HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1950.01.03136 Bur15.ngame, Callfornla January 5, 1950 A regular meetlng of the Bu:rllrrgene Clty CounalL wes held on the above given date. Meetlng called to ordor tt 8:OO otcLock Pomo r - Mayor Love ln the Chah. Bo11 CaIl: Present - Councilmen: Atwater-Eunt-Lrove-Simonds Absent - Councllmen! Dafrl Ihe mlnutes of the previous meetlr45 of Decomber 19, 1949, as !rub- mltted to members oi Ure Councll and as posted on the Bulletin Board ln tho Clty Hall were accoptod and approvsd on motlon of C ouncll-nan Huntr'secondetl by Councllsran Slrronds and unanlmous Iy carrLe d. A letter dated Deconb er l7 r:949, reas read from K. S. Fltch, Dlr3ecton of ftrbIlc lfiorks r aubnlttlng a summary of blde on foun re- placement trucka and :'e c onunending certaln awar'ds to b e made to tJre iow bldders. Councl lman Slmonds moved that the Councll concur ln the recomnendatLon of tho purchase of four trucks, two from the Illnto }lotor Company' at the- quoted prices of S11565.20 - 3/4 Ton Plcknp Truck, t2t25a.26 - 1* Ton D.rmp T::uck, and becauao- of cbanrges 1n thE uoay ibilln, two truCks be authorlzed purchased flom tJxe Snall-comb traotor doirpany at the.quoted prLces tr $treoe.z6 - | Ton Pteknp Truck and *t-r'7s7.sz - s/4 ton Truck, seconded by Couacllnan Eunt and unanlmous Iy carrlod. A letter dated Decenabe:r 5O, 1949, wa8 roed flrom Eerbe"t K. Ttlhlte, Clty Cle:rk, submlttlng a eillcnary of the 1945 anendn€nta to the Retininent'Act and adilslng that the pnesont average annual- paIT911 would result in an LncreasS of appnoxlmately $718?5.00 as the Cltyts shar:e on tho reti:rement contrlbutlons. CounclLnal Slmonds moved that the report bo necelved and placed on f1Ie for further s tardy and coag lde:ra tl-on by the Counclle s econded by C ouncl l-nan Eunt and r:nanlmously carried. A letter dated, Decsrrber 5O, 1949, was read f:rom the Boa:rd of Flre conmlssloae:rs necorE[endlng ttrat blds be advortlsed for a Eafety n6t for ifre dr1l1 tower as prSvlded ln the bond issue. C ounclLnan Atwate:r moved that the btals bo so adve?tlsod for, seconded by Corlncllrnan Eunt aDd rmanlmous Iy carr'led. A letter dated Decembor 50, 1949, was read fuon K. s. RLtCh, Hrecton ofzuUffc Yrorksr advislng ttrat tle deed for the Acqulsltlon of Paneel No. 25, Carolan- Avenue 8i6'3t-of-Way has been e xecuted and in possess- Lon of'the esctrow agent. --councl1rm,ue s inonde Lntr.oduced and mwed ihr passag" of Resolutlon No. 89-4br authorlzlng lhe -aggeqlance of the -deed ina tfte t a wamant be drawn ln the anount of S5.O0 PsyabLoto tfre Callfornla Paclflc Titlo Insurance Conpanyl seconded-by Councllmal Hunt arrd adopted by the unarllmous vote of Councll memberg pres ent. A le tte:r dated Decembe:: 501 1949' was read from K. s. RLtCh, Dlnector of zuUffc llorks, ne c ornnrgndi.ng tr11ir t blds be adve:rtlsed for: the re- "roauii"e-.i the-south wlng oi t5e Clty Ha1I. As the speclflcatlons dltt no t"a c company the prlnt of t}re plroposed chan868, actlon ras delayed untl1 Coirncll ipproval of speclfLcatLonso A Le tto:r dated Deeember 5o, J.949, ras r6ad from K. s. Ettch, Dlrecto:r of-zuUffo lyorks, subml t tln! the 6stlmated cost on sugges ted, change' to