HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.06.18285 BurLlngare, June 18, Call fornla 1951 A regul.ari moetlng of the Burllngame City Councll vas held on the aboveg-1ven date. Meetlng called to order at 8:I5 p.m. - Mayor Atwater lnthe Chalr. Roll Ca11:Pres€nt - Councllmen: A twate r-Byrd-Eunt-Lo ve -slmond sAbsent - Councllmen: None Tb€ nlnute s of the prrevlous meetlng of June 4, L9S1, as subnltted tomembers of th€ Councll and as -postod-on the Bu11etln Board 1n tbe CltyIIall verr unanlnously approvad and adopted on notlon of c or:nc11nan - Lovo and soconded by Councl lman Euat. Monday, June 18, 1951, at 8:0O p.m. - ln the Councll Charnbers of theClty 8a11,^r8s the tlme 199 pl+co s9t by reaolutlon for a hearlng ong l9p9rt flled wlth the Clty Clerk by tbe Flre Department, theBul1dlng rnspecton and tho county BoaLth Departneirt, rerailve to thormsanltary and depreclatod condltLon of the prenlsei at \ap? palona Avenue. A letter from Mrs. May W. Freeth, the owner, wes read, re-guestlag an extenslon of tlre beforo an order to vacate 1s sub;lttedto bEr. Mr. C. Mathlosen, 1455 palona Avenue and [4r. A. Ceva]anl,143O Palona Avenuo each, ln turn, addnessed the Counc11, cltlng tfiedalger-lf tbe preml ses are allored to renain in lts preiont coialtlon.Followlng a further dlscusslon, Councltman Slmonds rr6ved that tho con-donnatlon proceedlngs on the above pnoperty be contlnu€d unt11 thertgular CouncLl meotlng of July 2, seconded by Councihan Love andunanlmously card.ed. C ouncllnan Love noved that the Clty Clerk bolnstructed to comunlcate slth Adrlan ward, D[rector, solla] werfareDlvlsloa of the County of San Mateo, preseiltlng full'facts on theabove cas6. Ihe rnotion ms seconded by Councllnan Slmonds and. rrnanlmou s1y cerried. A heanlng^ oD the petltlon to re zone the prope rty at 1521 BayswaterAvenue, from apa rtment to conrerclal zoue wls contlnued froi theprevlous Councll Ee€tlng of Junc 4. A Letter, at thls tlme, wasread from L. J. Vetter:, agent for the owner, requestlng ttra ! ttresubJoct b € furth€r held 1n aboyanc€ uitll JuIy Z. Mr.-pet€r Savant,present ovner of the prope rty, addnessed the bounclI, statlng lt rasbls orlglnal lntentlon to nalntaln the home for r:eslientlal purposesand at the same tlme to conduct a smalr busLness but 1t was now re-questod that conslderatlon bo glv6n to the nezonlng of re propertyfor_ profasslonal use. After furthen dlscusslon, C6uncllman^ ttuirt moveathat the trquo st for re_zoning bs denled and ttra i th€ clty Attorrrey bedlrected to prepare and. present flndlngs, ln accordance irtr, "rty-ordlaance- regulatlons, to the menbers ot-tfre Counc11. T he -lrotloir wasgeconded by Cor:ncl1nen By:rd and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated June 13, 1951, ras read from G. J. Iarr, Dlr"ector ofPubllc worke, subndttlng th€ reslgDatLon of Me1v1n n. [r:.in, uttllty-rn' n 1n the lllia te r Dopartment. councr lman slmonds moved that therc sl'Snation -bo accepted, effectlv€ June 22, 19s1, eeconaled by councll-man Love and unanlmously earri6d. 4 ]glter dated June 6, 195L, [as r€ad from G. J. Mam, Dlraector ofPubllc_Illorks, roquestlng that an appolntnent be nad6 6s utlrttynanto flII one posltlon.opon at the serage plant and also two appolnt-llents from the utlutynan reglster for the stneet Depsrtment. ur. Iil*J3: advlsed by the Councll that the_I9SI-19S2 sirar-y budget forth€ sorage Pl.a nt prcvlded only for the plant openator. 