HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.06.05r L7L Buru,ngame, Call f o:rnia June 5, 195O A'regular neeting oI the Iluslingame Clty Cor:ncil was held on the' abov6 given date. l{eetlng called to order at B:OO p.m., - I\[ayo:] Love in the Chalr. RbII CaLl: Prbsent - Counci]Yren: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Love-Simonds Abs ent - Council:nen: l'trone The mintrtbs bf the- FrevlbUB heetlixS'bf'May 15r 1950, as submltted to membe:rs of the Clty Council and as posted on the tsu11etin Boar<l ln the City Ha11, were approved and accepted on motlon of Councilman Hunt, seconiled by Councllman Atwater a^nd unanlmous 1y caru1ed. The tbn $lOn City Tand Clerk opened and read the following bids for one 3-5 em Ro1len-irb advertlsed ai:L1 bbhbduled to be opened da v S ears -t{b 11-s' liih chii:b an a orn Buffalo-Spriirgfibld i'.[odeI KT-? includihg Callfornia salbs tb*- hydraulic s te er, c I Less t::ade-in allowance Imnediate deJ.Lvery. 2. Alternato bld:Buffalo-springfield Itlodef iS-?' - hand s teer includLng Call-fornla sal-es tax ...... ...... Less trade-in allovrance Dellvery- apprbxlnate l-y' S ep terbb er' flrs t. \l,lestern Traction C or4gg4y Sen Fanaisbo, California 1. Ga1lon 5-5 ton T andem Ro11on, iticludLng California sales tax Less trade-in allowance Llttl-eford iiiodel 185 Vari-Paker Rol-Ler' inclirdiirg Califonnia Sales Tax ............ Less trade-1n allowanc€ ....Dellvery approx. 3O days receipt order. Rovrand irenci Co o ornia ns) .. ted including saLes tax Amerlcan P1a ound Device Co. 3r444.OO 460. 00 2,9A4.OO 3, O58.0O 400.00 2, 658. OO 2r976.7O 500. o0zffifr 130. OO 140.00 2BO. OO 115. OO 665. OO Delivery within 5' days recoipt order. lJ0ward F. Bacon-Co Ft'anc sco,a ornia 1. 41137.5',J" 600.o0 O, D O'r/. DI Councllman Simonds moved that the above blds be referred to the Purchasing Agent and tho City Attorney fon study and- their recomrnendation to be subml-tted late:r ln the eveningrs neeting. The mot16h $ab Sebdhdbd by C oirnb i}aah Atwater and unanlmous 3-y carrled:' Blds on PLayground Equlpment;'as advertlSbd for, and sbheduledto be opBnedi l,iondayi' rune 5;'1950, fibfB oponed and read as fo]-lows: f temI-naty Siving ( per specificatlons ) .2. 4 SwLng Unlt (per FpecifLcations) .5. 6 Svrlng Unit (per speciflcations)6. Parazontal Bars (per speciflcatio Tota]- DLscor:nt q; - 60 u"r", Hi;?:r:I; an anc sco, c forn 4no -L4ti A4erlcan !1qygr. ound DevLce Co. San Francisco, et1iT ornla T tem 9 Z-asrt ta aai (vri thout swing s eats ) 3. 6-Swing Set ( without swi n- .oo+a\uuil ... 7. Doub1e Chuto slide (1 ( two s traigrt chutes) A11 ltems above readydellvered Bu::lingame vrave and I straigfrb chute) 116.32 106.50 250. OO 183.90 425.OO 410.00 125.50 137. 50 273.OO 1025.00 33.00 115.50 580.00 568'.97 656.47 652.61 593.2A for installation, Patters on-Wl11qims i,tfg. C q. fan I temF-eaty Swlng unLt . ilour-Sw5.ng Unit . Six-SwLng Unit Josb, ealifbrda I 4 5 b 7 B Spiral Slide 31t iiigh . Parazontal llars . Double Cbute Slide Bleachers (per specs. ) ....Totel A11 itens include Californla sales tax, fob Burlingarneffl a1Ior,;ance if conplete bicl acceptecl. Trusafe Tubular Steel Scaffolds Inc. nge , CalLfornias I temEl-Bleachers-with 19rarcl ral1 ..........Eleachers - l,rithout gr-ral.d rail .....Itenrs above include California SalesF. 