HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1948.11.15'1 Burlingamo, Callfornla Novemben 15, 1948 A regular meetlng of tho Burllngame City Councll was held on the above glven date. Meetlng called to ordo:: at 8:OO p.m., - Uayor Slmonds ln the Chalr. Ro1I Call: P::esent - Councllmen: Dahl-Har?en-Hunt-Love-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: I.lone The mlnutes of the prevlous meetLng of November 1, 1948, as sub-mltted to membens of the Councll and as posteal on tbe BuJ-1-etin Board ln the Clty HaI1 were app::oved as presented on motion of Councllman Hurt, seconded. by Councilman Love ancl unardmously carrl e d. Lionday, November 15, 1948, 1n the Council Chambers of the Clty Counci.l, was the tlmo and place set for a hea::ing on a Varianceof Zone on the southerly 189.67t of th6 strlp of land 1n the creek area ln the vlclnity of Eovard Avenue end EI Cardno Rea1. The City Clerk nead the Notlce of Eearlng, the petltlon requestlngthe rezonLng, a supplemental peti,tlon and a letten fr:om the Clty Planning Conmisslon re corrnending to the City Council that avarlanco be granted on the southerly 189.67t of the creek area subJect to the restnictlon that no bulldlng be er^ected thereonuntll the balance of the cr€ek area riay- be rezoned for corncnercl al use with restrlctlons. Attorney Luther Csrr, representlng thepetltloners, addressed the Councl)- and stated that it was hlsinterpretatlon that the baLance of the creek area vsas to be zonedas comnercial without the clause trwith restrietlonsrt. After dls- cusslon and ln orde:r to clarify the reconazenda tl-on of the planning cormlssLon regarding.. the nezoning of the remalning portion of thea::ea for rtrestrictedtt comtre rcial use, the sub je ct-u-as continued f orone -month, or unt11 the regular meetlng of the Clty Cor:aci1 to be !9]a-.on Decemben.20, 1948...Th-e C1!y Clerk was lnsiructed io a"r"nge1'or the councll to meet wlth the plaruelng coramlsslon and at the sa;etLme to :request that tho Recreatlon cormlsslon be present ln ordertlat recreatlonal problerrr"o may be dlscussed. The::L belng no obJec_tlons by the Council, such rlas the ond.en. A letter dated. Novemb er 12, 1948, was r€ad fnom the clv11 servlceComdssion subnltting the following eligrble llst for fireman tnthe Bu::Ilngame tr'ire Department: 1. 'r'Jendel]- Liason 1109 DuJfer.l n Avenue, Bu:ellngame 2 . Ri chard ,A . S carf 1::e35 Wi I1ow Avenue r Irll llbme , Calif orrrla ' 3. John f. Ilarston 24O5 I{111sl de Drlve, Burlinqame 4 . John ]ria sko 960 E1 Camino Rea1, San Bnmo, Californla 5. Charles F. Koch 216 Rlchland Avenue, San Franclsco, Callfornla 6. John B. Stradford 751 Laurel Avenue, Burllngame coundiEn Dahl moved that the lrst es submltted be acceDtedgubJect to t-he |ppllcants passlng " "atisia"i"ry r"aiJJi';;;iirr"-tion, soconded by Corlncilman Love and unanlnousiy ""o"i"a.