HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.10.22320 Burlingame, California Octoben 22, l95l A regular. meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. lleetlnl caIled to order at B:15 p.m. - Liayor Atwater in the Chair,. Ro1I CaII: Prosent - Councilmen: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-love-Sinronds Absent - Councilnen: l'trone The mLnutes of the prevlous meeti.ng of Octoben f, 1951, as sub- mitted to members of the Councll and as posted on the BulletLn Boa::d in the City Hall were unanimous ly acceptod and approved on motLon of CouncLlman Simonds and seconded by Councilman Love. I,{6nday, October 22, L95)-, at I or cIock, p.m. was the t14e schedul- ed fo:: a hearlng on the proposed :resubdLvlslon of Lots l, 4t 5, 6t 7, I and the easterly portlon of Lot 2, Block No. 3, Bu::lingame Ei1Ls. A letter. dated October 2, 1951, was read fYon the Plannlng CommLssion advlsing that pursuant to an lnspection nade of the property with ownerb of sald pnoperty, the Plannlng Conmisslon reconmended ttre approval of the proposed resubdl,vision vdth certain stipulations and the submLsslon of a new map on a larger scale fo:: Cbunctl appr"ova3.. Followlng a dlscussion on the subJect 'and actLng on advLce received flon the City Attorney, Councllman Love moved that the petltloners present the map, suitably prepared for recording purposes, to the Planning ComlrissLon for its appl3o- va1 and reconmendatlon to the City Cor:ncll. The motlon was seconded by CounclS.man llunt and unanimous ly car::led. A letter dated October 17, 195J-, was read fYom R. C. Theuer, Chlef of Police, subrnittlng the reslSnation of offlcer I'{arvln W. Rathert. On motlon of Councllman Slmonds, seconded by Councllman BJrrd and unanlmously canr'led, the resignatlon was accepted, effectlve as of 0ctobor 15, 1951. A letter datod October 18, 1951, was read fYdm Edsard J. I,elsr ItL::e Chlef, subml ttlng the rosl4natlon of Homel" Clayton to becone ef- fective November 1, 1951. The Councll wero fur ther informed by Chlef Leis that John II. l,{lchae1, the next e113lb1e appointee, has requested that hls name be romoved flon the eligible Ilst and that tr{r. Earvey Johnson, pr"esently f111lng a temporary posltion and ellgible fo:: appo!.ntment, has slgnlfled his vrlllLngness to accept.- On motion bf Councilman Love, seconded by Councllman Byrd and nnanlmous Ly carrled, the reslgnati.on of Yomer Clayton-was accepted effectlve November 1, 1951. FollowS-ng a dl'scussion on the irroper procedu::e to be established in the appolntrnent of pe::sonneI, actlon lvas tenporarily held ln abeyance until the subJect ls 1ega11y clanlfled. A letter dated October L9, 1951, lYom Dlrecto:: of Publlc'lYorlrs Mar'::, advlsi.ng that a request oi Mr. R. W. Burgess of 116 Bloomfleld Road for the-removal of a 1ar3e e1m tree ln llont of hls property has been complled vrith. The conmunlcation was o::dered fl1ed. A letter dated October 10, 1951, was