alnage condltlons on Neuchatel Avernre. _ Cognizant of the condltlon that exlsts ln that vlclnltyand followlng a dlscusslon, Clty Englnee:r lttch w as instructed Loconduct a fleld survey and submlt a ne comrnendatLon to the CityCouncll at the next regular meetlng. the Clty Cle::k was r.equ6st-ed to advlse Mr. PaLge of the actLon taken. A- letter dated September 1, 195O, was r"ead from the BurlingemeClty Planntng Corrrlss-lon advl.sing that follorvlng a full hei:ring,diecussj.on and consLderatLon the Conmlsslon had unanimous J_y voiirdto recomend that the petltlon dor a varlance of zone atfe6tlngthe Ml11s Estate property on the souttreast corner of M111braeAvenue and the Southe::n Paclfie ::19:t-of-way to. permlt theconstructlon of a D?lve-In Motion Plc tr:re Theatre, be granted.fhe CommLsslon f\r:r ttre:: r.ecomnended that the Ctty Council shouldprope::Iy provide for po11"ce r.egulatlon to pr.otect the Lncreaseof traffic at the lflllbrae Avenue cnosslng. ]layo:r Love announced.that a pubI1c he arLne had been scheduled for L{oird.ay, September IB,195O, 8:OO ?.T., 1l the Councll Cha&bers of the Ci[i HaiI. MayorLove also s tated that a meeting would be held ln thir BunllngameCily Ha11 at 8:0O p.n. Monday evening, Sept embe:: 11, wlthofflcials of the Clty of l\Illlbrae and the Ciby of Burlingarnefor the put3poso of discussing traffic conditions on I{illb::aeAvenue ln Dlillbrae. Ihe Clty Clerk vras lns t::ucted to advl-sethe Mayor', the Council uembers and tho Chlef of police oflvllllbrae of the intonded meetlng. The request for. permisslon to operate a usod car lot at 1100 Eowa::d Avenue, Bu.n1lngame, subml,tted by Ray A. I\{c0amey, BbO El Carn'l no Boalr_SaIr Brlltg, ln a letter dated September 5, 1950, wasneferred to Po11ce Chief, R. C. frouer, on a motion iirhrodui:ed.by Councllnan Hunt, seconded by Councliman Atwater and unanimous lyca:rr.1ed. A Letter dated September 5 Commlsslon submlttlng the C o or dLnator: 1. Yvonne SlLva 2. Doris l{enschel 3. Edith Burgess 95O, lvas read fYom the Clvll Service 1ovr14q list for RecreatLon Secreta?y- ,1fo1 The llst as submltted was unanLmously accepted 6n motLon ofCouncllman Hunt, soconded by C ounc ilmsn Atwate:r. A ^N9w1 -Letter', daled September. 1, 19SO, was read. from tho Lea64:.eof CaLlfo::nla Clties, calllng attention to the fact that ifProposltion No, 1r_nPersonal Prop e::ty Tax Exenpti.on is approved,It 8d.11 pr"event colLectlon of this yea:rrs personal pnope::iy taxei.Tle J.ettor suggests that clty councils lmnedlately fro-vldo- foralte:rnatlve revenues lf the pe::sonaI property tax- eienptlon Tea_su-re - Ls approvod by-. ttre voter.s on Novombei. ?. Mayor tove,ln behalf of the Ctty 6ounclJ., strongly urged the voiers ofBu.:r4neane to vote against Fr6posltlon- I a;d oxplalned thattf the measure Is auccessftrlly passed, the Clty of Burllng allealone would lose approxrrno !6fj7 SZOroOb in revenue collectEdfu cnn pe::sonaI pnoperty assessments. ResolutLon No. 57-5O, ]H.4ry-fax Rates of the Clty of Burllnrlamefo:r the trLs ca1 Y6 ar' l-950-L981, was introduced by Cluncllman Huntwho moved lts adoptlon, seconded by Councilman byrd and unan{mouslycamleal by Council membera present. Questloned by the Counc11, Clty Attorney I(arme 1 advlsed thathe expects to consult soon with Mr. A. O. O1sen, Manaqer andChlef Englneer of the &rb1lc Utllitles Commlssi.on, on the subJectof an emergency water supply ln case of a dLsaster wlthln theClty of BurlLnqame. In connoctLon wl.th f\:rther preparedness1n case of a dlsastor, Mayor tove x"oquested the btty Unglnee:rto see that the alr-raid s*ens ane agaS-n placed at strateglo 27A polnts ln the Clty. A fr:.r:thor call for auxiliary fLrenen end policemen was requested at thls tlme. Ctty Engine€r Eltch, address5.ng the Co\rnci1 at thls tLme, advlsed that Ronald Chandonnet appointed to the positlon of utilltyman on lugus t 21, had walvod h1s appoinhnent at this tlne, and it was nequestedthat the next e11glb1e be appo5.nted. C ouncl lman Eunt thereupon movedthat tr}ank Donne11y, the next. e1lglble, be appointed, subJect to theusual roquirements and effectlve Septembor 1, seconded by Counci3man Atwater and unanlmous 1y carrLed. Mryor Love announced that the San Mateo County Elesta was to open Soptember I and that day had been designated rBurllngane Day{. Mn. Granvl-I1e Brownlng, gecretary of the 1ocal Chamb er of Comrnence plave a brlef summary of the evonts of the day and alL cLtLzens rryereinvlted to attend. Ther6 beinq no ftrther busj.ness the meetS,ng was adJourned on motion of CouncLlman Atwater, soconded by Councllman Eunt and un- anLmous Ly carrled. Respectfully submLtted. HERBERI K. WH]TECtty C1e::k APPROYED: !o,*fr/,* Dan R. Love, Jr. I{ayo r