HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.10.013L6 Burllngame, Csllfornla 0ctober 1, 1951 A regular moetlng of tbe Bur'llngame Clty CounclL was held on the above glven date. Meetlng called to order at 8:15 p. m. - Mayor Atwaterin the cha 1r. RolI Call: Present - Cowrcllmen: Atwater-Byrd-Eunt-Love-SLmonds Absent - Councllmen: None The mlnute s of the prevlous meetlng of Septomber 17, 1951, as sr:b- mltted. to members of the Clty Councll and as posted on the Bulletln Board in the City HaI1, were unanlmously approved and adopted on motion of CouncL lman Ilunt and seconded by Councllman Slmonds. Pursuant to a publl sheeight o rclock, p.no. wa f,or blds for work and Manor Subdlvlslon. Th egal notlce, Monday, 0ctober 11 1951, at he tlme set for the openlng of pr"oposals rovements to be made ln the Burllngame ollowlng blds were opened and :read: d1st inpef Frank t{. Srdlb, IAq. 19th and Bayshore, San Mateo Total bid iiems $ 46,90E.so Brag ato Paving Co.,1650 01d County Rd., Belmont Total bld items $ bg,uz.so Bid bonds accompanled both bids subrdtted. QuestLoned by members of the Councll for an explanation as to the excesslveness ln pric€s quoted in the blds ln companlson to hls estlnate of cost, Clty Englneor Manr stated that tt was 1lkely due to weather condltlons this tlme of the year and to the method of payment. The City Engineer and the Clty Attorrcy were lnstrrrctedto revlor the bids and subml t a rocomtrendatlon before the terrninationof the meetlng. Monday, October 1, 195L, was the time schoduled for a hearlng on the petltlon submltted by Hunphrey L. Jones for permlsslon to change lot lines - establlshlng three lots fronting on E1 Camlno ReaL and one lot wlth frontage on Sanchez Avenu€. A communlcation dated August 50, 1951, was read from the Burllngame Plannlng Cornmlsslon, advlslng that conslderatLon bad been glven to the request and ltwas recorrmended that the resubdlvlslon of Lots I0, 11, 12, !3t 14, Block 18, Easton Additlon No. 2, be approved. Couneilman Love moved concurrence in the recornmendatlon and that an approprlate map be filed and sub-nitted for recordlng, seconded by Councl hnan Byrd and unanlmouslycarrled. Resolutlon No. 65-51, approvlng the rcsubdlvlslon of the lotsln questlon, uas lntroduced by C ounc ilnan Love who moved lts p&ssage, seconded by Councllrnan Hunt and unanimously car.ried by ro11 call of nembe:rs pre sent. A letter dated September 28, 1951, was read from the Clvll Servlce ComnissLon, submltting the followlng ellg lble llst for Junlor E"clneer: 1. James J. Roemer, 1451 Taylor Street, San Francl-sco. The llst was a ccepted as submitted on motlon of Councl lman Byrd, sEcondeal by Councllman Slmonds and ulanl-mous1y carri6'd. A letter dated Septeaber 27, l95l-, rras nead from the Burllngane Plannlng C6mmlsslon, advislng of its a clmowledgment of a petltlon bearJ.ng a grdrp of names relative to ascertainlng the wlshes a ncl zonlng pr€ferences of the resldents in the Lyon and Hoag SubdLvlsLonof Burllngame and that the subJect ras b eing held for further study. A ]-etter dated September 1?, 1951 , was read from E. L. Lincoln, Recreation Superlntendent, reqlre sting perrrisslon to attend the Goverrrorls Conferrence to be held in Sacramento, October 15 and 16,at whi ch tlme the problems of the aged wer€ to be consldered. S upon- lntendent Llncoln was granted permlsslon to attend at his o$n expense. 