HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.05.167L Burllngame, CallfornLa May 16, L949 A reglt,lap meetLng of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above glven da.te. Lieeting ca11ed" to ord.er at B:oO p.n. - Llayor lJove ].n rne ulla].r. Rol-1 CaI1: Present - Cor:nclkoen: Dahl-Love-sinondsAbsent - Councilmen: Har?er-Hunt Councilrlan Dahl moved that Cor.rncllman Har?er arrd Corrncilman Huntbe excused f?om the meet5-ng - seconded. by C ounciJ:nan Si-monds and unanimously car::ied. The mLnutes of the r.eguJ.a:: meetin6 of llay 2, !949, as posted onthe Bulletin Board Ln the Clty Ha]1 and as subr:ltted to meraber:sof tire Council were approved as correctod on motion of Councilmar: Sirronds, seconded by Councllnran Da}.l and unanlmously carrled. The mLnutes .of the specl-aI mee ti-ng of l,{ay 6, 1949, as posted onthe Bulletin Board ln the Ctt;r iJa11 and as submitted to members ofthe Councll woro approved on motlon of Councllman Sin.onds, secondedby Councllman Dahl and unanimously carried. llayor Love stated for the beneflt of those in attend.a.nce that a hearing had been seheduled on the proposed annexatj.on of uninhabitedterr"i.tory ln the vicinj.ty of the Hl11slde Reservoir Sitc and inviteclthose citizens.present to speak on the subject, v,rhether ln protestor in favor of the proposal. 0. V. Eurbericl;, 28O2 ]Iillside Drive, addressed the Counell; protestin,q the location as a site to constructa Flre Ilouse and ftrther polnted out that in hls opini.on Lt rvouldconstitute a hazard and a nul-sance. Goorge 1'r. Cslsrisn, 2801 llillslde 1)r'i.ve, presentecl a petition sillned by fi fty-tlro resiCents of Ellrlin- gaiae pr"otesting the site and stating that-it vras their opinion thatthe traffic and'congestion ln that area vrould not rvarrant the FLre Depa::tment operating as efflciently and effectively lf it rvas locatedelsewhere. Clarence Monroe, 1625 Albemarle T,l sy, BLlrl-infer,rre addressed the Council, and stated that in hls oplnion the proposal vras an 1dea1 and cent::al Iocatlon. Mr. R, 1. I,'las on, 2815 Hlllslde n-'rivo, LIrs. C. A. Blesch, 2825 HiLlslde Driver. J. P. Garling, Jr., LLg lTewton Drlve, EarL l,.[arston, ]-4O4 Alvarado Avenue, John iifcl'drorter, 2835 HillslCe Drive, and Charles Elesch, 2825 IItllslde, i.n turn add.r'essed the Cor.:ncil volc- J.ng ti:reir objection mainly because of the narror,ines s of the streets and the hazard that vronld exlst if a fine station was erec'bed in thatarea. Earl Schmliit, Chalrnan of tho Flre C onrnLs s i.on, advLsed thosepresent that the Boar:C of Flre Underwrlters, foJ.lovring a survey ofth6 city, ]reC recomnended tire proposecl site as its first cholce andthat the ComrdssLon concurred ln that re c orrlendatL on. Iollovring abrief f\lrther Ciscusslon, Councilman Slmonds thereupon l-ntroduced ordLnance ldo. 43O, entLtled, "An ordinance Annexing to the Citlr of Burlingar:re Certain Unlnhablted Territory Contiguous to the CorporateLlnrits of Saicl. City, Cornrronly l{nov/rl anrl Designated as "Hi11slde Res-ervoLr Sltet' for first readinq. L[ayor tove stated that the hea::lng on tho Condemnatlon P::oceedlngs onthe Sauret Property al 733 San L{ateo Dr.Lvo, Bu::lLngame, scheduled forthe meetlng of l,Iay 16th, would be placed on the agenda for the nextregul-ar Councll no6tlag. A lotter dated May 10, 1949, was read lYom the Board of Fire Com- m1-ssione::s, reooramending that the repeater, alarm board and batte::y racks at the Bu:rllngame f,{.re Statlon be offered for sale to tho irlgh-est bl.dder and the nroney denived fr om the sale be added to ttre