HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.04.17r60 Burlingame, CaLlfornlaApnll L7, 1950 A negular meeting of the Br::rlingame City CounclJ. was treld on the above glven date. MeotLng cal-led to order at 8:0O p.m. - Mayor Love ln the Chair. RoLl CaLl: Present - 6ei1nsflmen3 Atwater-Hunt-Slmonds-tove Absent - CounciLmen: None 0n a motion lntroduced by Councll.nan Hunt, seconded by Council-uan Simonds and unanS.mously carried, the mirlrtes of the prevlous ueetlng of Aprll 3, 1950, as submltted to menrbers of the Councll and as posted on tho Bulletin Board ln the Clty HalI v/ere approved and ad.opted. A Letter dated Aprl1 14, 1950, was read from K. S. Fltch, DLrector of Publle lflorks and F?ank D. Andereon, Park Supe:rlntendont, submitting a ::eport of an examlnati-on pade of tnafflc hazards on E1 Camlno ReaL resulting f?om tree o:r shrubbery obstructj.ons and recomendj.ng that a large eucalSptus tree on the southeast corner of Chapln and EL Camlno ReaI be removed. The letter was refenred to the Plannlng Commlsslon for conouryence ln the recommondatlon. A Letter d.ated Aprll 15, 1950, rras read fuom K. S. Fltchr Directon of Public Y{onks, reconmendlng ttrat an oasement be gnantod to tho PacifLc Gas and E1ectrlc Company for the erection of a power poJ.e and accompanylng power lines on & portlon of the Cltyts p::operty at the Ray Park Recroatj.on area on the southerly side of I'{tLLsCreek. The comnunleation rras nefemed. to the Clty Attonney and the Clty Engineer for ftrther investigation. A letter dated April 14, 1950, was read fnom K. $. Fltoh, Dlrectorof FubLic Wonks recommending the acceptanee of a deed from L. H. MlLler for Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Easton Addi.tion. Oouncllman lIunt intnoduced and moved the passage of ResoLutlon No. L2-50, acceptlng the deed and authorlzlng the Director of ftrbLLc Works to forwand acertlfied copy of the resoltrtion to the €serow agent, the Callfornla Paclflc Title Insurance Company togetber vrith a waruant ln the amount of $eIr85O.00, seconded by Councllman Atr,rater and ad.opted unanlmousLy by nol-L ca1l of officeFSr A Letter dated Ap:rLL J.4, 1950, rras read fnom K. S. Fltch, Dl-necfiorof Pr:.b1lc Slorks, recommonding the acceptance of a deed from the Lnerican Trust Company to purchase th.e re8r portlon of Lot 4, Block L, Town of BurLingsrne for off-street parklng faclIlties. CouncLlman Hunt lntroduced and moved tho passage of Resolutlon No. 13-50, accepting the deed and authorizlng the DLrecto:: of I\rbLlc Works to forward a ce:rtifled copy of the :resolution to the esctlow agent, the Callfornia Paciflc TitLe fnsurance Conpany together wlth a-wamant in the arnount or $1zr084.oO, seconded by Corrnclluan Atwater and followlng rolL calL unanlmousLy adopted. A letter dated April- L4, L95O, was read f?om K. S. FI-teh, Hrectorof hrbllc Works together utth an unexecuted r:evocable lLcense submltted by the AmerLcan Trust Coryany, covorlng the use of a tenfoot strlp of a portlon of tot 4, Block L, Tourn of Burllngame, adJaeent to th.e po*t&on of sald L&t rituleh is belng purch.ased by theClty for off street parking purposos. Concurrlng in tbe DLrectorof Pab1ic Ttlorks t recomrendatlon, CounclLuran Simonds introduced and moved the passage of Resolution No. 14-5O aecepti.ng the ::evocabLe license and perm,lt and authorLzLng the execution of the agreementwlth the Amerlcan Tnust Company, seconded by Councilman Hunt and. adopted by the unanlmous vote of the CounclL members. Followlng a recommemdatlon Bgbmltted by the Fire Commlssion Ln aLetter dated AprtJ. L1, 1950, Counciluran SLmonds movod that EdwardJ. Lels, Flre Ch1ef, be granted permisslon to atterr.d the CallfonntaItlre Chiefts Conferenee in Merced, Aprll 21, 22 and 25rd wlth an expenso allowance not to exceed $50.00r' The motlon was second.ed by Councllsan Hunt and unanlmousJ-y carrled. 