read from the Civl Comnisslon reconmrending that a nerq classlflcation be es tho pogition of Asslstarrt Disposal Plant 0penator wlth z"anel as follows: Szas.oo - $3o0.oo - fi315.oo per month munication was held fo:: CouncLL action before the terml mee tLng. A letter dated October 19, 1951, rvas r"ead llom the Burllngrime Watel3 Commlsslon recormrendlng the adoptlon of a bl-monthly bl11lng for the Water Department: Councllman Love moved that the CouncLL concur ln the recommendatlon and that the proposed b111ing system become offectlve January 1, L952. The motlon was secondod by Councilman Eyrd and unanimous 1y carried. A letter dated October B, 1951' flom the Bur"llngame Recreatlon Comrission requestlng changes Lr Section 5, DlvLslon F of the salary 1D tabas er1, icellshed for alary The com-lon of the eI{1 +Tu(Lns o1 ur" ^:tr_:T_dsT.p p.rBoqTTTcl Jg Tor+uoc ?cTr+s s, aure3utr1.rngJo esT^pe ol pelcn.rlEu1 seru fodi,Ji.qg a+TO oti;, . stri;nql:1p Jo uoTsTA-To s rrTuro-. TT;c _J? e?r+s eq+ o, l,J{a ;r,jts "{ qlelosfp.-f.,;."11oonp, -f::ffi3: ;l,tYi}ff3iad secuiulpio {+iJ-rr, ;ro sildoc'q,er;1 ,ror.11,rry :,u1 ^ ._?r!!i;":;;. ;;;'fi;i.,f 3_iiiliiii:luf.li;"";HI:=tH,llIU,,;t*j$;i:is.rtB/.dr{: TrI Jo uo}sT^TC oL{.+ I.ro.r,j: pae.: #u iTgOT .6 .reqo+aO peltsp .ro+1eT V . .(e n.rns B + cnpuo c . ll. ^*:-i::_y:_1 "" ;l:Tfi$"I?5:Et o-X*H t" :fii "Hf'enueay prEr'roH o+ "-}y"gv-"t"r"rti"a-*o1.i_ _'peou esorrxr.rcJ .1cefqns eq1^uo uoTssncsTp rcr{q.rrur e'Bu1r,ro1id4 *.rru3gi"3"6 +sou-eq o+ pe^o.rd sBri.L+Tc ter{+ u1 su1:1.rrd.r1ed 1er11 -peigapd ?o_._"{""=* Jo {1TQ oqq qcTql\ uT'ec.rornroc Jo .raqurBr{c ' erue:,u1i.rir-g Jui -ri1{ .re1151 e o4 .(1de.r uT .apTs-.ro4Tu Jo {+T: eql ujoJJ pee-a -osfe "u,, ,"1qe1 v .+aaJ+s 1e1ueu1.rodxeuE s€ uosoqc ri1.re1nc 11ued eq leog aso.ruil.rd qeqq pue .s1ea*1a ssorcstanuoAv oureiulT;nL-1 {:-grl1 uo :-u14.:6o-,r!rr1 n".poo4uT T1curloc {+Tc eq++Er{1 :,.uTpuouraocoJ uoT+nTosoJ e ;ro -a3essej aq+ Jo :uTsT^pB oc.roi.illo3 Jo.requeqc arrciu11,n1 oqi iao..qr peei sera-;iior .tr reqo+co pe+Ep deq+oT v .. a e 1 1 luruo c r, ".,., o r, #53:i!li :H:' " :N' ":3;L;:.H :Xll: 3 fi * off " g,H;pue s;ro.(eui .rour.roJ--s, oue: ui1.rLrE",l" liir eLI+ Jo pa.mcoJd oq sean+oTdezTs ur{oJ Tun lE.{,+ BuTlse:.:.ns -.ec,remuop -3:o .re[r.aqp erue:ug1.rng eq1Jo 1u€p.rsord .ue:gn;c1.q .d- . j, r,.ro.\Jr .T96r'.it *"q.i".5 ili"i ,"++"t v +E o4Trr' 01 l,roJJe uB ur suor+cos ssoursno u*.o"i|*]:::^:.H1it:r;e rl:i . uoure Do+cnpuoc ".1 '.t"rro.,u , qr.6 peqje".i.,ns .re1ea,r1y .ro.(_a11'sliraqc*e, eiluo^v i,ur:,"iioia-::";;;-;;";"i"rp iii""r;;i; :;i;q 1ce[r1*solir .ee.re -(e^pe-:1a oql ur :,uilrieo-i;-ir;#;-;ili lJri,.,"*rrnu*neq+ ur uo r+ E'rep-T su9 c 11cun6p srijlsonn oJ_-,ro1 1e1 J o " "[ - lioracloleaeg-( earp e o,.rg aq1 r:o4;r. -pea.r I er,a, ;tior .tr .roqolco polrp re++oT v uo Bu14.red "*r1{-:! Jo uor?BuruiTro _e_y+ o* ...