0. :1. Durlin3ane 0utdoor Pr.oducts Corirpany SaE io.sn; eal1ffi f temF-Eauy Swing Irhlt2. 4 Sling Unit .... ..5. 6 Svri ng tinit ......,+. Spiral Slide ......5. C irc l-olyave teeter .6. larazontal bars ...7. Double Chute S].lde.,. Portable bleachers A1l ltems':,bove fOB Tax 113.50 1l_8. OO 250. OO 820. O0 31. OO 101.00 243'.OO(no btd) Br:rlingarne E. P. _!}_qieaq Company S ari trtancl-s co, e aai fornia I temTl-four-Sr;ing Baby Unit .2. Iour-Srring Unit .3. Slx-Sl,ring Unit ..!. 5-O1ral. 5J_l-Oe .7. Double Chute Sllde Above items del-ivered fOB Bur.llngame do not include installation ancl do not includeCalifornia Sales Tax Bid bonds accompanied above pnoposals. 110. O0 1,23.90 207.60 916.00 506.00 On motibn of Cbhhcllman Simohds, the above blds wero ::eferred to'the Recteatloh' Supeflhtenderrt, ttre City Atto:rney and the Purchas:lng Agent for-study afrd' reDonmendatlon, seconded. by Councllmsrr Atwaten' and ullelllmous Iy barrled. Pu::suant to lnvltatlons for bLds on lamp requirements for the flis-ca1 year July 1, 195O to June 30, 1951, inclusive, the Clty Clez'k opened and read the only bid submitted,, as fol.lows: 173 !y'estlnghouse large .Incandes cent and- ti6Oo. Standard Package ctr-r p.nti t,-. .Less the.n.Sta:..da.rd quantL Lamp s, 2A;! %% R ichmond Electr lc Co.Burlingame;C allfornla - On motion of and unanimous Iurchaslng Ag nx the Eire Cormtj.ssion,construction of theLssue. Councilnanthe above recornlendationto prepare plans andd for accor.dingLy,Iy carr.ied. 1?5O, was read fY om K. S. Ittch, Dl:lecto:rt ting a mer,:orandum of agr:eement io:: f,Unds 1950-1951, establlshing six now Eluore s c ent bas Is : Gotnel-lnran S l:ronds, s econdecl b.r Cou-nci1r:pn Atvrater1y oar.ried, thc above bi-d vras referred to theer,rt for his . reeomnendation. A letter _dated l,,lay 91, L950, was road. frorecommending that blds be ciued for" thedraftlng pit as pr.ovlded for in the bondAtwator nroved. t}.et the Council concr:r inand that the Clty Engi.ncer be instructedspecifications and that blds be adve::tisesocondod by Councl1man Eunt and unanl-nous A letter from the trL:re Commlsslonr_ d.ated. IIay 31r_ 19SO, was read,necommendlng that a request be maire to the goar6 0f ri-re unaer-xf:rl. tel"s for a re-survey of the Citgr of .Burlinganre, -:.n-vig;-of the lmprovements that have been maEe and trre fres6ni staius-or trrelIre 'Department. councirman Atwater. moved that ir." co"""iiconcur in the above recomrendatlon and a ::equest be nade for aresurvey of the Cl,ty, seconded by Co, ncilman Hunt and urrantmous Iycarri ed. A lette:: dated June Z, lg11r. -rvas read. flom K. S. trLtch, Director. ?I^ry|}I.", VJo::trs, requ6sttng- that i.n conformance'r.rith ai-r oplio"execlrted. by t,[]s. L. Josophing lgng and acceptecl by the City, awarrant in the srrm of $19r 261. oO 5e d.rawn :.ir favoi. of the " , Califdrlia Pacific Tttle insr:.rance. Company, the escnow agent, andthat a resolutLon be adopted accepting th;'de;d fr;-fir;:'-il;"s.lir. Fitch ft*ther advr.sed that th-e es6row agent rvi1I ue aaviseaIo q"y t[e sum of (]16,261.00 to t1rs. Iang upon redordinA of thedeod, and, that the baiance of I?STOOO.OO Ee ire:_a, il;;;;o;:pendlng lnstructlons tlom trre Ciiy af)re:: ttre p"6"ent ["iiai"g"are removed llom the