HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.08.06300 Burllngamo, Callfornla August 6, 1951 A regular neetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on tho above glven dato. Meettng ca1led to order at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor Atuater In the Chalr. RolI Catl-: Presont - Councllnen: A tu'a ten-Hun t-Love-Slmonds Absent - Councllmon: Bynd Councllman BJrrd, absent b€cause of 1lJ,noss, was excused fron the neetlng on motlon of Councllman Slnonds, seconded by Counellnan Hunt and unanlnously carr'lod. ltre mlnutes of the provlous Eeetlng of JuIy 16, 1951, as submlttoal to members of tho Ctty Councll and as posted on the Bulletln Board 1n th6 Ctty I{aII, wore approved and adopted on notlon of Councllnan Love, seconded by Councllman Slmonds and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated August 2, 1951, was reaq from the Board of Fire coromissloners, suEalttlig t'tre-revls€d nRules and Regulatlonsrr of th€ Burllngam6 Flre Depaitment for Councll approval. '!!Lre proposed nRules and-Regula tlons lr were r€ferred to the Flre Commlttee of tkre Councll, to t[e Clvl1 Servlce Commlsslon and td the Clty Attonney for furtLrer s tudy. A letter datod Augus t 5, 1951r was read Poflce, nequestlng permlsslon to attend Confer6nce of Peace Offlcers of the Stat at Yosenlte Va11ey. Councllman Slmonds granted to Chlef Theuer to attend the Co 8th lncluslv€ - funds for whlch ar€ prov budget. I?re motlon was secondod by Coun carr 1ed . frorn R. C. ltreuor, Chlef of the Ihlr ty-Flrs t Annuale of Callfornls to be held novod that permlsslon b€ nference Septomber 5th to lded ln the 1951-1952 cllnan Hunt and unanimous IY A letter dated August 3, 1951, was read from R. C. Thsu€r, Chief of Po1lce, advlslng that a requost has been rnade by L{rs. Enma Ryan, Moter Vloiatlons C1erk, for a leave of absenco w1 thout pay from August l.5th to August 1?th lncluslve. Councllnran Hunt noved ttlat th; 16av6 of absence without pay be granted for the penlod statodt socondod by Councllman Love and unanlmously carrled. A co$ounlcatlon dated August 2, 1951, was road from G. J. Marr', Dfrecton of Pub1lc !'Jorks] recommendlng that the $5r0oo.00 be roleased as noneys due Mrs. I,. Josephlne LanE for proporty sold to the City of Burllngame for Carolan Avenue right-of-wa{- pun- poses and advlslng thet ln compllance wlth an agreetront the Lulldlngs and concrete have been removed frora the property. Councllilan Hunt moved that the $5rOO0.o0, held ln oscro1r by the Cellforn1E Paciftc Title Insuranco Company, be released and pald to l{rs. Lang as recormmended, seconded by Councllman Slmonds and unanlnrously carnled. A lett€r dated July 50, 1951, was read from G. J. Mar:r, Dlrector of Publlc liYorks, suUmlttlng for Councll approval and oxe-cutlon, an amendment to the agroenent for malntonance to Stato Hlghways wlthln the Clty of Burllngame. the amendrnent provldes for-^ Inct:eased alloiments from- the State n€cessltated by tho addltlonal cost of powor ln betterlng the lnterseotlon safety llghtlng along EI Camlnb ReaI. A resolutlon, No. 38-51, was lntroducod by Counctlman Slmonds, authorlzlng the l'{ayor for and ln behalf of the Clty, to execute the Amendment to tho Agreenent,. s€conded by Counclliain Love and adopt€d by the unanlnous afflrnatlve vot€ of the nembers pre s en t. A letter dated JuIy 51, l-951, was read from Dlrector of Pub1lc Works lfarr, submlttlng for Councll qpprovaL and executlon, a revocabfe lermtt lssued by the San Flanclsco rtYater Department fot: the pur:poso of grantlng permlsslon to the Clty of Burllngamo to procied-wlth plans for-a plantl"ng- arrangement along Callfornle brlve, from Oak Grove to the northerly ctty 1lmlts.