HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.07.16San Franclsco Wat Schedule No. III Constructl oSan Francl sco l4iater Dept. R/ r mrose Roa 4 of off street parklng 1ot W North Broadway, total 1tens...$ Zr865.26 29s treet ..$ 2,966.72 , 6A2.44 fi 4,876.76 Burllngame, Jul-y 16, Ca 11fo rnl a l-951 A regular moeting of the Burllngane Clty Cor:nell ras held on the aboveglven date. ll€eting caI]-ed to order at-8:OO p.m. - Mayor Atwater tnthe Chalr. RolI CaIl:Present - Councll,men: Atwater-Hunt-Love-simondsAbs€nt - Counctlmon: Byrd Schedule No. I otCapuchlho Ave . Sche duLe No. II $ I,641.0O 0n rotlon of councllman slmonds, secondod by counclrman Love and unanl -Tg}sly caryled, Councllnan Byrd was oxcused from the meetlng because of11lnE ss. Bhe- nlnutes of tbe ptcvlous meetlng of JuIy Z, 1981, as subnltted tomembers of the Clty Councll and as poeted on the Builetln Board 1n theclty HaLl, rero rmgnlmously approved and adopted on motlon of cormclrnantove aad seconded by Councllnan Sfuonds. {o19yr July 16, }951, ln the Councll Chambers of the Ctty EaIl, at8:oo orelock, p.m. wss the tlme and place set fo:r the opeirlng oi seared.proposals for. the ^preparatLon and pavlng of off street larklig facllitieswithtl the Ctty-of Burllng-ame: Tha Cltt Clerk thereupon open6d andread the followlng btds subnltted: Spe rrry and McCue MlLLbnae, Callfornla Constructlon of off str6€t Darklnc 1near Broadway, total ltems pei. specis. Constructlon of off street parklng Ioter Dept. B/w South of Broadivay, t6ta1 .....$ tr224.76 Schg+u1e=Ng..Monstnrctlon and nesurfaclng off sparklng Lot San Franclsco Water Dept. R/yrr betweenBurllngame Avenue and Oak Grove Avinuer' total i.tens t ResurfacLng of off street parklng 1ottotal ltems .........$ Total of all schedules ... ....$ g,AgI.OeLess 2y'" dlscount for award a1l- schedules ... lA7.62. $ ETru-;46 Fl'ank VJ. Smlth San-msEeo;-eilrfornla Schedul-e No. I Schodule No. II Const::uctlon of off stneet parklng Iotffii-FiA;a'6a;'fffiarer Dept. n/W S""ifr-eroia*"y, toral items ...g 2,a72.45 Capuchlno Avenue Sche dule No. Ilf 1ot S an !'rancI s co Wa Schedule No Monstructlon andparking loI San Franclsco Water DeBurlingame Avenue and oak Grove Av enue, total items Schedule No. V Resunfaclng of off street pa rklng lotPrimrose Road, total ltems Constnrctlon of off street parklng lotnear Broadway, total items per specrs. ....$ 1r?SI.EO Constructlon of off street narkinster Dept. R/'rV North Broadrayl totai ltems...$ 5,299.62 resurfacing off streetpt. R/W between 1,923.92 Total of a].l schedules . . . ....$16,664.2bC€rtlfled checks accompanled both blds. The blds were neferr.ed_ to ttre Clty Englneer and to the Clty Attomey forreviettr and r€ commendatlon at the terrinatlon of the evenln[ rs meetlirg. T Sche du]-e No. V I 296 A letter d.at6d. July 15, 1951, was r€ad from G. J. Marr, Dir"ector of Pub11c Works, requestlng that a deposlt ln the amount of $Lrooo bo retumed to CoI. s. Doney, for the satlsfactor'Jr comple- tlon of a slx-lnch sewer nal-n on hls property on Hl1ls1de and Adel-lne Drlves. Charles ltiilson, forernan ln the Street Department, upon lnqul ry by the Councll, reported that e perlodlc inspectlon has been rade and the work appears to be satlsfactonlly done. Counclfman Slnonds tbereupon moved that the d€poslt Ln bho above amount be re tunned to the d eposltor aa r€cortrtended, secanded by Councll-man Hunt and unanlmously carr"ied. A lettor dated July 12, l-951, was read from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Pub1lc Works, reportlng on a r€quest submltted some tlme ago relatlveto the lnstallatlon of pressure detectors on the crossroads at the exlstlng signal installatlon on EI Camlno Real in North Burllngame. In reply to a letter addrsssed to Jno. H. Skeggs, Asslstant Stste El ghway Englneer from Clty