HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.07.17186 Bi:r1i-ngame, Callfornia July 17, 1950 A regular meeting of the Burlin53ame City Couircll was ?reld on tJre above given date, Eieeting ea1led to order at B:OO p.n. - I''iayor Love ln the Chai-r. RolI CalI: Present Councilmbn: Atvrater-Byrd-ilunt-Love-Simonds Abs ent Councilmen: Idone The r*inutes of -uhe'previor:-s r:eetj-n$ s1 July 5, 1950, as submitted to members of the Council and as posted on the Bulleti-n Board in the City I{aII v,/ere approved and aclopted on motion of Councikaan Iiunt, secondecl^ by Councilinan Atwater and unanimouSly canrled. l',ionday, July 1?, 1950r at B:OO p.nt. in the Councll Chambers of the City Ha11, was the tirrre ancl place set for a hear"1r1g on the petltion of Dr. 1ir. H. I:iarti-h for a variance in zonin,r3 of Lots 11 and 12 tn BLock 12, llaston Addition ltro. 2, proposi.ngl that the property be used as a lrledical and Dental Clinic. The City Clerk read a letter' d.ated June 5, 1950 fron the Burlingar:re City Plannlnp'; Coru:rlssi-on, advising that foLlovrln6; a Comraission hearing the Conunission voted that th6 variance {?om ttApartmentt' to t'Corrmercial'r be denj-ed. A eonraunicatj-on dated Liay 11e 1950, together with a Resolution, Yias also read ftorn the Ray Park Improvement Club urging t}:.at the City Council refuse tJee grantlng of a variance fon the establishrrrent of any business on ti:e lTest side of iJl Camino Rea] wit'hin the City of Burlingame. A further cornmunicatj-on dated July 1O, 1950, rras read frorn the Broadway Development Assoclation advising that the Associati.on y.ras in favor. of the granting of the variance, k. iY. If. I'Jartin, the petitioner, addressed the Council personally re-questing that considoration be given t):e proposal to i:emodel the present building to pnovide offlces fon several Doctors of iledicine and Doctors of Denistry. Dr. l.artin further presented reasons whyr in his opinion, the propenty would not be a satisfactory slte for apartments. i,irs. Lols J. l{ontgonreryr A137 EI Car,rino Rea1, addressed the Council and stated that if the varj-ance r{ere granted it wor-ild change the ci:.aracter of the City. irir. J. L. Rose, AA49 Balboa Avenue also addressed tire Cou.ncil stating that parking would be a problem. iiir. IId Ray, President of the Broadviay Develop- ment Association, and I,'1r. trif. E. Dunn, 1859 Broad-way, spoke in favor of the proposed varj-ance. Follovring the dlscussion, Councll- man Hunt moved tl:at the Council coneur in the recomiiiendation of the Planning Coriroission and that the request be denied, secondedby Oouncilman Simonds. Spealcing on the motion, both Councilman Siraonds and Councilman Byrd stated they yrere not ln favon of business on the tr/est Side of the iri.gl:vuay and, tt:erefore, lyerevoting that the petition be denied. trollowing a vote on the motion, the Gouncil unaninously denied the requ-est for the pro- posed variance. Pursuant to a published notice of sale in the City of Burlinsameof the inrprovenrents on Lot 5, Block 5, Easton Addition }io. 1, known as 1149 Capr"rchino Averruo, the City Clertrc opened and r.ead. the folLorvj-ng blds received; Joe liiasaro, 1OO1 Dnaice Avenue, Burlin3alne.............. {j;IrZSO.OO Arslie iIa1l, 265 California Drive, Burlingame........... $1r525.O0 Lois J. I',iontgornery, lL37 EL Camino Real, Burlinl:arl€orro i; 655.00 Iiartin liiiLms, 1551 Colunibus Avenue, Burli-ngame. . . . . . .. . (;;1, 11I. OO Elizabeth Daugirertyr .Burliniiali€.......... ......... o.... f 156.50 Cashierts ehecks accompanied the above bids. Councikaan Simonds moved tlr.at tkre bids be recelved