HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.11.19r 327 Bu:rlinga.ne Novemb er. 1 C al ifonnla 19512 t A_ r'egrlar: meetlng of the Burllngame above glven date. liee ting ca1led toAtwator' ln the Chal:r. City Council was held on theorder at B : OO p. m. - I.iayor RoIl Cal-1: Present - Councllmen: A twater-Byrd-H11n1-love-S lnonclsAbsent - CouncLlnen! I,lone The nLnutes of the previous r:LeetLng of November s, 19sr, as submittedto mernbers of the Clty Council and as posted on the Bulietin Board ^in th9_ Cit;r_Hsf1 were unanLrnous 1y apprtved and aaopted or. -*otl"" ofCouncllnan Love and seconded ly Councffman I{unt. A letter dated l,jovenrbel 16r_ 1951, was read from G. j. llaru, Directorof Fubric Ylorks, adv!.slng irrat tne Flre chief r."s'"eo-""si"li l" publicviorKs ,epartrlent to proceed wlt,l" plans and speci.flcetions ior theprlrpos e of advertislng for the constructlon of a arafi-pit-"t pl""statlon IJo. 1- The councir. was requestea to issue-ir." iiJ"uI"""yautho::lzation to a1lovr for the advJr-tislng of the blds. As-ttre pI-anshave.been slightly a.ltered since originaliy appro""a !v tire ltre :?111"-"ig",.the citv clerk wes instr[cted to irbtrry ur6 rtre conr"rrs-s10n lo a:ain revlew tkre present plans and subnr.t i recomrend,ationto the City Council. A letter dated lTovember 16, I9S1, was read fnom theCommisslon submittlng the io11owin63 eliglble 1lstsrocent examLnatlons: CLvil Senviceas the r.esu_It of RECIiEATTOI.I SUPERV TSOR: 1. Joseph A. Zleminskl2. I'trs. Evelyn Bledsoe CLENK-STEI{OGN,APHM I'lrs . Jearu:e C. We;dorff[Ir's. Helen J. V{ade IJyrtle I?oad, BurllrylameCandlestlck Itd., San FrancLs co I 2 241 206 oo 9B ancroft Rd. , Burlln,rrame oba::t Avenue, San Lia teo 1. I Garth D. E::Lckson Joseph l'/. Quadtfril1lam C. Ros s uTrLrtY tlAlt: 1O4O l1y61'ysess Drlve, .San Carlos _ 8O7 .Acacla Drlvg, Birrlingame 1555 Burllngame Ave., Bur.Iingame 1. D ioseph Ti1l11an Quadt BO? AcacLa Drive, BurlinganeAnthony I. Cir"elli pE3 Llastick Avenrle, S;;-E;;" above lLsts were u.nanlmous Iy accepterr on notl0n of councr}nanand seconded by Councllman- Byrd. A letter dateC November,.14, 19b1, lvas read from G. J. Lla*, Directorof.h-rblic !,,'orks, reouestili that'trvo "ppoi"t.ru"t='t"'.,'o["'iror,.r thee11gib1e rellister for. utilitymen ln thl'street o"pr"t"""t ..ro ttrt o.,"appolntrnent be nade from_the ellgible 1is t fon gro,_.,na;",rn in trr e rartDepar"tment. councilman slmonds ioved concu*ence vri th the reconrnenda-tl'on and that the requests.for two -appor.ntments uncler -trre re:istrationof ut111ty:ren and one appolntrnent fo::'qr.ounclsnan-i;;-;";;;"4; ;;;;;;;;"by Councllman Love end i,-nanlmous 1y cariiecl. 1arth D.' Erickion, IIo. 1o" !+g eliglble ]is t for Groundsrni.n rnras unanino"" ry "ppoi"i"a to tt u.tposition on motion of councilman siraoncls, secondecl- rry' "c o..n" i rr,an iluntand u-naninously carrLed. Councilman S:.m6nAs furtfre r" mcv"A - if."appolnt.en-t of- Joseph 1'/i 11r ar'.: euadt and antr:ony- il-ci""iii, rIo. r_ anclllo. 2.oD the eIi;ibIe 1lst for Utilltymen_ in the Stpeet Dcpartnent, ?:"::.1:: lI ::ll:}+Tan Love and unaniilousr.r carried. rt uls relu]ar_r-y moveo oy Uounclfman Simonds, seconded by Councilnan iov.-ana,nani*ous 1y carried that. the ioreS0rn; appointrnents becone efiective)ecember 1, 1951, and subject to [fre usual Ctvil Serr.ice ftrles andile lulations . The Love frorr the Civil Service -year of ttle curuent e11:.;ib1e A Ie tter dated I'Iovember 16, 1951, l,ras readComml,ssion reques ti-n51 the renewal for one 328 llst for Policernan, established December 4, 195O. Councllman Slmonds moved concurrence wlttr the r:ecommendation and that tho cur-rent list be malntalned unt11 December 4, !952, seconded by Councllman. Hunt and. unanS.mous Iy carnled. A letter dated November. 