HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.05.21-1q-nat I Burlingaoe, Cal-1forn1a l[ay 21, 1951 A :regular meetlng of tho Burllngane Clty Councll ras hold on the abovo glvon date. Mootlng called to ord6r at 8lO0 p.m. - Mayor Atwator ln the Chalr. Ro11 CaII: Present - Coqncllmen: Atwa ter-Byt d-Eunt-Lovo-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: None The mlnutes of the rogular Councll ueetlng of May 7, 1951, as submlttod to menbers of tho Councll and as postod on the BuLlotln Board ln the Clty EaII rrore approved and adopted on motion of Councllman Slmonds, second€d by Councllman Love and unanlnoqslycarrled. Tho nlnutes of the adJourned meetlng of May 12, 1951, as submlttedto mombers of the Councll and as posted on the Bulletln Board ln the Clty IlalL wel.€ approvod and adopted on motlon of Councllman Love, seconded by CounclLman Hunt and unanlnously camled. Monday, May 2L, 1951-, ln the Councll Chambers of the Clty I{a3-1at 8!00 p.m. was th6 tlmo and pl-ace prevlously set for a Councllbearlng on a petltlon to r€zone tlre pnoperty at 1521 Bayswater: Avonue from rrApartmento to rcommerclalr. The mlnutes of a spoclalnoetlng caLled by the Clty Plannlng Conmlsslon on llay 1, 195)-, wer.eread 1n whlch tLte Councll wore advlsed that pursuant to a fulf d.lscusslon and conslde:ratlon 1t was negularly novod end carrledthat the varlance bp6tltlon, s lgned an adJolning or wlthlnalso r6ad reques tln house to res trlc ted e g:ranted subJect to certaln l-lmltatlons. Ad submltted by f or.ty-f tve pnoporty ownersfive hundr.ed feet of the above pnoperty, wasg thet th€ property be rezoned f:rom apartment commerclaL use. l[r. A. E. Van BoIt, 455Bloonfleld Road, addressed ttre Councll protestlng any change lnzonlng ln whlch buslness would be placed on the hlghway withln theclty llmlts of Burllngarae. Mr. L. J. Votter., reprosentlngI{r. WaLter Van Tyne, o$In€r of the property, next addressed th€Councll statlng that tho pr:operty rsas unsaleable for resldentlal. purposos and urged that the varlance be granted ln order that lt may be used for llnltod buslness purposes. Answerl,ng I{r. Van Boltrslnqulry as to the property belng retalned for apartment use,Idr. Vetter replled that tho lot 1s only twonty-nlne and one-halffeet wlde and because of 1ts posltlon lt would not be practlcable.Aft€r further dlscuss 1on, Councllman Bynd moved that tbe subJect be held for further study, secontled by Councllnan Hunt and unanl-mously canr"led. A l"etter was read from R. C. Theuor, Chlef of Po1lce, dated Ltay 1?,1951, reportlng favorably upon an appllcatlon submltted byA. T. Wagner, 345 lvlla Way, San Mateo, for pernlsslon to operatea used car lot at 1014 Penlnsula Av6nqe, whlch appllcatlon hadbeon referred to the Pollc€ Dopartoent for tnvestlgatlon. Befor"eCounctl actlon, conslderable d.lEousslon was had r61atLv6 to th6ereotlon of bulld1ngs on used car lots. Bulldlng Inspecton tryatson lafo:rmed the membors that the pnesent flre code provides that flre-proof bulLd1ngs must be erected and that the code 1s belng strlctlyonforced. questloned by the Councll, the Clty Attorney advlsed thatlt ls wlthln the Jur.lsdlctlon of the Coqncll to order the romovalof bulLdlngs lf not ln conforrnlty wtth ondlnance codes of the Clty.gounclLnan Slnonds thereupon moved that the character roconmendatlon'eqbmltted by Chlef Ieeuor bo accopted and that tho per:mlt to operato a used car lot at 1014 Penlneula Avenue be grant€d, subJectto the pr.ovlslon that a new bulLdlng be erectod. to comply wlthCity