pancetr. Councllfoan Sinonds :.ntnoaucea ina ryyea,"llre passa-ge of Reso3-utlon No. 16-SO, accopttng ifru-aeeA -I?om- I,Irs. Josephlne Lang, .secontted by Counci}:ran Uu;t and carrledby the unanimous alflrmatlve vote of- the members. CouncilmanSimonds f\rr.ther moved that the City Atto:.ney Ue inst::,ctea ioprepare a lette:: to the callfornl"a paclfic iltle rnsursrce com-Ilanyr_-roquesting that (lsooo.oo be held untif itre F;;;;i- - b-uildlngs e::e-removed fr.om the property, seconded b. CouncllnanHunt and unaninous Iy carnled. I\:::suant to a request flom K. S. Eltch, DLrecton of publlc Y:lI:l dated June ?, 1950, Councllman Byr.d moved that th; Ctty-Eingineer be author"l-zed to employ Douglas Ragsdale, street utrirty-manr- and next ellgible on the Ilst, affecttve Jun6 L6. 1950. anci-subject to the usual req*irements .irrovlded. in the ctvil ser;iceRuLes and RegulatLons, seconded by'counci-1man Hunt ana irnanimous 1ycar::ied. A lette:: dated June 2, 19b0, was r"ead flom Dlrector of public Tlo:rks .Jlitchr, lgpglting on the inforroal conference conclucted bythe Publlc UtlLlttes CormrLssLon on li{ay ZZ, agSO on rallvrayseparatlons. I.1r. Thos. F. I,icGuLgan, Dirc6to:: of ttre Chamier of C or,me::ce and presont in the audlenc6, reponted ths.t the conferencemee-bfng in San .Ftancisco was lnstructive in every. detail and thepr"oblem is belng handled in a most comprohensive nanner. L.lr. L{c.Sulgan JUrther. stated that there ls no questlon but that thep:ropos5.tlon of rallway grade separatlons would be presented atthe Leglslatu:re ln 1951. The conmunicatlon;, fuom Ltr'. fttchwas ord.ered ftletl. A lette:: dated. June 2,of Pu-b1Lc l'Iorks, submlexpenditur.e of Gas faxprojects as follows: L74 llse- lt'40-ll4t- ll Lt-- llaintenance aL1 citY s troets Purctrase equipment, 3-5 ton noIlor Resurfacing CalLfornia D:r., Peninsula Avo.to North .Lane . Resurfaclng Callfornla oolyg- flom B::oadwayto L{i11s Avo. . Resurfaclng criioLair Ate. e North Lane to Oak Grove. Reconstruction trafflc signal, C allfornia llr. at Br:rlingame Avenuo 1r15 ' OOO. OO 0 21600.oo ii51,800. o0 :,j B, 700. o0 . 5, 600. OO 1,5OO._qq 65;2oo. ooT otal LIr. trttch reconrnended that if, approved, a resolution be adopted ;;";ti"g the proposed budget an-a tnat- the I'layo::.and. City Clerk be authoilzed to itgn the dgreements for retr:rn to the State. councLlman Sirconds moved that the cor.lrrc11 concur in the recommon- a"iio., prosented by L{r. trttch, arid I\rther: int:roduced and moved tfre-pas'sase of Res6Lution No. - 1?-50, adoptlng the p::oposed budget, """oirdud 6y Coincilman llunt and unanlmous 1y carrled by the r:lanl-mous afflrmatlve vote of the members. A lltter atated June 1, 1950, was read from the Burllngaare _I1uniclpal-rroiolr""" r Association, ren6wlng a previous request t'Lrat favorable "oi:"ih"r"t:-on be g5.ven to the r6duced rotirement age proposal. The communication was refenred to t} e Eirrance Conrmlttee of the Councll for lts r"ecomnendatLon. Councllnan Hunt, Chalr,nran of the I]li.t""c; Corrnlttee, advised that a meeting of the Commlttee.was scheduled for Llonday, June 12r 1950, at 7:0O p.n. A letter dated Jun6 1, 1950, was road from the Bu -ingsme L{unLclpal Emp).oyees t Associatioir, requesting thgt the Civll $ervlce Cormisslon be-re(riosted to establLsh