HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.09.1737.2 Bur:11n5.1ame, S eptember CaU-fornLa1?, 1951 \ A regular meeting of the Br.rrli-nganre city council was held on the above glven date. I'leetlng called to order at B:15 p.m. - Mayor Atwater ln the Chalr. Bo11 Call: Present - Councllnen: Atl'rater-By::d-Hunt-Love-Simonds Absent - Councilmen: None The minutes of the prevlous meetin3 of Septermber 4, 195ir'as subr- mitted to members of the Ci.ty Councll and as posted on the BulLetin tsoard in the Clty IIa11, were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of CouncLlman Hunt and seconded by CounciLnan Slnronds. Monday, the l-?th day of September, I951r at elg)rt ot clock, p.n. was the timo set for a publlc hearing on the ::epo::t and assessment fot: the reed and :rubbish abatement. There belng no p::otest entered, ResoLutLon No. 60-51 rtrExlnlg the Assessment for Weed and Rubblsh Abatement for 1951n ras Lntroduced by councl lman Slmonds who moved its adoption, seconcled by Councllman l{unt and adopted unani- mously upon r.o11 call of memb€rs. Monday, September 17, 1951, was set by Resolutlon No. 50-51, as tlle time ivhen any and all persons havlng obJectlons to the proposed lmprovements and assessments to certain streets and sewerc wl ttrln the Subdlvlsion of Bu:rllngame l{anor, may appear to protest. there being no obJectlons, the fol-Iowlng resolutlons were read3 Resolutlon No. 56-51, nOndering TJork to Imp::ove Certel-n Stneets and Sewers lltthln the Su6dlvlslon lftrown as r Bu:r11ngame I'lanort i rrlthln the Clty of &rIlngame, and Partlcularly La l'[esa tuive, A1lurae Iblve and I'fargarlta Avenuef, was lntroduced by C ouncl ].man Love who moved its adoptlon, seconded by Councllman Byrd and adopted unanl- nously on noLl call of members. Resolution i{o. 57-51, nDirectLng I{o:rk to be Done Under the Dlrection of the City Englneerto was lntroduced by Councllmar Hglrt, ltro moved lts passage, second.ed by Councllman Love and upon ro3.1 call of menbers, unanlmous Iy adopted. Resolutlon No. 58-51, rDirecting Assessraent to be Prepared and Slgned by the LYlgineer of lYorkn was l.ntroduced_by Councl1nan Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded by Councilman Love and adopted unanimously upon ro11 call of members. Resolution No. 59-51, trca1J-lng fo:: Sealed Proposals for ttre Yfork and Improvements to be Made on Certain Streets and Sewers within the Subdlvlsion Knofln as t Burllngame L{anor t Withtn the Ctty of Burllngame was intr:oduced by Councilmer tove who moved lts adop- tion, seconded by Councllman ilunt and upon ro!.1 call of membe:rs, unanlrnous ly adopted. September 1?, 1951, at elght ot, clock, p.lr. was the tlne scheduled by Eesolutlon No. 45-5L, at $hLch time any person havlng objectlonsto lhe proposed vacation of a portlon of La I,'lesa DrLve and }iargarlta Avenue 1n Bu::Iir\g ame },lanor would be given an opportunl ty to entor aprotest. Thene being no offections, Resolutlon No. 55-5I n0:rderlng the Vscation of a Portion of La llesa Drl,vo and Iriargarlta Avenue' was lntroduced by Councilrnan Slmonds, who noved lts adoptlon, seconded by C ouncl J.man Hunt and adoptecl unanimous 1y by roll cal1. A letter dated September 13, 1951, was read fnom G. J. ldarr, Dlrecton of Publlc llllorks, submltting the resignation of Davld E. Kuenzli, Equlpnent Operato:rr The resLgnatLon was accepted, effec- ti.ve September 15, 1951, on notlon of CowrclLman Bfrd, seconded by Councl Lraan Simonds and unanlmously carrl,ed.. A lette:r dated Septembe:r 12, 1951, was read f:rom Director of Publ1c Itlorks Marr, ::equesting the appolntment of a treo trlrrner and alsothat of a groundsnan ln the Park Department. No. 1 on the currente]-lglble 1lst, Pharoah Cook, was appointed to the poslt5.on of T?ee Tr'lmme:: in the Park Department on a motlon lntroduced by Counc l1man r 313 Love, seconded by Councllman BJas al and r:nanlmous 1y carried. Councll- man Love firther moved the appolntment of Fbancls J. Dupps, e1lglb1efo:: appolntment as gr:oundsnan l-n the Park lbpartment, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmous 1y ca::::led. Ttre appolntments $/ereefqective October 1, 1951, and subject to the usual Clvll Servlce Regulatlons. A letter dated September 14, L951, was read ilom E. E. HlL1s, CityElectricl-an, requestin6l permission to attend a moetlng of theInternational l.