HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1949.02.2844 Burllngame, C allfornla FebruarT 28, 1949 A specla1- meeting of the BurlLnga:ae Clty Courcll ca11ed at theregular meetlng of Febn:.ar1r 7 , ).949, was held on the above given date, for the purpose of holding a hoaring on the appllcatlonof E. J. and Jean Roussey for peruisslon to subdlvlde certainIots ln the City of Bu::Ilngame. l,ieeting cal]ed to order at 8: oO p.m. - ],Iayor Simonds j.n the Chalr. PoLl Ca11: Pr.e sent - Councllmen: Dahl-I{arper-Ilurt-Love-SlnondsAbsent - Councilnen: lione The Clty Clerk read the petitlon subnltted by E. J. and Jean Roussey, requesting that certaln par.cels of land be subdlvl d.e d., descrlbed as Lots 4 and 5, Easton Addition to Burllngame lic. 2. Richard P. Lyons, attomey repre sentl,ng the petltioners, a ddnessedthe Councll otatlng that the petitloners d.esired to subdivideLots 4 and 5 ln such a manner so as to cr€ate a third lot. ft{r, Lyons ca1Ied attention to the fact that Lot 4 and Lot 5, f aclng on Easton DrJ.ve, have an erea of more than fLve thousand feet and each of saLd parcels have a frontage of 5O.31 feet, and lf per- mj-qsion were grented, the proposed thl::d parcel would face on Cortez Avenue and uould st1II be of an area ln access of the nlnlmrirn as requlred by the Unlforu Bulldlng Code. The petLtloners prcpose further to sel1 Lot 5 and have therofor reserved en ease- nent for running setrer 11nes from the proposed nev 1ot, to EastonDrive. Mr. Lyons stated that if a permit were granted, a buildlng would be constructed on the proposed new l-ot in keeping wlth the residences in the neiglbo:rhood and rvhlch would not vlolate the zon5.ng laws of the City. I{r'. Albert Thompson, 1285 Cortez Avenue, addressed the Councl,l and stated that hls nai n obJectlon flas Ln regard to the se!/er: connection and ln vlew of ttre condLtl-on nowexistlng in that neighborhood., lt was his opinlon that there woufd not be sufficient flow. Questloned on thls polnt, C ity EngineerFitch advlsed that the sewer 1ater.a1 so constructod does c onformto the re qui rement of one quarten inch to the foot. I{r. Carl A.Nordland, 16O9 Easton Drive and }ir. George J. C I1ne, 16O4 EsstonDrive, both protested the divlding of large lots into smnI1 rprcels.Following a l\rther dlscussion, Councllman Dahl stated that ln hlsoplnion the protestants should be glven consideration and that thelots shou'l d nemaLn as origlnally subdlvided. Counci.lrran Lowe alsoconcurred Ln CouncL lr:ran Dahl t s statement. CounclLaan llarper there- upon moved that the application for permlssion to subdivide thelots in questlon be denied, seconded by C owrcl lnan Dahl and followinga ro11 ca1l, the motlon carried by the r:nanimous. afflnnative vote.of the Councl l nembers. There being no fu::ther buslness before the Councll at this time,Councihan DahI moved that the meeting adjourn, seconded by Councikoan Harper and r:nanlnoEsly cerried. Respectfully subml tt€ d, RI i'JHITE APPiiOVED: Z U. S. Slnonds, Jr. &layor Clty Clerli t