and held forf\rrtner considerationr and a d.ecision be rend,ered at the nextregular nieeting of t.ire Corurcil, seconded by Councilman Atwater and unanj-rnous 1y cai:rie d. A comr,runiteatLon dated July 14, 1950, frore li. S. Fitch, Director of FubL:l-c 1Yor"}cs, r{as read transmitting a copy of plans and specifica-tions and cost estirrrate for the proposed reslr::fac:'ing,4 of CaliforniaDrive betvreen Peninsula Avenue to iiorth L,ane and rocomitrending t}:.at, if approved, bids on tire'wonk be invited for the next regular L87 meetlng on Augus t Res.ol-utlon No. 23 strbmitted f or. t'lre Peninsula Avenue -50.reto 1950. Councilrnan Simonds intr.odr-:.ced. , accepted the plans and specl-flcations assurfaclng of Cal-lfo::nia Drlve between ldor th Lane, seconded by Councilman Eun! andadopted by the unanLmous affLrnative vote of the Council. Councilman Simonds further. moved that bLds on Project i,lCS,41 beadvertised for accordlng to regula:: Iega1 procedure and to be opened at lrhe next ne1jrlar meeting of the Counc5.1, Au6rs t ?, 1950, seconded by Cou,ncil:nan B)'r d and r.manimously carr:Le d. A Ie tten frorn I(. S. Fttci:, Director of Pub1lc lllorks r dated July 14,1950, r,vas rea(L transnltting for Council consL deratLon, copy o.flthe plans and speclfications for the proposed water line replace-ment along Cal-ifornia Drive through the area v;hi- ch is soon to beresur"faced. If such plans ancl specifi-cations are approved, it'was recortrrended t1r.at bids be invited on the rvork, to be opened atthe reg;u1ar Council meeting of August 7, 1950. Questioned by theCouncilr-City Engineer ii'i tch advised that the vrater line replace-ment would be scheduled before the stroet is resurfaced in 6rden to_ avoid conflict betvreen the tvro contractor"s. Councllman Si-nondstn6r:eupon moved that the CouncLl accept the plans ana specitica-tions as-submitted, and introduced Resolutloir I,Io. Z4-SO', secondedby i;ouncilnan Ilunt and adopted bl. the lnaninou-s affir.r.:ralive voteof the Council members. Upon a llotlon introtluced by CouncilmanSlmondsr. seconded _by Councilman riunt and unanlnol.ls 1y carried, bidsrrere authorized advertised^ for, to be opened at the next re:;u1armeeting of the Councj-l on Augus t Z, 1950. + letter dated July 1,i,.19SO f? oin i.,. S. Fitch, Dl-rector of publLc lVorks, lyas read r.ecom:rending that the maintenance agreenent for1vo"k to be performed by the city on state I{ighruays ior the fiscal-yea:: 1950-51, be accepted by resolution. The leiter advised thatthe agreement is essentlally the same as previous agreements wi tht-he exceptlons that illoo. o0 less is allovred in flre ner,r agreerlentfor: worl< to be perfonnred on Skyline Drive; that annual.renewal oftfre agreement will not be reo,ui::ed; and that no provi,sion is maciofor the delegation of parl<ing regulations. CounLilr,ran Byrdintnoduced and noved the adoptioi of Resolution ]Io. 25-s6 approvingthe s.Ire-qment, se-conded-by Councllman Atvrater ancl unanj:trorsiycarr'lod by the afilrmative vote of flre members of the Councli. A letter dated July 8, 1950, from the Bu::linganre City planningcortrission was read advising that.a public hearing hi.o ueen rreraon tle peti-tion for. var.Lance of zone affecting prJpe::tJ, lnrown as lgt lAr -B1ock !, To''vn_of Bur,lingame, and aftei; i full irearlng,dlscussion, and conslderation flie Commission voted that thepetitjgn be^denied, as a se::vi.ce station on this property wouldbe v,rt thln 49O feet of another" scrvice station ano.l tirerc?ore, notin corr{iliance wi th the ord.inance. i.iayor love s tate,t trrai -a councilpub1lc hearLng would be scheduled and'he1d at the