16, 1951, was read from the Civil Service ConmLsslon wltlr referenee to a request origLnally submitted by the Recreatl,on Commission that the classiflcatLon of nPlayground Custodianr be elirnlnated and a new classifLcation fo:: rRecreation UtlLtty l'lanrr be establlshed. The CivlI Senvlce ComrnLssLon recom- mended'that any changes In the Salary and Classifl,cation Ondlnance be consi<lered at such tlme wh6n an annual survey and adjustments ane made for the 1952-53 budlet. Councll.rnan B;rrd moved concurrence rvith the recornmendation of the Clvll Service Couunission, seconded by Councilman Sj.monds and unanLmous ly carrled. A letter dated November 16, 1951, vras z.ead f::om R. C. Theuer, Chlefof Police, reportlng favorably on an Lnvestigation wittr reference to the Rudd Bulck Corrpanyt s request to contLnue operatlon.of the used ca::1ot at 1220 Howa::d Avenue, foruerly malntained by tlre Horra::d Bulck Company. Councilman ilun t moved concurence lvi ttr the reconnendatlon andthat the applicatlon be approved and granted, seconded by Councllman Simonds and unanlmously camled. A letter dated liovenrb er L4, 1951, was read fnon iilrs. L. Josephine Larrg, requesting Council consLderatlon in the immedLate improvements to Ca:rolan Avenue, particularly that po:rtI-on that 1s ln use and ln need ofgradln3 and rocklng. l,'layor Atwater s tated that City EnJ;Lnee:: I.larr ispresently giving thou;ht to the Carolan Avenue ?roject and that thesubject woulti be temporarily tabled untl1 such time as a ::eport ls A request from the Burlingame Llunicipal ftrployees I Assoclatl"on aB contal,ned ln a letter clated I[ovember 16, 1951, relative to the lower-lng of the re tLrernent age flve years for the mLscellaneous employees was held for study and Council consLderation. A letter dated liovenrber 13, 1951, was read from John Dalden, 2Ol2 Devereaux DrLve, Bu,rlingame, offerl-ng a suggestlon that th.e present ordlnance be amended to pernrit the parklni of oversized tnrcks lnresldentlal areas for a nominal- charge. The Ulty Clerk vas instrr.rctedto notlfy lr!r. Delden that ttre CouncLl rvould not approve overnlghttruck park5.ng in residentj.al areas but that parlrlng faciLlties hadbeen provlded ttrrou3hont the 0lty, particularly at the Broadway &ndBurlingame RaiLroad Depots for the convenience of the pub1lc. A nequest fron the Board of Fire Comnlssioners,dated l{ovemb er )-4, recommending the adoption ofRu1es and Regulatlons, and Job Descr'lptions, wasLove and to the Clty Attorney. snbnltted ln a letterthe Fj.r'e Depa::funent neferred to Councllman A letter dated l{ovember L9, }951, was reed f}om L. A. ltftden, Asst.Eng!,neer, subnltting the roslgnatlon of llazel Llo:rrow, Senior Cl_erk-Stenograplrer ln the Englnee::lng Departnent, to become effectLveDecember 1, 1951. councllman Love rnoved acceptance of the resignatlon gnd_-!he clty clerk vras Lnstmcted to forwa:'d a retter of appreciationto LIlss Liorrow for her. senvLce to ttre city of Bu-rJ-ingame. -the motLonvras seconded by Councilman Simonds and unanlmously cirrled. A letter dated ltrovernb?l l, 1951, -was r.oad from }Ien::y I'. Lllsselwltz, 311?rlmrose Roadr. suggestigg a rem6dy to the traffLc pi'oblens on Burr!.ngameAvenue. The cornrrunlcatlon was referued. to the Council par"klng Commlttee and tire City Clcrk was lnstnrcted to dtrect a letter ofthanks to I'Ir. Iiisselwltz. Reports for the nonth.of oc_tober, 1951, vrere read from the clty Jucl;e,the lire Departnent, the Li,brary and the police Departnent. Til.ecouncil cor:p1ir.