HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.11.05324 Burllngame, Callfornla Nov ember 5, 1951 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Councll was hold on the above glven date. Moetlr€ called. to order at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor Atwater ln the Chalr, Ro1I CaIl: Present - CouncLlnon: Atwater-Byrd-Hurt-Love -SimondsAbsent - Councllmen: Non6 The minutes of the previous meetLng of October 22, L95:.., as sub-nltted to members of tho Councll and as posted on the BuJ.Ietln Board 1n the City H411, w ere unanl- mou s Iy appnoved and adopted on mbtLonof Councilma! Byrd and seconded by Councllrnan Slmonds. ,/rr{wA hearlng nseheduled at thls time on the proposed resubdivision ofLots 1, 3r'4, 5,6, 7 and the easterLy portion of Lot 2, B1o ck 3, Bur1lngame.H111s. The City Clerk read a letter, dated November 1,195I, f ron the PlannLng Conmlsslon, roconmendlng the appr.oval ofthe resubdlvLsion, subject to the understandlng that the dr.aft-nap when completed, v,rould be counterparted on the map of record. There being no one present to oppose the resub0lvlsion and the Clty Eng1-nee:: having lnforned the Council of his approval of the flnal map of record, Councllman Slmonds movod concurrence wlth the recom- mendatlon of both the Planning Commisslon and the City Englneer: and that the resubdivlslon be approved and g::anted, wlth the City Cle:rk authorized to slgn the flnal map. The motlon was secondedby Counellman Love and r:nanimously carrl-ed. A comblned letter was read from R. C. Theuen, Chief of Pollce, andG. J. Marn, Dlrccton of Public lYorks, dated November 2, 1951, sub-mlttlng informatLon relative to the San Matoo Unlon Hlgh SchoolDlstrlctts reque st for the lnstallation of a fence paralleI to andeast of the Southern Paciflc Rallnoad tr'acks b etween Oak Grove Avenue and North Lane and the ellnlnation of daytlme parklng along Carolan Avenue between Oak Grove Avenue and North Lane, as foLlovrs:' 1. ,That the cost of the lnstallatlon of the fonce woul_d appraximate $5r000 and that further investigatLon would have to be naiie- todetermlne the Southern Paclflc Railroadrs shane of the cost. 2. That tt was re conuBeniled that a tnro hour parlrlng ltmlt bo sdoptedqllong thls section, thus recttfying the existlng conditLon. Councl lman Slmonds moved that the subject natter pe::talnlng to theorectlon of a fence be again referr:ed to the City Englneer-wlthlnstructions to consult rt.lth the Southern Paclflc Railioad and that areport be submltted at a later d.ate to the Clty Councl 1, second.ed.by C ouncl lman Hunt and unaninously carrled. It vras furlher movedby Cound lman Slmonds, seconded by Councl lman Hunt and unanimouslycarie.l that the Clty Attorney be Lnstructed to prepare an o::dinancellmlting the daytime pa rking along ttE area in questlon for Councl llntroduction at the rre xt regular meetlng. A letter dsted November 1, 1951, was read from R. C. theuer, Chief o_f Police, a dvlsing of the reslgnation of patrolman Joseph 'C. Galeoto,Jr., effective 0ctober 29, 1951. A letter was also read from Patrolman Galooto, expressing appreciation to Chief Theuer for theChlef rs guidance and helpful instrrrctlons durlng his stay wlth thedepartment. Councllman Love moved that the resignatlon be acceptedand that the City Clerk be instrrrcted to acknowledge Offlcer Galeoto rs commllJricqtion, seconded. by councl lman sLmonds and unanlmously carried. A Letter dated October 26, 1951, was read from the tr'lre C orom{ sslon,recommendlng tho acceptance of a b1d from McCullough Signs in tbeamount of $25o.OO for a sl,gn to be erected at th6 CentrEl_ FiroStatlon. Councllman Love moved that the Councll concur ln the ne cormendat lon and that Mccullough Slgns b e a wardsd the bid in theamount of $25O.OO - such amount to belxpended f rom the BuildJ. ngXlaintenarc e Fund of the Fire Departmentri budget. The motion wasseconded by C ouncllman Hunt and unanimously c!r::ied. 325 A letter dated October 26, 1951, was fead from the Board of Flre Connissloners recormondlng the extension of the eliglble 11st for hosemen 1n the Flre Department. Corrncl lman Love moved concurrence wlth the reconrnendatlon and that the Clvll Service C6nmission be informed of the Councilr s de slr:e to extend the Li st untlI Decenber 4+ L952, seconded by Councl lntan Slmonds and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated October 29, 1951, was read from the Bunllngame fmprove- ment Associatlon, recommendlng the adoptlon of an ordinarce to lncludecertaln specifled provlslons that woutd control the smoke nulsanceat tho Burlingane Fi11. The Clty Clerk was instructed to acknovrlodge the letter and to compliment tho Assoclatlon for its lnter€st andhelpful cooperatlon ln submlttlng re comne ndat j.ons. Mayor Atwater announced that a Eeetlng wlth the F111 operato::, the Flre Chlef, the City Engineer and the Clty