HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.06.063r-(D Burllngame, Califonnia Jnne 6, 1949 A regule.r meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held onthe above given date. ilteetin.g calle d' to order at B:OO p.m. fuIayon l,ove in the Chair. RoIl CalI: Present Councilmen: Dahl-Harper-Hunt-Love-Simonds Absent - Councilmen: None The minutes of the previous meeting of i\[ay ]6, 1949r BS submittedto members of the Council and and as posted on the Bulletin Boarci in ttre City ila1}, vrere unanimously approved on motlon of Councilman Dahlr s€conded by Councilrnan Simonds. Itlonday, firne 6, J.949r'4t the hour of B orclock, p.rl.r was thetlme set for the opening of the bids for the publicatlon ofclty legaI advertising for the flscal year July Lr 1949 and ending June W, 1950. The City Clerk opened and read the only bld submitted as follows: The Advance, Burlingame, California $].1S per square for the first lnsertion of any notice {i .60 per sguare for subsequent insertions of the same notice Councilman Dahl moved that the bid as submitted be accepted, seconded by Councilman Harper and rrnanimously carried. Resolution No. 35-49, authori-zi.ng the Niayor to execute said agreement wlth the Advq,nce for legal publications for the fiscal year 1949-1950 was introcluced by Councilman Harper vrho moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Simonds and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the Counci.L, A letter dated June 3,1949r w&s read from K. S. Fitch, Director of hrblic Works, submitting for Couneil consideratlon an appliea- tlon for Pub1ie llllorks Allotment of Chapter 20 Funds to be used in the constructlon of a'dditlonal faelllt1es at the Sewage Dlsposal Plant, in the amount of $5O,OOO.OO, of vrhlch lt is estineted that the City w111 have available tf+OrOoO.OO of matchlng funds on June 50, 1950. The l-etter advises tfiat this 1s the first all-ocation of Chapter 20 Fund.s to be requested from the total of St+:-r579.99 which leaves a balance available for allocation of Sg1r579.99. Councilman Slmonds moved that the Councj-I concur in the recommendation that the appllcation be forwarded to the Director of Finance of the State of Californla, second.ed by Co',mci1msn Harper and unanj-mously carried. Resolutlon No. 33-49 authorl zing the submission of the applicatlon to the State, uras.lntroduced by Councllman Hunt who moved its ad.optlonr s€eonded by Councllrnan DahI- and adopted by the unanimous affirr:rative vote of the Council. A letter dated June 5, 1949r w&s read from the Director of Hrblictiiorks, K. S. Fltch, submittlng for Councll consideratlon anapplicatlon for State Planning Ald under Chapten 47, Statutes of 1944, for a proposed Public T'lorks Buildlng 1n the amor.mt of $1r569.o0, of whlch an unallocated balance of $11rBB5.Bo will remain of the total avallabl-e sr.::n of $1S1952.80. The letter advlses that the appllcation represents the second aLlocatlon of Chapter 4? funds, the first being the sum of '$2,5OO.OO for sei,uage disposal plant expanslon p1ans, whlch sum was allocated in 1947. The l-etter further advises that it is plarmed to make additional allocations for the cost of plans and specifications of the Community Center" Bul1d1ng, Flre Statlon No. 2, the Fire Department Dnl]I Tower, the extenslon of Carolan Avenue, and possibly the inprovements to the ltay Park Playground, which appllcations willfoIlow withln a sbort tlme. Councllman Slmonds moved that tleapplicatlon be submltted as reeommended, seconded by Councili;,an Harper and unanlmously earr.ied. Resolutj-on Itro. 34-49 authorizing 16 the submissi-on of the appllca-tion to the State Finance Director w&s introduced by Councilman tlarper who moved its pass&ger seconded by Councilman Dahl and earrled by the unanimous affirm- ative vote of the Council. Councilman Hunt suggested that when the allocation of $Zr5OO.OO is recej-ved by the City tbat 1t be set aside for the expansion of the disposal plantr &s previously planned, which suggestion was concurred ln by the members of the Counei-l-. A letter dated June 3, 1949, was read from 1(. S, Fitch, Di::eetor of Public lftlo:rks t T@queutlng that three temporary appointments be made for Draftsmen in the Engineering Department fcir a period not to exceed ninety days. i\tayor Love stated that jt vras the consensus of the Council that the matter be held in abeyance until such time as a jolnt meeting is held with the Civil Servlce Conmrission to further discuss the matter. A ]etter dated June 3, L949, was read from K. S. Fitch, Dlrector of Pub]lc Works, requesting the employ:nent of temporary personnel to be employed. in a weed abatement program, Mayor Love stated. that this subject would also be held in aboyance untll a discussion is held with the Civil Service Conunission on the appointment of temporary personnel. A letter d.ated May 18, l-949, was read from E. J. Leis, Chief of the Fire Department, requesting that a copy of the medlcal e xamina- tlon of netvly appolnted hosemen to the Fire Department be fonwarded to his office for study. The Council were of the opinion that sueh information is confidentlal and not for use by Department heads. However, if during the probationary period the employee is'notperformlng standard work, action can be taken through the proper channels at that time. A letter d.ated iJlay L4, L949, v,Ias read from the North Burlingame Ufomanrs Club, eomroending the Gounci] on its actlon 1n passi-ng the reeent Dog Ordinanee. The letter was received and