HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.05.07qryc)eeA-t Burllngame, CaLlfonnta May 7, 1951 A regular meetlng of the BurLlngame Clty Counell, was held on the above date. Ihe neetlng was called to order at I p. Br - Mayor Atwaten ln the Chair. ROLI CALL: Present - Councl]men: Atwator', Byrd, Hunt, Iove and SlnondsAbsent - Councllmen: None lhe nlnutes of the prevlous moetlng of Apr1l 16, 1951, a8 sub-mltted to members of the CounelL and as posted on the Bull-etln Board 1n theClty IIaII, were approved and. adoptod. on moH.on of Councll,man Hunt, seconded by CounclLman Slmonds and. unanlmousLy caru1od. Monday, May 7, L951, at I p. H., ln the CouncLl Chambens of theClty Ha3,L, had prevlously been flxed ae the tlme and place for ahearlng on a report submltted by the Flre Chlef, the Bulldlng fn- spector and the County HeaLth Departrnent, concernlng the meneoe topubLle health, safety and weLfare d.ue to the condltlon of the pre- mlses at l"L4 Howard Avenuo, Bur:llngarne. !,{r. Rolarid F. ZLJ.lmer, L23 Dr1ght Road, Bunllnganeiaddressed the CounclL and advlsed that he necently purchased U:o condemned premlses and 1t was h1s ln-tontlon, lf granted Councll approvaL, to renovate the property. Durlng a questlonlng perlod by the CounclL Menbers, Mr. ZllLmenstated tb't lf , af ter. proJect constructlon 1s launched., 1t ls deter- mlned that tho bulldlng wl11 not conform to speclflcatlons and bulLd- ing reguLatlons, ho w111 have lt demollshed. I{n. Zl1lmer was thene- upon requested by the CounclL b submlt the plang and speclflcatlonsto the Bulldlng Inspector fon Councll rreeonsld.eratlon on l{ay 21, 1951 . A communlcatlon was read fnom G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Publlc lTorks, dated. Aprtl 23, 1951, rolatlve to the expendlture of gas tax alloca-tlon for maJor clty stneets fcur the flscal year 1950-51. Roso1u-tlon No. L9-51., authorlzlng the l{ayor and the Clty Clerk to execqte the Socond. SuppJ-emental Memorandum of Agneernent for Expendlture of Gas ?ax ALlocatlon fon MaJor Clty streets, was lntnoduced by CouncLL- tren SLnonda who moved lts passage, seconded by Councll-man Love and adopted unanlmously by nolL calL of CounclL lv{enbens. A Ie tten was read from R. C. Thouen, Chlef of Polloe, dated. Apnl1 26, L951, reportlng that punsuant to a survey made on the request sub-mlttsd by the Washlngton School Dad.sr Clrib fon the lnsta]-J-atlonof nstop slgnsn et Howand Avenue and Anlta and Anunde3- Boads, lt was recommended tkrat ln place of the'stop slgnsn that novabLe slgno be placed at Anlta and Arundol Roads ln tho pedestrlan lanes dur:lng school houre - such slgns to read.: I'STOP WHEN OCCUPIEDI. Quostloned by Une Councll, Chlef theuon stated tLrat slgns now pS.aced ln the school- zone durlng schooJ. hours are owned. and maln- talned by the schooL. CounclLnan Slmonds moved that the Chlef of PoLlco confen wlth George V. I[hlto, Burllngane Elementany Schoo] Pnlnclpal relatlve to the p3-ae1ng of movable slgns es outLlned ln the Chtef of PoLloers letter of recommondatlon. Ihe notlon was seconded by Counollman Byrd and unanlmously eanrled. A combtned letter from the Flre Chlef, the Flre Inspector, theBulld- lng Inspecton and ttre Health Inspector, dated May 5, 195L, was read. ad.vlsing that pursuant to an lnspeetlon made o! the prenlses at 3421 Fal.oma Avenue, Bur3.lngame, lt was observod that numerous sub- standand condltlons exlst and that the premlses are unflt for hunan habltatJ.on. Councllman Love lntrodueed and moved the passage of ResoLutlon No. 20-5L, Flxlng the Tlne for Eearlng on Report of Pre- mlses ai L4?7 Paloma Avenuo, seconded by CounelLman Byrd and adoptod by the unenlmous aff lrmatlvo voto of Councll Members. The {lark was lnstructed. to notlfy nelatlves of the owner tlet oondornnatlon proceedlngs ere oontempLated. A letten, dated. Aprll 5O, 1951, was nead from Penlat and $ons, L62O El, Camlno Real, San Mateo, r€questlng authorlzatLon for a buslness llconse and pemlt to operate a sales Lot for usod, cars on the southeast corner of B:road.way and Chul,a Vlsta Avenue 1n Burllngamo. flro comnunlcatlon wag refer"red. to the Chlef of PoLlce with the re- quest that a roport be submltted by Saturday mornlnge May 1'2th, at an adjounned-meetlng of tbe Clty Councll. r) t-.'lLIJ anAtl u. Dan s. R. F. Hunt- Chalrnan SLmonds, Jr. Lo've, Jr. LIGIlTING Andrew C. Byrtl- Chslrman Dan R. Lovo, Jr..U. S. Slmondo, Jr. BUIIDING U. S. Slnonds I Jr. -Chg13nanAllan Eunt U. S. Slnonds, Jr.