Englneer Marr, the Councll rer€ advlsed by the Dlvlslon of Illghways that because of the cost of an actuated system, such systen was not conslder€d for lnstallatLon on E1 Camlno Real through Burltngame and San Mateo. The communlcatlon ras ordenedftled and the Clty Clerk lnstructod to notlfy Mn. JanFs Kazan, who orlginally submltted the request for the lnsta1Iatlon of pressure detectors ln North Burllngame . A Letter dated July 9, 1951, was read from the Burllnga!06 wator Com- mission, ne conmendlng that for the convenlence of the North Burllngane resldents, an agency should be establlshed on Broadway for the cotlection of water bt1Is. The Comdsslon subrdtted tho names of two flrms on Broadway whlch have made applleatlons for the abovesenvlce. Counellman Simonds stated that the Councl-] has glven con-slderatlon to the subJect but at the present tlme it 1s not ln aposltlon to designate any partlcular agency for such se::vlce, but tbe Councll rather looks wlth favor on the collections belng handled by a bank. CouncLlman Slmonds furthen stated that the Clty Englneerts rnaklng a study as to the procedure and collection of f,ator bl1Is ev6ry two months lnstead of the present monthly collectlon. A motlon was therefore introduced by Councll-man Slmonds that u:rti1 such tlEB that a satlsfactory solutlon Is determlned, the subJect be heldln abeyance and that the V$ater Comlsslon be lnstructed to notlfy the Broadway DeveLopment Assoclatlon of tho a ctlon taken by tbo City- Councl1. The .motlon was seconded by Councllman S-.lmegrd s and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated July 15, 1951, was read from the Iaw offlces ofCosgrlff, Carr, McClellan & Ingensoll, written ln behalfcIlent, the fndustrial Realty Co. and erpressing concernsltuatlon which confronted the Burlingarne Fire D€partment delayed 1n gettlng equlpment to the scene of a flre becau oftbyt whe se o hel r he nfatraln standlng at the Broadway Statlon. The letter" suggested that a flre statlon east of the nailroad tracks or an emer.gency crosslng ln the Broadway area be estabLlshed to prevent a repetltlon of asimilar case. A letter dated JuIy 14, 1951, was also subnltted from tLs Chief of the Fire Departnent, Edward J. Leis, subnlttlnga detailed roport of the flre oceurrlng at the Layton warehouse onRo}Ilns Eoad and advislng that the squad truck was delayed s€veral- mlnute s upon reachlng the Bboaduay Statlon because of a swltch englne at the crosslng. C ouncllman Slmonds referred to and read a comrunl ca tlon dated Janua ry 12, 1951, recelved from the Board ofFire Cotnmlssloners ln response to a nequest by Mayor Dan B . Love, Jr.that the Commlsslon glve consl-deration to the nocessity of the i.noae dlat e erectlon of an addltlonal flne s tatlon to serve the areaeast of the Southern Paclflc raLlroad tracks. The Comaisslon atthat tlme subxoltted a four polnt program - lramely, tbe.slte salected, the sketch of tho proposed bul1dlng, the asslgnment ofthe apparatus end the appolntment of flve a ddltlonal men. ft was re comrnende d that the progrem be approved only as a whoIe. Councllnan Simonds contlnued by statlng that as there w6re no avallable funds, ttre natter then was terporarlly tabled but because of the recentpubllclty, the Councll wlshed that the entlre srbJect natter beclarifled at thls tlme. Councllman Simonds further stated that the erectlon of a new flre station would nocsssltate either a bond lssue qCln or a revisLon of the entlre tax structure of the City. C ouncil-man Love, who ras Mayor at th6 tlme that consld.eration was glven tothe eractlon of a nevr fir€ station east of the tracks, s tst€dthat the Couacil that the Colmcil has been studylng th€ sltuatlonfor many months and lt was the oplnlon of the entlre Council that such a proJect would have to be flnanced as stated