=*"."iT:i{ffH":auoT+Epuoifiuo c e.r E -4Eri+ pue eiuo;l'e'g'o _uo11"e;a eq+ uo pe+lTrxqns oq+soc Jo eq€uT+so_uB 1eq1 suo.tlc**:", r{1TrI .raauT:luE {qTO eq+ 04puE .crrod ,lo J_erq3-_er{i o1 pe.r,re;: o., s €rr1 uo1lec 3ur,a6c er6 .euETri+rol[ puB olo.r, .IBo. ueer,rleq lnua,r[ rraTo.rEc no anT:tled Jur11-cep .;ouoT,lEuTuTTe *I1-!?_)-!!y adel q1.r611 _plT-,alua^v elo.rc {Bo uoon+ecls{ce.r+ p"o"II:g^?Ig;ce4.rl.req1niis_gu+ Jo +seo puu o+ Tarre.redecuai B Jo u?J1-1o{e gri+ (I1 u6 u6lle.zopTsuoc TTounoc BuTtsonb-e.r'1c1..r1 s10 r:oy?q_qr TH r.io'i"n ";i"rt.o"s or{1 Jo +uopuo+uT,redns.spTorrliou .,rl .,1, rjo4 pno.r s;,n--.1 ;_ -.61 -r"i"_io j"i[p".ra1+eT v ^ ^ ^ ":-:: ? !"r,+li:!:;:i:{i}:l{ib1" !h:i -;"d',5,:i:Tffi "ff ;f- +aetu pTno/.r s+uou.+re.ie6.q+fB)H pue'-\l1p11rLS .6iL{ '".i;l;" TTcrmoCrlTJ er{1 Jo s..ro tuo:x.__oli,+ .Ti;H rcic "qi yT .y..i oot8 +B .6g aoqoica',tepuo;1 ro 1y.{1 pecunouue'""+"ii1v .:o.,lu1,tr .uolssncsTp orer{q.rruie 5.up^o11og . sp.rel.uels :ru1pt!iq"-1"aur 01 op.r.ir oct u'c so s Tixo.rdol-lq +Bq? :..utle1l pue Buplinl'o.i+ .lo uo11*od luo.r;r oq? occn.Iso+ uoTssTur.red 3uT,+sonbe.r 11jirri6 3 er{1 possojrppe osTE ..(q,.rado.rd eq1Jo .rou/no .1e11g_ sel.reqc .JI,{ ;uo1:11puoc snop.rezBq pue ,,iT+ q:r.T suns+T o? enp esBoJcop erll uo se&-ue,re +eqc uT " snl..,1",,r.1 +Eq1 puE4ue1d pue 8"r!Iflq 6cu"^pv :.uTuTofpe orll o+ p.rBzer{ B sa+n+T4s-uoc uoT+sanb u1 Su11:1Tnq aq+ {a.11'"i,u1qe1" irloioj-"[1 p""""rp-pe 'ecueapg^eunal*ifind "q4 j" Jaqs!1qng ;""""0]u-".idoo{l .;r,.1' sp r€puB+ s "ur1-r-111 - 9C ur.rosuoa " o1 r 1-"o,i,i.ri "q -;;;- il;;r rnq oq1+ou Jo .reqlaT-!,,\ ouTu.ra+op o+ rrourlo eq+ q+ Trn pelnpeqcs eq Bullear:rB 1Br{'+ uoTlEpuouuoco.r oq+ r{1T?Lr onueAv uo+..roT ,?;Q_T:[S, +E po+B?oI11u11 I..:equ;oII qT? oql uT 4s1xo 1eq1 suoT+Tpuoc Su1p.rul,e.: pea.rseu 1..rode.r +ueur+rudog q+tijeri p"" jiri .Eu1p11u1 .(113 poulr4uoc y {+ Tc er{q. 01 pa.rreJo.r-_s€/,r uor+ T+ed eq;--_.uoT1 c oro aro=r r;fir"f;}A{'TT.:dy :.uTuocqt.roJ or{+ uo >1iem a*oil" er{1 :ruT.rnp snnor{ Jo uoT+cnp-oJ E JoJ eplto.rd 01 e.rn.;eau e lu1ce1_O- u1 .(,ressecau uoT+ce TB:aTt{cns er[81 TTcunoO oq+ qBril au11 santei pEoJ sEer .T96T .9T cractolcgpelep .leuuosrecl ecTTo4 pua no.j'eq+ qioq -(q pe++Tuqns duo!?T+od V {!11! *:s uoTssrrlruoc ""r^r"l'ifr;3 jff, eq+ o+ uoT+Bpuouruoc€.r puB i*"'o"r.ci1 o,,'"Jiii" r:r" serc -eti ;i ruT"?l*l:t,?8ff :Eit rXIJEiiil3 TZT, J 2crq ordlnances pertalnlnl to such limLtatlon. Mrs. 0scar Thayez',actlve Ln numerous garden clubs on the PenlnsuLa, addressed the Council expressing appreciatlon on Coulcil po1lcy in prohlbltlng bll1.boards within the confLnes of the Clty of BurlJ.ni;ame. A letter dated Octoben 16, 1951, vras read from Rlcha::d P. LIinor, Burlingame Avenue property ovrnsrr offering the suqgestion that traffj.c con3estlon be relleved by the establlshment of penmanent a11eys, lvhere necessary, fo:r the use of dellvery trucks. tlr. Minor, ln attendance at the meetLng, reiteratod hLs statenents as outlined in his letter. IIls reraarks $/ere concurred in b;' LIr. George I'lcQueen. Councilman Hunt, speakLrl3 on the subject, stated that previous attempts to establLsh alleyways for dellveny purposes have met wlttr llttLe success but that ways and means are sti11 being sou3ht. Councilnan Love, speakinil on the subject of the lvidenlnS of Burlingaee Avenue, agaln urged the Chamber of Commerce to act contacilng agency for the merchants on Bur'lingan e Avenue ln an effort to aid ln the solution of the proposed wldenlng. A Ie tter" ilated octoben 18, 1951, was read ft'om the Br.rr l ing ame Lions Club requesting Council consLderation on the posslbility of re- habilltating the Guns t home and f\rr ther r"equesting that a meeting be ar:ranged with Councl-l and LLont s Club rgpresentatJ-ves to f\rrther discuss the merits of the proposal. l,[r. Les ]'{orqan, chairman of flre Llons Cormlttee on the rehabilltatlon of tho Gunst Home, addressed the Council and introduced lltr. Clare l(emp, 1'{r. X{arcel Blscay, Fire C1'rief Lrels, rnembers of the cornmLttee. Fo1low- ing L[:. ]ilorganr s presentation of an outllne of pIans, ]Iayor Atwate:r scheduled t'londay, October 29, at 8:30 p.a. for a neetLng wi ttt Counci1 membe::s and the Llons Club repres entatives. Reports f?om the Bur J-ingane Fire Deparbnent, the PolLce Department, the Depa::tment of Public Wo::ks and the Clxy Judge for the month of September, 1951, we::e read and ox'dered flIecl. ordLnsnce No. 518, entitled, {An ordlnanco Amending ttre ordlnance Code of ttre City of Burllngame By Aclcting Thereto a New SubdLvlslon To Be l(:aolvn as Subdlvlslon D RequlrLng an Apartment trIous e of Trro ox' More Sto::Les ln Height to Have Not Lels Ttxan Two }leans of Egressn was glven second reading. Counc Llman lovo moved the passage of O::dinance No. 518, seconded by C ouncl" lman Hunt and adopted by the follorrlng vote:Ayes ! Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Love-SimondsI'Ioes : None Absent: None ordinarce 1r1o. 519, entitledrflAn ordinance Anending Division C of Sectlon S25 0f the Ordinance Code of the Clty of Burlingame, Adopt- e<l tlay 2I, 1951, By Addin3 Thereto and Establishing a New Clilssifica- tion of Emplopent To Be I',rown as Assis tant Disposal Plant Operato:r and Fixlng Compensation Ttrerefortr tras introduced by Cou,ncllnan Hunt and 3iven first reading. Ordinance 1:lo. 520, entitled, nAn Ordlnance Anending the Orrlinance Code of the City of Burlirqqane By Adding T?rereto a New Article To Be l(novn as ArtLcle 11-A, And ProvidS.ng for the Regulation of the Used Autorno- bLle Brsiness" tas introducod by Councilman Love and Siven flrst reading. A clalm in the a:lount of $forooo.oo lor injurles sustained in a fa1I and presented by L{rs. Inez Orven, 120 Drvillht Road, in behalf of her daughter, Gail Ovren, rvas rejected and referred to the Cityrs lnsu::ance carrier on notion of Councilman Simonds, seconded by CouncLlman B;rrd and unanimous 1y carried. Claims 1157 to 1299 lnclusive fiere presented for payment and on motion of Councllman Love, the City Treasurer was authorLzed to issue warrants for theLr respectLve amounts, secondod by CouncLlman llunt and unanimous 1y carrled. The pa1'ro11 for the perLod Auiust, 1951, in the €rmount ot !i44r663.3o, was approved on notion of Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councllrnan Love and unanimous 1y carrled. 