--'-A lette:r dated Novernber 13, 1948, was read from the Clvll ServiceComrnission, subnittLng the f ollovrlng e11glble list for ttre posf t:.onof A c countant -Apprai s or: ].. Jares A. Ha1} 1312 Vancouver Avenue, Burlingame 2. John P. l,lillklns 1460 Bellevue Avenue, BurllnBmo .) Councllman Dahl moved that the 1l,st as sr$nltted be accepted., subJect to the applicants passing a satLsfactorSr medlcal examina-tlon, seeqnded by Councilnan Love and unani.mously ca::rled. A letter dated November a2, 1948, was read from the Civ11 Se::viee CorunL sslon r.ecorrnendlng the follovlng sca1-e for salarles vit&ln the Recreatlon Department: CASUAL iioiiliIRS: fIISTRUCTO;IS: I}ISTRUCTO iis : (No Speclal Training) ( Non- spe ciali st s ) (Specialist group- Professional ) S1.4O per trr. 2.25 l| {r .85 to 1.?5 to 2.50 to 3.50 rr rr Councllman Love moved that the commuli"cation be subrni tted to theCity Attorrrey in order that a resolutLon ray be drafted pertaining t.o the facts thereln, seconded by Cormcilnan Dahl and r:nanimously carri o d. A letter dated l,iovember 12, 1948, was read from lle rbert K. iihit€,Clty C1enk, requesting that an appointment be mad.e for the posit!.on of Accor:ntant-Appralsor from the eligible 1lst submitted by ttrCivll- Service Commi"ssion. Councilnan Love moved that No. 1 on t tre eligib1.e 1ist, James A. Iia11, be appointed to tbe posltion as requested, subject to his passing a satisfactory nedicaJ- examina-tion, seconded by C ounci lman Dahl and unanimously carrLed. A ietter dated Novembe'r A2, 1948, was read from the Fl::e Comnission requesting the appointment of thnee Hoseaen ln the Fire Department, effectlve December 1, 1948r. Councilman Love moved that No. 1onthe e1lglb1e list, iTendell l,iasonr be appolnted, subject to thepassing of a satisfactory nedical examj.nation, seconded by Cowrcilnan Iiunt and unanlmously carrled. No. 2 on the e1lglb1e 1tst, Richard A. Scarflte, was appointed, subject to the passLng of a medical examination, on motion of Councllrnan Dah1, seconded by Councilnan Love and unanimously carried. John f. Harston, No. 5 on the e1lgi.b1e 1ist, was appolnted, subJect to the pa. ssingof a satisfactory medlcal exanination, on Botion of CouncilrnanHarper, seconded by Councllnan Love and unanimously carrled. A letter datetl l,Iovember 5, 1948, was nead. from Capt. Emil Patsel, lnspector, Bureau of Fire Freventi,on and Publi c Safety, reportLn€i on an inspectl,on roade by request of the Cor:ncL1 of the premises at 2714 HilLside Drive. The report indieates that shrubs and trees are green and in an overgrown conditLonrbut i.n the opinlon of thatoffico, a fire hazard does not exlst. The CounclJ- vrere of the opinionthat lt was not Eithin its jurisdiction to dictate to the owne r:of the premises, and following a further di.scussi,on, I{rs. Sophle Hartr.rng, a neanby nelghbor, addressed the Councll and statod that she $,ou1d contact the owner to discuss the possLble improvementof the property. A letter dated Noverlic er 5, 1948, was read f rom K. S. Fitch, Direetor of Publl,c !'iiorksr submitting speciflcatlons for a Park DopartrnentTruck. As this ltem was provided for ln the 1948 - 1949 budget, Corrncllman Hunt moved that the Director of Publlc ii'o rks be authorizedto eal)- for bids to purchase the truck, seconded by Councllman Love and unanimously camied. A letter dated l{ovember 12, 1948, was read fron K. S. Fitch, Dl,rector of Pub1l c Eorks, suggestlng that 16r. Roy Freeman, nowclassified as that of Street inaintenanceman, be attached lnsteadto the Engineering Department. Counci,lnan Dahl moved that the subject be held in abeyance for further study, seconded t6r Councl l-nan Harpe r and u.rrani mous 1y