ordlnenceE. Ihg motLon ras secondod by Councllman Bytrd and unanlmously carrled. A lottor was read from R. C. Theuer, Chlef of Pollce, dated ivlay 15, 1951, requestlng Councll conslderatlon ln the adoptlon of an amend-uent to exlstlng ordlnanoes p:rovldlng for restrlctlons of parklng on Canolan lvenue. The request was submltted ln an offort toellmlnat€ the congr.egatlon of Elgh School students and the parklngof thelr cgrs on Canolan Avenue. Mayor Atwater lnforrced Chlef Thouor that whlle tkre Councll Is ln accord wlth hls recommendatlon, ) q-a no actlon would be taken at U:ls tlme, pendlng the completlon of the panklng area &long tho Marke t Street Rallway end the posslblllty of studonts uslng the lmprovod area for parklng of vehlcles. A letter wa8 r6ad fron G. J. Marr', Dlrector of Pub11c Works, dated May 18, 195)., submlttlng the fol-1o'[lng blds on the pu::chase of astreet sreopor to r,eplace the one now ln opeqatlon: rrayne, Model 4so Dlstrlbutorl Western lbectlon Co., 2230 - 3rd Street, San FranclscoF.o.B. Bqrllngame $9r425.0OTax 282.75 Total $grzoz.ys Allowanco for: Sweepor 2,400. O0 Net Cost $?r5O7.?5Dei-lvory - 5 dayo Aqstln-Western luodel 40 Dlstrlbqtor: Edward R. Bacon Co.,F.0.B. Burllngame Tax Total ALlorance for SweePerNet Cost Folsom at 17t t., San Fraaolsco .ooZE$e hS 't45 604 , and June Sg,ooz .ss 1. O00.00 S:ffiO'ffi5- del lvery1, 1951 Els1n ltlodel r 81r Dis trlbu tor! Irnmedtate dellvery; prlce subJect to ordor prlor to Geo. L. Avery, 0aklandF.0.8. Burllngane Tax To ta1 lllowanco for" tweeper Net CostDellvery - 9O days {;ror4oo.oo 512. 90 tBro, ?42.90 1,750.00 8r 992.90 Dlreotor of Pqbllo Works Marr reconmended that an award be mado to the Edward R. Bscon Co., for t'he pu:rchase of one Aus tln-tlies tern MotleL 40 accordlng to th€ above quotatlons. f'he above blds rerye neferred to the Clty Atto:rney, tho Stroet Foreman and the Dlroctor of Pub1lc Works for study and rocoEmondatlon to be subnltted at the cLose of the neetlng. A lotter dated May 15, 1951, was read from T. F. McGul8an, Prosi- dent of the Burllngam6 Cbamber of Conmerce, requestlng.Councll conslderation ln rovlewlng the exlstlng Ordlnanco relatlve to the regulatlon of Auctlons wlthln the Clty.of Burllngamg.- Th6 subJecl was roferrod to the Clty Attornoy to confer wlth Couqcll- nan Slnonds and Councllman Lovo. A lettor was road fron tho Burllngamo C hgrnber of Conr,rorce, dated May 12, 1951, rolatlve to the proposed contract for an ad'vertlslng aplr:opitatloir to uo onterod lnto by the Burllngame -Chesber of C-oimei'oe wlth tho Clty of Burllngame. Monday 6ven1ng, June 4, at ?:O0 btclock, p.m., ln the Caucus Room of the Clly Councll was set as ttre tln€'aid pi"co where a conmlttee of tkre Chamber of Conmerco rnay meet wlth the Clty Councll to complete the contract. A lettor was read fron Edvrard A. Barrsr, Scout Exocutlve, dated May ?, I95I, compllnentlng ttre Ctty Councll on the beautlful dlipliy of iLowerlng tress along Burllngano Avenue.. .The Clty Ctei't 'ias lnstructed to acknowledge Mr. Barrer:rs letter. A letter dateat May l?r 1951, recolved from Wm. J. Bourne, 99 Cellfornla Dr'lver - Burilngamb, nequestlng an appllcatlon for a pornlt to oporatb a used car lot 1n conJunctton -wlth-hls g-as itatton at the above mentloned premlses, was rofsrred to Chlef of Pollce Theuer for lnvestlgatlon ancl report to the Clty Souncll. A letter datod May 21, 1951r was read from E. R. UcDonald, 27e trfiay 2L, 195], Chalnnan of thr.e San Mateo County Blood Bank Bulldlng Fund CampaLgn,roquesttng the cooporatlon