3L7 A^1ett6r dgteal Soptember 24, 1951, was read from G. J. Marr, Directorof Publlc Worksr- recomendlng th9 approval of a requeat by noy L.Freeman, malntenanco man in tho Streot Department, for a 6ne ionthrsleave of absence, for the perlod october 3 to Novembe r s. c ouncllmanLove moved that the request be granted to Mr. Freensn, for theperlod stated, without pay. - The motlon ras second.ed by Cou:rci lmanHunt and unan imously carnied. A letter dated s€ptember 5o, 1951, was r:ead f rDm Dlrector of publlc Works Marr, advlslng that- Mr. F:rank Dupps has walved hls appolntmentof-the posf!191_of groundsman at thls tlme, thus d.epletlng'iheexistlng e11glb1e rneglster fo:r thls classiilcation. rt ris r^eque sted.!t t gl ellglble rlst be crsated for the crassiflcatlon of groundsman.Councl lman Byrd moved that the ClvlL Servlce Conmlsslon be sol,nstructed, seconded by councllman Hunt and unanlmously carried. A^letter dg.te d Septeuber 26, 1951, rvas read from G. J. Marr, Dlr€ctorof Publlc works, r"elatlve to the petltlon and request of nesLdents oncarlos avenue to cancel the llcense of the Tlny Tot School located.at-1435 Carlos Ayenuo. Mr. Marr reported that-the school meets wlthall regulatlons and the Justlflcatlon of such cancollatlon has notbeen presented by the s!.gners of the petitlon. The clty clerk waslnstructed to notJ.fy the petitioners Lhat the Clty has no 1egfiimatereason to orden the cancellatlon of tbe llcense oi the Tlny iotNursery School. A. letter dated September 24, 1gS1, ras :read from Dlrecton of pubI1c Wol.l{! Mlrl, advlsS.ng that the penlnsula HospltaI Dlstri.ci has beennotlfled that lts ,equest that tho clty reconstruct lts pres€ntdral na ge system ln Ray park so as to divert the stozrr waiers er.se-where than lnto the property of- the Hospital Distrlct, tns been],nvestlgated. In a letter to the Secretary of the Ofitrict, f,fr.Marr stated that lt ras the Cltytg contention that the HospitalDlstrlct obtatned the^property iubJect to the Cltyr" exisiingrfghtfor the dlsposltlon of tho st6rm water and any exiense invoivea toextond the flow of such wgtg::. beygnd lts pnes6nt butlet, should b eborne by the Ilospltar Dlstrlct. 'The conmirnlcation was 6nderea flled. + nequest fo_r-the appolntment of a Junlor Englneenr as contalned in aletter from Dlrector of pubrtc works Marr, dited s6ptemter io, 19s1,was granted wlth the appointment, of Jarm s J. Roemer, to. i on thelLst, on motion of counct lnran slmonds, s econded uy coun"lLan eyrdand una'imou-s ly - carrred. The appointment was to 6ecome eriectrveoctobe:r 16, 1951-, and subJoct to-ttre usr:al clvil S"rri"e requrrements. A. 16tt-er dated septenber 28, 19s1, was read frrm Dlr.ector of publict/rio::!s Marr, submlt ting for Cor:nc11 approval, a pre lirrlnary costestlmate for the wr dening of Burlingaire Avenuer'one and oire-harf feeton elther slde and reducing the exlJtlng htgh crown. Also subrnlttedwere thr€o tentatlve.plans f-or pa lklng alon[ Burllngane Avenue. MayorAtwater stated that the chamben of coinence-had reqlestea-trre surveyin order to present the data to owners of. Burllnganie A.renue prope::ty.The communl cat L on was ther.ofore neferred to the Eurllngame chamberof Conmence for tts conslde:ration. A. letter dated Septemben 2b, 1951, was read from E. J. Lels. FircChlofr - subnlttlng a nequest from Honre r Clayton, troseman, ioi a sfxrnonths I leave of absence, effectlve Novemb6r 1; 19br. euestloned bythe- councl], chief ],els stated that Mr. clayton contempiated enterli:gbuslness on a trlal basls. corrncl lma n Love-moved that'the roquest bedenled and tbat Mr. .olayton be notlfled ihat becausJ or a-preceaentestabllshed ln the past, the couneil coul"d not condone "r"f,-. request.The motlon was seconded by Councllnsn Slmonds and unanLmouJfy cernled. *_1gt!?I dated September Ze, 1951, frcm the Burlingem€ Munlclpal-ErlpJ.oyees_t Assoclatlon, requesttng consldenatlon 1n the croslig ofthe clty HaIl on saturdays, was h€ld for further stuay ty-irre council. A letten_ dated September ZBr.19SI, was nead from the Bur1lngameM"llclpal Enploye es t - As soclatlon, reque stlng that the cittG portlonpald- to the prespnt holder of rts rife lnsurance contract, be app116dto the ner contract wlth the californla physlcla"st Sen"iie snd thewest coast Llfe rnsurance