- Co-unc11man Love introduced Resol,utlon No. 39-51, authorizlng ttre Mayor to oxecrrt€ an agreement wlth the San Flanclsco Water Department for' th€ above purpose, seconcled by Councllman Hunt and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 call of menbers present. 301 t- A lEtter dat6d August 2, 1951, was read fron Dlrector of Publlc Wor.ks Manr:, subrnlttlng a copy of the appr"alsal study made by Joseph J. Phll).tps, In connectlon wlth the proposed wldenlngof Chapln Avenue,. together wlth a b111 for !tu. Phl).I1ps t senvl.coIn the anount of S1, 225.00. Councllman Love moved the acceptanceof tJre appralsal study and that a warrant b6 ord€red drswn on theClty Treasury ln the aEount of $1,225.O0, seconded by Councllman Slnonds and unanlmously cerrled. Councl1man Love furthen movedthat e m66tlng be scheduleil rlth the lnterested proporty owners,the City Councl1, the Clty Attorney and ttrto appraLser, I,tr. Phl11tps,fon a funther dlscusslon on tho proposed wldenlng, seconded by Counctlman Stmonds and unanlmoqsly carnled.. A 16tt6r dated Augus t 2, l95L, ras read from G. J. Mar:r, Dlrectorof Publlc Works, advlslng that plans are belng prepar.ed for certalnlmprovements to th6 water dlstrlbutlon system wlthln the Clty andenun6r'atlng th6 dlstrlcts ln whlch the lmprovements ar"e proposed.A letter was also ::ead. fr.om the Water: Commlsslon endorslng lhoplans for the proposed lnstallatlons. The Councit were f[r"ttreradvlsed that the total appnoxlmate cost was estlmated to be lnthe amoqnt of {i26r0OO.00. funds of whlch are avallable ln theSlnklng Fund of the Water. Departnent. Councllman Hunt novedthat th6 Clty Englneen be lnstr.ucted to prepare plans andspeclflcatlons proparatory to publlshlng an lnvitatton to blddersfor tlre contract work and that such plans be subeltted to th6Councll for approval. The rnotton wai seconded by counclimanSlmonds and unanlmously carrl€d. A letter dated July 50, 1951, was nead fron Dlnector of publlc Wonks Marn, rscommendlng that an addltlonal expendlture 1n theanount of 92,203.25 be approved for ttre completlon of the offstneet parklng proJects wlthln the Clty and advlslng that thework proposed can be accoropllshed at l_oss cost by Clty forees.Councllman Love moved that the Councll concur ln- the iecom-mendatlon and thet the plan proposod be approved in the amountstated, secondod by Councllman Hunt and unanlmousl.y car:rled. 4 letter deted August 2, 1951, was nead frotr Dlrector of pub1lc works Marr, advlslng that the contract perfor.med by the NuLawn Chemlcal Company for spraylng openitlons undei. th€ 1951program for weed abatement had been conpl€tod at a total contractcost of- $2, 219.05. Councllman Love moved that the completlonnotlc6 b€ accepted and recorded accondlngl.y and that a ivarrantb6 drawn on__the Clty Treasury for the anount dqe, seconded byCouncllnan Hunt and unanlmously camled. A^Ietter d.lted July 30, l-951, yras r.6ad fnom G. J. Ivlarr., Dlrectorof Publlc Wor.ks, advlslng that ttre contract for th6 cZrnstructlonof tho Ralston cr.eek Culvert has been completed and aI1 requlr.e_nentg have been fulfllled. Counctlman Eunt moved the acceptanceof th€ contract and thet th6 Mayor be authorlzed to executi tnenotlco of conp).etlon, seconded by Councilnan Slmonds and unanlnous-1y carr16d. 4 letter deted August 5, 1951, was read fnon DLrector of pub1lc Wonks Marn recommendlng that -the roquoat for a leave of absencesubnl.tted by Roy Fr.e6man, Street Department employee, be grantedfor- the perlod August ? to Sept€nber 1?, I9Sl, tnaluslve.