{unlcipal Signal Associatlon to be held Ln San lban- clsco September 1? to Sep tenber 20. fhe request submttted was Councllnan Slmonds noved.ty Electrlclan be perrnltted . The motion was seconded A 16tter dated September 14, 195L, yr,as read f::om R. C. Theuer, Chlefof Po1lce, advislng that pursuant to a Councll :request fo:r a reportreLative to lnsta11lng stop si.gns at the intersection of l{1gh1and and Bayswater Avermes, lt was hls recormendatlon to pelnt slow slgnsfour vrays. to the approach of the lntersection; create rod zones atall four points and that the Pa?k Depa:rtment clear ove::hangLng b:ranchesof trees. [he recoamendation was concurred in, on motion of Councll- man Slmonds, seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously carrled. approved by the Director of Publlc llIo::ks. concuffence ln the r.equest and that the Ct exp€nses in an amount not to exceed $2O.OOby Councllman Ilunt and unanLmous J.y carried :r1 the1g er 41a o.0 . A letten d.ated Septembe ChLef, requestlng thatattend the fntennatlona September 17 to Septembbe g:ranted to the Fire emount not to exceed $2Hunt and unanlmous ly carrL 4, 1951, rras read flom Edward J. Lels, H::eFire Alarm Electrlclan be pe:rmltted tolgna1 AssocLation meetlng ln San Fhancisco,20. CouncLlman Love moved that pexmlssLon rm ElectrlcLan, wltJl an allowance ln anO. The motlon was seconded by Councilman ed. A lettpr d.ated September J.3, J.951, fbom T. F. McGulgan, presi.dentof ttre Chanber of Coronence, requesting that an approxlmate costof the wldenlng of BurJ.lngame Avonue, be subml,tted to the Chambe::of Cornnerce, ^was referred to t?re C11y Englnee:r. Mayor Atvrater re-quested the ulty Englnepr to prepare a rough estl.mate based on thestreet beLng widened one and one-half to two feet. A letter dated-Septembe:: 15, 1951, was read fnom Jarne s W. Dl11ey, Ins tru-c-ton_1r_r_ Cf ty P1ann5.ng at the San l{ateo Junlo:r Co11ege, In- - w!i9n $1. Dtl1ey expressed the oplnlon that the suggested-widenlngof Burllnga.ne Avenue would not Eolve ttre parklng p:coblems withln - the Clty of Burlingeme and proposed ce::tal-n plans to alleviate theproblen. fhe subJect matter ras refenred. to the BulJ.dlng Cornnltteeof ttr6 CouncLl and to the Clty Englneer fo:: future stud!. Council- man Lrove stated that he obJected to certaln pnoposals suggested 1nthe letter but that a planning advisor to the Councll would be help-ful ln the estebllshnent of a master plan for the City of Br:r1lngaire. A l-etter dated September 13, 1Oi1, ftom the Bunlirgane Town ardCountry Rea1ty, was read, requost5.ng Council conslderatlon andapp::oval of several lots ln Block three of Burllngame HLlls. MayorAtwater lnformed Mr. PauI Constantino, one of the :roaltons presentat the meetLng, that tnasmuch as the Councl-I had not neceivod a::ecommendation f}'om the Planning Comm1sslon, the subjeet would agalnbe referned to the Commlsslon. A.I.ette:: date d - Sep tember" 15, '1951, was .read f:rom f . Karmel, CltyAttorney, subnittlng reconoendatlons fo? CounciL conslderatlon i,e1a-tive to the co]-lectian of water b1L1s Ln the Broadlvay a::ea. Council- merr Byrd moved that ttre p3.ans as outllned 1n the Attorneyrg cononrni-catlon be submltted to the flrm degltrous. of establlshlng- the coLloc-tlon agency and lf 1n favor of the p::ovls lons, the firm contact theCtf,g Attorney p:repa::atory to the drawlng up of a contract. Themotlon was sesondod. by Councllman Love and unanLmously carrled. A letter dated Sepler4ber 5, 1951, was nead f:rom Jpmeg llatson, Bui1d-lng fnspector, advlslng,that a permlt had been lssued to A. i4arlonto bulld a gerage on Paloma Avenue with the addLtion of a nr:mpusroon ovelr the garage, but that work on the constructj.on had beenhalted because ttre room was being t"u::nbd into Ilvlng guarters. Theletter recommendod that en amendment to the EriJ.dtng Code be adopted,pnohtbttlng the