161 rn complLance nlth a roquest made by the clty cLerk, EerbertK. Ifhlte, Ln a Letter dated AprLl L4, L95o, couneLlnan Atwater moved that an ellgib1e Ilst be estabLlshed fon the posttl,onof Booklreeper-cahLen, seconded by councLLman Hunt and unanl- mous3.y canried. A Letter" dated Ap:rl1 11, l-950, was nead flom the BurlingameClty Plannlng Contalsslon advlsing that Mr. Burton Thomal Ickeshas requested the resubdlvLsion of Lots 6, 4, Sr 6 and ?,Easton Addltlon No. z, Eastoa Drivo and vancouver Avenuo-andthat the coumrLsslon has recommended approval. The com::runica-tlon rcas heLd. in abeyance to be eonsld.er"ed folLowing a meetlngwLth li[r. rckes and the Clty councl]-. The cltly cler[ was ln-structed to notify Mr. Ickes of the proposed mee.tlng, A Letter datBd April 11, 1950, was r"ead flom the BurllngamePlannlng commlssion, resormendlng that actlon on & petlf,lon fona varlanee of zone affectlng a Portion of tot 1, 751 frontage onoak Grove Avenue, conbltt subdlvLslon deslgrrated. as 1ooo oafsrove Avenue be- dalayed temporarily untll such tlme as it naybe eonsidered wlth the adJoinlng L*rg property. The coutarnilatlonwas ond,ered placed on f1le for future refer-ente. A Letter d.ated Ap::13. 11, L950, was read flom the BurllngamePlanrdng Oomlssion advlslng bf the receLpt of a cormun:icatlonflom the Directon of ftrbLie ltlorks tn vi:lch it r:ras recommend,edthat followlng a confenence wlth coI. Klrkbrlde and pLanning commlssl-oner Earnls, ttre city punchasean approxlmate slx" acietqagt owned by the Bunllngame shor:e rand company, lylng easterlyof the Broadway Fbpeway anci southerly of the extension-of Broad.lyay. The recortrnendation was concurred. in by the pLanning Cormr'rissj.on comrmnleated to the City Councl1. fhe cormuilcationwas refer::ed to the clty Englneer wlth further report to be mado to the CouncLL. A letter dated Apnil 11, 1950, was read from the &r11ngamePlannlng Cor:snlssion submitting the recorumendatlon ttrat a:.L 1a3aswhteh become annexed to the Clty be designated Flnst Eesidentlalunder the provisLon of DivisLon 5, Sectlon 19O5 until such tlmeas ttreir proper use may be determined. The cors:'iunication wasneferred to the Clty Attonney vulth lnstruetions that an amend-ment to the exlsting O::d.inance be propar:ed. A letter dated Aprl1 11, tiSO, was read flour the Burlingame Planning commisslon advlsing tl:at actlon had tomporarily beendelayed on the petltlon for varlance f?om ttApartmentrt to 'Conmren-clarrr zona affeeting resldentlal bulLd.tng deslgnated as Lboo Broadway and l-2O5 EI CamLno Heal. The coumunicatlon was onderedftled for f\rture nefenonce. A letter dated Apn5.J- 14, 1950, was read flom R. W. GardLner,poundnasten, requestlng the lnstaLLation of a tel-ephone at theClty Pound. Idayor Love staterl that as there were sufflcl-ent teLephones ln servLce at present, the noquest would be denled. A letter dated Apnll 6, L95O, was noad I'rom ttre Broadway Devel- opmont AssocLation, expness:ing eppreeiatlon to the CounciL forthe recont aetlon tal<en whereby the Ctty of Bu.rllngame wilLaequlne property in tho Bnoadway dlstrlct to be used for off-street parklng. ILre Clenk was instnucted to aclmowledge recelptof the comuntcatlon. BtlI teavitt and Bob Bun:rows, Burlingame IIig[ School students, who wlLL act as Mayon and Vlce-mayon at the forthcomlng Sfudeilt Govenr:ment Day Aprl3. 