HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.07.03182 Bunllngame, CallfornlaJuly 5, 1950 A regular meetlng of the Burlingame City Councll was held on the above given date. Meetlng calIed to order at 8:25 p.!c., - tho Councll havlng sat first as a Boand of Equallzatlon, as requ!-red by Iaw. Mayor Love 1n the Chair. RoIl Call: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Love-StmondsAbsent - Councllmen: None The minute s of the prevlous meeting of June ]9, 1950, as submittedto members of the Councll and as posted on the Bulletln Board Lntho Ctty Ha11, were unanimously appnoved and adopted on motlon of CouncLlman Hunt and seconded by Councilman Slmonds. A corununlcatlon dated June 28, 195O was read from the Board of Fllre Corraisgioners recommending that bids be called for thefollowing Ltems: I,OOO feet of 3tt hose; 21000 feet of 2|n hose; 11000 feet of I$rt hose, all of which are covered in the Bond'Issue. There being no obJections, the subJect vras held ln abeyance unt11 further discussion was held with the Councll, tho Ei r.e Ctrief and the FLre Conmlssion. A Jolnt communlcatlon dated Jrrne 29, 1950 was nead from Flre ChlefLols and Clty Engineer Fitch recommendlng that a crew of men be employed to cfear easements ln North Burlingane ln order to eIlml- nate the serlous flre hazard. Councl lman Byrd moved. concurrenceln the recorrnendation with the stlpulatlon that the Ctty Englnoer be instructed to notlfy the property ownors concerned at l-eastten days beforo the actuaf work ls begun. The motion was secondealby Councllman Simonds and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated June 30, 1950 was read from the Bu:r1lngame City Planning Cormdssion notifying the Courrci1. that after due consj.-deration the members of tho CommissLon had voted unanimously to recommend that the request of Leo C. Fagan to resubdivide hisproperty on the corner of PenlnsuLa Avenue and Bloorfield lload be granted. Mayor Love, speaklng in behalf of the Coulcil, stated the commrrnl catl on would again be referred to the Planning Connlsslon as ln the oplnion of the Council, proper 1ega1 pro- cedure had not beon fol1owed. The City Clerk was lnstructed to so Lnfo:rm the Planning Cornmission. A communl cation dated ftr.ne 20, 1950 was read from R. C. Theuer,Chief of Po1lce, reporting on a survey made ln response to arequest from property orrners to place boulevard stops to stopthe traffice on Hovrard Avenue at Dwlght Road and again at Hr:mboldt Road. It was the recomrnendatlon of the Chlef of Pollcethat no slgns be installed, but that a rigid enforcoment 1n this area be affected. Cowrcilman Simonds moved concurrence ln the reconmendatlon as submltted by the Chlef of Po11ce, and seconded by Councilman Atwater. Speaklng on the motion, Ray N. llTheelor, Mrs. Clinton V. Ervln, and J. C. Cross, rosidents of that anea, addressed the Council and requested further conslderation to thelnstallatlon of the stop signs, polntlng out that Hov'rard Avenuoln partlcular is belng used as a speedway and a t€sting streetfor cars after brakes are fixed. Followlng considerable dis- cusslon, the motion lntroduced by Councilman SLmonds was unanimously carried. Councllman SLmonds also lnt::oduced a furthernotlon that the Pollce Department make a further lnvestigatlonin substantlation of the facts presented by those l-n attendance and those In the original petition. The motion was soconded by Corrnci]'man Byrd and r:nanimously carrLed. A letter truas read from K. S. .l'itch, Director of Publi c l'y'orks, dated Jrrne 22, 1950, recomnending that the contract lmprovementsto the Ray Park Rec:.eational Area penformed by Frank I/. Smith, be accepted, and the flna]- payment ln the amount of $11792.37 be made thlnty-flve days after the fil-tng of the completion notlce,also subJect to tho final Councll acceptanco. Councllman Slmonds r 1-83 stated that the entL::e nork has been reviewed by the Councll_ andfound to be satlsfactorT and thereupon