HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2022.11.17R C1TfY ti o� `ls Rvoawreo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FINAL Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Holzman at 7:00 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Brunello, Pappajohn, Chang, Holzman, Wettan, and Yu COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Manager Acquisti, Parks Supervisor Holtz, Acting Parks Supervisor Barron, Recreation Supervisor Coggins, Recreation Coordinator Medeiros & Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Wettan made a motion to approve the September minutes. The motion was seconded by Brunello, and the motion was approved. 6-0-1 (Ardito absent) 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS 1 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes November 17, 2022 None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Chair Rotation and Welcome New Commissioner Director Glomstad noted the staff report stated the Chair Rotation process, and for this meeting, Vice -Chair Pappajohn becomes the Chair, and Commissioner Milne becomes the Vice -Chair. Chair Pappajohn thanked previous Chair Holzman for her service as Chair for the past year. Holzman welcomed Commissioner Yu. Commissioner Yu introduced herself to the Commission and noted she is looking forward to working with them all. b. Welcome New Recreation Supervisor and Recreation Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Coggins introduced himself and noted he started in the Department in August. He oversees two Department coordinators, including the afterschool enrichment and afterschool sports programs. Recreation Coordinator Medeiros introduced himself. He started in the Department in October. He is a graduate student obtaining his Masters in Kinesiology. His focus will be the afterschool sports program. c. Muddy Mile Successes, Challenges, and Improvements Park Maintenance Lead Worker Barron stated he was given the opportunity to work as a Parks Supervisor for three weeks. During this timeframe, he was tasked with reporting to Commission on the Muddy Mile's successes, challenges, and improvements. He gave a brief history of the event that started in 2018 when Murray Field was being renovated. The event's successes include communicating between the two divisions on coordinating the funds for materials to update the course. The logistics involved establishing clear communication with participants, an easy registration process, and distributing the shirts to the participants at the end of the event. Parks staff starts the preparation of the course three weeks before the event, including the clearing of the area of debris, the upgrading & construction of the obstacles, and the upgrading of the water stations to reduce the amount of water use. In addition, the Park's staff suggested reorganizing the running groups to allow families to run together instead of by age groups. This resulted in a smoother and more organized race with many positive comments on the change from the participants. With any event, there are challenges, including adjusting the preparation time for the event, the need for more staff at crucial points on the course, improvement of the difficulty level for 11 years and older, and confusion about the location of the starting line. Suggested improvements for the upcoming year are to begin the course preparation a month in advance, including inspection of the equipment condition and construction of new obstacles, 2 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes November 17, 2022 improve the course direction, name obstacles, increase the difficulty, and adjust the location of the starting line. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported the tree lighting is on December 2. The Department is expecting a new Parks Supervisor to start on December 5 and currently has an open Recreation Coordinator position and a couple of part-time staff positions. b. Commissioners Reports Commission Holzman — Noted on the last meeting, there was a request for an update on the Yellow Flag program. Supervisor Holtz noted that the program was not as successful as the staff had hoped. Most damage to the turf comes from dog urine which is difficult to tell how many times an area has been urinated on. In addition to this unknown, staff would find flags everywhere, as kids like to play with them. Commissioner Milne — Reported he volunteered at the Fall Fest and noted it was a nice event. Noted there were a lot of questions from the public about the winter guide. Commissioner Pappajohn — Thanked staff for the Yellow Flag program. Commissioner Wettan — Reported he spoke with Recreation Manager Acquisti about establishing continuity with coaching and will continue to discuss. Chair Brunello — No Report 2. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 7:00 pm via zoom webinar. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes November 17, 2022