carried . A lettor dated November 9, 1948, was regd frorr R. C. Th6uev, 61161 of PoJ-ice, advislng that a survey had. bben conducted regarding CityI{aII Lane between Park Road. and. Prirerose ri6sd, and re commendingthat the street be nade a One l-lay Street from ?ark Road to Pr{mrose 3 Road, rlth no restrlctlons as to the parking of tmcks when load- 1ng ot wrloadlng. Councllman Dahl novecl that the Clty Attorney be Lnstructed to prepare an ordinance affecting the change as recorrnendod, seconded by Councllman Lcrv e and unanimously carrled. A letter dated November !2, 1948, was read fron R. C. Theuert Chief of Po}1ce, reconmendlnB,,,t-b?^t,he ord,nance Code be amended so as to provid6 that th6 a6*ft61#68n Callforrrla Drlve and tlp Southern ?aclflc t::acks be res'drlcted to trNo Parklngrr on both sldesof the streot ln order to place that portion of the street i.nto four lanes of trravel , two east and two wesl nith a doubf centen ll,ne. Cor:ncLlmnn Dahl novetl that the le comnendation be accepted and that the C!.ty Attomey be lnstructed to prepare an ordLnence affectlng the c A 1et o rder benof: A let' Avenurfor Bt h t ange, seconded by Councl lnan Love and unanlmously carrled. er dated November 1-2, L94€,, vras nead f:rom R. C. Ttreue r, Chiefof Pol-ice, thanklng the Counell- for granting permisslon to attend the Annual Conference of the Stato Peace ufflcerst AssocLatlon ofCallforrrla recent),y heJ-d at Santa Irionica. Siayor Simonds on behalfof the Councll thanked Chief Theuer for his l-etter and stated ttr,a tit vrap the Councilrs pleasurt to grant penmi.ssion to both the lol-lce Chlef and the l'lre Chief to attend their respectlve. Conventlons 1nthat helpfu]. lnformatlon nsy be obtalned Yrhl ch yrlIl be [cla1 to thelr depantment s as well as to the City of BuL"llngsne. ler &ted November 3, L948, was read from J. DLxon, 1216 jlra kep, exp:ressing favor 1n the proposed amencled dog ordinanceIlngame. Several interested resldents al-so addressed the Cor:nct 1 offerlng suggestlons and requesting inf orri:a tl on as to por:nd facl1ltles wlthln the City. liayor Simonds stated that pre- Ilmlngry plans are now unde rr&y to improrre conditlons and a meet!.ng was tb be scheduled soon vtlth repre sentatlve s of the Three Citle s -San Hgteo, Hlllsbonough and Burlir€ame. i-iay or Slmonds assured thecltlzbns that an ordLnanc e would not b e adopted untll all d.etalls were studLed and a solutlon found. The c onruni catl on togethe:r wLth otheri s1ml1ar conrnunlcatlons was ordered held to be presented at such time as a meetlng 1s s cheduled. A letten dateit October: 25, 1948, was read from the Southe rrr laclflc Corpahy, advlsLng that as a result of recent surveys of gnade crossLngs of the Southerrr Paclflc C onrpEny ln the Clty of Burlingame, the CalLforrrla Pub11c Utl].ltles Conrris sion tla s reque sted tbat centaln work be done In onde:r to lnprove existing grade cnosslngs. Councll- nen Eunt moved that the conmrmlcation be referred to the Clty Englnber and the Chlef of Po3.lce for actlon, seconded by Cor:ncl1manDahl and unanimously carried. A petLtlon dated November 8, 1948, was prosented and read, requestlngthat the Council study and formulate plans for a building adeqrtrteto house the lost and unwante d anlmal-s durlng the time