of the Clty of BurLlngame by contrlbut-lng to the drlve for funds to provlde for a nelr blood bank bulldlng.ltre letten stated that legal authonLtLes havo advlsed that cltlos may }egal1y subscrlbe to tho funds provlded tho Blood Bank, lntunn, lssues flnanclaL eredlts agalnst bLood whlch may be ueedln the future by employees of the Clty of Burllngame or for thecltlzens of the Ctty of Bur3.lngame ln the event of a publlcemergeney. In vlew of the crltlcal sltuatlon faclng the BloodBank, the City of BurS.lngame w&s urged to subscrlbe to the fundln the amount of $1r00O.O0. Councllman Slmonds moved that theClty of Bunllngamo contrlbute to tha fund ln the amount of S1,OOO.0O In conformlty to the program as outllned ln the abovoletter wlth the provlslon that the Clty Attorney determlne uponlnvestlgatlon, the Cltyts legaL1ty to contrlbute publlc funds fonsuch cause. The motlon was seconded by CouncLlman Byrd and unanlmously camled. A Lettor d.ated May 28, 195I, $ras read from H. A. Fawcett,Asslstant DLrector of ClvlL Defonse, subnlttlng a resommendatlonfor the aLLoeatlon of monles requlred fon Clvtl- Defense durlngthe fonthcoming flscal year ln the amount of $4019?5.90. Ehe- eorxxunlcatlon was refemed. to CounclLman Slmonds and to Councllman Love for consultatlon wlth Clvll Defense Blrector Fawcett. Counol1man $lmonds clted ttre need for ad.dltlonal funds to be alLocated to the Clvll Defense Progran and stated that thellmltatlons of the General Fund necessltated the drawlng fron othen avaLLabLe funds of the Clty to furthen the Clvll lbfenso Program. A motlon therefore was lntroduced by Councll,man Slmondsthet the City Attorney be lnstnucted to preparo and submlt an ondlnance amendlng the present Parklng Meter Ordlnance, whlch negulates tbo expendltqre of panklng moter coLlections for trafflc contnole and off-streot parklng, to lncLude the expondituresfor Clv1l, Defense. The motion was secondod by CounclLman Bynd and unanlmously carrled.. Councllman Hunt was excused fnom tf,re meetlng at 9:15 p.rro Reponts for the month of Aprll, 1951, wore read. from the Deparhmontof Publlc Hor.ks, the Po1lce Depar"tment and. tho Flre Departrnent and ordered flled. Resolutlon $o. 25-5L oanceLllng San Mateo County Taxes on proponty acqulr.ed by the Clty of Burllngame for Car"oLan Avenue rlght-of-way purposes, d.escrlbed. as tot 1O, Bl-ock 1, Bunllngamo Vll-la PankSubdlvlsion, was lnt:roduced by CouncLlman Slmond.s who movedlts passage, seconded by CounclLman Bynd and adopted unenlmousLy on ro11 caLl of members present. A second anended elaln agalnst the Clty of Burllnga&e, presented. by Mrs. Marlon J. Eutchlngs ln the amount of $5rOO0.0O for d.amages as a result of lnJunles lncurred from a fal-l- upon clty sidewalks, was reJected and neforred to the lnsurance carrler on motton of Councllman Love, seconded by CounclLman Slmonds and unanlmousS.y canrled. Pursuant to CouncLL request, Dlrecton of Pub11c tflorks Marr reportedthat lt was hls recommendatlon, concurt3ed wlth by tho Clty Attorney and the Streot Foreman, that the bld for the purchase of a new sweepen be award.ed. to the Edward. R. Bacon Co,; for roasons as stated. ln hls l-etter and that a Leaf raker ln tlre amount of $Ztl-.60 be added to the puncbaso. l[r. $ielbnlng, rep]esentatlveof the Y{estern Tractlon Co., and dletrlbuton for the Y{ayne, Model 4O Sweeper, and !dr. Geo. L. Avery, dlstrlbutor fon the Elg1n Model r81r $weeper, each 1n turn, ad.dressod the Councll, and spoke on the q.ualltles thelr speclfto sweopers offened. Followlng dlscussion, CounclLman Love moved. that the subJect be hol-d 1n abeyance for" further study, seconded. by CounclLman Byrd and unanLmousS.y canrled. 