a maxLmum 4ge limlt for applicants to posltS.ons, such age limtt to be determlned at the Conrmissionrs discretion. The cormuni.cation was referred to the trtnanc e Com- mltdee for study with the Clvil Servlce CommLssion. A letter dated lday 13, 1950, Uas read f?om Ilirs. Dorothy A. Sosklne 151? La l(esa kive, Burlingame, enterlng a p:rotest to certal'n conditlons Ln the Bu.:clingame Lianor areq, and requesting that consldoratl,on be glven to tlre cleaning up of t}le lots and that the trees along the streets be taken car"e of. Questioned by !h9Councl1, City Engi,neer Fitch advlsed that he has discussed the si-tuati-6n wtttr tfe nrrite:: and thst by now most of the ltems named in the communLcatj-on havo been taken care of. The City Clerk was lns tructed to wrlte Mrs. Sdskln advlsing her that lt ls the under- standing of the Council that lmprovements have beon made. A letter dated L{ay 29, l95or was read from IrIr. L. E. Haseltine, 85L fbir.fle1d Road, r6questing that a Bermit be issued to convert the upper floor of hls home into a separate apaltment. Ifr. -Haseltine f\r:rther slated that he has been advised by the Building Inspector that a perurit cannot be obtalned because the subiect home ls in a fl-rs t cLass residential area, yet the house next door has been permltted to oporate as a two unit dwe11lng. Quest5.oned b-v the CouncLl, Buildlng Inspector Watson, advlsed that he hg.s been unable to contact ihe ouners of the property operating in vlolation of the Ordinance Code, but tllat he has left notlces seguesting discontimtance of tho l1Iega1 uso of the pnemlses- Mr. Watson wai requested by the Colncll to consult lrith the City Attorney Ln an effort to find ways and meens. to se.e that" the ourners conform- to the provlsions of thb ordLnance affectlng first class resLdential zones. A lettlr dalod }{ay 31, 1950, was read fbom F?anlr S. Contibe Dovel- oper, :relative to parklng set-up plans for the new lang store deveioprnent on. Oak Grove Avenue. I[:r. Contl. advises that aa tile proposed parklng area requLros the movlng of the sidewalk Lt 5.s requosted- that pe::misslon be given to do so at hls exponse. The conmunlcatlon and aitached print was referred to the Planning-Corrnission for theLr inves ti-gat5.on and re cornrnendatL on. t 17s A_connull catlon, -dated May 29, L950, from Rlchand J. 8eas,85 Califonnla Drivo, requestlng per.ralssLon to operated aUsed Car Buslnoss on property Located at 1014 penlnsula A_yen1e, rras referred to the chlef of po1lce fon repor.{ tothe Counc11. {-}9t!e::-aated-I[ay 25, -:L9EO, vag-.read f]om T. F. Be)molds,.Princlpa:-, Burlinggme fiiglr School, tharikLng the Coui-rcil f6r theuse of the Cltyts basebalL fleJ.d dr:rlng th5 past season andexpress5.ng app::ecLatlon to the park Depa::tment fo:: the excellentmaintenance of the fleldi The Cfty C 1-e::k was fnstructeA -io- aclcrow)-edge receLpt of tho letter. A letter was read fl:om the Bu11d.ing and Constructl_on T.radesCouncil, advLsing that after canenfl. conslde::at1on and studvthe aboire counslf voted to endorse irru r{nEen-FuN, "i-fi"**"legulgl meeting of. May ZS, 1980, and requests thai the CltycouncLr take lrnnedlate stips to- contact tho proper regrsiaitvebodlos_r:rglng thqt the Rebe:: plan be app::oved fi:: conftruction.MgLlo:: Love stated that