moved. concurrence In the recommendation submitted by the Dlrecto:: of Public Ylorks, seconded by Counctlman Hunt and unanlmously carried. A communicatlon dated June 50, 1950 was read f::om I(. S. Fltch,Director of Publlc VJorks, submi ttlng plans lndicating th6 outlineand proposed. parklng dlagram for off-street parking facilitLesat the Southern Paciflc Company Depots at Broadvray and at Burll-ngame Avenue, and reconmendlng that if lt meets with Corlncl1appnoval, the Engl-neering Office be instructed to pr.ocoed. withthe necessarT plans and specificatlons to invite blds on thework. The conmunication and subject matter was referred to theOff-Street Parklng Commlttee rrlth povrer to act with the CityEngineer. Coixrcilman Hunt, Chairman of the Off-street PankingConnrittee, explalned. that the proposal as submltted does notal1ow for an addttion space of a ZO-foot str"lp of trees - thatnight be uti1lz€d - and the Con:rdttee theroupon wlshed tofunther study the plan. A comrurJ. catLon from K. S. eltch, Dl:rector of ]ub]lc llfo:rks 1dated Jwre 50, 1950, was read, subnittlng a plan for the pio-posed extenslon of Callfornla Drlve from Dufferln Avenue to Ml11br.ae Avenue, and ad.vlsing that upon Council approval ofthe p1ans, a Iegal descnlptlon of the aJ. lgrxment would be pre-paned for subnrlsslon to the lttlLls Estate. The letter wasauthorlzed held fo:r further study. A lette:r from K. S. F'ltch, Dlrector of Publlc Yrtorks, datedJune 50, 195O, was read. submittlng proposed revl,sions to theClty Ha).I Offlces wlth the suggestlon that the Englneeringoffice bo lnstructed to prepare more detailed plans andspeciflcatlons for the advertlslng of bLds on the work. ThesubJect was referred to the Bulldlng es?rmlllss of the Cotu.rc iIto dl.scuss the plans furthen wtth Clty Englneer mtch. .Pursuant to a request from K. S. Fitch, Director of public Works, ln a letter dated June 30, 19bO, CounciLman Ativatermoved that the extension of sLck leave-for Iri:rs. Agnes Bernlnger,Wator^Department emp1oye9, for a perLod of one moith, conurenfln!June 26, be grant6d, with pay, seconded by Councilman Hunt and - unanS.mously carried. A report dated. June 23, 1950, was recelvod anWatson, Bui1dlng Inspector, on the invostigatin the various flrst residentlal zones wlthlnreport was ordered filed.vrith lnstructions threport be nade at a Later date. 4 Jotnt recormendation from Ll. !. Llncolnr- Superlntendont off,$ecneatlon, and K. S. Fitch, purcha slng Agentl dated Juno 3o,1950, was read submittlng items to te purchas6d. fon the RayPark Playground equJ.pment. Actlon was wlthhel_d and the CliyClerk was instructed to submit the recomnendation to theRecneatlon Coumission fox lts approval before final CouncilactLon. A lstter dated June 29, 1950, from the California StateDepartment of Educatton, was read erpressing appreclatlon tothe City of Burllngame for the serviles of Ftr;man Edward. l{.Mat't for the past three months in assLsting the state DepanimentIn tho. frado and Industry Flre Tralning prdgram. I1ayon iove,on behalf of the Cowrcil, also expressea Ufi appreclitlon andcong::atulatl ons to Fire Chief Lels for the flne- servl-cesrendered by Fi reman lfatt. A request from Jolrr Delacassa, 114 Vlctorlight in the center of the Bl_ock on VLctoat this time, City irhgineer Fitch advislnit was found that this particular light isindlar lnsta]lations are rna de along thethat vi cini ty . iaria d ::ead from Jame sions of vlolatlonsthe City.' Theat a subsequent Road, f o:: a street Road uras deniedhat upon lnve stlgati onof warranted un].e sser long blocks ln gtsn oth -.l A questLon from l.,eo C. Fagan as to hls status at the present, followlng Councll actlon to agaln refer hls request for a re sub- dlvlslon to the Plarurlng Comnisslon, resulted ln a further revlew by the memberq of the Councll. Followlng consldenabJ-e dlscusslon on the subJect, Councilman Simonds Lntroduced a motion to concu:: in the Plannlng Conmlsslonts recomnendatlon of approval of' the