the City Clerk instrrrcted to write to the North Burlingame lttlomanrs Club thqnking them for thelr conmunication. A letter dated l\tay 15, 1949, was read {rom the Anlma} Protective Assoclation reporting favorably on an i.nvestigation made of the Pound faoilities wlthln the City of Burllngame. The Clty Clerk was instructed to forward a copy of the report to R. iff. Gardlner, Poundmaster and also to write to the Animal Protective Associatlon thanking them for thelr letter. Reports ruere read from the Burlingame Chanrber of Contmerce and the City Judge for the month of iVlay, !949, and the Burlingame Public Library for the months July 1, 1948 to }larch TLt L949. The Charnben of Commerce was complimented on the comprehensj-ve report submitted. A petttion dated May 25, 1949r uas submitted and read from approximately 2OO citlzens and prrcperty otvners of VlIIa Pank Traet, Corbltt Subdtvislon and Burlingame Gardens, in which aprotest was enter"ed toward any further extensj-on of Carolan Avenue. Mayor Love, speaklng in behalf of the Cor:nci}, stated that the pet:.tion woulb, be reeeived and placed on fiIe and at the appropriate time the petitioners would have an opportunlty to state thelr partlcular vtews. A letter dated Jrrne 4, L949, was read from the Bsrlingame Improvement Assoclatlon, a dvising the Council of their stand ln regard to the proposed extension of Carolan Avenue, and requesting that every opportunity be given t he resldents ln the expresslon of tholr vlewpolnts. The City Clerk vras lnstructed to thank the Burlingame Improvement Association,for their letter and to assur€ them that an opportunity will be given at a later date. l--{J An 0rdinanee, No. 48O, entitled, t'A, Ordlnanee Annexing to theCtty of Burlingame Certaln Unlnleabited Terri-tory Contlguousto the Corporate Limlts of said City, Commonly l(novyn and Designated as ttHillside Reservoir Slterr Tras given second readlng. Councj-Iman Hunt moved the passase of Ordinartce 1{o. 4BO, seconded by Council-r'ran Eimondsr and adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Councilmen: Dahl-Harper-Hunt-Love-Sj-monds Noes: C ouncilmenl None A communicati-on dated June 3, 1949, was read from the San FranciscoSociety fon the PreventLon of Cruelty to Animals suggestlng a planfon the Societyts taking over the operati-on of the pound withlnthe three clties - Burlingame, San Iilateoa nd Hll1sborough, in wtrich1t is estimated. that the operating expense for the first year, based as nearly as possible upon populatlon would be as follovrs: ' San Mateo $oreSO (Less $fsOo for trlck) $4,?EO.O0Bunlingame 3r750.0OHlllsborough IrOOO.OOrotal $f5O0l'0 The subject was referred to the Flnance Conmittee of the Council and the Clty Clerk wss instructed to lnform the San Franclsco Socbby for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anlmals that they vrlIl be informed at a ]ater date of Couneil dlsposition in the matter. Mayor Love stated that the Counci] ls ln receipt of a communicationregarding the condltion of tlte premises at 1O1B Peninsula Avenueand the Clty Clerk was lnstructed to notify the Flre Chief, theBullding Inspector and the Health Department to make an investigationof the premis€so The City Cl-erk read a report, dated June 6, 1949, from K. S. Fitch,Dlrector of !'ublic Works, neporting on an lnvestigation made of arequest that some action be taken negard.ing the open creek inBlock B, of the Easton Subdlvislon No. 1, in which lt is recommendedthat a culvert vrith a nranhole be installed. ft is further recornmencledthat the construction be made by cont::act. The subject was referredto the Finance Cornmtttee of the CounciL with a report to be niadeat the next Cor:nci1 meeting. Mr. E. C. Flchtner, L6A4 Benlto Avenue, Burlingame, addressed theUouncil requesting that an effort be made to provide transportationfor residents of }Iorth Burllngame on Sundays. Mr. Fichtner wasinformed that this matter would come unden the jurisdictlon of thePublic Utilitles Cornm:issLon but that the Couneil did concur inhis views and would direct the City Clerkt o communi-cate wlth the San lVlateo Burlingame Translt Company requesting that consider.ation be given the matter. Mrs. H. Si. Harde, 2lA3 Carmelita Avenue, Burlingamel orl€ of thepetitioners requesting that a portlon of Vaneouver Avenue b e abandoned, a ddressed the Council, and was info:mred that the request had been denied. IVirs. Harde further requested that the largeeucalyptus trees on her property be tninrmed or removed alto[ether and that a fenee be ereeted across the above mentioned portionof Vancouver Avenue to prohiblt lts use as a public thoroughfare.Mr. Fltch stated that in his opinion lt would not be practicableto remove the trees but that they could l:e trimmed. He fr:rtherstated that a fence perhaps could be instalLed across the propertyin questlon. Councllman Simonds questioned Building Inspector l7atson as todhether cont:ractors are conforming to the ordinance cod,e whichprovldes for a oo/" l.ot coverage in tne erection of apartment houses and lf his oi'fice was adherlng to the provi-slons. Mr.Watson advised that a verlfj-cation is made by his office. Counell- man slmonds requ.ested that a check be made of two apartments 18 now belng constructed withln the Clty of Bur1ir€ame. There belng no'further business, the meeting was adjourned on motion of Cou-ncll-man Dahlr Soconded by Coi.rncilman llarpen and rrnanimously camled. Re spectfully submitted, tsr,}tT J|.ECity Clerk APPROVED: I Dan R. Love, Jr. Mayor ,Lo*rfrfu*