the Councll fs oi-ttre oplnion ifrat ifroIkl fq. rror thy of study and therefone appolnte-d Courcilman --- Bu::d, . Councllman Slmonds and C owr.c j.lman- Atwater to act as aeonmlt_tee to s tudy the Plan ans submit a report to the ""ti""uounclr at a Lators meetlng. The clty clerk was instru-cted toso notlfy the Bulldlng and Trades Co;nc11. A l-e tter dated June5, 1980, was read from Di::e c tor of public Y.orto:-.Iltgt, submlttlng a i:ost estiaate for a new fLagpoie-fortb,e lllllslde .Fl,:: e Station, replaclng the ono loarred t5'tfreCommunLty Center. J.ast yeai', tn ttre dmount of $4S.OE ""a ""-o,,esti-ng authorizatLon for the expondi.tu,e. Councilman Simonds,moved concurrence in the roquest ind that tfre City Eneineer Ueauthonizeg to proceed wlth the construction of tfi6 ii;g;;1",firnds to be de::lved l)com the Ftre Depart*"nt-U"A["t.--.ifrE--rootlon was seconded by corincilman Huit and unanlfious ry ca*iea; A letter dated Juno 1r -1950, together with an agreement for ageneral con ract fo:: advertisln[ for ttrre forthc-;ming irs-at yearbetvr€sn the charnber of cora:ner.ce-and the clty of eurirnAar;. *"s 1egd, .ard . follolrlng _approval of the agre.meirt, c o,"c i fian - rh.ntr.ntroduced &nd moved the passage of Resolutloir No. I8_SO. thatthe contract fo:: advertlslng aid prornotlon be enilr"a i.rio ,itirthe Chamb e:: of Conn-rer.ce, ac6o::dln-g to terms and conditlons setforth ln the Agreemont, . s 6s6n6s d 5y Conncllman Atwater *.ra - adopted by the unanfunous affrrmative vote of tho councr.r members. P,ursuant to a.request ea::lier in the evenlngrs neeting, it wastl:.e :rocommendatl-on of f; Kame1, C-lty Attoriey, ana tI'S. -mtcfr, City-Engineer, that . the - contracf, for'one S lo'6 ton notter feanarded. to the Vlestern Traction Company, .for the net amount offr2r67.6.7o, dellvered Rurlingame, i"ir"&ing the.t::ade rn-oi-ilreCltytg present machLne and also' including"the Call-forni" -S"i"" Tax. The necomnend.atlon was made on the-basls of availabiltyas welJ- as price. CouncLlman Sl-monds moved that the Gouncilconcur in ttre reconrnendation and that the pu::chasing A6ent beauthorLzed to proceed vrithl;the purehase of the abovE SEreetHoLJ-er, as outlLned. above, seconded by C oulci knan Ilunt andrrnanlnous 1y carrLed. Co*ncilrnan Simonds, chalrman of the pollce Consnittee of thecouncLl, on behalf of the cor:ncII, congratulated chiei of-iolicefheuer and hLs entl::o department 6n thE spl.endld arrnuaf-reportsubmi-tted to the council as welr as the oi:.tstandlng ,""o*piiuir-rnents of the departnont througlrout the year. 9lli*:1""^N9.. PZ,-..ntlt1ed;-: ttAn OrdLnance Amendlng Sections 601and 60? of the Ordinance Code. of the City; Incroasfng the litu.nb erof lJembo::s of the ClvLl Servlce Commlssl6n to ni.ve; Ff*f rrg-'if, "Term of OffLco and P,esc,iblng D,rtlosn was glven s6oond. ,:E"arrrg.On motion of Cor.rncl-1man llunt, -seconded by Cdr:ncf fnan -ntlya ier,ord.inance llo. 4g7r-was adopt6d by the foil0wlng vote:AES: CounciLmen: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Lrov6-Simonds L'T0ES : Cor:lcl,'l rnen: lloneAbsent Councllnen: None 1",.. ; ' , 0rdinance No. 388r entltled ltAp Ordi-nan-c e 4ryendlnq-Sections 6Q8, 609. and 61O of t[e Ordinance bode of the City of Burlingame; inci,uasins the lrlernbers of the trEre Consnisslon to FLve; Prescrlblng iis o"tf"J' was given second reading. 