25, 1950, were introdueed by Mayor Love.Eoth students as weLl as Il{ayor Lovo urged the publie to attendthe Student Councll meeting to be held in the CouncLl Ctra:nbe::son the evenlng of April %, 1950. Reports f?om the Po1lce Department, the Flre Department, the Clty Judge and the Llbrary for the month of Maneh L95O, were nead andordered flIed. Mayor Love, on behaLf of the CouncLl thanked Pol-lce Offlcer Schwahn for hLs fino work in the matter of llcenselnspectlon. LGZ ordir:once No. 486, entitLed, 'An Ordinanee Amending the Ordinance Code of tho Ctty of Eurl"lngame by AmendS.ng Sectlon 1035 Ttreneof, Provid,lng for Licensing VehlcJ.es Dnlven and Operated ln the firsuJ.t of Business or 0ccupation and Fix.lng the Eatos Theneofr was intno- dueed by Councllman Hunt and gLven flrst neading. A Letten d.ated Apntl L7r 1950, was road from Joseph orBrien, Chairoan of the Merchants Comrittee of the Bunlingame Chauben of Cormerce requesting tleat steps be taken to cunb the practice of the h.awthorne trees now on Br.rr15-nga:ne Avenue ftom belng stolen by placing a flne of $25O,0O for the offenso and the posting of a reward of $100 for lnformatlon leadlng to the ar:rest and convlctlon of 1n- terference wlth the trees. The subject was tabLed to be discussed Erlth the City Attorneye tho CounclL and members of the Chamber of Comrerce at a. f\rture time. A letter dated Apni1 L?, L950, was nead from Howard R. fmuse Pre&$- fldat of the Bur3.lngame Chan:ber of Comreroe, extendlng an lnvitatlonto the Council to have a representatlve or two pnesent at a speciaL meetlng of the Board of Dinectore to be held at the Blt of England. on Fliday, Aprt3. 21st, at LZt00 noon. The subJect wilL be a dls- cussJ.on on the recent request of t&re Paeiflc Te}ephone and Tele- graph Company for an inerease in rates. Mayor Love re![rested. membersof the CounciL to attend. Mayor tovo submLtted the name of Joseph G. Ilunten fon reappolntment as a uemben of the Water Comisston and upon motion of CounclLuan Slmonds, second.ed by CounciLuran Hunt the appolntrnent uas unanimously conflnmed. &fayon love a].so submLtted the name of Y$rLsten M. Cook for reappolat- ment as a member of the Y{ater ComnLssion. The appolntuent was. unaninously confLrmed on motLon of Councilman Sinonds and seconded. by Counct}nan Hunt. H. C. trtehtnen questioned. tho OouncLL as tb whether or not tlre Clty has received an answer f?om the San B1ateo-BurJ.ingame translt Company regardlng a reqrxest for bus servloe sn Sunday fo:r resLdents J.lvingin the HilLstde DrLve area, and was lnfomred tbat as yet no reply had beon recel.ved. The Clty Clerk was lnstructed to again d,L::eata letter to the above companyo Andrew C. Blmd, newly eleoted Councllman of the Cif,y of BurLlngaae was introdueed. At thls t5.me, Iv[.. B]mdr speaking ln hls oapacLtyas co-owra? of Ure San Mateo-Bunllnga^ne Transit Company stated that hl.s company was governed, by the &rblLc UtlLitles Coramlsslon and,rates, etc. are deteruined by that Comrlsslon. Former CounelLman I.i J. Rothe presont at tho meeting, was aLso lntroduceC. ClaLms Nos. 8408 ttrroug[ 8585 were read and on motlon of Counel]-man Hunt, seconded by CounciLm,an Slmonds and unanimously carried., wa::nants were ondered d.rawn on the Ctty Tneasury for thelr respec-tive amounts. There belng no firrther bustness, the nreetLng was adotclock, p.rtr. on motlon of Councllman Hunt, segonde Atwater and unanlmous3.y carrled. j d ourned at 9:00by Councll:nan Mayor Love extendod en lrnrltatLon totthe pub3.ic to be prosent at 8:OO p.rn. Tuosday evening, Aprl1 L8, L950, to.lrltness the canvassLngof tb.e eLectLon returns of Aprll. Ll and the seatlng of the nercouncL}nan' Respectf\:.11y submS.tted, Herbert APPROVED: .4-r.*/ #,,- Dan R. I'.{ayor Love, City Clerk llJhlte