5n rroEl0n ofCouncllman tove, Leo-F. pacbebo, No. 1 on tb6 ;}lglb1e tiEt-torutlIltynan, rae appol-4ted to the posltlon or utr:.Iiyman in the strcetDepartment, seconded by councllmn slmonds and rxran imo,," rj " arr.led.Robert G. Baruxerot r No. 2-9n the e1lglb1e I1st, ras "pp.iirt"a to thestreet Depa rt_nent - as a utirltynan, oi motlon oi c ounci irran -ilnonds, seconded by counctLnan love aia uiren inous ry carrlea. -i[;-i io aboveeppolntn.nts ane to become effectlve JuLy i, lgsi and ""u:Lot to theusual requlr6ment s relatlve to ClvlI s€r;fc; regutattons.'- - A letter dated June 12, 195I, uag read from Dlrector of Publlc Wo:rks Marr, subnlttlng for Councll gpprova1, a Menor andum of Agre6- mont, whl ch proposes c€rtaln e xpendlturo s to be made durlng tbe forthconing ftscal year for lmpro vement of maJor city stro€tsvlthin tbe Clty of Burllngane. C ounclhan Slnonds thereup_on lntroduced. and nrove d the adoptlon of Resolutlon No. 28-SL "Adoptlng Budg€t and Approvlng Memo ra ndr:n of Agreemont for Expendltune of Gas Tax nl.locattons for MaJor Clty Streets, 1951-L952rt soconded by Councllnan Eunt and adopted unanlmously upon no}l call of members. A lette:: datsd Juns 14r 1951, was nead from the Board of Fl.re Com- Dlsslon€rs, advlslng tho Councll that ln compllance rlth the Ordinance establlshlng the Firr Conmlsslon, the followlng tenns of offlce wer^e establlehed effectlve as of July 10, 1950: Colmlsslon€r L. B. Morgan.n l[. R. Meulllan " nobe::t tevyn Earl Schrul dt " A1bert Gordon A letter dated June I, 1951, ras rtad fncm EdgehlU Drlve, requestlng tbe repla cement and surfaclng of the playground locat€d at h111 Drlve. The Clty Clerk was lnstructedtho sdngs aro belng replacod and that the and surfa cl ng of the pLayground area rould Becreatlon .ComLttee of the Councl].. Mr. Leo Algnen, 1561of swlngs and the fenclng Palona Avenue and Edge-to notlfy Mr. Algner that rEque st for the fenclng be refenred to tbe 3y5y2y2y1y e ars ears ears ear.s ear Ehe Councll rer€ further advlsed that Cordml8sloner Schnldt had been duly elected Chalruan of the Connlsslon and. Comrnl ssloner Gordon,Secr€tary. CouncL lman love moved the acceptance of tho above Ilst and that tbe mlnute s so lndLcater soconded by Councl lnan Byrd and unanlnously carrled. A letter dated June 14, 1951, was lead from the Board of tr'ire Com- mlsslonarse advlstng that pursuant to a courrcll reque st that a lreport be rnn de relatlve to a letter recelved froE tb€ Burllngame 8111e Improvenent Assoclatlon Iequestlng the purchase of flrs pnotectlon ln Burllngame H111s, lt was reconnended that the Clty not enterlnto a contract or agreernent wlth any ar€s unt1I sald ar€a uas properly and legally organlzed. Mayor Atwater stated that the Councll uene of the oplnlon that lnsuffl clent lnfonnatlon tra d been presented by the Burllngam€ IilIIs Imprc vement Assoclatlon to warrant a 6ounc11 declslon on thc above matter at thLs tlme. lfir. I{aro1d Tunner, Presldont of tbo Burllngame lillls Inprovemont Aseoclatloa, addressed the Councll, statlng that the resldents of Burllngane Hllls are prlrrarlly lnter€sted ln an expressLon fron the Councll as to ntrether or not the Clty of Burllngame would seII f 1re protectlon. Councllnan Slmonds suggested that tb€ flrst stop should be taken by the resldents ln that area by the fora.atlon of a Flre Dlstrlct and that upon the e stabLl shment of a Flre Dlstrlct the resldents should then approach the Clty f:rom which tbey desl.reto purchase such protectlon. After further dlscusslon, CorrnclLman Slnonds moved that the Ctty C1erk, uLth esslstance fnom tho Clty Attorreey, c omrunlcate rrlth the Burllngane Ellls Improvement Associa-tlon, e xplalnlng fulLy the posltlon tbe Councll ls 1n and theposltlon the