homes are belng found for them. The Clty Clerk was instmcted to nottfy thepetitf.oners that the Councll Ls at pnesent maklng pr€ llmLnarT planswlth the three Cltles Ln an attempt to arrLve at a solutlon. A letpe:: dated November 11, 19t18, vas read from rilr's. HonrXr L. Boos, 18OB pancle z Avenue, a tlvi slng the Councl1. of a dangerous trafflc condlltlon on tho block of Broadway b etween EI Camlno Real antl BalboaAvenue. Corrncllnan Love moved that the conruni catl on be r.efer::edto thp Pollce Conmlsslon and the Chief of PolLce and that a :reportbe supnltted at the next regular meeting of the Council, soconded by Counc[,Iman Dahl and rmanimously carried. Reporibr wene read fron the Burllngame Fire Department, Brtrssu of Flre Preventlon and Pub1lc Safety, and the PolLce Department, for t Lre month, of Octoberr 1948. Ihe reports trere received and p]aced on file. Resolutlon No. 54-48r entitled, rrAnendlng Rule fI of the Ctty CivtlSe:rvlce Rules and Rogul ations by Adding a l{en Sectlon Requirlng an Oath of Lcyalty to the Constltution gnd Laws of the United. States and tbe State 6f Callforrrlarr, was introduced by Councllnan Hrmt r*ro moved lts passage, seconded by CoulclLaan Love and unanLmously canrlbd. -l 4 Ordlnance No. 4?1, ent1tIed, rrAn Ordinance Anendlng Sectton 1279of Ordlnance 1{o. 413 of the Ci.ty of Burllngame by Add.lng Thereto a Provlslon itiaklng 1t Unlawful for any Person to be IntoxlcatedIn and About a llotor Vehlcle", was glven second readlng. Councllman Eult moved the adoptlon of the urdlnarrco, seconded by Councllman Love snd adopted by the follotrlng vote:AYES: COUNCILIIEN: Dah]- - Ha rper -Hunt -Love-SlmondsN0ES: C0IINCIl-LlEItI: Ilone ABSEIIT C0UI'ICILLIEN: None Ordinance llo. 472, entltled, rrAn Ordinance Apprrvlng the Annexatlonof Certal-n Unirftabited Te"rltorT Cont lguous to the Clty of Burllngane, Onned by the State of California, and a Portion The r"eof Used by It For Highiiay Pu4rosesrr vras given second reading. Cormcilnan Love moved the ad,optlon of 0rdinance I{o. 472, seeonded by Corrncllrnan Harper and adopted by the folloivlng vote: AYES : COIJNCI Il\riEI{ : Dahl-ti-arpe r-Hunt -Love-SimondsNOES: COUNCILLIEI{: }Ione ABSENT C0IJNCIL}.{EI{ : None 0rdlnance IIo. 475, entitled, "An ordlnance Amendlng Dlvision G of the ordinance $o. 467 tsy Adding The reto the Classlflcation: Senlor Li i-:ra::l anrr ; and Flxing the Corrpens atl on Thereof tt ras lntnr- duced by C or.rncl-}nan Hrlnt f or f irst readlng. lJayoir Slnonds explaL ne dfor the benefLt of those 1n attendarre that the latest sal-a r1rclasslflcatlon sche dule adopted at a prevlous Counc iI meeting had fa11od to lnc]-ude the above classiflcatlon and action at thls neetlng provided for that fatlure. At a speclal caI1ed meetlng held ilonday, Novembe:r l5r 1948, at 11:OOa.m., blds rvere opened for the sale of tte Clty of BurlLngamerrGeneral Obligation Bonds of 1949, Serles ArI . The blds were tmre dlately_taken 'unde r: consldenation and the ir ld of tlp Bankof Amerlca r{ational T nrgt and Savlngs Assoclatl-on was for:rrd to be the highest and best bld subnitted. Resolutlon No. 55-tl8 was neatl as follors: IISELLING CTTY OF BUi{LII.IGA},{E GEliiiRAL oBLrGATroIi BoNDS oF 1949, sERrEs A'r rtlYhereas, the Clty Councll of the City of Bur:1lngame her"etofone duly authorized the lssuance of li155rOOO.OO prlncipal anount of bonds of the City of Burllngare to be Inrourn as rrClty of tsurllnganE General obligatlon Bonds of 1949, Series .