HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.07.02Burllngamo, Callfornia July 2, 195L RoI1 CaII: Pros€nt - Counel lmen: Atwate:r-Bynd-Eunt-Love-Slmonds' Absent - Councllmen: None .e. rogular Eeetlng of th6 Bur3.lngame City Courrcll was beld on the aboveglven date. M€€t1.9 ea116d to ord6r at 8:15 p.m. - th€ Councll havlngflrst net as a Boand of Equillzatlon as reqtlred by Iaw. ![ayor Atwater1n the Chslr. 2sL d notlce for blds t oty of Burllngano fon:rk openod and read ed Pub1l c Accowrtants : The nlnutes of the meetlng of Juno 18, 1951, as subuitted to menbersgf_lhe Clty Councll and as posted on tbe Bulletln Board ln the CltyHaIl, wore unanLnoualy approved and adopted on motlon of Councl lnanLove a d soconded'by Councllnan Hunt. The nlnute s of the speclalneetlng of June 23 wer6 unanlmously approved and adopted on motion of Councl lman Love and seconded by Councl lnan Ewrt. In eccordance wlth the advertlsement and publl sbeconduct an ennua I audlt of tbe accounts of the Clthe *lscal year ended June 30, 1951, the Clty CIethe follonlng blds subnltted by regularly certlfl Da16 B. Wolfe 958 Russ B1dg., C. G. Uhlonber Russ B1dg., Sa San Fnancl sco Albert. f,ennel Utl1l tynan-Publl c ltl orks $ zoo.oo $4o.O0 per day for I accowrtant 3O.00 for two asslstants MaxlEum fee not to exceed .. $Zr0o0.O0 1140 Bernal Ave., BurJ-lngame eenF Co. rancl s co Wl1leford & Wlltshlre Fresno, Callfornla . .. ...... $ 6so.oo Benson & Neff Eearst Blilg. , Sen Fr.ancl sco .$ 5.0O per hr. fon accountant 5.50 per hr. for asslstants 5.OO per hr. fon typing7.50 for supe rvl sl on Marlmun fee not to exceed.. $2,OOO.OO coulrcl lman r.rove noved that the above blds as subEitted be referredto tbe Councll Flnanco Comlttee fon study and report at the nextrogurar -moetj.ng of_ the councll. lhe notlon res seconded by counclrmanEunt and unanlmously carrled. A report of tbe rneetlng of the Far western Assoclatlon of clv11 DefenseDlrectors, held ln San Franclsco on June 28, ras rendered by Col. JohnF. Alcure, fonmer AssLstant Dlrectotr of ClviL Defense for t ire Clty ofBurltngame. CoI. Alcure neported on the lnportance of e stabllshin! a conrmunl catl ons system and that a portable dla1 rarnlng untt to be-connected wlth the regular tolephono systen ylll be avallabLe wlthlnslxty_days. CoI. Alcune furthe r reported that Feder:al funds, natchedvlth Stata f\rnd g would be fortbcomlng for moblIe support unli s and _the 1tke, but funda for a rlrn{ nl stnatlon would bo tho- -lre sponalblllty oflocal clty govemment s. A letter dated June 28, 195:1, ras read from the clvil serrrlco cgrr'nrr sglqneubnlttlng lhe foJ.Loulng ellglble llsts: Sub-gtneet Fonenan Chanle s E. Errgle 14I?t Ssrrhoz Ave rBurllngaro Tho above 1lsts re re acceptod on motlon of councllngn Hunt, secondedby Councilnan Slmonde and unsnlmously carrled. qC}C) A letter dated June 28, 1951, was read frrm G. J. Marr, Dlr€ctor of Publlc Works advLslng that tbe contract for the wldenl.ng of Callfonnla Drlve from Rosedale to Dufferln Avenues was corq:letad and accepted on June 15 Dy the Dopartment of Publlc Works. Resolutlon No. 52-51,rrAsceptlng Work Done Under Contract MCS-37 (Wldenlng Callfornla Drlve Between Rosedale and Dufferln Avenues) and Authonlzlng the Ctty Englneer to F1Ie N,.tlce of Conpletlontt Eas lntroduced by Counci l an !eve, who moved 1tE adopt!.on, seconded by Councl lman Byld and carrled unanlmously by vote of the Councl 1. A letter dated June 28, 1951, was read from the CtvlL Solrrlce Conmls-slon, recomoendlng tho acc€ptance of the new examLnlng contracts wlth the Callforrrla State Personnel Board. Councl lman Love moved con- curr€nce in the r€cormendatlon, provided the fee does not e xceed the budget allowance of *aOo. The