company. Following a discusston-on trre 31_8 proposed chanle, Councllman Byrd moved that the agent be notlfled to Lonsult wlth the Clty Attorney on the proposeal new contract and that the Clty Attorriey, l,n turn, submlt a report and ,leconmenda- tlon to the Ctty Council. A letter dated Septomber 28r 1951, was read fron Clty C16rk Whlte requestlng approval ln the retentlon of Mrs. Jean Cloud, senior clenk- stenographe r in the Clerkrs offlce, untll the results of an examlnatlon for this posltlon is aruxouncod and acted upon. Councll- man Simonds movod concurrence tn the request, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unan J,mous 1y carried. A lett€r dated Septofuer 27, 1951, was read fron Alfrcd M. Marlon, In roply to a Corrncll request, ln whlch Mr. Marlon ad.vls€d ttnt constructlon over a garage being constructod at L2L6 M11Is Avenue, would be used as a rumpus room on1y. There stlI1 being some m1s- understandlng and confusl-on as to the interpretation of the present Bulldtng Codo, Cormcllman Slmonds moved that the subJect matter be hold for further study and dlscusslon wlth membors of the Councllr the Clty Attorney and the Bulldlng Inspector. The motlon ras seconded by Councl lnan llunt and unanlmously carried. A letter dated Septembor 27, 1951, was read f rrrm George MsQueene BunlJ-ngamo Advarce publlsher, dlrectlng Councll attentlon to the ' condltlon of the bulldlng at 52O Lorton Avenue, lmme diately adJoln- 1ng the Advance bul1dlng and pl"ant. The subJect was referred to the Buitdtng Inspector, the Firc Departrre nt and to the Health Department for lnvestlgatlon and report to the Councll at th€ next meetLng. Mr. Charles E11et, ovmer of the bullding 1n questlon, a ddressed tho Council, statlng tbat ln his oplnlon, the premises conforme d to butldlng, health and flre rogulatlons, but he woul-d cooperate wlth the departnents In a further lnvestlgation. Mr. El1et was r€quost€d not to alter the present condltlon of the bulldlng untl1 the Lnves- tlgation 1s completed and s report ls submltted to the Council. A bul"letln f rom the Office of Clv1l Defense, State of Callfornla, dated September 19, 1951, was read, submitting anended Leglslature Labor Codes, provldlng fon lncreased dtsablllty beneflts for lnJurry and also increased death beneflts f,o voluntary dlsaster service workers, effectlve September 22t l.95L. Mayor Atwater reported that the lncrease amor.rnte d to approxlmately one-thlrd more than prevLous beneflts. Re solutLon Fund s to D other Clty Cal lfornl, a 1? Inclusl No. 61-51 rrAuthorl zi ng ard Directing the Expendlture of efnay Brpenses of the llembe rs of the Clty Councl1 anal Officlals Attendlng the Conference of the League of Cltles at San Franclsco, Callfornla, 0ctobo:r 14 to the vert was lntroduced by C or:ncl lnan llunt who moved Lts passage, seconaiod by CourrclLoan Slmonds and adopted unanlmcus}y upon ro11 call of members. R6golutlon No. 62-51 nAuthorl zl-ng tho Mayor Fo:r and ln Behalf of the City to Exe cut e an Agreernent wlth 1I{. Vrlarren Callore and Marjonle Caliowr for the Collectlon of Viater Bllls ln North Burllngam€ n was introduced by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Love and adopted folIowlng ro11 call of members. Ordinance No. 518, entltled ttAn ordinance Amendlng the ordinanc e Code of the Ctty of Burllngame by Adding Thereto a New Subdlvlslon t o be I(nown as ttEubdlvlslon Dtr Requi rlng an Apartmont IIouse of Two on MoreStorlos ln llelght to Have Not Less Than Tvro Means of Egnessrr was introduced by Corncilman Hunt for first readlng. UNFTNISI]ED BUSINESS 4a:) A letter dated October 1, 1951, was read fron Bullding Irrspector Watson, reportlng that aI] details Ln connection wltb tbe reuovalof the premlses at 114 Howard Avenue, ar€ b eing satlsfactorlly complied wlth. (U) The Counci I were advLsed that tbe home at, 1427 Paloma Avenu6, under condennatlon prbceedlngs, 1s belng demollshed. 