HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1948.12.067,I Burlinga:ne, CallfornLa December 6, 1948 A regular meetlng of the Burllnqalle Clty Councll. was held on ttre above glven date. Ileeting ca1Ied to ord.er at 8:OO p.8., - llaio3 S imonds ln the Chalr. Ro11 CaI1: Present - Councl,lmen: Dahl-Ilarper-Eurt-Love-Sj.monds Absent - Counci.lnren: I[one Ttre mlnutes of the specia]- meeting he]-d on llovember 15, 1948" at 11 otclock a.m., as subnLtted to &embers of the Councll and as posted on the Bu]-].etln Board 1n the Ctty IIa11, were approved on motion of CourrcllJlan Harper, second.ed by Coulcllnan Hunt and unanl,mous Iy carr.ied. The mlnutes of the ::e quIar. meetj.ng of }Tovember 15, 1948, as sub-nltted to members of the CouncLl and as poSt6d. on the Bu3-Letln Boar.d wore accepted and approved on motlon of CouncilmAn Hunt, seconded. by C or-rnc i lman Love and unaniraously carried. llonday, the 6th da;' of Decembe:r, 1948, ln the CourrclL Chamb e::sof the City Ea11; was ttre time and place set for a trearlng onthe rDestmction of }loxlous ald Dange::ous YJeeds Ln the Clty of Burlingame E. There bei.ng no one present to enter a protest and no w?ltten pnotests received, Councl]man Dahl thereupon lnt::o- duced Pesol-ution No. 58-48, entlt]-ed, rrordering Destnrction of ltroxious and Dangerous Weeds ln the City of Bur:lingarre tr, and- movedlts passage; seconded by C ounci J-rtan Lovo, and carried by the unanL- nous afflrmative vote of the Councl1. L{onday, the 6th day of December, 194E, was the openi.ng of blds for a three quarter ton truck.bids were opened and read: J. E. Fbench Co. Dodga 3/4 ton P5.ckup ("I:1:3tilL"edera1 rax) De livered ( excludlng Fede::a1 Tax) Sales Tax De liver cd tlme set for ttre The follorrln;: $ 11591.54 39.7A B L,631.12 * 1,479.7t 36.99 De Ilvery 6O d.ays Mlnto Motor Coqpany Ford 3/+ ton P5.ckup Tota1 dellvered prlce S 1,?o1.3O DelLvery 6O d.ays Smallcorrrb l,Iotor Co. Chev:rol-et Piclnrp _) 1,516.70 Delivery 60 days TY?n. A. tra11ace Co. S tudebaker S/+ tol. Plclarp S 1,568.22 39.2Osales Tax De liver e d Ta:r€.O7.42 De llr.rery 60 days C orrrcil-na11 .,Tar?er moved ttrat the bids be referred to the City Engineer-Pu-rchasing Agent for study arrd recomlendation to the City Co,:nci1, seconded by Council$an Dahl and r::ranir;rously car- ried.. Action on the blds scheduled to be opened }londay, December 6, 1948, on lnsurance coverage for the CLt_rr of Burlingame was dolayed ultil the next regular meeting of the City Counctl.x I A letter dated Decembe? 3, L948, was read flon R. C. Theuer, Chief of Po1lce, submittlng the follovrj-ng report on surveys as requested b-r, 5ir" Council under date of $ovenber 15: 1. Parklnq Lot in rea:: of Po11ce StatLon: Si,_gr ordered,poles to'b6 instal1-ed and bulkhead repalred with space fo:: approxlmate].y tvrelve vehicles. 2. Trafflc congestlon, B?oadway between Balboa Avenue aadEl Carnino noel: Curb on Broadway to be palnted red to pro-hlblt parlrlng on the north sido of the street between El Caml,no ReaI and Balboa Avenue. 3. Southern Paclfi.c Crosslngs: Double 1lnes have beenpalnted toq;e ther wi.th double whlte strlpas Ln pavenent onboth sides of tracks. Slgns ordered to be lnstalled upon de Ilvery. Councllnar lIarp er. moved that the Chlef of Police arld theClty krgineer be instnrcted to urlte to J. J. Jordan ofthe Southern PacifLc Company and to requost tr[r. Jordan inturn to inform the Pub].lc Uttltties Comisslon that a sur- vey has been made and thelr request wtII be complied wl th, The motlon 'ulas seconded. by Cor:ncllnan Love a::d unan-Lmous Iycarrled. A letten dated Decenber 3, 1948, was ::ead from K. S. $.tch, Dfuector of Public l?orks, requestLng that an eliglbleregister be established foi Water Servicemen and EaterUtllltymen. Councilman Love moved that tlre Clvil Servlce Com:rission be instructed to create the ellglbJ.e list as requested, seconddd by Cotrncllrnan DBhl and unanlnously camied. A letter dated No!