- Onmotlon of Councllnsn Simonds, seconded by Couircllnan Hunt andunanlmously carrlod, the loave of absence for the perlod re- ques tod ras gnanted to Mr'. fuoemart, wl thout pay. A letten dated August 3, 1951, was nead from G. J. Mann, Dlrectotrof Publlc Works, reconmendlng thet pernlsslon to attend'thePaclflc Coast Bulld1ng Offlclal,sr Conference 1n Salt Lake Clty,requosted by Bulldlng I6specton Vratson bo gnanted and tLrat autfrori-zatlon be ma9e fon partlal oxponses ln the amoqnt deslgnated 1nthe presont budgot. Councll,man Love noved that the BulLClncInspector !e permttted to attend the Conference for. the periodSeptenber 18 to 21 and that an allotment in an amount noi to exceed S?5.0O bo ellowed to defr.ay expenses. Ilre motlon was seconded byCouncllnan Hunt ard unanlnousl.y carrled. A letter dated August 6, 1951, was read fnon Dhector of Pub1lc tiorks lt{arr r advlslng that F. S. Rolandl, Jr. has conpleted ths contract firr the constructlon of the Sewage Plant enlangeraent as of JuIy 51, L951 and thet a ftnal acceptance Is neconnentled. Ihe Council were lnf or:med that an addltlonal resolutlon ls ::eouired authorlzlns flve addltlonal extna work order:s ln the amount of $1 ,364.07; but lt Is not deemed equltable to withhoLd acceptance oi tfre eitlre proJect for-th6 eompletlon of tlre extra work. councllman Love lntroduced and moved the passage of Rosolutlon No. 4O-51, authortzlng approval of the addltlonal extra work ln the ab6ve amount, Jecohdoa by Councllman Hunt and aOoptea unanlnously upon roIL 6a11 of uemberg present._ In order' io ^"ttow the Council members to lnspect the completed Sevrage Works Enlargenent, Councllnan Love lntroduced and roved the passage of Hesolutlon No. 41-51, extendlng. the tlme" to th€ ,6onirE"tor, wlthout penalty, untlt tho,20th day of Aqgugt, 195I, s";ondea bi Councllman Irunt-and adopted unanlmous 1y. upon noI1 call- of tehb"rs' For the ben€fit oi the pubLlc' clty EnSlnoer Marr advlsed that the prosent Sewage Plant ls so aloslgned as to ,."oroari" a populattoir of 55rOOO ia compared to the forner plantrs capaclty to aceomodate a populatlon of 20r0O0. A letter dated JuIy 21, 1951, was read fron the Clvl1 Servlce Conmlsslon subnltting the follorYlng ellglb1e Ilst for Junlor Llbrarlan: IIrs. Josephlne S. Leverlng - 520 Aragon Boul'evard, San Mat6o. Itre llst as subnltted was acceptod on motlon of councllman Slnonds, secondod by Councllman llunt and unanlmously camled. A letter dated July 18, 195I, from Mr"s. tli. A. Watson, 1428 Contez Avenu€, requestlng- lmprovonents to tho play aroa at the.Ray.Park Recrsailon -Center] wai referred to the Recreatlon Department and to tbe Recreatlon Commlsslon for lnvestlSatlon and report. A Jolnt agreement, presentod by the Paglftc Gas Coipany and tfre Paclflc Telephone and Telegraph acc-ept6a by Resolutlon No. 42-5lr lntroduced by who noved its passage, seconded by Councllman I,,o unanlnously upon roll call of monbers. the agre permlsslon to- the CIty of Burllngaae to use cert purpos" of 1nsta11lng, malntalnlng and uslng sal ind slgnat wlres and aPPllances. and Elec trlc Company, was Councllnan Hunt, ve and adop ted oaent grants aln poles for the d CltYts flre alarn 302 A communlcatlon, dated August 5, l'951, from tho San l[ateo County -Trafflc Safety Commlsslon, was iead commendllS Counsllman Love and the menbens oi tho Clty C6unc11 for the publlc actlon taken ln trylng to secur€ addltlonal hlghway patrolmen for tLre penlnsul'a. Ihe conounlcatlon was acknowlodged and ordered flIod. councllnan Love, speaklng on the subJect, advlsed that colomunlcatlons have been for- wirded Io Assenblyntn Dolwlg and to Senator Parknan, roquestlng tholr ald ln the Counclirs determinatlon to prevent fqr,ther fatal accldents on tho Bayshore Hlghway. Councllman Love, on,behal-f of the Councll, iirgod the members of the Burllngano Chanber of Connerce to asslst ln thls campaign. Mr. T. F. McGulgan, Presldent of the Burllngame Chanber of Cornme::co, addressed the Councll, advlslng that the Chaeber