319 Uayor Atwater lnforred Mr. Paul Constantlno, present at the meetlng, that the CounclL has not as yet been a dvlsed by the Plannlng Coamlsslon as to lts approval of the Burllngars Town and Country Realtors! reque st to subdivlde certaln Lots in Block 3, Burllngame Hi11s, but that actlon would be forthcomlng at the next meetingof the Counclf on October 22nd. Clty Engineer luarr, pursuant to a nevlew made of the blds recolvedfor street lmprovement s ln Burlingame Manor, recommended that th€blds be reJected. C ouncl lman Love moved that the Councll concurwith the r€ coarrn ndatlon and that both blds b e reJected, s econded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously carrled. Mr. Ray Soskln, 1517 La Mosa Drive, Burlingame Manor SubdlvisLon, addressod the Councl I and requested Councll conslderatlon ln the lrusdlate cor::ectlon of a faulty street condltlon on La Mesa DrLve. Councl lman Simonds moved'that tho City Englneer be authorlzed to proceed with the street repalr Ln order to alleviate the condltlon, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously carried. Mr. B. W. Burgess, 116 Bloomfleld Road, addressed the Cor:nc1l, re-guestlon actlon in the removal of a tree, whlch ls danaglng the cunblng ln front of bis proporty. C ouncilman Love moved that the subJect be referred to the Supe rlntendent of Parks and to the Street Supe rlntendent and that a report be rnade at the next Council neetlng. The motlon was seconded by Corurci lman Byrd and. unanlmously carrled. Councl lman Love move d that the Ivlayor appolnt a connrlttee of three members of the Cou.ncll to lnvestigate the possiblllty of employing aplanning consuLtant to consul-t with memb€rs of the Plannlng ComrnLsslon. The motlon was geconded by Councilman Slmonds. Councllman Slmonds, speaklng on the motlon, stated the flrst step should be toward the codtrflc.alton of the Cityts exlstlng ordinances and thst in lntervlewlngpotenb#r appllcants thly be advlsEd that lt w111 necessltate worklng - in conJunctlon wlth reprosentatlves of the Councll, the Planning Comndssloners, the City Attorney and the Clty Englneer. The motlon was unanimously cs,rried. Mayor Atwater appol,nted Councllmen Hunt, Love and Slmonds as members of the commlttee. Clty Attorney Kamrel pald trlbute to CoI. Chas. N. Klrkbrlde, San Msteo Corxrty ploneer and a long-tlre resldent and property owne r both in San Mateo and Burllnggme, who passed 1n death, Monday morning, Octobor 1, 1951. Councllman Slmonds called attentlon to the rearmsment program and tbe need for the conservatlon of steel and advlsed that the Burllngame Amerlcan leglon had proposed a tlireo-cltles scrap drive. ft was requested that a member from e ach City Councll of the three citles be appolnted to asslst the Amerlcan Leglon ln the proposed drlve. Councl funan Simonds moved that the Mayor be authorlzed to appoint a member of the Clty Council to act in behalf of the Clty and that tbeappolnteo notlfy the Amerlcan Leglon of his wl1llngness to r:end er: such servlce ss ltay be needed. fhe motLon was seconded by C ouncllnanByrd and unanlmously carrd.ed.. Mayor Atwster appolnted Corrnct lman Simonds to represent the Ctty of Burllngame. Mayor Atwaten, speaklng on the subject of Clvil Defense, stated that Burllngame ts Asslstant Dlrector, Co1. M. A. Fawcett, is plannlng tocontact all Po1lce Department s wlthln the lronediate vlcinity ln aneffort to coordlnate a ualfied sLren warning system. There being no further buslnoss, the meetLng adJourned at 10:OO p.m.out of respect to the memo rTr of CoI. Chas. N. Kirkbrlde, and to meeton the 22rrd of Octoben, 1951, on motlon of Cor:nc11man Simonds, secondod by C ouncl lman Love and unanlmously csrrled. Respectfully subml-tted, APPHOVED' H. Kent At Mayor HEBBLRT E'Clty C lerk