raoneyprovlded for Ln the bond Lssue. Councllman SLmonds moved that the Councll lns tr.uct the Ctty Clerk to advertise for bids on the sal-e ofthe equipnent, seconded by Councllman Dahl and unanlmously carrled. A letter tlated [Iay 5, 1949, was read f::om the Burllngame LLb::a::y Board, requesting tho-appolntnent of two Stenographer-Clerks to ftIIexLstlng vacancles on the 1lb:rary staff. Councllman Dahl moved that the request be granted al<1 that Mrs. Alda Jett and lliss llarrlett Evans, eIi:1lb1e for appol-ntment be appolnted to the posltions, seconded by Councl-lnan Simonds and unanlr:tous 1y ca:rrled. --[/rr,- -)'..-,,-,,. a ac)AGl A letter d tendent of glbJ.e list moved that by Counci.lman Dahl and unanLmous Iy carried. A letter dated I'lay 9, L949, was noad f!: om the Burllngame Llbnany Board, requesting the appolntment of a Senl-or LLbrarlan flom the e1iflib1e 1ist, offectlve JuLy 1, L949, Mayor Love stated that a.s tho CoLmcll desi::es to dLscuss the subject f\rr thor wi th tho Presi- dont of the Library Board, the matter would be t omp o::a:r L 1y tabL€d. A letter deted l,fay 13, lg4g, was read flom K. S. tltch, Dlrector of Publlc YJorks, request5.ng that the Park Superlntendentr f.Fank Ander:son, be authorized to attend the l4lestern Shade Tree Confe"- ence ln Sacramento, Irtay 25th to 28th, lncluslve. Counci'lman Dahl moved tha t tr{r'. Anderson be authorlzed to attend the confer- ence incl that an expense account ln tJ.e amount of f,j60.00 be alIotved, secondod by CouncLlman Simonds and unanlmously car::led. A letter dated Ii,Iay 13, L949 , v/as road from K. S. H.tch, Dlrectorof Publlc trYorks :requesting the appointrnent of a sorvlco man anil a utility man ln the lrater Department. Councilman Slmonds movedthat IIomer LIcCool, eligible for the positlon, be appolnted as servlce man in the lr,Iater Departmont, and that M. S. Al1en be ap- pointed to the posltLon of utlIlty man ln the Water Departmentg seconded by CounciJman Da]" l and unanimously carrled. A letter dat6d. l,iay !3, !g4g, was read. firom K. S. Fitch, Di"ectolrof Publlc Y{orks, ::equestLng the appointruent of a utl1lty man f}om the e1lglble llst ln the Street. Department. CouncLlman S lmonds moved that J. Horton be appointed to the positlon of Utillty Manin the Street Dopa:rtment, seconded by CounclJ.man Dahl and unanl- mous 1y canrLed. A l-ette:: dated L{ay 13, 1949, was read f}om K. S. Fltch, pirecto:r of Public l'{orks, requestlng that an e1lgible lLst for the positlon of a t::ee trirurer be establl,shed and that the,tempo::ary appolnt- rnent of Jack Garner"be extendea untit su6h an-eLLgit,te'liit tgdreatod. Because of the skll1 requLrod. in such a cLassificatlon and the lack of apptlcants fon the positlon, Councilman Slmonds movod that the employnent of Jack Garner be extended fon an ad-dltional thlrty days, seconded by Councllman DahJ. and unanlmous lycarrled. Councilman Simonds f\rrther moved that the Civil Ser:- vlce CommissLon be instructed to cneate an e118ib1e llst for the above position, as soon as posslble, seeonded by Councilman DahI and unanimous'! y carrled. A letter dated liay ].5, L949, was read. from K. S. Fitch, Director. of Pub1lc ld/orks :requesting that an addLtlonal- thlrty day perlod sLck Leave be extencled to J. Kelton. CouneLlman Dahl movedthat the request be g?anted and that additlonal thlrty day slck leave be granted J. Kelton from tl.e period to and includlng Ju.:ne 15, 1949, seconded by Councilman SLmonils and unanlmous Iy ca:r::ied. A letter dated Liay 13, 1949, was read from-K. S. I,ltch, Dlrocto:3 of Public