notlon was seeonded. by Councll:aan Hunt and unanLnoueIy carrled. Resolutlon No. 33-51, authorlzl.ng th€ Mayor for, and ln bohalf of tbe Clty, to execute the agrcement wlth the State Personnel Board, ryas lntroduced by Councl lnan Love, who moved 1ts passsge, seconded by C ouncl lnaan Slmonds and adopted by the unanlmous a fflImatlve vote on roll- call of CouncLl m€mbors. A letter dsted June 28, 1951, vas read from G. J. Marr:, Directon of Publtc Wor.ks re corune ndl, ng the followLng: 1. The a ppolntnent of a sub-forenan ln the Stro€t Departneat.2. The appointment of a utlutynan 1n th€ Water Departnont.3. The establl shnsnt of an ollglble llst for Clty Electrlcian. 0n notlon of Councilman Slmords, eeconded by C ormcl 1.:nan HUnt, No. 1 on tbe ellglble Ilst for sub-forenanrAlbert Kennel, ras appolnted,effective July 5, 1951. Charles E. EngLe, No. 1on the 11 st for ut111t3maan was appolnted tothat posltlon in the lYater Depa rtment on notlon of C ouncl ll[an Sl"monds, seconded by Councl lnan Hu.nt and unanlmousLy carrl.ed. The appolntnent wes subJect to the usual requinement s in confonnance wltbClvtl Sorvlce Rlrle s and Begulations. The recomendatlon for the establlshment of an ellglb1e 11st for Clty D1€ctrlclan ras held in abeyanco untll such tlme as an actual vacsncyexLsts, on motlon of Councl lman Love, seconded by C ounci lman Byrd and unanimou s1y car.rled. A letter dated June 29, L951, was read f rrcm Publ1c Worksr subnlttlng the reslgnatlon of trlrnner ln the Park Department, effectlve Ju G. J. Jesselv 5, Marr, Dlrector ofC. Ga rner, tree1951. The 1e tte r 16qu6st€d that an ellgible 1lst for the above classlflcatlon beestabllsh€d. Councllmn Love moved the acceptance of the reslgnatlon and dlnected tbe Clty Clenk to wrlte a letten of cornmendatlon to Mr. Garnen. The notlon was seconded by C ouncl lman Byrd and unanlmouslycarrled. The Civl 1 Sorvlco Cornmlsslon was lnstructed to preparo anellglble llst for tre€ trlm€r in the Park Department on motlon of Councl lnan Bynd, seconded by C ouncl lman Hunt and una nlmously carried. A letter deted June 25, 1951, frlrm the Burllngeno Recreatlon C ormLsslone re conmendlng a clarlficatlon ln the status of the RecreatLon UtiLitynen p osltlon! was referTed to the Flnance Contnittee of the Councll, to bedlscussed at a future t ire vrl th the members of the Recreatlon Q6raml gstsn. A letter dated June 25, 1951, was r€ad fr.om E. L. Llncoln, Recreatlon Supe rlntendent, requestlng the e stabllshment of en e1f,lb1e llst forthe po$tlon of Recr"eatlon Supervlsor. The Clvll Servlce Comlsslonras lngtnrcted to cr€d e the 1lst as rogueeted on motlon of CounclL- Ean Love, seconded by Councl fnan Hunt and unanlm;usly canrled. A letter dated June 29, 1951, from Wllsey &Co.r Inc. neque stlng theCltyrs a cceptance of a sewer flne on a parcol of land at the north-test corner of Hlllslde Drlve and edell ne Drlve, oumed by Col. Carl S.Deney, uag refemed to the Clty Englneer fon lnspectlon and r.eportto the City Councl I. 29s Clalm No. 762, ln the a nount of $55.86, for. stamps and postcards for the month of Junq, 1951, was authortzed pai d on motton of Counci lman Hunt, second,ett by C ourcl lnan Love and unanlmously c arrLed. In rcpIy to Councll quory, Clty Englneer Marr reported on the followlng: 1. Fleld rork currontly belng conducted preparatorXr to subnltting plans .and speclflcatlons ln eonnectlon wlth the ropalr and constructlon of s treets end seuers ln Burllngame Uanor. Clty Englroor Marr statedthe Eork should be completed. beforre the wlnter months. 