next regularmeeting of the CounclL on Au3ust Z, 1950. A letter dated- July 14, 1950, f:: ora Clty Clerk i'&ri te, r,ras readrequesting authorizatl-on to transfer special fr.rnds irom the street -I-mprov-e_men t_ fuld, the Parklng I.leter F\md, the l?ater r:bnd, and thei;iotor vehicle rtnd to the Genenar r.trna ai provided in the 1949-50budget. Councilman ilunt inf,roduced and moved the adopt5.on ofResolutLon ],lo. 21-50 autho::izing the city clerk to tr-ans fer specialf\rnds into the General F\rnd of the City, seconded. by CouncilmanByrd and unanimously carrled by the affirmatlve vote of ti:eCouncil members. A letter dateC July 10, 1950, fron the Burlj-nlanre Villagelriprovement Cl-ub vras read expresslng appreelatlon for t[e supportgiven I,n ob ta5.n5.ng -the l,rire fence for the Soutlr bounclary oi theVl11a3e plqy ground and Ln the actlvLties of the f16p3ey!r,:ent C1u_b.fl-re Clty Clerk lvas instructed to acknowledge receipi of the letter. A letter. dated Jul-y 14, 1950, l):om tire CLvl1 Ser.vice Comlissionrvas-read anno-unclng the result of a recent examination for policeofficer, as follows: 1, 4 I'larvLn 1Y Robert IAlIYed J Robent C . Rathert, 614.Ilip;l:Iand Avenue, San i.iateo. Dennett, 155-l- Parlc Roarl, Bu::1in;ane. !ena, 911 r,tfUr Avenuer'Sen Llateo. t(athsacl:, 51e crand E1vd. r San L.e.teo 188 On motlon of Councl Lman Atwater, socond€d by Councl lman SLmonds and unanlmous 1y car"ried, the above J.ist vas accepted and esta- bllshed as the eligible list for police officer. A lette::. dated July 6, L950, fi:om the Recreation CommlssLon was ::ead concerning a recent corr,nrnlcation from the Glrl Scout Councilof Central SeJr ]flateo relative to the posslble renovation of the old Guns t house in Washington Park and advlsing the Council that the Rec::eation CormrissLon is in unanLmous agreement that such a rostoration woulcl be total3.y inadvlsable. Councllman Sirnonds, Chairmsn of the Bullding and Grounds Committee, advl,sed ttrr.at follovrlng a meeting and a tour of the buildlng wi th members of the Executlve Board of the Girl Scouts, a decisLon vras roachedthat the prohlbltive cost of remodoling and maintaining the house necessitated wlthdrawal of the proposal that the Gunst'house be uged as Glrl Scout ileaclquarters. The City Cle::k read a lette:r f?on the Gi::l Scout' Council conffumlng CouncLlman SLmonds r state- nent anil expressing appreciation for cou::tesLes extended to theGirl Scouts. }fayor Love stated that the Councll was st1II con- slderS.ng the probleu of preservlng the o1d Guns t home landma::k. A letter dated June 26, L95O, frorn Claude }ieck was read requesting subdlvisl-on of L,ot 13, Block 1, Br:rlingarae Parlr I[o. 3 and re- fe::red to the Planning Commission for s tu-dy and recorrlendation to the Clty Cor:ncil. A request fYon Leo l:ri1off, 2315 Eas ton Drive, Bu::lingame, to sub- divide Lot 12, i31ock 57, Easton Addltion 1:lo. 6, rras reforred to the Plarrning Corm:ission for its attentlon. A letter from l.,'lrs. Faith Koepf' 808 El Camino Realr and dated July 11, 1950, was read requesting that attention be given to two trees ln front of the above premises vr'as referred to the Park SuperS.ntendent and the City Clerk lvas instructed to so notify Ilrs. Koepf. Reports f'rom the City Judge for the month of Jwle, the Publlc \a/onks Departnent for the month of l:iarch, and the iire Depa::htent for the montl: of June, 1950, r,'rere read and ordered fi1ed. A copy of a letter addressed to Ed Leis, Fire Chlef, flon the State of CalLfo::rria, Department of Education, w&s..::ead advlsLng that Reglnsl-d E. Ivioorby, ft:ri I A. Patsel, and lYende11 Trl. lvlason