HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.08.08L9? Burlin' ;ane, Cal lfo::nia Augus t B, I9SO An.adjourned meeting u.as held on t,i:e above glven date as peradJournnent of August Z, l9SO. h{eetLng caLied to orcler-at--B:45 p.m. - I,lal.,or love ln the Chair". RoLl Call-; Pnesent CounclLnen: Atwater-Hunt-Love_SinondsAbsent CouncLlmen: B)rrd C ouncilrnan Byrd excused drl1e o.tr vacatlon. Pu::suant to a ,equest *."dg by ttre co*ncil at the regular meetlngo! {u-Sg1t 7, 1950, to study tlds ::eceived for. tfre rEsu::iacingof callfornla Drive between peninsular. Avenue ana wot,itr- ian ",City Englneer I:*i teh and Clty Attorney Karme I submitted the-recorrnendatlon that the contract be i.wa::ded to the io* uraa"-the LowrLe Pavlng C ompany, Inc., of Sa:: ftancls"o .rE - ifru -"rrf:i' prlces quoted and in the- total 6strmated o*o""i-or $zeloe8.oo.counclhan Hunt thereupon introduced. and *o"Ja trru il"riie"'.rXesolutlon No. 2B-5O acceptlng the bLd end authorlzina theI;layor to execute the contract*wtth the Lov,nrte -p;;ifi--8.6;y, Inc., -i11. the specifled amo,nt, seconded by Counctr.i"-A;;;t;"and adopted by the *nanimous itftnmatlve vote of the nremberspre s ent. A ftu:ther recommendation rvas submitted by olty En6qineer trttchiid_gill Atto:rney r{a::meI that the contr.alt roi, trr;-r"pf""ur""tor yrater mai.ns on CalLforni.a Dr.Lve between penLnsula::' Avenueand Bellevue Avenue be avrarded the low bfaaerr-UreE T:-II;"Company, -Belmont, qt"the unlt pr"Lces quoted o,ia in tfie-iotaiesrtmated amount of !)!4r9ZT.ao. colrnci.l man slmonds lntroduced :?g i:y"9 th.e passago- oi Resotufi.on rtro. zg_so t;;;;tiil-;h;' :Io_rn__d authorlzing the lfiayon to exeeute the contr,ict ;ith the I: Il^t1131 gompany, ^seconded by Counelfu.ran Atwator and adoptedDy rr,e unanimous affirmative vote of ttre members present. Thecost of r:eplacement of the water mal ns to be obtairr"a I}o* ifruWate:: S injdnfl Fbnd. A comrnunlcatlon rlom the llre com,5,sslon, the Fine chief. the3:i1*re ITI-""toT: and. rhe clty Engineei,, aatea l,"c;,r;;-4, -ioso, lsas read. recomaonding the acceptance of :tre Stattoii No. l.Accompanylnil tle comnrnlcetLon- and also read we::e letters ilomcont::actor- I,loody J. Eenry and the a:rchl,tects, Strarps -r"a-nior", ad.vislng that rvl th a_few ncno:r -exoeptlorrs, trre cr ty- is- ,ar:ranteoL-n acceptlng the buildlng, subject io the',nde"si"iai"g irrr{the rnono:r adjustmrnts.be-rirado irtttrin a per'i.od or trrrrii davs.councilman sl,monds introduced and noved- the pas sa,1e -.i" ne" 6r"- -tlon^No. -5O-5O accepting the newly const::ucted Fine Station-No. 2 and author5-zing t[e srgning- and filing or irre ".ti""- "rcompletion. The motton was Jecoided by couici::nan Uuni-anA-adopted by the unanimousl affirmatlve iote of th;;;-xob;r;-fresent. Resol}tiql 1(o, 51-5O, ,Adoptlng plary!,g{ the Clty of Bu::lingamefo:: the Fiscal Year endirr$ June 2Or-19S1n, providi"g- f." ti,":pendityg .of .:izzrr;so.oij, was inlnoduceh Ly councitma" iri"twno moved Lts adoption, seconded by Councilmi.n Atwater and .car':rled by !!e unanlmous affiraatlire vote of tne merruors- fresent.L:ayor Love thanke d Counci}nan Hunt, Chal,*mn of the einanceComtlttee, -and membe::s of the Coun6l1 fo:: thel: "i""iil"t-i""_paration of the 195O-b1 Budget. OTdI,NANCE NO. 492 ENtltlEd, NAT'I ORDTI.IANCE RE}EALING SECTIONA25 OF TIItr ORDI}TANCE CODE Or rriE CITY OF BURI]I{GA},IE AldDADO}TII{G A NEW SECTIO}I 825 OF SAID ORDINANCtr COIM,_rriiNC ArUOESTABIJS}IING THE CI.ASSTTTCATTO1I OF POSTTIONS Or rf:PrOUtUVr---AND TIfi C0L{PEI{SATr0}I AND SALARIES T}iEREtrORr, was i"t"..i""iabr Cor:nc11man llunt and glven flrst readlng. 198 There belng no firther business the rneetlng rvas regularly atlJourned to meet on ll{onday, Augus t 14, 1950, at 8:00 p.m., on motlon of Councifman I{unt and seconded by Councilman .A,twater. BespectfUlly subnLtted, Ilerbert K. Whi teCity Clerk APPROVED: A,fi,'t#* Dan R. Love, J lJlayor