2. Eas not beon iin contact r€c€ntly wlth Mr. J. J. Phl11ips, who has been employed as the appnalsor to sur vey the Chapln Awenueproperty, but would do so wlthln the week. 5. The recently purchased Strcet Sweeper proving to be entlrely sat l sfa ctory. UNFINI$IED BUSINESS 1. The Clty C1€rk advised tbat Mr. Stein of the Hoalth Department would s ubmlt a report at the next Councll neeting as to the dispostlonof the case ln connection with the premLses at L427 Palona A't;6nue. 2. Councl lnan Love reported tlst the Councl I Bocreatlon C 6nmlttee d,s con&rc tlng a aurvey of all pla yground s withtn the Clty, pursuant to a request that the playground arta at Paloma Avenue and Edgehlll Drlvo be fenced and gurfaced, and that a report would be forthcomlngat the noxt Councll me6tlng. 3. A hearlng was sch€drled for the August 6 Councll rreetlng on the reque st of J. J. Fena and B. J. Gnlggs for arnoexatlon of theirproporty to the Clty of Burllngame. 4. Clty Engineer Marr reported that no comnuni ca tlon has been recelved as yet fr"om CoI. Skeggs of tho State Dlvlslon of Htghways 1n responseto a requost for lnfonratlon on the lnstallatlon of pressure pads slgnals in Nortb Burllngane. . 5. Due to tho Park Superlntendent t s absence for the C1ty, a report on tho r€quest for removal of trees on Edgehlll Dnive was d€lEyed f or t rvo rooks. 6. The request of !Y. J. B our:ne for peraisslon to operate a used canlot ln conJunctlon wlth hls aorvlce statlon at 99 Callforrria hlve, was denLed on motlon of CounclIman Byrd, eeconded by Councilman Slmonds and uIranlmouely carrle d. 7. In re - the removal of structures at 114 Eovard Avenue, the owner, R. J. 2111n€r, has stll1 anothen two reeks to conrply wlth an order to remova all bulldlngs on the pnemises. 8. 0ther neetlngs w111 be schedulo d wlth the Councl l and the Burllngame Chamber of Conne rco rBlatlve to the proposed revislonof the ordtnanco negulating auctlons. Clty Clerk Whlte reported that upon a veriflcatlon of slgnaturros on apetltlon fl1ed June 18, 1951, r€Iatl"ve to the repalr of streets and sewers 1n Burllngame Ma_nor, It was detemined that the slgnaturEB repneeent mor€ than 6oft of the owners wlthln the d.Lstrlct. Mr. B. G.Burbank, one of the owners present, ras requested by the Councll to tr"5r to secure mone signatures of tbe ownens in Burl lngame Manotr. A neque st fnom M. E. Bertola that the condltlon of the playgrrcund atVlctor.la Road, as weII as the lslands down the center of the st:reets on Baysu8ter Avenue be lnvestlgated, was :ref e rre d to the Pa?k Department. Councl lman Slmonds moved that the BulldrLng Inspector b6 lnstnrcted torret r.1th the members of the Clty Councll, Saturday mornlng, July ?,et 10 e.e. and thet he, at that tlde, submlt a wrltten report of tbe 294 bulldtngs and vlolatlons that have been brought to the attentLon of tho Mayor and Bulldlng Cormittee of the Councll. The motLon was seconded by Councllmen Lovo and unanluously earrled. CouncLlnsn Love, for the beneflt of the publtc, advLsed thet a resoLutl.on adopted at a prevlous Councll rreetlng, authorlzlng the Clty Attorrrey to employ outslde counsel, ln connectlon wtth the action of th6 Clty bf MtttUrae agalnst the Clty of Burllngane t would involve no expense to the taxpayers of Burllrgrme, but would be assusred by the Mills Estate, fnc. Councllman Byrd ras appointed as a eommlttee of one to confer wlth the Chanber of Commerce concornlng the purchase and lnstallatlon of flags for dlsplay purposes wlthln the Glty of Bur'Ilngeme. Both the Chief of the Pollc e Department and the Flre Chl,e!4vere compllmented, on the trainlng and the senvlce nendered by the aux1llary offlcers of both departments. There belng no further buslness, the neetlng was regularly adjournedat 9:10 p,m. - on motlon of Councllman l{unt and seconded by Councl}man Slmonds. tsespeetfully submitted, HERBENT K. WI{ITEClty Clerk APPROYED: H. Kent A Mayor