{u, all dated Jani:a rT 15, 1949, and furthe r authorized the sale ofs ald bonds at pub11c saleto the highest andbest bldder" thereof; and Wheneas, notLce of the sale of said bonds has been duly glven ln the tnanne r prescrlbed by the resolutlon authorLzlng the lssuanceof s ald bonils and the followlng bids for sald bonds were and arethe only bids received by said City Councl1, to-wit: NA}'.E OF BIDDEiI I'IET IIiTEdEST COST TO CTTY AI{ERTCAI{ TRUST COHPAI{Y IAI'JSON, I;EVY &-iTLLIAIIS KAISER & CO. BLYTIIE & CO. rl{C. BAI{K OF AJI{ERICA I.IATIONAL SAVII{GS & TRUST ASSOCIATIO}I 1950 r 1957 1958 - 1969 4% Jarnj€^ry 15, 1950 - 1959 Janua rXr 15, 1960 - 1969 Jan Ery 15, l-95O t- 1960 Janu ry 15, 1961 - 1965 Janua ry 15, 1966 - 1969 2/" z+y', January 15, Janr:a ry 15, 1950 - 1953 19s4 - 1969 1950 - 1961 1962 - 1969 2/" Jant;e.ry 15, 2*% Jarr.:ur-tr ]-5, L:3/ 2+{ 2% 2+% 2+f, 2/, larn;ra.ra t 24f; Jarl':a ry E 15, BLAIS & CO. 2-_3/4/" Jam:ar5r l-S, 1950 - 196I2ft.Jaw.nry 15, 1953 - 1964 ?ic/o Janua tA 15, 1965 - 1969 QfinJannry 15, 1950 - 1957247 Janvary 15, 1958 - 1969 I I 5 Whereas, the s aid b ld of the BBnk of America Natlonal ?rnrst and Sdvlngs AssoclatLon ls the hlghest and best bld for sald bonds, consS.derlrg lnterest ::ates speclfled and tbe premium offe::ed, Notof BuS 1. SavLn be, a Bur11to saoft ra te , Th€refore, Be Lt Resolved, by the Clty Cor:ncl1 of the Clty llngame as folIows, to-wlt: IThat sald bld of the Bank of America r'atl,onal Trust and s Associatlon for $155rOO0.OO par value of sal,d bonds shall d 1s hereby a ccepted and the Troasurer of the Ctty of ngame is hereby authorized and dlrected to deLive:: sal-d b onds i.d purchaser thereof upon the payment to the sald Treasuner I n he ( p s) lrnan Love stated that he afso was in favor of such a servlce,f lt dld not conflict wtth the servlce now offered by ttein regard to provldlng revenue for county purposes. Council- rper also expressed approval of an anbulance service for u:rchase prlc6, to-wlt: f,he par value tlp reof at the followlng l4/4% Jan.rarT 15, 1950 to L952, inclu-slve 2% Jarnnry 15, 1953 to 1964, Inclusive 2i1{ Jan'*-ry }5, 1965 to L969; lncluslve Sald $onds shall bear lntenest at said r:ate (s) herelnabove setforth payable semi-annually on January 15th and July 15th.2. That all bids exceptlng the bld of the Bank of Ame::i. ca Natloaa1 Trust and Savlngs Associatlon are he reby reJected and theClty 01erk ls he reby orde r"e d and directed to returrr to the unsuceessful blddeqs their several checks accompanying their respective bids. 3. , The City Clerk ls dlrected to have lithographed, prlnted. or engrated a sufflclent nunber of blank bonds and coupons of sul tablequalltyr saLd bonds and cogpons to shovr on thelr face tha-t the s ame bear lnterest at the rate (s) aforesaid. Be rIt F\:rther Resolved ttra t thts resolutlon shall- take effect v from and after lts adoptlon.rt Corrncl1nan l{unt introdrrced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. 