0n motion of C ounc Llman funt, s.coneed bf Cogncilnan Atwater, Ordlnance I'io. 4q8, was adopted bv the followine vote: Ayes : C oui.c !Ime.n: Atwater-Byrd-Ilunt-Love-Slmonds Noes: Councllrnen: None Absent Counci.lmen: I{one fn observance of councllman Huntts twenty-e11e years of servlce to ttre City of B,rlingame, a largo .audience, - repres enting - the. Llonr s Clube tfre Chanber 5f C6nanerce -and ottrer dLgnatarles-and cltizens oi ti" clty ,,ve r"e present to c ongratulale a,d pay tribute to Co*ncil- man Hunt. - Thornas F. McGuigan, 6n behalf of lloward Imus, p::esldent oC tirl Chamber of Cor,snerce] pi'es ented l;tr. Hgnt wit'tr a lLfe member- shlp in the Chamber of Commercei JPdson Ho1land, prosident- of the auriingane Llonrs C1ub, presented. b Llonts C Iub plaque; Albert R. cordonl Flre Comrlssioner presented a slgn ntrhee Parklng by Al1an i -"i-;'co"ncl-lrnan Slmondsr on behalf of ttr.e Clty cor:nc11, presented an en!,ravoa gavel; and leil by Chlof of Police R. C. T4ouer, officers and pitrolnei, liired ln fuLL'unlform to present C ouncS.lmon- Ilupt with a gold ai:hievenent trophy, each presentation made td th appro- prlate Jpeeches. Mayor Love also caLled upon the folJ-owing c ounty irnd city officers who, i.n turn, extended ttr.eir congratulations to C orurcllman Hunt: O. B. Hempstead., C ounty Assessor; Judge $ll1liart A. Fin6er; foruer l,layor and present Planrdng Cormrissionore_Lr. Ilerberi Harrts; John Broderick, Burlingame Postmaster;. Ed Ray, pr"esident Broaiivray Development Assoclatlon; I Karmel, City Attorney; farl F.. Sclunldt, phatrman of tJre Burllngame Elre Conrais*6on; Ea:c1 SchuJ-2, Chalrmair br tne. Burllngame Clvl,l Servlce Comrission; and. LIrs. Cirarlotte Johnsonr- president of the Burlingame Lib::ary Board. A teleg::am of congratulations las also recalved and read llom fo:nrer triayor'tnd present*supervlsor of San l{ateo Countyr - Edward R. IJcDonaldl Mri. I,langaret btKeefer dauglter of Counci lman Hunt e also present at the- meetlng, was lntroduced. Unde:: the headlng of Unflnlshed BusLneis, a irap propared by a :regLstered Enginder, ;i:ndicatlng the proposed resubdivlsion of Lots 4-5-6-7' end a portlon of Lots 2 and 3, Bl-ock 86, Easton AddLtion Irlo. 2. was subnrllted' and its approval recomuended by K. S. Eltchp Dlrector of Publlc vrorks. CouncLlman S lmonds moved that the map as submitted be accepted and lts recordlng- authorized, seconded by C ouncilman Atwater and unanimous 1y carled.. A'cLaLm against the Clty of Burlingame, presented by Geo^rge.R. Kaae, ln behalf-of G. Robert Kane, hls son , fo:: lnJuries suffered ln a falI as a rri:gu1t of defective condition of.the street at Carmelita an il cortei Aiienue, and in the sum of {i5r0oo.0O, was reJected on motlon of Cor-ilcilman Hunt, seconded by Councllnan Atwater and unanimous 1y carried. Mayor Love urged all qu.allfied electors to vote on El.ectLon Day, Juno 6, 1950. fhere being no ftrther businoss, the Counci.I adJou::ned out of :respect to-the memory of tho late John ?. Cleese, forter Clty -Councllilan, on motioir of CouncLLnan Atwaterr seconded by Councll- man Simonds and unanJrnously carrLod. Respectf\rIiy submltte{, L76 APPROVED: O,fu t Dan R. Love - i-a llerbert 1(.ite