HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2022.10.20CITY o° tica� `1� Rroawren PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FINAL Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Pappajohn at 7:01 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Brunello, Pappajohn, Chang, and Wettan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Holzman & Ardito STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Manager Acquisti, Parks Supervisor Holtz, Acting Parks Supervisor Brosnan, Recreation Coordinator Kaplan, and Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Hoover Elementary PTA members Tony Polizzi and Tyson Scofield 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 15, 2022, meeting will be ready for approval at the November 17, 2022, meeting. 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS 1 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes October 20, 2022 a. Review of Turfgrass Maintenance During Drought Conditions and Annual Field Renovations Parks Maintenance Lead Worker Brosnan introduced himself to Commission and noted he had been given the opportunity to work as a Parks Supervisor for three weeks. He enjoyed the experience and learned a lot. During this timeframe, he was tasked with reporting to the Commission on Turfgrass Maintenance and Annual Field Renovations. Brosnan presented a PowerPoint and reviewed the impacts of drought conditions on the maintenance of athletic turf areas in City parks. Staff worked to minimize drought effects by training staff on the appropriate use of irrigation systems, conducting daily field checks to ensure irrigation was working properly, ensuring monthly slit aeration of turfgrass fields was completed, and applying seed and fertilizer regularly for healthy turf conditions. Washington Park is on a well water system that has more nutrients than regular potable water and allows the turf to flourish and be more resilient to public use. Brosnan further explained the upcoming field renovations process, including aeration, leveling and damage repair, re -seeding, fertilizing, and sufficient irrigation. Pappajohn thanked Brosnan for his report and opened the floor for Commission questions. Commissioner Brunello asked if additional wells have been considered for other fields and if a different variety of turf that is more resistant to drought has been considered. Glomstad spoke to the question of wells. Public works would be the City department that would explore the possibility of wells being used to irrigate other parks. Brosnan noted he would have to research the use of utilizing tall fescue. Supervisor Holtz noted tall fescue is used in some of the passive areas; however, fescue does not re -knit together as well as the Kentucky Blue Grass or the Perennial Rye Grass. Commissioner Chang asked if the City has looked at synthetic turf and any cost savings resulting from installing it. Staff noted that money is saved on water and staff time for annual maintenance; however, renovation of synthetic turf is costly. Staff is considering synthetic turf for Cuernavaca. Commissioner Milne asked if other landscaped areas could be replaced with non -water necessary surfaces. Brosnan noted that the renovation of Washington Park included drought -tolerant plants and drip irrigation to save water. Pappajohn asked how the Commission could support the Department via Nextdoor to educate the community. Brosnan thanked her for the support. Pappajohn opened the floor to public comments. There were no comments. Pappajohn closed the floor to public comments. 7. NEW BUSINESS 2 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes October 20, 2022 a. Welcome and Introduction to New Recreation Staff: Kelvin Coggins-Recreation Supervisor; Molly Kaplan -Recreation Coordinator & Paul Medeiros-Recreation Coordinator Glomstad noted that Recreation Supervisor Coggins and Coordinator Medeiros were unable to attend tonight as they were onsite at the schools running the sports programs or in class. They will attend the next meeting to be introduced. Coordinator Kaplan introduced herself and stated she would oversee the summer camp programs, afterschool programs, and adult sports and assist with Movies in the Park. 1. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported upcoming events: Ghostbusters Afterlife is the last movie in the park, and construction has started on Alpine Park. She noted all city meetings would be in person as of January 2023. Fall Fest is October 30 from 10-6pm. The Commissioner dinner is on November 3 at the new community center. At the last meeting, Commission approved the lining of Ray court with pickleball lines, and the nets and signage have been ordered. b. Commissioners Reports Commission Holzman — No Report Commissioner Ardito — No Report Commissioner Milne — No Report Commissioner Pappajohn — Asked for a follow-up on the yellow flag program. Commissioner Wettan — No Report Chair Brunello — No Report 2. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm via zoom webinar. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley 3 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes October 20, 2022 Recording Secretary Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL Minutes October 20, 2022