HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.02.06L42 Burllngame, Februsr:y 6, ca 1i fornla 1950 A re65u1ar meeting of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the above given date. Nloetlng calIed to order at 8:OO p.ut., I{ayor Love ln the Chair. RoII CaI1: Plesent - Councilmen: Atwater-Dah1-llunt-Love-Simonds Absent - Councilmen: None The minutes of the previous meetlng of Jamrany 16, 1950, as sub- mltted to memb e:rs of ttle Council and as posted on the Bu11etln Boa::d in the Cfty H411, vrere uranimously approveii and acc€pted on motlon of Councllman iIunt, and seconded by Councllman Sinonds. Idonday, Fbbnuary 6, 1950, was the tlme scheduled for a hea::lng on the petltlon subml-tted by Jennie It{. Pennington for a changeof 1ot Ilnes on property describefl as Lots !, 2, 3, Block 2, Burlinglrome Subdivlsion, whlch char\qe proposes to create twolots lnstead of thre6 1ots. Following a reading of a c omrunl-catlon in which the Planning Comralsslon unanlmous 1y necormended the proposod change, and there beLng no one present to p::otest the change, the Council ulanimously concurred ln the recomnend- atlon and the proposed chgnge was glanted, on a motion lnt::o- duced by Councilman Simonds and seconded by Councilman Atwate::. Monday, Febrru.ary 6, 1950, wag the tlme set for the open5.ng ofblds on alteratlons to Clty HaII and lYalkway Approaches for theClty of Bunllnpramo, The Cle:rk opened and read ttre followlng blds: Base Bld Alte?nate No. I Alternate No. 2 O. C. l{o:ronoy Burllngame, CsJ-1f. S2r5oo.oo Deduct [i 5o.0o Add $5o.oo Wm. C. Smlth Bu::lingame, Ca1if.$3r892.oo Deduct $ 2o.oo Add $g5.oo Leonard A. Sundquls i *4r37a.o0 Deduct fi 25.oO Add,rj;60.00 I,{en1o Park, Ca1lf. H. E. lYinl'rey Co. Burllngame, CaIif.$2r880.0o Doduct $1oo.0o Add $4o.0o Elnlof Bros. San idateo, Ca1if.$sr8g4.oo Doduct $ zs.oo Adat {iiys.oo The blds were neferreit to the Clty Attorney and Purchas lng Agent fon poruBal and recomlendstlon Later ln ttre eveningrs moo ting. The Ctty Clerk opened and:read the follonlng bld, as advertlsodfor and to be opened on Monday, February 6, 1950! L. 1,1. Cu::tis & Sons Oak1and, CalLfornla 1 - Atlas Training Tower. Safety IJet, 20 | x 15 t 2 - Atlas Collapsable Steel F!.ame Structure Terms flo - 1O days - Net 3O days, Fbb, New tB30. ij6?5. 00 oo Yonk , Ihe bid was refer?ed to the Fire Chief, the ElIre Corunlssion, tLreCity Attonney and the Purcheslng Agent for a recommendatlon tobe subnltted later in ttre evenlngls moeting. A letter dated Febr.uary 5, 195O, was nead f)rom K.Dlrector of Publ1c liorks r subnittlng tho recomrencontract for the de1iver1l of gasolLne to the Cltyfor the fiscal yoar, FebL.ua:'y 1, 195O to January awarded to the Seaslde Otl Co., at tho bld prlces 17.83y' for: regular and ethyl giades, respecLlvelyAtwater noved concurrenco in the :recommondatLon a s da o 31 o . Eltch,tlon ttrat thef Bur llngame , 1951, bef L5.a3y' and C ouncL lman tho prlces enume:rated, geconded by Councilman SLmonde and unanlmousLy carrie d. A lette:: dated Febru ary 2, 198O, was :road fnom tlle Board of FIreCommissioners submlttl,ng the -neslgnatlon of Ralph K. Read,hoseman, Ln the Bur'Ilrgamo- Ftre Depa:rtmont and i-eco.rmenat-ig theaccoptance of the :.eslgnatlon. Counc llman Hunt moved ttle iesig_natlon -be a-ccepted, .s