HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.04.18163 A meotlng of the Burllngameglven date. }ieeting caI.lodIn the Chair. Burlingame, CallfonnlaApnll 18, 1950 Clty Council was held on the aboveto order at 8:OO p.rl. - Ir{ayor Love RoIl CaLl: P:resent -l Councl]rn6n: A,twater-Ilunt-Love-SimondsAbsent - Councllmon: None Mayor Love called fo:r a canvass of the votes of the General Munlclpal Electton 1n the Clty of Burlingame, heLd on the ll$h day of trpn3.l, 1950. Th.e City Cl.er.k opened the onvelopes of thevarious pneclncts ln *rleh were enclosed the taJ.ly sheets. fheresult was announced as follows: For CounclL:man Prec. Simgnds BelLeveau Bunns By::d Dahl kmpsteq Sea 156 Llz L58 ]..25 ]-74 Lg4 162 249 L27 118 158 L95 L46 L27 L64 L55 ta 44 84 99 100 llz 77 91 65 58 4t 69 40 36 tro 52 23 23 29 70 55 56 56 B1 4t 48 +a L0L 56 99 L20 79 92 57 oo 97 OD BB 70 LL5 79 63 BO L1? 84 76 94 78 18 15 b L5 t2 11 L3 52 16 19 23 L5 14 B 7 () L5 4 11 L2 15 L8 o 20 L2 LL 20 34 63 55 82 78 89 79 76 60 85 76 97 85 A B c D E F H I J K L M N 0 P (lMiirte ) 124 67 1B 55 o DO 42 L60 (Spencer")'L Tota1Votes 2480 1085 980 L545 ?;26 272 L239(white) 1(Spencer) 1 The total nurirber of votes cast in said consolida'l;ed preclncts was +rAO2. U1;rsses S. Simondsr Jr., and Andrevl J. Blnrd, wore declared duly elected. Councilmen of the Clty of Burlinganre for the fuIl ternlof four ye&rs. Resolution No. 14-50 rDeclarlng Result of Election Held in ttreCity of Burlingame, County of San };Iatec, State of Callforni-a,April 11, 195Or rt was introduced by Councllman Hunt, second.edby Councilman Atwater and adopted unanimously be ro11 call. Clty Clerlc, Herbert I{. Yfhlte, thereupon administered the Oath ofOffice to Councllman Simonds and CounelLman Byr"d who accepted thelr office. 1_64 Mayor Love eongratulated the newLy seated CouncLLuaen and welconed therr as uembers of the Board. Councilman Simond.s, Ln accepting hls office, expressed. apprecLatlon to tl1e cltizens of Bu::Ll-ngame for the overwhelmLng vote he neceived.t pledglng his contlnuanee to act In the best lnterests of-the^Cl!_y ina t-fraii<lng the members of the press for their cooperatlon Ln the past and du:rlng the necont eLectlon canrpal-gn. Councllu,an Byrd also thanked the cltlzens and pLedged hls ftrll eoopenatlon to tlre CltY Council. Clty Attorney Kan:rel extendod. his congratuLatlons to the newly eleLted CounLllmen and expressed the destne that ttre CounclL con- tinue lts po1lcy toward naklng Btrrlingane a beautltuJ. Ctty and to eontlnue to work hamoniousLy togethen for the vrelfaro of the eonrmunity. Roy IT. SeagravesronB of tho defeated can&id.ates in the eLeetion; L.-Henbont-Ear:ris, fotaer Mayon; I. J. Roth, foirnen Councllmen; Howard. fmus, PresLdent of the Chamber of Coronence; Joseph 0tBrlenr Ghairuan of- the Me:rchants Couralttee of the Chamber of Cormterce; and Granvllle Browning, Secretary of the Charnber of Commence each, in tu:rn, congratulated CouncLLaen SLmonds, CouncLlman Eyrd, and th'e City of BurI.lngaue. Councllman Atwater pJ.aced Ln nomlnation, I'[ayor tove fon reappoint- ment as ChaLman of the Councll for anothen one year ter:m, second,ed by CounclL:aan Eunt and. unanlmousLy conffumed. Mayor Lovo exp'r:essed his gratltude at the opportunity of senving ?galn as Mayon- and stated that tho Councll wou].d contir*re lts plans for stneet repalrs and. a solutlon to the panklng problems vrithln the Clty. He flrrther expressed. hls appneelatlon to the press, the Ctty Smployees and to the Heads of ttre Departments. CounclLman Hunt placed in nomLnatlon, Councllaran Atwater as VLce- meyor for the coming yoar, seconded by Council:nan Slmonds and unrirnl-mousLy eonflmred. CounclLman Atwater in acceptlng the office expressod hts dosi::e to continue to work ln the best lnterests of the Clty. Councllman lIunt also extended his feLlcltatlons to the newly seated. CounclLuoen and. to Mayor Love and Vice-xcsyot Atwater on thein appointment. Thore belng no ftrthen transactLon of buslness, the moetlng was regularLy adjourned on motLon of Counclls^an Atwater, and seoonded. by Councl}nan Eunt. Mayor tove agaln remlnded the pubJ.Lc of Councll-Student Governnent Day, Apri3. 25, 1950 and urged aLL to attend the evenLng meetlng on th.at date. Respectfirlly submltted, erbert K. Tfh.iteCity Clerk APPBOVED: ,40*nL Dan R. Love, Mayor a