CounclL deslrres the Agsoclatlon to assuoe. Ihe motlon was seconded by CounclLman Byrd and unanlmously carrled. A lettEr dated June L5, 1951-, was read from HErbent K. Whlte, Clty C1erk, subnlttlng th6 reslgnatlon of Mrs. Anne Meyers, Senlor Clerk- Stenographer ln the Clty Clerkrs offlce. Tbe Letter requested that an €llglbLe 11st for Senlor CIe rk-Stenographer be e stabllshed. councllnan Love moved tht tbe roslgnatlon of Mre. Meyens be accepted,effoctlve June 6, 195I, socontled by Councllman Sluoads and unanl - mously carrled. Ehe ClvlL Servlce Connl ssl,on ras regueatcd to prepare an € llglb1e Ilst for Senlor Clerk-Stenogrepher, on motlon of Councllnsn Love, s€conded by C ouncl Lman Eunt and unanlmously carrled. 286 287 A letter. dated Jun6 2, 195I, fron Jame s K:zarl, 1136 Balboa Avenue,offerlng the suggestlon that vehlcle pressure pads be lnsta}led1n No:rth Burllngame on the crrss streots that have tnafflc slgna).s, wag referred to the Clty Englne er wlth lnst:rrctlons that he consultwlth Col. Jno. H. Skeggs, Asslstant State Englneer of the Dlvlslonof llL ghway s . A letter dated June 11, 195I, f rom Mrs. Flor€nco E. cardlngr, BI4 Edgeh11l Drlva, requestlng actlon 1n the removal. of e1n tre6s onEdgehlll Drlve, nas r€fenred to Park Supe rlntendent Anderson forstudy and report to tho Clty Councll. 308 A lettor dated June 13, 1951 , was read fr"on the Broadray DevelopmentAssoclatlon €xpr€Eslug appreclatlon ln the placlng of trees on Broa dway. The Clty Clerk vas lnstructed to a chrowle dge the c onIrurrl -cat lon. A letter dated June 11, 195I, ras read from the Bay park ImprrcvementCIub pledglng lts cooperatlon wlth tho Burllngaro Flrr Depar tmentln the current cempalgu "Save a Chll.dts Llfe.o lhe Clty tlerk raslnstnrcted to acknowle dge the lEtter. A. petlttor-r fr"ou _Eunph_rey L. - Jone !, dated, Jurxe Iz, 1951, reque st tngthe :rezonlng and resubdlvLslon of property at the south6ast cornerof BLock 18, Easton Addltton No. 2, sas refelrred to tbe plannlng Conml s slon. A 1ett6r dated June 18, 1951, fron th6 Wrlght Realty Co@anyE1 canlno near,'nique"tr"s "fp"o""r .i iil'i,iuilir-Ji""-"'i-i1i"and 38, Block 45, Easton Adtlltlon No. 4, was referred to tbe ?}en ning Conmisslon. Reports fron the Burllngane F'lr€ Depa ltment, the Clty Judge, thePo1lce Depg. tmer$ and tbe Department of pubil c works-for fh6 nonttrof May, 195I, rere read and onior€d flled. e6rnnt sslgn6n Schnldtras congratul-ated on hls reelectlon as chElrman of the Ftrre Con-tnlsslon. Mr. schmldt outLLned tbe program curnrntly being conducted.by th6-Flre Department and a part of a natlonrlde cimpalgi to reduceloss of 1lves by flre. Resolutlon No. 27-5r, authorL zJ.ng tho Mayon for and in behalf of tleC1ty, to -e:reclte an a greement ulth the p6n1nsu1a Newspapers Incor_porated,for the publlshlTg of-a11 lega1 notlces fbr tte-year fregtn- $"g -ryfy I, 195r and end!.ng Jun€ 50, 1951, ras lntroducld bycouncl lman tove r&r o noved 1ts paaaage, seconded by c ouncl lran Huntand adopted unanlmously upon ro11 ca11 of C ouncil- members. Be solutlon No. 29-51, entltle{r Authorl zl ng the Clty .rttorrrey toDef€nd and prosecute ln Bebarf of the ctty i-tr Lltlgitlon Nor-pendlEgor Lflrlg-h fay.be rnstltuted 1n connectlon itth the l6t1on of the clty-of Ml11brae {galnst the-clty _of Burrlngame and to Assoelate c6uns-r]If Nec6qsarT] ra s ^ lntnoduced -by C ouncl Lnan Eunt who moved lts passage,gecondad by Councf imon Slmonds- and upon rp1l calL of menbersunanlnou s$ adopted. Ordlnance No. 511 entltled. nAn Ordlnancs Approvlng the Annoxatlon ofCortaln Unlnbabltect, Unlncorpor.ated