ltlorks, subml-ttlng the appllcatlon of Ilenry K. Evansfor the posltlon of Trafflc LJngineer. The corrmunicatLon was re- celved and placed on file for fu::ther conslderation. ated Nay 6, !949, was read f?om E. L. Lincoln, Supe::lF Rec::eation, recommending the appointment flom the e1L- of a Supervlso:r of Recreatlon. Councilman SLmonds Aaron Jackson be appolntod as recornmendede seconded A letter dated LIay 4, L949, was nead from K. S. Fiof Public fy'orks recorunending that the resignation be accepted, effoctlve at ttre close of business 111a CounclLman Dahl moved that the resl6qnatl,on bo acce by C or:n c i-3-man Simonds and unanlmous Iy carried. tch,ofJ pted Dl-re ctor ohn R. Ross 1949. , seconded A letter dated tr{ay 13, 1949, r'ras r6ad f}om H. K. l1ihl te, Clty Cle:rk, roquesting that the -Clvi1 Service CoDnrissLon be lnstructedto hold an examlnation for the.posltion of Senior C1enk, andfiuther that an appointment effectlve June J., be made f':'om theel.igible llst for typist-cIerk for the remaLnder of the fiscalyesr. CouncilEan Simonds moved that the Civ11 Service Cormlsslon be iristructed to hold an examination for the position of Senior Clerk as nocommended, seconded by Councilman Dehl and unanlmous Lycarried. Councilnan Simonds firnther moved that Lll1lan crusenueyer ta,)1.) be appoLnted'to the positiori of typlst-cIerk, effectLve June 1, 1949for the remainden of the fiscal year, soconded by Councllnan Dah"L and unanimous 1y ca::ried.. A letter dated l(lay !2, !949, was read ftom f. Karnre 1 and Il. S. Fitch, recomroending that nefl contracts, establLshing new provlslons offec-tlve JuIy 1, 1949, be :revlewed. by ti-e Councll in the renevral of gar- bage and ref\rse col].ectlons wtth.ln the Clty of Bur.lingame. The sub-ject was referred to tho Finance Cornml.ttee of the -CouncLl for ltsstudy and report. A Letter" dated ],{ay 2, L949, was read from the Retlwood City Trlbunerequestlng lnformatlon as to ti"e City of Burllngamets plans ln ::e-gard to the 15th Annual San llateo County Flosta and t49-er Editlonto be published on the 11th of Augus t, 1949. Councilman Dahl noveilthat the communicatlon be ::eferred to the Chamber of Commerce to actln behalf of the City of Bunlingame, seconded by CounciJman Simonds and unanl-mous 1y ca::r,iod. A_letter dated IIal,/ 4, 1949, was ::ead flom trnrenty p?operty ounrers 1nthe vicinLty of ttre one thousand block on Lappna Avenue ln whlch theattentlon of the CounclL was directed to the open creek in the a1Ley between Paloma and laguna Avenues. "The letter fu?then requests that something be done bofore a traged.y occurs. The subject rvas referredto the Clt;r Englneer for hls lnvestLpgatlon and report at tho next miietlng of the Clty Councl1. The Clty CLerk was instructed to com- mu:rl cate the informatLon to the ::esidents. A-letter dated iiay 6, 1949, was read f?om Mrs. Alfhtld J. Blunerrequest:ing permlssion to present an educati6nal fllm on some datethe Councll may desLgnate. The letter was recelved and the CltyClerk instructed to thank Mrs. Blume:: fo:: her letter and erpress approcLatLon of hor. e fforts. OrdLnance ge. 479, entl-tled, rAn Ordinance Amendlng the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burllnganre by Adding Thereto Section 1286, I.tlaking it Unlawful to L{alntaln and ope::ato Card Rooms in the Cltyof Burllngane and ProvLdlng for Exceptlons Theretorr was gLven second reading. Councllman Slmonds moved the adoptlon of the fore- goLng ordlnance, secondod by Councllman DahL and unanlmous Iy adoptedby the followlng vote: Ayes i Comcilnen: Dahl-Love -S ir:ondsNoes: CouIIcilmen: llone ^ Absent Councilnen: i{arpe r-ilunt Reports of tire City Judqe, thc Police Department, the Fire Depar.t-nont and the Three Cities !,{osquito Abatement Dlstrlct, for the r.ronth of Aprl1, 1949, rvere read and ordered flIed. A'c1al-m agalnst the Clty of Bur.lLngame was read. from Kathleen C.Po::ter ln'tho amount of $1r50O.OO for inJuries sustalned ln thevlclnlty of 1L5O Hdward. Averrue, Burlingame. 