-emb er 22, 1948, was read florh the Pen-lnsula DlvisLon, League of Call.fornla CLtles, requestlng tha t a'representatLve be appol,nted flour the Cl.ty of Bu::- lingamd to s e:rve on an Executive Cormlttee of ttre Penin-sula DLvlslon. Counc l-lman Dahl moved that ldayor Sl-roondsbe appolnted to serve on ttre Conoi.ttee, seconded by CouncLlman Love and unanLrnou s 1y carried. The City Clerk was instructed to so advise the Secretary-Trsasurer ofthe Penlnsula Divisl-on, League of California CitLes ofthe appointlrent. A letter dated Novenber 16, 1948, was road lYom Wtl-liamJ. Xlalsh, Presldent of the Burlingables-Oal< Grove i.lanor Improvemont C1ub, Lnqu5.ring as to the possibility of nesumirlg the tree plantlng progFarn ln the area. C oun- ciLuran'Love moved that the comrunlcation bo referred tothe Paiks and Trees Cornnlttee of the Counci]- and. to I{1.. Frank Anderson, Park Superintondent, fo:: study and ac tlon. A letter dated Novembet 22, 1948, vras read f?om ThonasF. Prl0o and Bay 11. ilcElvaln, requestlng Councll approval. and pefmission to ope?ate a Smoke Shop at 324 Lor:uon Avenuer Rur1lneaxle. ltrayor SLmonds stated that lt wes the ulanl- mous opLnlon of the Council that such a business wasnot conducive to the best inte:rest of the Clty of Burlin-game. The Clty Clerk rras instrrrcted to advLse the app1l- cants of the Councilts action. A letten dated Novenber J-8, 1948, was read lbom A. 1{. Brown of the Bay Area Ambulance Servlce, requesting an opportunl-ty to dl-scuss t}.e possLHllty of the Clty of Burllngame arranr_1in,1 for an ambulance service wlthin the City. Lilayor Simonds advised the reprosentatLves ofthe tsay Area Ambulance ServLce, pr€sent at the meeting,that Councilman Harper, Councllman Love and CouncL lnan DahI were serving as e Colmci1 conmittee to s tudy pro- posals offered relative to an smbulance service for the C1f;y and LnvLted the representatives to neet lrith that Connittee fol1-oring the oveni.nqrs meetins. 9 A letter dated Novemb er 29, 1948, was read ft'om Janes R. Toruey,Dtrector of the ACuft Center of the San ]-Iateo Junl,or Co11ege,notifylng the Councll of t,tre ter.ninatlon on January 1, 1949, ofcertain area ln llashlngton Park used dur5,ng the vrar and slnce ttre wa? as a c orrnunlty gardens project. The lette? exprossed the appreclatlon of both the Junior College District and the Eoardof Ed.ucatlon for the cooperatLve attitude of the Council. the cortaunlcatLon rras recelved and placed on fl1e. The Clty Clerk was l-nstructed to write 1,1r. Torney expressing Council apprecia-tion for tire wo::k accompllshed and the flne results obtained. A letter d.ated December 3; J.948, was read fi: om D. A. S tivers, Secretary, Burlingane Ctt:r PLanrdng Corunlsslon, advlsLng the Council that at the last regular meeting of that Comrnisslonhsld on Decenber 2, L948, a Permlssive Variance was grantedto change Lot 13, Block 1O, Errlingame Land Company SubdlvisLon flor:, 1ts present status as trApartmenttr to a1lorv its use as Chapter Ileadquarters of the San llateo County Chapter, American Red Cross. Councl'lman Dah]. thereupon moved that lrlondayr Dec- ember 20, 1948, be set as the tLme for a Council publlc heanlng on the subJect, seconded by Counc l1nan Ipve and unanlraously car.ri€ d. Reports rvero read from the Burllngane Chamber of Comnerce, Police Judge and the.Depantment of Public ltJorl<s for" the monthof November, 1948 and orderod placed on f1Le. Resolution No. o6 - 48, estab1lshj,ng a scale of compensatlonfor Recrcation Department employees not subject to Civl1 Ser-vlce class l-f5-cations, was lntroducod by Cowrcllman llunt dro moved 1ts passage, eeconded by Councilman Love and adopted by the unanimous afflmrative vote of the Council. Resolutlon No. 57 - 48, entltled, rrAuthorizing &oployment of Joseph J. Ph111lps to Negotiate for the Purchas e of Propertyfon the Improvenent of the Extenslon of Carolan Avenue n was introduced b)/ Councl lman Dah1, seconded by Councllrnan flarpers and. unanimous 1y carrled by the afillnroatlve vote of the Councll. Contract of Enployuont was attached and r.ead by the