Bemit'oiy to Etre Cftv oiBurlJ.ngamorr ras given second roadlng. C ouncilmen E",nt E;vid thopassage of Ordlnance No. 511, seconded by Councltnefr ayra anaadopted by the followlng vote: Ayes : Coulrcllmen: Atuat€r-Byrd-Eunt-Love-SfuondsNoeg: Councl1,'cn: llon€Abgent Councllmen: None rhe foncgolng ordlnance portalns to the annexetlon of the HooverSchool, property of the Burllngane ElementarT School Dtstrt;t. Ordlnance Ng. 912, cntltl€d, ItAp?rovlng and.Annexing to the Clty ofBurllngame cortsin unlnhablted, unlncoiporated rerritorv Knorn astEaston Oaketn was glven second readlng-. counclrnan-syrfi Eovoa thepassage of the above Ordlnance, seconded by C.:uncllnair Lovs and 288 unanfunous ly adopted by the folloYrlng vote: Ayes: C ouncllmen: A ttat e r-Byr d-Ilunt-Love- SLmond sNo€s: CouDcl lmen: None Absont Councll&en: None Ordlnance No. 513, entltled. IAn Ordlnance Amendlng the 'ordlnanc€ Code of the Clty of Burl1nfiame By Repoallng the Exlstlng Sectlon 4ol.L and Adtllng a New Sectlon 401.1, Requl.rilng a]I PlEchaso 8 of Materlal to be trflade Through the Offlce of the Clty Englneerr msglven socond reading. Councllman Hunt moved tbe passago of Ordlnance No. 513, seconded by Councllnan Love and adopted by tbefollowing vote ! Ayos: Councl lmn: Noes: Councl lmen: Absgnt Councllmen: A twa te r-Byrd-Hunt-Love -Slmonds None None ordinance No. 514, entltLe d, nAn ordLnanco Amendlng sectlon 4L2 of the Ordlnance Code of the City of Burllngare, Flxlng the Compensatlonof the Clty Clerk and Repeallng all Ordinancos ln Confllct Tlere-ulthn ras gLven second readlng. Councl.Iman Love moved the adoptlonof the Ondlnance, seconded by Councllnan llunt and adopted as follows: Ay6 I : Councl lmen: Atwate:r-Byrd-f,unt-Lovo-Slmonds}{oes! Councllm€n: None Absent CouncL lm6n; Non€ Ordlnance No. 515, entltled, rAn Ordlnance Amondlng sectlon 4L4 otthe Ordlnanc€ Codo of the Clty of Bunllngame Flxlng the Compensatlonof the Clty Treasur:er and Repea3-lng alL Ordlnances in Confltct Iherewlthrr was glven second read.lng. C ouncl lman slmonds moved tho adoptlon of tbe foregolng Ordlnance, seconded by CouacllneD Love and adopted by the fo llorlng vote: Ayes: Councl Lmen: A twater-Byrd-Ilunt -Love -SlmondsNoos: Councllm€n: Non6 Absent Counellmen! None UNFINIS}IED BUSINESS I. The reque st that monles held ln escrot by tho Callfornla PaolflcTltle Insu:ranco Co. be released to L. Josephlne Lang, owner of theproperty sold to the Clty of Burllngare for Carolan Avenue rlght-of-ray purposes, ras temporar{. Iy held ln abeyance untll the exlstont foundatlon on the property 1s removed ln compllance wlth a groemeat. 2. I..letter dated June 18, 1951, ras read from Park Superlntendent Anderson reportlng upon the compla lnt flled by W. J. McCubbln rolatlveto the r€moval of tress on tbs property located at L226-L23O EL CamlnoReal. f.n concurrence wlth tb€ zEport submlttod, Councl lnan Slmonds Eov6d thet a permit to nemove the trees in guestlon b€ denled, seconded by Councl lman Love and unanlmously carrl€d. The Clty Clerkras Lnstructed to so notlfy Mn. McCubbln. 3. The reguest of VtI. J. B ourne to operate a used ear l-ot ln con- Junctlon wlth a servlce statlon at 99 Callforzrla Drlvo was furtborheld for Councl l study. 4. The roquest of R. J. Grlggs, 1457 Alvanaflo Avenue and J. J. Fena, 1447 Alvarado Avenue for annexatlon of property to the Clty of BurlJ.ngame ras hold for further study. 