constructlon of a room or llooms over a detached garage 3_1_4 ln a slngle family resLdence dlstnict. Councilrnan Love movedthat the Clty Attorney be lnstnucted to prepare an ordLnance whlch would prohlblt the erectlon of e ?oom or rooms ove? a garage ln a single famlIy dre111ng resldentiaL dlstrict. The motlon was seconded by Councilman Hunt and unanlmous 1y carnied. The Clty C1e::k was instructed to cormrunlcate with lilr. ldarlon advlslng hlm that the constructlon narst be confined to use as a rruBpus room only and that he signlfy hls wiJ-Ilngness to comply by addresslng a letter to the Clty Council. Repo::ts fo:: the month of Auiust ,1951, were r.ead fron the Burllng ame trtre llepa?tment, the Department of Public Y'lorks, the Pollce Department and the Clty Jufue. A letter dated September 14, 1951, was read from M. A. Farcett, Assistant Director of Clvil Defense, requesting the aIl-ocatlonof S1r600.0O to be used ln englneerlng wo:rk corurected. wlth Clv11 Defense, whlch would onable the generator and pr:mp, ownedby the Clty, to be placed ln condltion and posltlon l-n c&so ofdlsaster. Councilman Simonds moved that the CounciL concurs uri ththe recomenclatlon and that a total allocatlon of $l-r 600. O0 be allowed - $Lr20O.O0 for the overhaulLng, t:ransporting and settingof a stand-by.. dl es o I powered electric generator and auxil.l ary w-ater pump - $4O0.O0 to defiray the appnoxiuate costs of purchasLng a mobLle water chlorinatlng equipment, for Clvil Defense purposes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Byr d and unanlmous fy carrled. U]IFTI{ISIIED BLiS INESS (a) A letter dated September' 14, 1951, was nead fbom Fl::e ChiefLeis, reporting that an lnvestigatlon made at the Tiny Tots Nursery School at 1435 Carl-os Avenue, Lndicates that the school has complledwith all the necessary state and 1oca1 fire s tanda::ds. The subJect was continued unti1 ttre next regular meeting of the Council. (b) The City Clerk advlsed that a r.eport flrom the Health Depart- ment on the dlsposltlon of the lfay lY. tueeth property would be madeat the next regular meetLng of, the Council. ( e ) The Councll rrras .lnfo::med that the structures on the pnemtsesat 114 Howard Avenue have been dismantled but that the owner 1g conterq>latLng using a portion of the lumber ln the constructlonof a new bul1ding. CounctLman Slmonds moved that the BuildtngInspector be instmcted to S.nspect the l-umb er p::opos ed to be used, and advise whether or not it ls te::ml-te infeeted, seconded by CounclLnan Love and unanlmous 1y carrted. (d) Proposed amen&nents to the Fire Coder amendments to the :rules and regul.atlons of the ltre Department and amen&nents to the Bulltt-ing Code rere stil1 belng studted and would be presented for Councllaction at the next regular meetlng. (e) CouncLLman Byrd moved that $2OO.OO be approprlated for thograiilng of sectl.ons in the planted areas aLong Callfornla hlve,geconded by Councllman Hunt and unanlmous ly carri.ed. C ouncl l.rnaa Slnonda Boved that the Park Depa::bnent be lnstructed to expend anamount not to exceed S250.OO for the purchase and p3.anting of tneesand shrub s along the a::ea 1n question, soconded by Councllman Blr:ndand unanLmous Iy carar.ied. CouncLlman Hunt was congratulated on the comp3.etlon of hls 22nd yearas Clty . Councll:nan for the Clty of Bur15.n6ame.-'] CouncLlman tove moved. that the CLty Tneasuror be authorlzed to pay Iran:rants }.los. LO52 to 1156, with the exceptlon of those volded on I cancelled, seconded by CounctJ.man Eunt and unanimous ly carried. Mayor Atwate? announee d that the Annual San Mateo County Fllesta would be officially opene4 at 8:00 otcIockr.,p.m. September 21,1951, and was desl.gnated trBur.llngame Nlght. Courlcll.rran Love urge d. ths cltizens to attend the for.thconrlngAuxil.tary Pollce and Finemen Blcycle-Basebal1 Game, Weilnesdayevening, September 19, at B:OO ot cIock, p.m. 31_s 0n motlon of C orrncllman l{unt, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously carried, the meetlng was adJourned at 1O:O0 p.n. Hespectf\r11y submltted, City C1e:rk APPROVED: II. Itent Atlat l,tlayor TEI l,fub