HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.08.28205 Burlingame, CaliforniaAugust 28, 1950 An -adJou::ned meeting was held on the above given date as peradjournrnent of August 21, lgso. L{eeting called to ord.er Lt8:00 p.81. - I{ayor Love in the Chai-r'. RolI-caI1: Present councllmen: Atwater - Ilunt - LoveAbsent Councilmen: Byrd. - Simonos councilnen B;rrd and simoncls excused wkrlre on vacati_on. Sealed bids s/ere opened fon the following projects: Project IrICs /t'aZ: cal,rFoRl{rA DRilrE REsIrREAcrr'lG BRoAU}rAy ro },[ILLS C]]EEK BIDDER ESTI}'lATED TOTAL BTD Chas. L. Harney, fnc. San lnl"ancisco, California. ..... ... . .... ... ....lriJ-Zr443.AO SperrS 3c illcCueIfiil1brag, California..........o.....o i.. o. .... 1OrgE6.E0 " Fbank ilj. Smlth San L,tateo, California................ r........ j,ZryST.SO Peter Sorenson Red.ulood Clty, Callfonni&....................o. l8rB?O.OO Bonds accompanied the above bids. Pnoject T$cs #37: cALrFoRisrA CIErvE wrDm[rNG RosEDAr,E To mjFTryRrN A\TENUE Chas. L. Iiarney, Inc.san Francisco, californi-a. ...... t..... ..... r ...S11rso5.so L- C. Smith Company San ltateo, Ca1 ifornla'. .. .. . ..... . ... . . . ... o. . ..9 1336.25 Fl"ank i$. Smlth San l{ateo, Califorrri&.. ..... o... o..... o.... o. .. !OrZ44.Zs Peter Sorenson Redtrood City, Callfornia....................... 1oro1g.as Bonds accompanled the above bids. PT.OJECt MCS II43: RESIIREACE CAROI,AI{ AVE}rUE ].TOHTH I,A}IE TO GROW] AVEIWE OAK Spenry 8.: I'IcCueldillbrae, Califonnia......... o..o... o.. .o.. .....4i brgZO.SO L. C. Smith Cornpany San l,[ateo, Callfornig................r..e..r.... Er465rOO Fbank !Y. Smith san lJateo, Californi&........,..r...r....o.t.... ?r51s.oo Chas. L. Ilarney, Inc.san Fbancisco, caIifornia..................o... . Yrlgg.oo Peter Sorenson Redv,tood city, ca1iforni8...r...r....o........... 11rozo.oo Bonds aecompanied the above bids. 2CI6 The foregolng bids were referred to the Clty Engineer and the Gtty Attorney for recommendation. A letter dated August 21., 1950 was read flom ALfred Carr in whLch he requested permlss5-on to oper:ate an used.-car lot at 1014 PenlnsuLa, Avenue. Refenences trere given ln thls le tten. Councilmqn Hunt raoved. that this matter be referred to tho Chief of Po1lce. The motlon vras seconded by Councllman Atwaten and. unan:Lmously can::led. A letter was read dated. Augus t 25, 1950 from Com. Earl F. Sohmidt, Ohainrnan of the Boand of Fire Commissloners reeorrnending that Fire Chief Leis attend the joint eonference of the Paciflc Coast Inter-Mountain Assoclati.on of Fire Chlefs and the Intornatlonel Assoclatlon of lnire Chlefs to be held in Sar Francisco, September 12th to 15tfr. Councihnan Hunt recourmend.ed that Chlef teLs be authorised to attend this conference wlth expenses pal-d not to exeeed $25.0o. $lotion was second.ed. by Councilman Alwater and ca::ried unanlmous1y. A elalm agalnst rt*re City of Burllngame,v/as read. This clalm rsas made by Gus B. Rlsso in the amount of $5OO.OO for a }o:eQ injury suffered June 7, 1950, at 13Q!.Brgadwq.y. A motlon was made by Councllman Atwaten to reJect t}:.ls claim. Ltotion seconded by Councilman Hunt and carried unanlmously. Mayor tov6 recessed themeeting untlt'City Englneer Fiteh and City Attorney Karmel- retu:rned uith theLr reeoilunendatlons on the blds. The recoruirend.ationd Brere presented by Engineer Fitch as follows: ProJect MCS #37: It was recolnmended that L. C. Smith Compeny, San Mateo, 1ow bliider, be arvarded the contract at the ur:lt pi'ices quoted. and in the total estimated anrount of .$g336.25. CouncilmanIlunt introduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. 54-50 accepting the bid and authorizlng the L,iayor to execute the contractvrith L. C. Smith Company. The motlon was seconded by Counctl:nan Atwater and unanlmously car.rLed by a rool-calI vote. Project &IGS 1t'42: It r';as recommended that the lorv bldder Sperny 6: IiicCue, Ml1lbrae, be arvarded the contract at the unit pnlcei quoteh and ir1 the'toteil eritimdted amount of $t0r556.5b. Councilman Eunt intnoduced and moved. the passage of Resolutlon $Io. 35-50accepting the bid and authorLzi.ng the Lfayo:r to execute the contraetwith Sperry 8,: I,icCue; motion seiconded by Couneilman Atwater andcarried unanimously by noll-ea11 vote. Project MCS lf43r ft vrto the low bidder L. C as recdmrrrended that the contract be ai;arded . Smith Company, San llateoprlces quoted and the estimated total amount of ,.t -i- 'u)t) at the unit ,465. OO.f ResolutlonCouncilrnan Hunt introduced and moved th e passage oNo. 56-50 aeceptlng the bid and authorS-zing tho },{ayor to executethe contract with L. C. Ssrith dompany. The motlon was s econd.od.by CounciLman Atwater and was carrj-od unanivrously by ::o11-ca11 vote. Mayor Love nequested a report from Councilman Atwater on the wLd.eningof Chapin Avenue. Counclfuaan Atvrater reported thet meeti-ngs }.ad been heLd wlttr some of the residents, also rsith the Clty Attoraey and City Engineer, and the Ctramber of Comllerce had set tl:e dateof Sept e'mber 14 -for a pub1Lc hearlng ln the Council Chambens forflx,ther d.iscusslon of this qresti-on. , Mr. ClLfford Ii. Ebeelarrd, PresLd.ent of t}.e Burlingame Village Improvement Assoclation repo:rtod that theLr drainage pnoblem hadnot been eorrected; also ti:,ey .we.r.e awaltlng placlng of tan barkin the playg::ound area. Citt Englneen F-itch s l,ated the eause forthe delay in taklng eare of this vsork vras due to the time that had been spent on th.e above blds; he further stated that hls department would give attention to these problems at the earllestposslble date. Illu.lng bhe reeess, Ilrs. Ilaude Shipley addressed the Oouncil ree3arding the removal of rent contnols. Sho rvas advlsed by I'layor Love tirat data was beinl; gathered by ti:e OouncLl and tilat tkre raa';ter vo r-rId be re-consirlered on the return of Counciimen Byrd a.nc1 Simon*s. l 2A7 er t K. [Ihi teCity Cb rk Approved: tl"* n Lov e,ayor The.re beLng no fur the y, busincss ti:e meeting vras :-egu1ar1yadJourned on motion of Councilman Atr..rate::, -seconded byCouncLlman Hunt, and unenimor:s 1y car.rt e d. Respe ctfirlly Submitted,