5. Reportlng on the dlspositLon of the bulldlngs on 1I4 llorard Avenuo, Chalrnan of tbe Councll Buildlng Connnltte€, Councilman Slmonds, resd a letter :recelved f rom Mr. B. F.ZllLner, owllfr r, advls- 1ng that aIL structur€ s on the pt€mlses w111 be removed. Upon advlce from tbe Clty Attorrrey, Councl lman Slmonds moved that the subJectratter be contlnued for thirty days to alLow Mr. Z11l.mer sufflcienttlmo to relnove th6 bulldlngs. The motlon was secondod by Counclhan Love and unanimou s1y earrled. 289 Councllmsn Hunt lntno duced and move d tbe passago of Besolutlon No. 3O-51adoptlng the Ctty of Burllngan€ Budgot fon 1951-1952 1n the amount of fi772rO2O. The motLon was seconded by Councll,nan Love and unanlmouslycarrled upon noII call of members. Tho ndt totre c tetb lty Clerk was lnstrrrcted to acknowledge recelpt of a letter sub-tl by the Chamber of Comence, dated June 18, expressing appreclatlone Park Department employees for the placlng of beautlfirl potted on Broadray and Burllngame Avenuoa. of Jamog It. Mltchell for neappolntment as a member of theComlsslon was s ubmltted by Mayon Atvraten. C ouncl l,lan moved that the a ppointment be conflrmed, second.ed by C ouncl 1-and unanimous \r canrled. fhe P S1 d ns s venan APPROVED: Up the submisslon of ttre name of EnlI 8chu1z for neappolntment asr of the Clv11 Servlce Corml sslon, Councllman Slmonds novedthaMr. Schulz be reappolnted, seconded by Counclfman Love andunanlmously confl raE d. fle spe ctfully s ubmlt ed the ncne of Mrs. Mildred Grens for reappolntment to the Recreation Q6rmri gslqn was submltted and thg appolntmont unanlmously corrfirme d onnotLon of Councllman Love and seconded by Councllnsn Eunt. 0n motlon of Councl lman Slmonds, secondsd by Councilnan Byrd aDd unan lmou s1y conflmed., E. C. Flchtner uas :reappolnted as a menber ofthe ttb ra ry Board. fhe naue of Raynond E. Burns for reappolntment as a m€mber of tboLlbrary Board was submltted and on motion of Councllman Love, EecoDded by Councllnan Byril the appointnent was unanlmously conflnned. 0n motlon of Councl lman Byr&, secondod by Councllnan Love, the re-appolntment of M:r. A. B. Gordon as a member of the Flre Comlssionrag unanimously conflr:ned. A petltlon for the constrructlon and repaLr of atreets and sewers LnBurllngane Manor to be pald by spoclal asseasments and bonds and th6walver of proceedlngs under Dlvlslon tr'our of the Streets and HlghwayCode nas subnl tte d fo:r Councll aetlon. On motlon of Councilmsnslmonds the ctty crerk was lnstructed to pnoeeed wlth the ve r'lfl. cat!.onof the slgnaturos. The motlon was seconded by Councl lnan Byrd andunaninous!.y canrled. Clelms Nos. 617 through 620 lncluslve were authorlzed pald fo:r theperd.od May 21-31-and rarrants orderod draun on the Clty Tr,easury onuotlon of councilman Loye, secund€d_by_ councl lnan IIu.Dt- and unanimousrycarrled. Claims Nos. 62L through 758 lncluelve, rlth the exceptlonof No. 7l'l , tor the per{.od Jr.me 1-18r werg authorlzod pald on otlonof councllman Lov€, seconded by councllnan Hunt and unanlmously carried.. councllman slmonds moved that tbe clty clerk be instructed to a dvertlsefor blds for the audltlng of the Cltyis accounts for the year 19SO-S1,seconded by C ouncl Jnan Hunt and unanimous\r carried. counctrnan Love moved that a comunlcatlon be forwarded to the Genonal Ianager of the Greyhor:ad Bus Llnos cornnendlng tbe action of one of thebus. drlvers -ln prevontLng-a serlous f lr"e at one of the Cttyrs publicparklng yards on the evenlng of June ?. The motlon was seLond;d byCouncllman Byrd and unanLmously carnled. There belng no further buslness tho meetlng was regula r,Iy adJouraedat 10:45 p.m. on motlon of Councl tman Hunt and sec6nded Ly C6uncllnanLove. t EEntsERT K. I/JHITE - Ctty Clerk \r' H regl]llwe-+ern-i-Mayor