City Clerk.!'or the beneflt of those in attendance tr{ayor Simonds stated th.a t the compensation would be dray,,n IYon available Gas Taxn1nds. l.Iayo:: Slmonds fUrther lnfo:med the public that havlng pu:r.chas ed a portlon of the property Lt was the oplnLon of the Councll that proceedings should contj.nue until a clear rl$:.t of way is obtained. Councilman Ilarter moved that the initial paynent of f;1r840.0O be peid to Oscar R. Ttrayer, ArchLtect, on the contract for theprelininary plans of tb.e r:ecre,ation buildlngs to be constructedln Washin,qton Park. The motLon was seconded. by Councllrran Dehl and u:raninous 1y carrLed. The payment w111 be t&ken f)pom f\rnds p3.aced in the n1949 Rec::eation Constructlon Flrnd'. Ordinance 96. 473, entLtlod, trAn Ordl-nance Amending Divislon trGn of o::dinance No. 467r by Adtling Thereto the Classification:rsenio4^_Llb,2eariantr, and Tlxing the Compensatlon Thereof! was 6iven f$fi(freaaini. Council.:ran i{unt rnoved the adoptLon of Ordl"nance I{o. 475, seconded by Councllnan Love and adopted bythe follovrine. vote: AES: COmfCILIIIEN: Dahl-Harper-Ilunt-Love-Sinonds NOES: COUjiCILIIEN: I{one ABSHIT COUNCIIIIIEN: ]Ione Ordlnance 116. 474, entltled, r'An Ordinance Amending the Ord.t-nance Code of the Clty of Bu:'llngame b-: Add.lng Yllereto a Nelv SectLon 1229.1 Establlshing Clty HaII Lane as a One lgay Streetfor Vehicular Trafflcn was lntroduced by Councilman Dah]- andgLven fhst readlng. Ordlnance l'f6. 475, entLtled., 'rAn Ordinsnce Amending the Ordi-narce Code of the City of Burlinaarle by A<idlng Thereto a NewSection 1222.2 Prohlbitin; the Parking of Vehlcles on Eoward Avornre between the Easterly Ll-ne of Califo::nl.a Drlve and the xo Westerly Llne of the Rk-ht of Tray of Southern Pacific Company", was lnf,noduced by Counci'lrnan Dehl and given first readingo A Notlce of Publlc Hearing Belatlve to Adciitlonal Tofl Crossings of San F-"ancisco and issued by the State of Callfornla, Depart- ment of Rrbltc $Iorks, California To11 B::ldge Authorlty, ras r.ead and ordered fi1ed. I{ayon Slmonds stated ttrat the CouncLl lrag Ln receipt of a letter lbom Eddle Ertz of the Paciflc Fire ExtLnfgisher Company, for the Ward EaF?ance Tru-ck Corporation, :requestlng an opportunltyto display one of that ecmpanyr s trucks. L{ayo:: Simonds statedthat the conrnirnibation nould be referred to tlre Fire Cormission,the Fire Chief and to the Cor:rrci1 for f\rrther discussion. For the benefit of the citizens in attendance at the meeting and interested in the questlon of the loca1-Lon of the proposed cor:-:lrunity conterp buil-dinl: i,n Ylashingtnn Parkr lllayor Simondssteted that the matter had not been placod on the Agenda for the reason that a State Recreation Cornvnissioner has surveyed thesite at ttre request of the CouncLl and vilL soon submi.t a reportto the Council. lJr. Grant Svreet, 753 Concor.d IYay, j,!r. iioy C.Kireher, 7O4 Concord Way, and [Fs. LL'!. thor Carr, 4OO Dright Rd.all addressed the Counci.l and spoke in favor of plaeing the but]-dlng at the rear of the Park. Mrs. R. K. Abercrombie, representing the 17th District Congr:ess of Parent Teache?s,stated that that orgini.zation prefo:rred the building near Burlingame Avenue. Miss CaroLyn D.rke, representing the clrl S couts offlcia1s, and forrrer nayor, L. Ilerbert Earrls, and a member of the County Recreation Colralssion, a].so spoke in favorof placing the build.ing nearer the street. Ques tloned as to establlshlng an auxllat?y police force Lnpreparedness for a possLble dlsaster, Chlof of Pollqe Theuer infonned the Council that plans are under.uay at the p::esgnt t5-meto create such an auxilary po1lce force and a report sould b€ msde st the noxt Cor:lci1 meetlng. Flto Chlef Ed Lels urged the support of all voters in thofoithccnlng Fire Bond electLon. There bei.ng no fi:rther business, CounclLman Da].l rooved. that.the CouncLl ad.journ, seconded by Councilnan Love and unanl.- mous 1y carrled. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk u. s. sIt[oNDs, JE. l,[ayo]l I r