^rented. the respectLve departnents toi" trre inforrra,cLvereports. IrIr. - Charles E11etr - ovqet _ of the prerlises at, 3t4-624 Lorton Avenue,advlsed the counclL of hls employment of an archLtectural firr in-sanF?'ancisco to subnit plans to j-mpi.ove the above p:.eni.ses, now under 32e C.ouncll investlgation, due to l-ts hazardous condltlon. Following considerable dlscussion on the subject, and 1n ord.er. to a11owsufflclent time for CounelL members to satlsfactorlly determlnefinal dlsposltlon of the subject, Councl-lman Love moved that thearchltect submlt sketches errbodyLng the intended lmprovernents to be made, and the actual faul-ts and defects to be remedied forperusal by the membens of the Councll Bu11dlnp9 Comnl"ttee, theBulldlng Imspecton and tl.e Ft::e Chief, prlor to the regular Councll rneetlng of December' L7. The notion was seconded by Councllman Slmonds. Decembor" 10, L951, at '7i3O p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Clty Hall-, was selected as the tLne andplace to review the plans to be submltted by the ar.chltect enployed by lJr. E11et. Pr.ion to the second reading of Ordlnance No. 52O, CounclLman Love moved that ttre Ordinerce be read as anended, seconded b.y Councilman Simonds and unanimously carrled. fhe City blenk thereu;ion nead0rdLnanco ltro. 520, as amended, entitled flAn Or.dlnance Amending theOrdlnance Code of the C,ity of Burllngame By Adding Theneto a NewArtlcle to be llnown as itArtlcle U-A, Reguiatlng the Buslness of P"lf-f+g in Used 1,{o tor. Vehlc}es; Deflning a Us ed-Au tor:robile Deale::,Establishlng t]le Procedure for Ob talnlng a Permlt to DeaL in Used'Motor Vehicles; Requl::lng a Bond Therefor; Pr.ovlding Penalty fo:rViolatl-on The:reof and Repealing all Ordlnerrces tn Conflict iher:e- wi ttr.r. Councilman Simonds moved that the smendnents as read., beaccepted, seconded by Councilman Hunt and unanircous 1y earrieil. Itwas f\r::th-er moved by Councl'Inran Hunt that Ordlnance irio. 52O, asamended, be adopted, seconded by C ounc iLrnan Love and adopte6l bythe foll-owlng vote:Ayes: Councllmen: Atwate::-Byrd-Hun1-L6n"-SlmondsNoes: CouncLlmen: NoneAbsent: Councllmen: None 0rdLnance -t!q. S?-f, entitled, rAn 0r"dLnance Amendlng the OrdlnanceCod-e-By A{a}ng Thereto a New Sectlon lZZl .7, Limlting Stoppln and?a::king of Automoblles on Carolan Avenue for l,Iore Ttriin Trvo^ Hoirs r was lnt::oduced by Councllman Slmonds and g;lven fir.st readlng. A Clalla for damages ln the a iount of SSS,OOO.OO was fil_ed byElbert Dulferr_ 1257 Cabrtllo At'enue, In'6ehaLf of Gretchen hrlfur,as a_resu'l,t of l:Jurles lncu::r.ed at the Ray ?ank playground. Counirll-man Simonds moved that the clalm be reJected and refLired to thecityts lnsurance ca::nler, seconded by councilman B},::d and unanimouslycarrl.e d. A claire q,.!-ains t tlq !t ty of Bu_rllnaane in the amount of ljr16, OOO. OOpresented-_by Dona.ld E. Rones, Sq. in behalf of llonald E. 'Ronesr -Jr. as.a resr-rlt-of injuries incurred at rotland school, Gunst park, wasrejected and referred to the cltyrs insurance carrier on motLon ofcounci-lman slnonds, seconcred by counclrman Hu-nt a.nc1- unanlmouslycarri.ed. clalm 1ios. 1301 to 1452, lncluslve, rvi. th the exceptlon of volded l{os.1451 and 14O1, vrcre approved ln re total amount ;f i)JB, BS3.OI.Councj.lman ilunt noved that the City Treasurer be instru6tea to issuewarrants ln payrnent thereof, seconded by councllrrran Love and unaninous -1y car.rled. fhe Payroll f or the sep tembe:: pe:rLod ln the anount of a,')42,46o. B1 rryasapprovod on rnotion of councllman Hunt, seconded by cou-nciirnan Loveand unanirnous Iy carried. councl}nan simonds advlsed that he r..,.a s in receipt oi infornationpentainlng to a proposed auction or,dlnance and suggested that co*ncLLmernllers remain at the close of the Council meetin.l--to reviely thesaid ordinance. i ayor-Atwater, on behaLf of the councir members, extended rhar:lrsiiving;reetlngs to the citlzenry of &trIinga.ne. leere being no f,rther busLness, the meetr"ng was adjourned at g:3op.m. 330 on motion of Cor:-ncllrnan Love, seconded by Cou-ncj-lman Byrd and. r-r.nanimous ly carri-ed. Respectfully submit ted, f, HERBERT K. WI{City Cler"k mmrtfI APPRO',IED: /,y4b H. }iENT A I,[ayor J