0rdlnance No. 5O9, entltl-ed nAn Ordlnanoe Repeallng Sectlon 825of bhe Ondlnance Code of the Clty of Bun3-lngame and Adoptlng a New Sectlon 825 of Sald Ordlnance Code, Flxlng and EstabLlshlng the Classlflcatlon of Pos ltlons and Employment and. the Compensatlon and Sal,arles Thenoforn wes glven second readlng. Councllman -'l 280 $lnoads eov6d th6 foLlowlng amendmonts to the Ordlnance: 1. Unde! tho hoadllg Dlvlslon C - Publlc Works Departnont, theClasslflcatlon nDraf tsmann be added folloulng the Junlor EnglneerrsClasslflcatlon, at a scbedule as follows: lst year, $5oo.Oot2nd year, $525:00, 3rd year, $55o.0o. 2. Ilndor the headlng Dlvlslon C - deLete the tords rMaster MecbanlcE. 5. Under the headlng Dtvlslon D - tho classlflcetlon of sub- Stre€t Foronan be edded at th6 following. rate of compensatlon:lst year', $zes.oo; 2nd year, $gto.oo; thlnd year, $525.oo. 4. Sectlon 4, par:agraph 4, qm6p66d to read nA nalntenance EAn, wh1lo rorklng as s helper to the Clty Eloctrlclen, shall recelvo ten dollars ($10.0O) per month addltLon&I. 5. Sectton 4, paragraph 5, - tho entire paragraph dol€tod fron the Ordinanco. Th€ above notlon and anendments, were seconded by Counc lJ-man Love and unanlnously carrled. Councllman Love moved the adoptlon of Ordlnance No. 509, as ansnded, geoonded by CounclLnan Byrd and adopted by tbo followlng vote! AYES! CounclLmon: Ahtat€r-Byrd-Lovo-Slmonde N0ES: Councllmen: Nono ABSENT COUNCILIIE}I: Eunt CouncLl.nan Slnonds moved thg t the Clvll Servlce Conmlsslon be ln- sb:qcted to hold a promotlonal exarlnatlon and submlt an ellglble Ilst for tho posltlon of Sub-Forenan In the Stroet Department, seoonded by Councllman Love and unanlmously carrled. Qqestloned by Councllman Love, Clty Attorney Karmel advlsed that a new l6glslatlve measure susponds the provlslons of the gtate Constltutlon prohlbltlng the lncroase of eloctlvo offlcersr compensatlon durlng the lr tern of offlce for the perlod durlng our corntryrs llllltary operatlons. l[r. Roland F. Z11fuaer, 125 Drlght Road, Burllngan€, owner of tho condena€d premlses at 11.4 Eoward Avenue, add"€ssed the CouncLL and advlsed that he had pnesented plans and speclflcatlons to th€ Bullitlng Inspector to complotely renovate the dwolllng and In hts oplnlon, lf allowed permlssion to do so, the dwe]'llng would conforn to ell olty ordlnances requlred. Idr. Jack Johnson, 2OB Bancroft Boad, ancMr. E. C. Rakos tlrav{, 20} Bancroft Roadr- each ln turn, p::otest€d tho grantlng of a pernlt to l€novate ttre premlses. Fbllowlng frf ther dlscusslonr'CounclLman Love moved that the subJoct be ref€rrod to the Bulldlng Comrltteo of the Clty counclr and to the Bulldlng lnspoctor for a report at the nexi regula:r neotLng of tho Clty Councll on tho 4 ttr tlay of Jqne. CLalms Nos. 460 to 603' wl th the exceptlon of Nos. 4971 546, and 5?4, wero \author'lzed pdld on notlon of Councllma! I{ve, seconded by 0ouncllnan Byrd and unanlmously carrled. Fo1lowlng a-roview by menbers of the FLnance Cornrclttee, CLalns Nos. 604 to 616 lncluslve w€re autlorlzed pald on trotlon of Counclh:an Love, secondod by Councllman Byrd end unanlmoqsly carrled. Th6!6 belng no nrrthor buslness, the meotlng was -adJourned at LO:50 p.m.-- on motlon of Councllman Love, soconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlnously carrled. pe tf ul- Eorber t . 'iilhlte sub d APPROVED: Ii. Kent Atwgte Mayor Clty Cb rk ,