ec-onded by Councilnan Datr 1 and unanlmouslfcarnied. The Ctty Cler."k was lirs trueteal to dl.r:ect a letter toI{r. Read expnesslng appr.eclatlon fon hls year:s of faithf\rI se?vlce. A lette:: dated Janua ty 27 I 1950, was read fyom E. L. I,lnco1nrsuperlntendent of Recreation, n6questlng permlssion to attend ttreAnnual Confe::ence on Recreation to be friift U San Jose, f"Un ""y14 - 18 lncluslve and requesting also ttrat conralss 1on ienbers aildf'u11-time staff members be also permltted. to attend. Super-Lntendent LlncoLn was authonlzed an expense allowance noi toexceed iiSO.OO for convontLon oxpenses, on motLon of Councll:nanDah1, s econded by .C ounc Llrnan Hunt and- unanlmous ly camled. A lotter dated Fbbruary -O, 1950,_was road from Moody J. Henry,r.equesttng offlclal notl"ce in w:rltlng to pnoceed wtit tfre tti6d::a ln wor"k on the upper s ide of the .bas enent wa11 on fire con-stnrctlon of FLrre station I'io. 2. co.rdlmrslnonds moved that in con-fi,rmilg, the conver:gatlon wlth the purchaslng Agent ana lin. i"rrry,tlre addltlonal sum of $S9.61 be allocated t5 pi;oceed wfifr-Ueetile wo::k in connectlon wlth the constrrrctlon of the il;-F$"Statlon, seconded by Counc llrnan Hunt and unanimous 1y carrled. A lottor dated Fobrruary_ 1, _ 1950, ws.s read fnon Edwln S. Coakley,423. Bu:r1lngame Avenue, Su:r1ingafre, expnossing approctailon tothe Rlre Department for Lts oiftciency in neiponie to a fLre at!!e gbo_vg prerises. Mayo? Love, on b6ha1f of the Council, alsothanked Chlef Lels and neguested tnat he convey Council aipreci-atlon to tlro membens of hls staff. The Clerk ias ins tr.uetla toacknowlodge l,{r. Coakley t s conmrunl"catlon. A Resolutlon, No. 5-50, ca1Ilng for a nunlcipal eLectlon to beheld ln the C1-ty of Br*rllngarne on Aprll 1I, 19b0, was introduced.by Councilman-Hunt, seconded by Dahl and adopted'by the unanl-xrous afflrmatlve vote of Councll members. Res-oLutlon l,le. 4-so, tDeclarlng Noxious and DangSerous v{eeds andRubblsh a Nuisancerr and s ottln6g the 6th day of trianch, 1950, {rhenobJectlons to tire proposed ::emoval of sush-weeds shaiJ. be heandand given due cons lde::atlon, lras introd.rced by C ounc i1man Slmonds,seconded by Councilman Dalrl and adopted by the unanlmous afflrma-tlve vote of Council membe::s. A repor.t was r6ad fr.om J. A.of January, L95O. B::ans on, Clty Judge, for the month A letto:: datod February ^2, 195O, wa! read llom l,{n. T. F. Reynolds rsubml ttlng hls resl.gnatlon as a menber of the Llbrary Boar.dl C ouncl Llran Slmonds novod that the resigrratlon be acc6pted. with::eluctance and ttra t a Letter be for:rrarded t o Mr. neyn-otas expross- ]nB appr"eclatlon fo:: his setvlces to the Clty, s ecoirded by C ouncllman Hunt and urranlmously can::Led. Uayon Love submitted ttre name of ]drs. J. E. Ila::::lson, ZZ|T EastonDrLve, -f9:: nembershlp to the Llbnany Boar:d, to fill the unexplredterm of LIr. Reynolds, and on motton of C ounc lLman Dah1, secondedby Councllaan Atwater, the appolntment was unani.mous 1y- conflrrned. Councilman Slmonds stated ttrat the Off-street Parklng Comrlttee,under ttre chalrmanshlp of Councllman Hunt, has been worklng cJ.o.s91y wlth the Chambe:r of Conrnerce to sol_ve pa::klng conditlonswlthtn tho Clty and suggested that tho City Clerk be instructedto compile t*re complete statlstlcs on the lssue to date and suchlnformatlon be submitted to the aeveral conunlttoes at a meetlngto be held Thunsday evenlng, at Bobts on Broadway. CouncllmanIlunt also stated that lt was hoped to detormine a solutlon to thosituatlon ln Broadway, as well as 1n Burllngame, ln the vorXr nearf\rtu::e. Chlef Theuen was also requested to compile flgures onthe cost of neplacements and parts fo:: pa:rking meter maintenanco. 