HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.12.17334 Burllngame, Callfornla December: 17, l-951 A regular meetlng of the Burlingame City Council was hefd on tbe above glven date. Meetlng calLed to ordor at 8:0O p.m. - Mayor Atwater ln tbe Chaln. RoII Callr Present - Courlcl lmen: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-IJove-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: None Tbe nlnutes of the prevlous meeting of Decembor 3, 1951, as sub- nltted to members of the Clty Councll and as posted on tbe Bulletln Board ln the Clty H411, were unanlmously approved on motlon of Councllman Byrd and secondod by Councllman Slmonds. A letter dated Novenber 26, 1951, f:rom the Burlingame Recr€atlon Commisslon, subnlttlng a report on improvement s mad€ to the Ray Park ptayground aroa, was read and ordered fIIed. A letter dated Docember 15, 1951, was read from G. J. Ma:r:r, Dl-rector of Pub1lc Works, subudttlng coples of the Thi-rd Supple- mental Memorandum of Agreement for expendi ture of l/4y' Gas Tax for State lllghways, for Councll approval. The lette:: lnforaed the Councll that the agreement ls for the purpose of allocatlng avallable funds fon tho resurfaclng of EI Canino Real wl thln the clty 1lmlts of Burllngame. A letten, dated November 16, 1951, was'also nead. from Jno. E. Skeggs, Assistant State Hlghway Engln- 6er, ln reply to the Clty of Burltngame t s nequest that the avalL- able funds be alLocated for the purchase of rlght of way on E1 CamLno Real, and advlslng that the State ls unable to necommend the purchaso of nlght of was as proposed. No action was taken and the subJect was referrad to the Clty EnSlneo:: and to tbe Clty Attorney for further study. A comblned letter from tls Flre Chief , the Bu1ld.ing fnspector and tbe Health Depa::tmont, dated December 11, 1951, was read, reportlng on an lnvestigation nade of a Sarage on Charurlng Road and Eowaid Avenue, punsuant to a Councll request. The report lndlcated that the bulldlng 1s 1n a state of disrepal:: and' does not conf orm to cr:ruent bulldlng regulatlons and standards. The Bullding Inspector was lnstrrrctetl to request the owner to effect the necessary change s to conform to butldlng regulatlons andthat a r€port be subml ttecl to the Cowrcll at the next reguaar m6 oting. A lettor dateal November 30, 1951, was read from M. A. I''awcott, Asslstant Dlrector of Civl1 Defense, together vrrl th a letter fnoa E. H. El11sr Clty Electnlcl"an, reconmend.lng the acceptanco of the Telephone Companyt s suggostion that a clrcult be arranged to eI- lmlnat€ a posslble energlzing of the control circult operatlng tho slrens atop the PenLnsula fheatre and the Hll1slalo Reservolr. The Cor:ncl1 wa! advLsed that an addltlonal cost of $4.0O would be added to the exlstlng $8.35 nontbly servlce charge. Councll- man Slmonds moved concurrence wlth the :recommendetlon and thc Clty Englneer wes authorLzed to p::oceod wlth such errangements as may bo necessarlr, seconded by Councllmgn Hunt and wtanlmously carrl e d. A letter dated Decenbe:: IO, 1951, was read from R. C. Theuer, Chlef of Polico, subnl ttlng the reslgnation of ltll ss CarBelEutght, typlst Clerk ln the record roon of the Pol1ce Depart-nent. The resignatlon was accepted on motlon of Councllman Slmonds, secondod by Councllnan Hunt and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated December 13, 1951, was read from oito Meltz,proprletor of Otto Meltz--Slgns, submittlng a protest to tbeClty for lts fal lure to subnlt bids for lotterlng work Ln frontof the mEln flro house on Callfornl.a DrLve, whLch work was award- ed to an outsido the city concern. In an explanation to }lr. Meltz, present at the meetlng, Mayor Atwater statod that the Councll ln awardlng the bld, had concurred 1n a recomtendatlon submltted by the Flre Chlef and tho Fire Conrnlsslon and lt was r . presumed by the Cor:ncl1 that lnfomal blds had been submLtted. [{ayo:r Atwaten contl-nued by stating that the Flre Chlef has mad.e a publlc statement that an orror had occurred ln tbts lnstance. tvtr. Meltz thereupon addressed the Councll and questloned the course of actlon the Councll may take Ln futu:re transactlons. Followlng considerable dlseusslon, Councllman Slmonds moved that the Counetl conflran a pollcyr pf,CIsently ln exlstence, that all Coumiselons and Dopartment Heads obtaln bids or quotations on eontemplated purchases ln the amount of $5O.OO or over. The motlon was seconded by Councl].man Byrd and earrLed.