had c onrple ted the 5o-hour course in ttFLre Frevention and Sup-presslon given at the California Technlcal Institute of Fi::e Trainint, Oal<Iand, uall-forniar June 12 to 23 lncluslve - such course iiken on theLr ovyn tLme. The City CLerk lvas Lnstructedto vlrLte a letter of cormendation to each of the above men. A lette:: dated July 14, 1950, fr om the RocreatLon Cormi.sslon was read advislng of that Comrlsslonrs concurrence in the recomnen- datLon of Superintendent of Rec::eatlon Llncoln and Purchasing Agent FLtch that playground equipment for Ray Par"k be purchas ed as outlLned l-n a lettor add::essed to the Councll June 3O, 195O. Councllman Simonds moved.that the Councll concur ln the rocom- mendatlon of the Recreatlon Corulisslon, the Superintendent of Recreatlon and the Purchasing Agent and that the follorvin6 'items be purchased: Item Supp].ler Net PrLce $ 15o.oo 140. O0 280. OO 1, o25. O0 53. OO 115. OO 1. 2. 3. L 6. Rorvand lence Conpanyr lt Patterson t: liilllamsr Rolrand Irence Cor.rpany Total Dellvered Prlce $Lr?23.O0 The rnotlon was secondod by Councilman Atwater: and unanimouslycarrLed. FollorTing the suggestlon of Purchasing Agent Fltch, Councilman Slmonds further moved that the balance of S675.98 romalnS.ng Ln ttro Bond trtnd be referred to the Recreation Com- mLssion for a ::ecomnendation as to 1ts dlsposltLonp secondod I 18e by Councilman Atwator and unanimous Iy carrled. -The Clty Clerk was instructed to ascer.taln f?on the RecreatLon Com:rLsslon lfthat 6omnissLon had r.eceived a connnrnlcatlon llom the Ray Park Imp::ovement Club opposing the erection of bleabhens 5.n Ray Parkplayground. Resolutlon I,Io. 22-50 rrAmendinl Resolutlon adopted July 6, 1945t1authorlzin; the^deposits of any_ vri thheld taxes to be sent dfu.ect1yto the Federal Heser.ve Banlr at San ihancisco, California, ivasintroduced by Councilman Simonds urho moved iis adoption, - secondedby CouncJ.lnan Atwater and ad.opted by the uranlmous affirmativevote of the Councll members. Three proposals to conduct the Annl61 Audit f or the fi.s cal yearJuly 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950, r.rere received flonr the folloiring3 C. G. Ltrlenberg & Conipany. . ; . . . . . . . . .l:?OO. OO l',il11efo:rd,!r lYiltshire ....|:)S85.OO Dale F. liTo1fe. ..:... .....i?OO.OO Councllman Simonds noved that the co::tlfLed publi.c accountantfirm of lVllleford and lrYiltshl_re be awarded the pnoposal in theamount -of_iis85.OO, -.seconded by Councilman Atwatlr Lnd unanlnouslyca?ried. The Ctty Clerk was instructed to so notlfy the successfulbiddor. A buLletln dated June 29, 1950, Ilom the Public Utilitles Co!x-mlssion of the State of Callfor:nj.a was read c oncerning thedevelopment of a program on a pr.iorlty basls to effecl gr.adeseparations between raLlroads and public hlghways in Californlaand requosting that a rep::es entative be pneient- at a conferenceto be hel-d ln the Commisslonrs offtce in- San trtsancl_sco at 10 a.m. Augus t 1?, 1950, to pa::tlclpate Ln an lnformaL confo::ence onthat date. c ounc l,Lrmerl slmonds moved tlrat Iilayor Lovo be authorizodto attend the p:.oposed conference and that LIi.. Thonras F. L{cGulgan,President of the Burlingame Chamber. of Commerce also be nottf16d. ' of the -meet5.ng, seconded by Councllnan Byrd and ulani.mous 1ycarrLe d. Claims I{os. B9l-8 to 9055 tn the anount S46,894.29paLd and wamants dravm on the Clty T::easu::y fo::amounts on motion of Councilnan I{unt, seconded byAtwater and unanlmous 1y carried. Councilman Simonds moved that the City Attorney be instructed toprepare an ordinanco pertalnin3 to the registration of city_ounedbicycles and that a fee