323 A communL cation dated October 1, 1951, was r.ead flom RichardJ. Dolwlg, San L(ateo County As s emblyman, announclng proposed meetl-ngs on the s tualy of Transbay anal Tldelands CrossLng and i{ighway gnade crosslngs to be held du::ing the month of November and inviti.ng Counc!-l comments. The communi catl,on was orderedllIed fo::' firture refe::ence. Unfinished Buslness 1. An employee request for. conslderatLon on the closlng of theClty HaJ-1 on Saturdays reas held for further survey and study. 2. Action on Council approval of a trans fer flom the presentholder of life lnsurance to that of the l9est Coast Llfe fnsur.ence Company ln conjunctlon wi th the new Callfornla PhysiclansServlce was delayed untll the next r"egular meeting. Councllman Simonds, prevlously appointed Challman of a Councll Conmlttee to Lntervlew applLcants to serve as'a Plannlng Consultant, advls ed that lr{r". George },{ann, former. San L{ateo Plarming Cormrls-sloner and presentLy Executlve Secreta::y of the Downtown XierchantsAssoclation had been recorrnended for the posltlon. 0n motion of Councll-nan SLmonds , the City Clerk was l-ns truc ted to inf o:rm i,lr. Mann of hls appolntment and the deslre of the Clty Council toneet wlth hLm to dlscuss compensatlon for hls servi.ces, revLew ofthe p lannl-ng ordlnances and to outllne a pnogt:s;rt relatlve tofttu:re plannlng. TLre motion was secondod by Councllnan Love and unanlmous 1y cB.rrled. Councilman Simonds moved the app otntment of James lI. L{ltche11as archltect to meet vrl th the Council to dl-scuss the remodelingof the Utty IIaI1 ln general and Lnstructed the Clty Clerk to sonotify L[r. L{ltche1l. The motlon was seconded by Councilman Love and unanimous ly car.ried. IIr. C. E. i{ehklng of Toyon Drive, and IJr. H. L. I.loyer, 952 LindenAvenue, each l-n turn, addressed the Council ca1llr attention toconditions exlstent at the Clty D;Lmp, particularlir the rurnin1 oflvaste on treetr<ends. Itlr. J. ,1. I{echt, 53? Corbitt Drive of theRurlingame Inpr.ovement Assoclatlon also addressed the Ccr,,ncilsuglesting that the Corrncll vitldrold conment r,:itil such timeas the Inprovement Association submlts its reconnendations tottre Councl1. i.iayo:r Atwater assr-lred the speakers that cons idera-tion vrould be iirren to the problenr. There being no f\rrther bnsiness, the meeting uras adjourned at11:25 p.m. on rlotion of Councllman Sl-rnonds, seconded i-,;r Council- r':an Hunt and '.rnaninlous 1y carrled. Respectfully subnitted, HERBMT K. UIIClty Clerk APPROVED: "4,-4II. ]CNT I,i a;' 63 I