--Councll:aan Hunt voting nnot' on the motlon. A lettor dated December 2, 1951, wss read from Earl M. Marston, l4O4 Alvarado Avenue, ard slgned by a number of resid.ents 1nthat vlelnlty, cltlng a hazard at the Intersection of Hillslde, .A,lvanado and Elllside Circle, due to lnadequate stora sew6rfaclllttes and reeommendlng that an investlgatlon be mado and steps taken to corroct the sltuatlon.. Forqer Mayor George T. Coloman, addressed the Council, statlng that the problem was the concorn of both the Clty and the Coi:lty, but the eonditlon shoul-d be remedled. The City Engineer was lnstructed to subrnlt a report to the Counell at the next meettng. Mr. Coleman also thanked Park Suporlntond.ent Anderson for hls immediate responseto an emergency calJ' j-n connection wlth a hazardous tnee con-dltlon durtng a recent storm and ::equestod that as soon aspossible, he would appreclate the removal of the entlre tree.fhe subject was :refenred to the Park Superintendent. , Roponts for the month of Noveuber, 1951, were read and ack- uowled.ged from the Flre Department, tbe Clty Judge, the Do- partnent of Publle Works, tbe Police Department and the Pub1lc LlbrarXr. A memo dated December 10, 1951, was read from G. J. Marr,Dlrector of Publtc Works, requostlng the addltional nLnety day appol-ntment of Mr. J. B. Dawson, draftsman ln the Englneertsofflce. The hocommendatlon nas concurred ln on motlon of CouncLlnan Slmonds, seconded by Counclknan Hr:nt and unanimously carrled. Resolution No. 65-51, nDeclard.ng Noxlous and Dangerous Weeds and RubbLsh a Nutsancetr and schedullng Monday, January 7, 1952,at 8 p.!1. r BS the time for a heard.ng on obJectlons to t he pro- posed removal of such weeds, was Lntrodueed by Council-man Hunt who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Slmonds and adopted unantmously upon ro11 ea}l of members, U}IFINISIIED BUSINESS I L. The subJect on Servlco Club signs, proposed to be erected at the entnance to Burltngame, was held untll a report is sub- rnltted by the CornmLttoe. 2. Pank SuperLntendent Andorson advlsod that pursuant to an lnspectlon made of an acaela tree frontlng the prernlses at 11q6 Capuchino Avenue, lt was d.etermlned that the tree lnquestlon did not create a hazard, but that hls d.eparhnent had. trlmred. tho top and sldes. The Clork was lnstnucted to sonotlfy the o\isner. 5. Charles E1let, owner of the property at 3L4-524 Lorton Avenuerwas advlsed that the proposed plans as subaltted, to members of the Councll, had been apprrved and would. be accepted.provlded. that the rean of the premLses Ls placed ln a eondltlon approved by the Flre Chlef, the Bullding Inspeetor and theIIeaIth Department. Mr. Ellet was also requostod to submit plans and speclflcatlons to the Bulldlng Inspector for approval. On motlon of Councl}nan Love, seconded. by Councll^man Byrd. and unan- lmously eanr"led, the subJect was eontj-nued for an addltlonalslxty days, , 4. Actlon on tho proposed. Rules and Regulatlons of the Fire Department was held untll the next regular meetlng. CLalms, ![os. 1442 to 1586 lnelusJ.vc, with the exceptlon of 335 336 voldod clalmsr Nos. 1512, 1579, 1575, 1574 and. 1575, were epprov- ed. and warrants ordered drawn on the Clty fneasurXr for theLrrespeetive amountsr otr motlon of Councllman Love, seconded by Cotlrrcllman llunt and unanlmously camled. Sayor Atwaten, speaking on the subJoct of enforcement of the City Dog Ordlnance, advLsod that the Poundmasten has been vested wlththe proper: authorizatlon to license all dogs wlthln tbe City of Burling&ra€ r Poundmaeter Gard.lner, present at the meeting, thankedthe Cowrel-I for 1ts cooperatlon. Students from the San Mateo JunLor College were intnodueed. and. welcoued by Mayon Atwater. Mr. ]filllIlam Roese, member of the Three Cltles Mosqulto AbatementDlstrlet, was lntroduced. Mayor Atwator eomplLmented the Recreatlon Department on the ex-cellent nanner ln whlch e recent program at t he Burllngame Hlgh School was conducted.. In bohalf of tho members of the Councl1, Mayor Atwator extended. Hollday Greotlngs to the eittzens of the City of Burllngame. There belng no further businosse the meetlng was adJourned at9:3O pcillr on motlon of Councl}nan Sfunonds and second.ed by Councilmen lhrnt. Re spe ctfully submltted, }IERBERT K. WHITE.Clty Clerk Approved: H.ATlIl'A Mayor I -