by C ouncllman Slmond s . Reports were read from tho Clty Judge, the Flre Department, thePollc€ Department and the D epa rtment of Pub11c Wo r"ks for the montb of Juae, 1951, and ordened flled. Resolutlon No. 64-51, ostabllshlng a new hourlyrate of pay forclez.lcal, park and publlc works department employees wbo are notreguJ.arly employed as C1v1I Servlce employoes, was lntroduced by Councl lman Hunt who moved lts passage, soconded by C ouncl lman tove and a dopted unanlmously by r.o11 call of members. I'NFINISHED BUSINESS 1. A neport, dated July 5, 1951, was read from the Pubuc llealth Qgglneer r€latlve to the deterlor.ated candltlon of the premlses at14?7 Paloea Avenue and advlsl.ng that a thlrty day notlce to abatehad been mal1ed to the ouner and postod on the premises. Thenatter was tabled to contlnuance at the next r6guLar meetlng of. the C ouncl 1 . 2. A petltlon was read from Elleen E. Driggs and Rlchard J. Drlggs, r.e que stlng conslderation in the annexatlon of theLr property onAlvarado Avenue to the Clty of Burllngame. Resolutlon tto. ilS-S:_,rrAuthorlzlng Notlce of Hearlng of Profiosed Annexatlon of Terrltoryto tbe City of Burllng"rn6 tr was introduced by Councllman Love who - moved lts passage, seconded by Councllaan Slmonds and adoptedunanlmously on nolI call of members. 5. A petltlon was read from Joseph J. Fena and Francez f,. Fetrs, neque sting conslderation 1n the annexation of thelr pnoperty onAlvarado Ayenue to the Clty of BurlLngame. C ouncl-Laan iove-tntro-duced and fioved the passag6 of Besotullon No. g6:si rA";iortrl.rg Notice of Hearlng of -Proposed. .Annexa tlon of Teffltory to the CtEyof Burllngame rr seconded by C ouncllman SLmonds and ad5pted unanl-mously upon ro11 call of noembers. 4. A memo, datedt JuIy 15, 1951, was read from G. J. Marr, Dlrectorof Pub11c l/Yorks I advlslng tbat J. J. Pht11lps, appralsor appolntedto nogotlate. proceedlngs {oI the widenlng of Chapin Avenuer- expectedto complete his report and flndlngs wlthin the n-ext severai v;e6ks.The subJect was continued untlI tho Augus t 6 Councl1 meettng. 5. 0n motlon of Councl lman Eunt, seconded by Corrncl lnan Love sndunanlmously carrled, the flrm of Willeford & hll1t shlre. CertifledPubllc Aceounts, was awarded the b ldi for the a nnual audlt of theQlty of Burllngame t s books and accounts, ln the amount of S650.00 6. Bulldlng rnspector 'litlatson neported t hat a portlon of the s tructur€sat 114 Horu rd Avenue had been removed. He was r€quested to contactthe owner, nttlfylng hlm to lmr:edlately r€mov6 the entlre stnrcture. A letter from the Paclflc Fire Itatlng Bureau, a ddressed to th€ CltyClerk was read, advlslng tbat lmprcved f 1re ptotectlon facllltlesln Burllngame have been recognized by a neductlon of protectlongnadlng to, Cl-ass 5 and the Lnf ormatlon ls belng pubUlhed tn theRate Book for Burllngame. Ihe coronunlcatlon was-ordened flIed. A^letter dated July 14, 195L, was fead from Carl L. Eoag, prcsldentof the San Mateo Coun-ty Blood Bank, requostlng that the cltycontrlbute a sum ln the amount of $I,soo.oo to ostabLlsh a iinimum c:r.e dlt of 50 unlts as a protectlve measure in the event of an en€ rlgenc y. The Clty Attorney was lnstructed to consult wt th theofflclals-of the League of C a11forn1a Cltles ts to the 1egal_lty ofcont rlbutlng to the County Blood Bank. 298 Following a re sume of the blds submltted by Frank W. Sat th Co.r and Spe r.ry and McCue, for the constructlon and r6surfaclng ofparklng lots ln the C1ty, 1t ras recorunended by the Clty Attorney and the Clty Engineer that the award be made to the low bldder, sporry and i,lcCue r ln the total- sr:m of $911?5.46. councl laan Slnonds lntroduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No. ' 37-51rrAwardlng Contract to E. D. Bp6rry, Jr. and o. D.McCue, Dolng Buslness Under the