143 L44 Earl Scfunldt, Cha manl flre Comn1sslon, followlng consideration of the submitted blds for a Elre Safoty Notl add::essed the Council and. recomonded that tho bLal ba awarded to t. N. Curtls & Sorrs. Couni lLnan Atwater ttrereupon moved t'hat the Counoll concur ln the above ::econmendatlon qnd that the bid be avarded to L. N. Cu:rtts & Soaa ln the amount of S1r5o5.oo' plus Callfonnla state tax, anit flelglrt charges of approxlmately $95.OO, and that the Mayor-be auttrorlzed to enter lnto a contnact with 1,. N. Curtls & Sons- for, and ln behalf of the Clty of Bu:r1lngame. - T-he motion was second6d by C ouncllman DahI a"nd unanlmously ca::::led. Under the headlng of Unflnlshed Buglness, Corrncl lman S lmonds moved t&.at t?re Councll autholrlzs Superlntendent of Recrostlon Lrlncoln to puqchas e - f. i{lld Showen Feed Eloor Machlne, 16 ln. complete @ $55o.oo plus appllcabL€ taxes. 2. Kent Vacur.m CLeaner couPlete @ $545.6?, plus taxes. s€conded by C ounc llman Atwate:: and urianlmous 1y carled. Superlntendont of nec!:eatlon LlncoLn, street Foretnan Wllson and Ll-bnarLan Mclean each reportetl briefly on the actlvltles ln ttre lt' respecttve departments. Ca11lng attentlon to a procla.rnation j.ssued ln behalf of Boy Scout Week, Iiayor tove r:rged pubLle asslstance to the organlzatlon dunlng tho c omlng week. In acco:rdance wltfr CouncLl reguqst, a recomtendatlon was submltted that th6 contract for alteratlons to the proposod Eater offloos and nalkrvay approaches to the Clty 8a11, be awande d to the 1on bldder, o.-C. iloroney, st the subnltted baso btd .of $2r5OO.OO.Follovlng a dlscussion on the failu:re of Mr. Moroney to s ubmlt a 1lst of aub-oontraotors, Clty Attolrney Kartnel advised that lt would be lega1 to accept ttre bld, wt ttr the p"ovlsLon that a 1lst of sub-contractors be submitteil wlthln flvo days folJ.owlng the grantlng of the btd. C ounc lLnan Dah3. theroupon moved that t!:e uta ue iccepted ln the amount of fi2r50o.o0, wlth the provlsion that the llst be subroltted wlthln the flve day Ilnlt. The motlon sas seoonded by Counc llrnan Eunt, and can::ied, C ouncJ.lman S lEonds not votlng on the motlon. Questloned by the Councll on the progress rua de in the lnstal].atlonof llglts along EI Camlno Rea1, partlcularly at va::lous lnter- sections, City lErgineer. Illtch repo::ted t]ra t nothlng had beon done to date, and suggested that authorlzatlon be glven to l-nEtalL 1OOO c. P. l-lgfrts antl 600 C. P. lntermodlate llghts fo:: two or thr.ee consoCutlV'e blocks, as an experlment. Followlng a ftlrthe:r dlscusslon, Clty Engineer Fitch was authol'lzed to proceed acco:rd- ing to hls recommondatlon. Thene belng no further buslnees, the meetlng was adJourned on motion of C ouncilman Dahl, leoonded by Councllman Hunt and unanlnous Iy carrled. Respectl\:IIy s ubml t.te d, T VrTI TEIClty C3.erk i*'flh9. Dan R. Lovo, Jr. U APPROtrED: llayor