resubdlvision, with the followlng enr:merated stlpulatlons: 1. That the applicant submit a nap prepared by a licensed Clvil E:gLnee::, suoh map to be filed according to provlslons of the State SubdlvLsLon }ilap Act; 1.84 2. That the house to be moved on the 1ot in question confoml to t]-re side Ilne set back of fourteen feet on the west side of the property line; 3. That written approval- be obtained from the property ovrner on the west side of the propertY; 4. That although perroission be granted to'erect the f orms for the foundation, the Contractor shall not be allowed to pour concrete lnto the forrns until the required nap and adjoining property approval is filed; 5. And that City Engineer Fitch confer with l.r. Fagan \'/hether or not the above provisions have been met prior to the issuance of a permit The motion was seconded by Councilman Hrmt and wraniroously ca rrie d. Questioned as to the progress made on the cornpletion of the pro- posed }larsten Road proper:tles In Broadwayl Clty Lkrgi,neor Fitch itated that the road and irtprovement s are as yet not completed, and although a map has been filed, it has not been accepted. Al-so questioned to report on the street repa5.rs program, City Enginoer Fltch advised as follorvs: 1. That plans havo been subrnittod to the State concerning traffic signals and lighting installations betvreen ?eninsuJ-a Avenue and ltrorth Lane on California Drive; 2. Blds vrill be ready for the replacement of 'fiate r I'iains on California Drive by the 17th of July; A letter dated June 26, 1950, was read from the City of Mercod requesting the servlces of the Cltyts Fire Alarm Electrlclan, !'!'alter B1r:rrier, to assist the City of Iflerced ln the installatlon of a complete new flre alarm system during the eomlng rconths. The letten further advised that the Clty of lierced would tako care of L{r. B]-umert s expensos whlle Ln that City and would also handle hls ::ogular re tl rement contri.butions. on motlon of Councllman Atwater, seconded by Oouncilmn Byrd, and unanimously can5,ed, the request was gr:anted. 0n further motlon, Councilman Slmonds moved that Wal-ter Blurner be granted a slxty-day feave-of- absence, wlthout pay, seconded by Councllnan Hlrnt and unanimously canrled. The Clty Clerk was inst::ucted to advlse the City of IUercod to lnclude irir. Blumer 1n its Componsation Insurance cov€r- age, as he is so covered while ln the eruploy of tho Clty of Burllngame. I{ayor Love advisetl that dedlcatorry .services would' be perfo:rmed at-the newly constructed DrIlI Tower on Californla Drive, Sunday, July 9, 1956, at 1:OO p.n. and lnvlted tho public to attend the ceremony, as well as the revlew of ths Fire Depantmant Personnel. Under the heading of Ur:f lnl she d Businoss., Clty Englneer Fltch advlsed that plans and speciflcatlons for the constructlon of a draftlng pit have been prepared and were ready for Councll 9Pp:ro-va1. .Actlon was delayed untll the next regular meetlng of .the Counci 1 . 185 3. Plans for the resurfacing of Callforrrla Drive from Peninsular Avenue to tselIevue Avenue w111 be subraitted before the 17th ofJuly. Plans for the balance of the proposed vrrork ivithiri the City vuiJ-l be f orttrcoming late $ummer and !'a11. The City Clerk read the results of the 1949-1950 inventory ofthe book stock of the Burlingame Public Library. The follovringflgure as of ii{ay 31, 1950: Grand Tota} both branehes - B5r2gS. Counellman Simonds was congratulated on his appointrnent asPresi<ient of the Board of Trustoes of the San i:,iateo Junlor Col1ege, Councilman Atlvater, appointed by ii,iayor Love to act as Chaj-rrnanof a commj-ttee on the vrrideni-ng of Chapin Avenue, reported thata meeting would be held possibl$ the weel< of July 10. There being no further busi.ness, the meeting vras adjourned onmotion of Councilman liunt, seconded by Councilman Bynd andunaninously earried. Re spe ctfully submi tted", Herbert K. Vfhite-City Clerk. APPROVED: t*/t.q obt<- Dan R. t"ov;f;.unv