gre founda tLon of the nEw Flre Statlon ln Uee amount of $L20.5?. c ouncllman Slmonds moved that tho counclL concur Ln tlro recommend- iiio"-." tfrrtges to bo made, wlfh-the-stlpulatl,,on, that th6,smount to be expended does not exceed SL50.0O, Eeconded by counc:..t'man Atwaten and ulranlmous 1Y canrled. A 16tter dated December 5O, 1949, was read from K' S' Fltch, rif".Ji." oi f"Uff" Worksr i.equesilng that an oliglble-11st be created for the posJ.tlon of Dlraftsmin ln th.o Englneerllg Depalrtm€nt. rLre sub-ject "a" t rpor.rtty t*ut"a fon fi::r ther dlscusslon rll tJl th€ City arrlirruer and the Clvll Serrrlce Conrnisslon' A tetter datod January 6, 1950, was read flom R' l{1' Pnescott and Stanloy Stebenne, requestlng perralsslon to operate a usod-ca! 10t,situated at 21 Callfornla Drlve and subml ttlng several referencea. The subJeet was r:efemed to tho Chief of Pollce fon hls lnves tl.-gatlon and wrltten reconmendatlon and report to the Council. A report lbom the Rrbl1c Works Department for tha raonths of Septembe:r and Octobor, L949, uer6 reEd. and ordered fl,led. ordlnsnce No. 484, entltlod nAn OrdLnance Amendlng Sectlon L222 ofthe Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame By Addlng Ttrer€to Regulatlon for Parklng Vehlcles on any P::operty Ormed or Possessed by the Clty; P:rovldlng fo:r the frroedla te Effectlve Date of the Ordlnance'r was gLven socond ::eading. Counellman Hunt mov€d th6 passage of tho above Ordlnance, soconded by Councl lman Slnonds and adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: CounclLnen: A twa ter-Ilunt- Love-S lmondsNoes: Councl,lmen: None Absont Councilnen: Dahl ordlnance No. 485, entltled, 'An OrdLnanc o Amendlng the O:rdlnance Codo of the Clty of .Burllngane by Addtng to Sectlon 1222,Prohlbltlng Parklng on Chapln Avenue Betwoon Prtm:rose Road and EI Camlno Rea1r, ,as lntroduced by G ounclLrran llunt and glven f lrst ::eadlng. C ounclLnan llunt moved that the Clty of Bu:rllngame empLoy theservlces of the San Mateo-Bur'lingame Real Estat€ Board to appnalsethe lot owne d by the Amerlcan Tnrst Comp any, descrlbed as aportlon of Lot 4, Block 1, toym of Bu:r lingame and the 1ot owne d by Paullne Wurlltzer, descrLbed as a portlon of Lot 5, Block 1, Townof Bu::1lngame, p:reeently leased by the Clty as off-stre€t pa:rklngIots, arrd tllgt suoh appnaisal be n:ra de accord5.ng to the Real Estate Boardt s advertlsed schedule of fees. [he motlon was seconded by Councllman Atlyater and unanLrnous 1y carr:j.ed. The Councll Parklng Commlttee was grented authorl ty to proceed wlth tthe emploSment oftho above appralsers. The Rlnance Comnlttee of the Councll was l.ns truc ted to revlew the monthLy departmontaL budget expendi tur'€ for tl..e end of the flve month penlod, sublrltted by the Clty C1erk. The Ctty Englneer was lna tructod to investlgate llghtlng condltLons on Victoria Road, fol1owln61 a requeat nade by l,ir. Angelo Dellacasa, 141 Vlctonla Road, Bu::L5.ngame. There belng no fur thor regular business, the meetlng was adJourned on motlon of Councllnan Atwator, secondod by Councl'Iman Eunt and unanlnous Iy cannl ed. Respectfillly subml tted, I]ERBERT WHITECtty Clerk APPROVED: /n*/e /,,* Dan R. Love, J l{a.yon 137