Flrm Nano of Sperry and Mc0ue for Certaln Improvements to Clty Parklng Lotsrr and authorlzlng the Mayor to execute the contract wlth sald co-partnershlp. The motlon cras seconded by C ouncl lnran Hunt and unanlmously ad.opted on ro11 caflof reribers. Councl han Love moved that the Clty Clerk sublrlt for Councll approvalat the next regular meetlng, tbe payroll and Lts total amount for the perlod July 1,.1950 to and lncludlng June go, 1951, seconded by Councl lnan Hunt and unanlmously carrled. Followlng donslderable dlscussLon r elatlge to the fleld mlce problem, Councllman Love moved that a communlcatlon be dlnected to the San Mgteo County Department of Pub1lc Health ln Bedwood Clty, cltlngthe serlous nenace conf rontlng the r€sldents of Burllngane Vl1lage and reque stlng actlon ln lts abaterent. The motlon ras secondod by Councl lman Slmonds a nqdrnanimously carrled. Mr. Schnolder was further advlsed to consult wlth Hocreatlon Supe rlnt endent Llncoln relatlve to the employment of a playground sup ervi. sor . Mr. B. G. Burban[, ovine r of prope rty ln the Burlingame Manor dlstrlct,ras advlsed that work ls belng contlnued ln the arra and that lt was agaln suggested that the sLgnatu:res of at least 66fi of the propenty owrErs be procurod on the petitlon requestlng s treet and sewer Lmprovements. In reply to a Councll lnqutry as to the disagneeabLe odon omanating from the Sewage Plant, City Englneer Marr reported that a rrangement s wer€ being made to apply llne over the sludge. Mr. Marr further advlsed ttst the lmprovements and eill-a rgement s to the S€vr6r Plantwould be completed withln several weeks and at tbat tlme would be ln readlness for operatlon. Councl lman Love, speaklng on the subject of fatalltles a long the Bayshore Hlghway and the temporary delay in secud-ng leglslatlveactlon to provlde freeways, Lntroduced a motlon that a comnunicatlonbe dlre cted to San Mateo Countyts A s semblJrean and State Ser:ator,rgquestlng their support to a Councll suggesti.on that the State Highway Patrol be lncreased as a prevontatlve messure agalnst further deaths along the Bayshore Hlghway. The motlon was seconded by Counclhan Slmonds and unanlmously endorsed by members of the CounclI.It was I'urther suggested that other cltles be notifled of tho aboveaction and that a copy of the communlcatlon to the A sseublyman a ndto the Senator be dlrectedto the San Mateo County Grand JurT. Clalms Nos. 765 to 87'l lncluslve ln the auount of 5621292.21 , were p:resented for payrent, duly audlted. Otr motlon of Counc llman Lov€, seconded by Councllman Eunt and unanlmogsly carr.led, warrants rene ordered dnanyr on the Clty TreasurA for thel"r naspectlve anounts. trlr. Ray Schnelder, Presldent of the Burlingane Yl11age Improvement C1ub, addressed the Councll requestlng actlon on the follorlng: 1. tr"untbe r development of tbe pa rk area by plantlng shade trocs. 2. The abatement of tho menaco caused by the lnfestatlon of fleld nLce. 5. fhe p1a c€ment of a supervlsor to supervlae play actlvltles lnthe park. Mr. Schnelder ras advlsed-ttBt his request for shade trees would bereferr€d to the Pa rk ConBlssLon. 299 IU. J. McKeon addr€ssed the Councll, ealllng attentton to theunsatlsfactory condltlons exlstlng at tbe Munlclpal Dr:mp. CityEqgln€er Marr was dl:rected to contact the contractor. ope:ratlngthe Dump, reguestlng that he comply with the provLslons ofthe contra ct. Mayor Atwater coupllmontod tbe Board of !H. re Commlssloners andthe El r.e Chlef for the nanner 1n whlch the recent conflagration was c ont rolle d. There belng no further buslness, tho meetlng was regulanly adJourrredat 10:00 p.mr on motion of C ounci.lman Love, geconded by C ouncl lman Hr:rxt and unan lmously carrled. Respectfully submltted, NBMT K !.!HIfEClty Clerk APPROVED: -.//4x.*r H. Kent Atrat Mayo n