HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.02.27L48 A meeting of the Burllngane Clty Councll vras held on the above given date as per adJournment of February 20, 1950. Ttre meetLng was calledto oraier at 8:O5 p.m. - Ilfayor Love ln the Chal,r. RolI CalL: Present - Councilnen: Atwator-Dahl-Hunt-Lovo-simondgAbsent - Councllmen: None Burllngame, Califo?ni.a February 2?, 1950 n the amounty Counc iJ-man ftre adJourned meeting was called for tle purpose of reconsidering the adoptlon of Resofutlon No. 5-50, nPnoposing an Ordlnance to be voted on by the guaLlfled elector"s of the Clty of BurlLr4iame, at the I{unlclpal Election to be held AprtJ. 1}, 195O, provldlng fon the levy and coLlectlon of a tax in such an smount as Eay be necessar5r and proper to improve the pubIlc parks of the Clty'. L{ayor Love statbit tha t due to a mlsunders tendlng on the amount of a levy for park puriposes, the members of the CouncLl desirod to revlew the lubJect at tfris meeting. It was negularly moved by Councllman lIunt t seconded by Counc5.lman Da}.l and unanl.mous Iy carrled, that tho Councll neconsiilo:: lts prevlous action at the negula:r Councll meet- lng helcl on Febmra:ry 2O, In a dlscussion following, each Councilman expressed hls oplnlon regardl-ng the levy of a tax whlch would tend to pLace an addltlonal burden on the taxpayers of Bu::l lngame and. it was the unanimous oplnlon of each member that ln the inte:rest of oconomy and efflclency ln the city government the Council should appear on record as opposing any lncrease in tax levles at thls tlme. I{embers of the Council wer:e of the oplnlon that department heads should be u:rged to stnive for greato:r efflciency ln thelr operatlons. CounclLnan Eunt thereupon moved that the motion to adopt Resolutlon 5-5O, introduced and unanlmously carried at the rogula:r neetJ.ng of trbbnu.at'y 20, b6 ::esclnded, seconded by CounclLnan DahL and unenLmous - 1y carried. Quostlonod as to whether the Llbrary was exceedLng lts budget at the present.!lme, lbederlck llcL€an, clty lLbrarlan stated that most of tho e:rpendltures of hls depantment were made at the openlng of the fiscal year, particularly as to tho purch.ase of books. Ttre CtW Clerk read a lette? flom f'nancls A. Raymondl submlttlng hls resignallon as a member of the Llbra:ry Board. On motlon of Councll- man Slmonds, seconded by Councllman DaI:.l and unanimous'l y carried, the reslgnatLon was accepted wlth regret and the Clty Clerk tn- structed-to express Council appreciation for hls servlces in a lette:' to Mr. Raymond. The name of Stob Teal, .15?5 Ralston Avenue, Burlingame, was submLtted to f111 the unexpl"ed tenn of Mr. Raymond as a member of tho Llbrary Board. On motlon of Counci}nan mh1, seconded by Councllman llunt, the appointment of lilr. Teal was uranlmously confLrmed. I\'layor Love expressed his appreclation and -congratulations to t'he m6;bers of the CouncLl Pa::klng Corunlttee for establishing an off- streot parklng p1an. Mayor Love announced that the Council has ne- queste a meeting wlth the Clty of San Francisco for tlro purpose of diEcusslng acqulsltLon of the fomer Numb or 4O canllne ::lght-of- way through Burlingame, ln a further effort to establlsh off-stneet parklng programs. Councilnan Hunt requested that the Clvil Servlce Comnlsslon be in- structed to review the prosent salary clessiflcatlons for next yeart s budget preparation Pal'roll for the month of Janua:ry, 1950, was approve of- $55,489.34 on notLon of CounciLnan Ilunt, seconde DahJ- and r:nanimous 1y carrled. didb Vernon Knogh, reporter on the San ]iateo Tlmes, rvas thark-e d for his excellont ie;fiorting of the roguJ-ar Councll meetlng of Febnuary 2O. t L4e There belng no fu::ther business, the meeting rras adjour"ned on motionof Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councllman Hunt and unanlmously caruied. Respec tfulIy submitted, I{ERBERT K. IYHTTEClty Clerk APPROVED: olnrr? L, Dan R. Love, Jn 31a;rsP \_