-ChalrEan Antlrew C. Byrd AlLen F. Hunt RECRE.6,[ION U. S. Slnonds, Jr.- Chelrnan Dan R. Love, Jr. ALl.an F. Hunt Androw C. Byrd- Chalrman Dan R. Iove, Jr.U. S.Slmonds, Jr. A report from the Pollco Dopar teont was rsad and orderod fllod. WAlEN.STREETS. SE[{E8S Dan R. Love, Jr. - ChalrmanU. S. Slnonds, Jr. Andrew Bynd PAnKS, TREESI for the month of }darch, 1951, A communlcau.on from the Chanbor of Commerce, dat6d May Z, 19b3.,suggostlng that a connLttee be appolnted to study an equltable - solutlon to the probl€m of flnanclng the expenso of Clt11 Dofenso in A comunLoation recelved from Ileom g Saoble and Sons, lrlp., 32-27 th Avenuc, San Mateo, dated May 1., L951, rcqrFstlng pernlsslon to ro- Eove a-dang6roq!, tr€e on Lot 2, Block lg, Ba8ton No. 2 Subd.lvlslon, was refcmed. to Park Superlntondont Anderson for lnvestlgatlon and-a nepont ras roquestodSr th€ adJournod Councll Meetlng Satur.dayEorning, May 12, 1O orclock a. n. A letter wag nead from the General AdJusbent Buroau, Inc., datsd 4pI11 L?, 1951, relatlve to rtProofs of F1r6 losstr - Novenben 26th, 1950, requestlng that the acconpanylng statements of proof be duly execu tsd and f omardod to the lns lrance cel.rlers . Councllman Love lntr:oduoed and Boved the pessego of Resolutlon Noo 21-51 acceptlngthe claln ln the anount of $31000 aad. au thorlzlng the Mayor to exe-cute tbe necossaly forms, soconded by Councllman Byrd and adopted by the unanlnous afflrmatlve vot6 on ro1L eall of menbens. A cornunlcatlon dated May 3, 1951, vas read fronr theBurllngame Clty Pl.annlng Coarmls slon rolatlve to a petltlon to rezole 152I Bayswator Avenuo fron "Apartmen tfl to iConneclalrr. Councll heerlng on tLD ro- quest to rezono the above property rres scheduled for May 17, 1951 . A comnunlcatlon was read fron Colonel John F. Alcure, dated Atrn11 LI,195I, subnlttlng hls reslgnatlon as l,sslstant Defens€ Dlrector of thsClty of Burllngane. Tho r.eolgnatlon was accepted vrlth regr€t on motlon of Councllman Iove, seconded by Councllnan llunt and unaaL-nously carrled. Tlee Clty C1enk was lnstructed to dlnect a 16ttorlto Colonel A1cure oxprosslng Couacll appreclatton for hlo outstand-lag servlce to the Clty of Burllngame. Mayor Atnater subnlttod tho name of CoLonol MarLon A. Fawcott toreplaoe Colone1 Alcuro and upon motlon of Councllnau Slmonds, eeconded by Counollman Eunt, the appolntroent nas unanlnously con- f l rmod. The foLlowlng Counoll Connltteeg for the year ISSI-52 w6ro announoed by Uayor Awaterr FTNANCE POLICE FIRE Dan R. Iove, Jr. - ChalrmanU. S. Sfunondsr.Ir. Andrew C. Bynd LIBRARY All.an F. Hun t- Chalrnan Andrsr C. Byral Dan R. Iove, ,Ir. PARKING IOT Allan F. Eunt - Chatr:manU. S. Slnonds, Jr. Dan R. Iove, Jr. 274 Burllngane and also the natntenanoe and improvenent of locaI parklngfaclLltl€6, was nofomod to the CoqnolL Parklng Cornmltteo. tilayor Atwater conp}lnentod Chlef of Pollce Thouer on the success ofthe recent Annqal Pollce and Junlor Patr.ol Revlew ard al.so Chlef ofthe Ffu€ Dopertment LeLs on Ure sqccsgs of CLean-up lileek and Scr:apDrlve recently co ndu o ted. Ibere bolng no fqrtkrer buslne8s the lre 6 tlng ras adJourneil to neet Sa turday mor nlng, May 12, at IO 0rclock a. n., on notlon of Coqnoll- man Byrd, seconded by Councllnan Eunt and unanlmous Iy carrlod.. RespectfuIIy s ubnl tted, Herbert K. Whl teClty Clenk APPRO H. I,IAYOR