of .,],t. OO for a thiee-year period. b6included in the ordlnaace. The motLon v,ras seeoncled by councilmanliunt B.nd unaninous 1y carrled. llayor love submitted the ^name of L. B. I,iorgan, 164b Lassen Way,as a member of the H.r.e Coro:ais si on and upon motion of C ounci lmanSimonds, seconded by Councilman Atvrater, the appointnent wasunaninously confirued. Tlre appointraent of Robert Levy , J-224 Balboa Aru enu.or whos e namevras subntitted-by llayor Love as a membe:: of the Fire Conuoission,'rvas unanLmous ly confirrne d on motion of Councilman riunt anclseconded by Councllman S inonds. The appolntment of I[. R. i,ic1,T111an, 521 Almer Roa<lr as a Fir.eConu:rlssioner and as requested by Liayor Love, was unanimous 1yconfLnrlod on motion of CouncLlman Atwater arrd seconded byCoulcllman Simonds. were authorizedthe!: ::espectlve Councilman irlayor Love submltted the name of l{en::y I. Baccala, 9EZ ChulaVtsta Avenue, as a member of the C1vil Servlce Commisslon. Onmotion of Councl'I marr Byrd, seconded by Counci'lrrr€m .Slmonds theappoLntment was unanlmous ly confi::med. -.l 1eo Walter J. Gl11iam, 415 El Camino Realr lviros e name tas subrnltted by I;iayor Love, vuas rmani.mous 1y appointed as a mernber of the Civil Service Conmj.ssion on motion of Councl}itan Byrd and seconded by Counci lman Atlvater'. I\,la yor Love, on behalf of the Counc5.1, expressed appreciatlon and tharrks to F'iro Chief Lels and hls staff on the excellent demon- stratLon and display of equipment in the recent dedLcatory services of the new Drilf Towe::. Chief of ?olice Theuer vras also congratulated by the Council on the safety record awards recently p::esented to the City. Chlef Theuer, in turn, presented a fr.rrther award to the Council from ti-eliational Safety Council. Vern Lrogh, reporter on the San i.lateo Tlmes, vras congratulated onhls recent roarrJ.age. Councilman By::d cal1ed attention to trvo oxistLng haza?als wt thln the Clty; thb fir'st' coh'c'ern'tni-the. birck bbirrd fence at the Howard Avenue and Channlng Road play6round, and the second concorning p::oje'cting- l"bihfoi"bthb" i.bd's- h'ekt' tb the- Camer'a' Bhbp' on Broirdway. Tho City Clerk was lnstructed to notify the property ouner of the 0n motLon of CounciLman Atwater, secondod by Coixrcilman iiunt, Councllman Byrd was g:ranted loave of offi ce for the two r-egu].ar Councll meetings in Augus t. Councilman Slmonds offered ttre suggestion and lntroduced a motion that a letter be dLrected to Richard Graves, Executlvo Secretary of the League of Catifornla Cities, expressing Councl l appreciat!.on for the lnformatlve meetLng of Councilmen and Clty 0fflctals recently held ln Berke1ey. The motl.on ras socond.ed by Csungl lrlan Hunt and unanlmous Iy carrled. C ounc iLman Atwater suggested that speakers l?om CalifornLA CltLes bb engaged to speak at future moetlngs. Councihan Slmonds, Fresident of tfre of the League of California oltiesr was roquegte such speakers vrou].d be aval1ab].e. the League of Comrnission Peninsula DivLsLon d to ascertain If Reporting on the pi'ogress to date on off-street parkin!, Council- man Hunt, ChaLrman of the Off-street Pa::king Corutrittee, stated that work on 675 feet of Broadway and 5?5 feet north of BroadYray had been c ormrenced and flrtirer vroilr on CarmelLta and Rhlnette Avenues to relieve trafflc conditions on Droadvray would be com- menced s oon. There being no I\rrther business the mcetin5 vras re6ularly a4- journed on motion of Cor"rnci laan Atwatcr, seconded by tjotmcilman Simonds ancl rxranirnous Iy carried. Respectf\r11y su"bmitted, Iierbert I(.Clty C1srtr te AIPIlOVBD: //*d-w Dan R. Love, Jr.Ilayor