5$-48, soconded by Councllr,un Love and adopted by the unanlmousaffirtetlve vote of the Cor:ncl1 nembers. Counc!.lroan Hunt cal-1ed the a ttentlon of the Councll to the unslghtly condltlon of the property at 1222 Oak Grov e Av€ 11€r fo r-me::Iy theTevls property, and advlsed that several years ago permlsslon to rezono the p:roperty from resldentlal to apartment was granted wi ttr cents.ln provlslons. As centaln of the provlsions are belng vlo{tedat the present time, the City Clenk was instructed to notlfythe pfesent oymers of the agr:eement and that its provlslons must be complled with. Unde r" the heading of Unflnlshed Business, the City Clerk re-read.the lotter from R. H. Ratllff, offering an ambulance service to the Ci.ty of Burllngamo, at no flnancLal cost or ].iablllty other than that the City supply a trvs -'rr3y radlo tuned to a IocaI statlon. Councilran Dahl expressed the oplnion of favoring such a service. Counc Lonly i coirnt y man Ha Burliigame but sas not in accor.d with clty frrnds expended for a two- way :radlo, or the clty assuming any responslblllty. I,lr. R. E. Ratllff addre$sed the Councll, and expJ.alned the plans Ln morc detall. Afterfurtheir dLscr:ssLon, hayon Slmonds suggested tlu,t the latter be agalnheld ln abeyanco untll a neetlng cen be arranged this neek vrl th repre$entatlves of the Three Citles, tsu:r1lngarne, san lliateo andIllllstiorough. fiayor Slmonds also reque::ted ]ir. Ratliff to submlta copg of his agreerrent rrlth the Clty of Redwood Clty. Ther:e be lngno obJectlons, such was the order. Clai.ni Nos. 6O6O to 6225, wlth the exceptlon of 6o66 and 6085 were read qnd uarnant s ordered drawn on the Clty Treasur5r for thelrrespe(tlve amounts, on motlon of Councllran Dah1, secondecl by x Councllman rlarper and unanlrnously carrled. Mayor Slmonds submitteti the nane of \7111-lam Roese for re-appolntmentas Bu4llngame I s representative on the Three Cities l.rios qr.rl toAbate4ent District. On motlon of Councllroan Dahl, seconded. by Councll'nen Harlper the r e -appointment rvas unanimously confirmed. 6 The Clty Cler! was lnstructed to request that a].l Ctty enployees on the payro3.l at the present tlme slgn the p1edge of Lo1'alty, as qubni tted and r"eeonmended by the Clvl1 Serviee Corunisslon. The Clty Clerk was instructed to lnform Osca:: ?trayer, ar:chltect,to hold the further printing of the plans and specificatlonsfor the proposed recreatlon communi ty center butltilng ln a beyanc euntlI a Jolnt meeting can be held wlth the Plannlng Couraisslon, the Recreation Conmission, the Superlntendent of ilecreatlon and the CounclI and the l-ocatlon 1s deflnitely settled upon. For'me r Mayor L. Herbert Ilarrl s, present at the meeting, was introduced and corpl5.mented the present Councll members on tlrfine work beLng pe rformed; Lrlr. it. H. Gandlner, por.rndrnaster for the Clty of Burllngame, addr"essed the CoulclJ- expne ssing hls app:reclation for the lnte::est shorn l-! the eare of animals and pets wlthln the clty, ard suggested that upon the completlon of constructLon work on the Bayshore Highway, a sign be e:rected dlrecting the pub11c to tlre Iocetlon of the pould. Thene belng no furthe r busirress, Councllroan Dahl mov6d that .tle meetlng be adjourmeil, seconded by C ouncllrnan Love and unanimously ca rrle d. Re snectfullv submitted.j,/r/**k,h ;ERBLRT T. ;,iiITECity Clerk ?u &. u. s. sI[Io1{]x, JB. MAYOR