Attorney would be held at the termlnatlonof the CounclJ. moetlng, to dlscuss posslble solutlons to the nulsanco. A letter dated october 51, 1951, was read fron the Burllngar1e Manor fmprovement Assoclation, erpressing 1ts apprcclatlon for Council lnter.est ard cooperatlon ln the recent negotiatlons pertainlng to the roads and Lmproveme nts to Burlingame llanor. The Clty Clerk was instructod to aclcnowle dgo the letter and to a ssur€ the Associatlonof the Councllrs contlnued lntorest 1n the proJect. A letter dated November 2, Lg5l, recelved from the Rudd Bulck Co.,Inc., roquestlng permlsslon to c ontlnue the operatlon of the usedcar lot at !22O Hovra rd Avenue, forme rly malntalned by the Howa:rdBulck Conpany, was referred to the Chlef of lo1ice forhis report and recommondat ion to the Councll. A letter dated November 5, 1951, was read from tbe Burlinganre Chamberof Corrmerco, reconutsndlng that the widenlng program relative to Burllngame Avenue be dlscontinued at this tlms but urglng that a vlgorous propaganda program be contlnued.. The City C1e:rk was l- rs tructedto r oply to the letter and to expr€ss Councll appreciatlon fo:: the Chanbor of Commercets study and analysis of th€ pnoblem. A letter dated October 23, 1951-, was read f::om the law f lrm of Kirk-bride, yl'llson, Harzfeld and Wallace advlslng that tlF sum of $5OOhad been bequeathed to the Clty of Burllngare for the use of lts pub11c library by the late Charles N. Klrkbrlde. The su[1iect wasreferred to CounclLman Byrd, Chairmsn of the Llbrary Conmittee ofthe C ouncl1. Ordinance No. 519, entitled, trAn Ondinance Amendlng Sectlon C ofSectlon 825 of the Ordinance Code of the Clty of Burlingame, r,dopted May 21, 1951, By AddLng Thereto and Establlshing a New C1.asslflcatlonof Epp]eya6nt to be l(notrn as Asslstant Dlsposal Plant Operator andFixlng Componsatlon Thereforrr was given second lreadlng. Councl lmanEurt moved the adoptlon of the fonegoing ordlnance, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously adopted by the followlng vote:Ayes: Councllmon: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Lovo-SlmondsNo6s: CouncLlmen: None Absent Counclken: None ordlnance No. 52O, provldlng for the regulatlon of the used automobllebuslness, scheduled for second roadlng, was hetd for furthe r studyby the Councll. The C ity Clerk was instructed to notlfy a1 1 who tnrybe lnt6rested., to meet wlth the Councl 1, Monday evenlng, November 12,1951, at 7:30 p.m. to revlew the ordinance. The rcwspapers were also requested to publiclze the proposed open meetlng. Under unflnl shed buslness, and thore b elng no obJectlons to CounclLman Love rs suggesttron that the new proposed CPS-Llfe fnsurance ptran forcity employees be held for furthe r consideratlon, actlon wastemporarlly vrithheld. Mrs. Sophio llargung, 2616 El1lslde Drive, ad.dressed theCouncll, re- quo stlng lnformation as to the procedure to foll-ow in placlng thoCity.Manager guestlon on the ballot at the next city election. t{ayorAtwater stated the subJect would have to be roferred to the CityAttor.ney. Mrs. Hartung clted several vlolatlons relative to the-(I) Dog ordlnance (2) Panktng of trucks (g) poorly erected signs orl 328 Callfomla Dnlvo near Peninsula A.,,enue and ( 4) helght of hedges on lntefsectlons ln North Bu:rlingame. The varl,ous c ohpla lnt s wore noted and referred to thelr respectlvo departments. Mr. c. H. Wohklng, Toyon Drlve, addressed the Councll and lntro- duced the subject of the placlng of f ihuort ne ln the cltytg w.1., supply. Considerable discusslon was had on tbe subJecte foLlow- ing urhf ch Councllman Slmonds moved that the Clty Clerl; bo lnstructed to atldr.ess a letter either to the Ameri can V'Jater Y/orks AssocJ.atlon or to the California Water lYorks, requostlng a Ilst of those cltle s presently uslng fluorlne and that upon receipt of the lnformationt a furthe i' communice tl on be sont to those clties, recluestlng fu13- data on the subJect. The motion was seconded by Councilnan Byrd and. rrnanlmously carrled. Corurcilman Love moved that the Clty Clerk be instructed to address a letter to Chief fheuer, requesting tho Chlef to convoy tho appreciatlon of the Corrncl l to the members of the auxlliary po1lce_ tb r. thetr excel-lent servlce to the City of Burllngame - partlcularly in thelr patrol of clty stneets dur'lng llalloween. The motLon was seconded by Councllnan Simonds and unan imous fy ca"rled. The menlc ers of the Burlingame Fir€ Department as well as Burlingame - High school students were complimented on thelr recont cl-e an-up activitles in connectlon with inprovlng unsightly conditions on Rolllns Road. There belng no f urtlre r businos5, the meeting was adjournod at 9:00 p.rn. on motion of CouncLli:an Hunt, seconded by C ouncilman Love and urranimously carrled. Re spe ctfully submitted, }MRBERT lrti HITECity Clerk AP?JiO\TED: /db 11. Kent Atwat Iriayo r