of Comrnerce, 1n behalf of the Clty of Burllng-ame, has prosented a bld for the cons tructlon of a-Federal Butldlng proposed to be erected 1n San I',{ateo County. }'{r. I'itcGulgan pr€sented facts and flgures Justlfy- 1ng reasons-rvhy the proposed Federal Bulldlng shou1d bo erected ln'the Clty of - BurLtir6arne. A resolutlon, unanlmously passed by the Board 6f DlrectonJ of the Burllngane chanber of Conrence was read by Mr. McGulgan, urglng the erectlon of the proposed Federai Bulldlng rn iiurlingame and seekllg the cooperation- of tho clty councll 1n- ttre fulf1llnent of thls dovelopment. Resolutlon No.-45-51, endorslng the action taken by the Burllngame c!9*ber oi'Comrer6e and rec6mmondlng that lnterestod govennment offlclals ue aavrsea of the quallflcatlons offered by the clty of Burlln8amo, was lntroduced by Councllman Slmonds, who noved lts passage, """ond"a fj Coun6ttman Lovo and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 ceII of Councll. members Present. r 303 I{r, T. F. McGuldan agaln address€d th€ Councll reqqestlng pormls- slon to er6ct a banner across the lntersectlon of Callfornla Drlve and Burllngame Avenuo, to ad.ver:tlse the forthcomlng Natlonal Tennls Tour:nanent, to b€ held In Burllngame, Augus t 26to September 4. 0n trotlon of Councllmen Love, seconded by Councllman llunt and unanlmousLy canried, the request was gr"anted. the annual report of the Bur'llngarne Flr.e Depar:tment for the flscalyear, July'1; 1950 to June 50, 1951, was read and accepted. I]NI' ]]i ISIIED BUS INESS Ttro payro]l for the porlod of July 1, 1950 to June 5O, 1951, lnthe total aurount of $4661212.22, subnltted by the Clty Clerk, was unanleously approved on motlon of Councl1man Eunt and secondod by Councllman Slmonds Pondl4g furthor reports, the subJect matter pentalnlng t abatement notlce presentod to Mrs. Mary tY. fueeth, 1427 Avenue, was contlnqed untll the october. Councll eeetlng. o the Paloma Councllman I,ovo noved that ttre Purchaslng Agont be lssuo a r"equlsltlon for the purchase of flfty (5O) badges In the sum of $125.0o, twenty-flve (zS) palr the sum of$25O.O0, for the purpose of provldlng aux lns tructed to aux11laryof boots ln 11lany flreoenwlth suppltes ln the lnterest of Civl1 Defense. Ihe motlon was seconded'by Councllman Slmonds and unanlmously carrled.' Mr. B11l Smlthr reprosentlng ttr e BurllnSamo Gato Improvement Club, addrossed the Councll, exprosslng the Clubts appreclatlon ln the propbsed troe plantlng priograo along ttre San Frinclsco Wator Departrn6ntr s rlght-of-way on CallfornLa Drlve and urglng that tlrowork be cbnmenced as soon as possibLe. Ihe Clty Engineer waslnstructed to submlt an ostlmate of cost of gr:adlng and ttre Park Departnent was also lnstnuctod to submlt an estimate of cost oftree plant lng. ldr. Ray Schnelder, Presldont of the Burllngane Vl1lage ImprovementCIub, addrgssed the Councll r,equestlng certaln lmprovements to thsplayground ln Burllngamo VllLage. the subJect was roforred to the Park Depa::tment for rocommondatlon and report. Mayor Atwater, for the boneflt of the publlc, advised of thesplendld actlon baken by tho burltngane Llonrs Club ln prorildlng equlpment for the Bqnllngame ],laln Llbrany, as wo11 as the furnlsh-lng of a'den for the use of the chlldr.en ln the Easton BranchL,lbrar,y. A lotter was dlrected to bo sont to the Llonrs Club, exprosslng the appreclatlon of the Councll . Councllaan Slmonds, on behalf of the members of the Clty Councll and the citlzens of the Clty of durllngane, preseqted Mayor AtwatBr wlth a badge of offlce. Ihero belng no further business, the neetlng was negulanly e,dJollrnod on motlon of Gouncllman IIunt and seconded by Councllman love. lie tf ul-1 su ERBERT 'JIIHI Ct ty CJ-erk APPRO VED: d H. (ent A llayo:r a