0n motLon of CouncLl- rnan Slmonds, seeonded by Councllman Dal:-1 and unanimous Iy caruJ.edtho claim was denled. The elaim was referred to the Cltyts in- sLurance carriers. I,[ayo]: Love submLtted the follorvinli Councll coruirlttees for the 1949-1950 periodg ITIIAl{CE BUILDT]i6SAllan F. HuntU. S. Simonds John J. ilarpe? John J. HarpcrPeter Dahl U. S. SitnonPeter Ds}Il POLICE TAEAF-Dahl lT. S. SimondsAllan F. Eunt RECTiEATION U. S. Slmonds Pe ter Dalel F]RE Jonn J. HarpersAl1an F. Hunt Peter Dar]- 74 ClAimS Nos. 6904 to'7055 inclusl,ve were read and warrants ordered d:rawn on the Treasur:y fo:: thelr respectLve amounts, on motlonof Councilman Dah1r. seconded by Councllnan Simonds and unanl- mous Iy ' carrie d. oThere b^lng no f\-r ther business before the Council at thls tLme, the medtlng was adJou:ened on motion of Councilman Dah1, seconded by Councllman Simonds and unanlmo sly carrl-od. lln. H. v,I. Harde, 2103 Cannelita Avenuer questiofied the CouncLl ; as to what action hed been talren 1n a i'equest made Last August.to sbandon a por"tJ.on of Vancouver Avonue, south of Carmellta Avenue. lilr. Harde vras Lnfoimed that the Councll have instnrcted the city Engineer to submlt a report on hls lnvestigatS.on of the property and that it'would be presonted at the next regular Coun-ci1 meetlng. CouncLl$an Simonds moved tha t the Buildifig lnspector, the Clty Engi,neer and the Clty Attorney discuss and submlt an ordlnance perta5.nl.ng to the size of service pipe to be used j.n wate:r con- nect.ions from the meter to the house, seconded by Councllman Dah]. and unanlmous 1y carrled. Irlayor tove thanired. thoge in attondance for their appearanco at the meeting and extended an lnvltation to the residents of Bur- lingame HIIIs to Joln the Clty of Eut'llngame. llayop tror" f\rrther3 congratulated City Attorney Karmel on his efforts 1n behalf of the City of Burllngame ln re;;ard to the litlgation suit invblv- ing the'I{iLls Estate. City Attorney Karme 1 offened a few rvotds of songratulatLon to the Clty of Bur'lingame on l-ts success ln winnlng the l,rtlLlbraolitlgation sult and foretold of the expansLon of Burllngame in acqutrinp5 the doslrabLe land of the ]J111s Estate. For:mer CounciLrnan and X[ayor, L. He::bert Harrls, addressed the CouncLl, expressi.ng hls gratltudo on the out como of tho It1illbraolltigation. L[r. Harris also ca1led the attention of the resLdentsof Burlingame 8111s to the opportunlties they enj6y in the Cityof Burlln6qame by the use of the Public tlbrary and the recrcationalfacllitles of the Clty. Roy YJ. Seag::aves, representLng the Ray Park building contractor, Theo. G. Ii{eyer, addressed the Coirncil, urg:ing irsnediate lnspec-tlon and acceptance of the stroets 1n the Hay Park Subdivision. l,layor lJove advised Mr. Seagravesr that the str:eets rirould be Lnspected at an ea::Iy date and a :repo:rt would be forthcomLng by the next regrlar meeting of the City CouncLJ-o I'JATER,STRETS. StrlIIERS John J. Har?erU. S. Simonds Pe ter Dahl PARKS TRNSS John J. i{arpers A11an F. IIunt P6ter Dahl LIBRARY U. S. Simonds A11an F. Eunt Respectf'u11y submltted, 01ty Clerk /o^, Dan R. llayor til* Love,