HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.04.16269 Burllngame, CaLlfornlaAprl1 16, L951 A- neguJ.a:r ,,eetlig of the Bu:rlingarno C!.ty Council ras held on -ttle above glven date.. I{eetlng 6s[ed. tL orden .t ti-pl-n.,--Xayor Iove ln the Chalr. ROLL CAtrL: Pnesont - CouncLlnen Atwator, Byrd, Eunt, Iove Absent - s:il:l'f3s"- Noo. Tlre nlnl!9s -of the prevloua Council trtrestlng oa Apn11 e, l95l.as subnltted to Merubero of tbe Council and-as p"it"A oi ;h;-&rlletln Board in the--City Ha11, ne:re unaatnouilt "pp"o""a-o"motlon of Councilnan E,nt-and g6conded ty counciin;iaitr;;d;. A letter fton Edtard S. Goetzo, presldent of the Recreatlonconulsslon, dated tr[arch 29, ].951, ras !ead. n"r" i"ii""-iir--q.€stod authorizatlon to r6nove in abandonea uuiiaing -G il"Ii:!!Htf" Park.playgrouad ar€a drlch is constdereal f,ro"rdoli".uouncllmen Atuater concuEed 1n the recomendatlon and novedthat such removal be urder. th€ supervlslon of tue nreinei:ringDopartnent and the park Departd;i ;a-thts uotion "Eu- u""o"a"aby CorlncL lnan Byrd and unailnously caniee . A letter dated Aprll 13-, 19El- was read flom the cr.viL servlceCor'nls glon subolt tlng ttre f ollorkg eif.lfUf. i18 t-a;-a-;;;;itof trecont examinatlons : BgoKETEPER-CASHTER .1. Dtris . Anna K. Meyers2. Irtrs. yvonne Silia 424 llilllens place, San Mateo8 Erinchegter place, Br game _ 23.Dr1ght Road, Brgame1417$ Sanchez Avenuo, Brgorrr"145 prlce gtreet. Oily drtv18L6 Ba:yrol1het Aire, gigame- __6O ?aclflc Avenue, San Bruno15O8_Edgehl11 Drlve, Brgame _aceopted on motlon of Councl Lmanlnan Eunt and unanlmousty car:rtea. WATM S ERV]CE MAN 1. a. 4. Douglas G SIREE|TI IT(AI]flIE Ilank J. Dbnnelly Charles E. Engle MeLvin A. Al1en. Ragsdale NANCE MA}I ey ee2. MarvLn E. Taylotl Th e llsts as gubmltted wereSlnonds, seconded by Couacl c A lotter-dated Apgl1. L2, 1951, ra8 read fron G. J. Marr, D1_:.octd of Public llrorksr'recoe;ondlng gre foffoif&,"-'' --- 1. That an appolntment be nade lor tUe pos f tfin of Mainte-nance maa ln tre Street and Sef,er Delartment.2. That an appointme nt be mado to the giectnfcai Depar.t_ment f)pom the current tr[alntenance Man Elislb1" ii"t--5. rhar-an.appolntnent be naae ror-tne;";1;i;;-;rTEii.r".-man ln the Eater Department.4. fhat-an. appolntnent- be nado for the posltloa of utiltty-nan Ln the Uate" Depa:rtment., 5. lbat the Clvll Service Cormls sloa be nequestod to hoLttan examLnatl.on for tho posltlons of a:rait;il-";; il;i-J.ltyaran. Councilman Eunt moved that McKllr ey Reod be appointed to theposltlon of Matntenance Man 1n tire-stre"t_arra-si""r-o"ii"i*J"t,soconded by Councllnan Blrrd and unanlnous ly ".rri"A.---- *'- 0n_notlon of Counclln"l BJrd, geconded. by Coune l}nan Slmondsand unsrlmousJ.y ca:rrl ed., itari.in E. Taylor. vras appolnted naln-tenance man ln tr e Eleclnlcaf oep"rtro6ni. The posltlon of servlcernan Ln tbo Water Dopaltment was fllledby-lhe appotnrmenr of No. L on ure .iieruri 1i;i;-ii;"k-i]*oor_neIly, on notlon of councll:nan irwrt. -JEcond.ed-by' c."""Trii" ey"aond. unanlnousry carnled. lvlelvln A.'aiiun, err.liuie*ioirn'appornt_n6nt. aa utilttJ.,ran '1 F" vtater. Depar.irrr"[, d-6p.il;"i"to trr.tposltlon on motion of c ounc i r.rnan s'ru-nas, ieconaoit uy -i""rr"rrr*, Hunt and unardmous 1y carnled. flre aUove appointnents were madooubJoct to the usuai requi""r""i" - rrra-provlslons of the clvlr ser_.vtce Rules and Reaulatlona. fUese appiintments urt 1I becone effec-tlve May 1, I9SI." 27t.t llre Clvl1 Service Conruisslon was lnstructed to prepare and estab1.lshan eLlg1b1e l1st for_ the posltlons of draftsnan and utilLtyman onthe motlon of Councllman Hunt, socondod by Councllman Atwaie:r andunanlmously carrled. A letter. Ilon H. K. Wixltgt Clty Clenk, dated Apr11 13, 1951, nequest- 1og -", appolntuent to f111 an oxlstlng vacanoy- f o:r Bo6r*oop6r-castrterin the Clerkrs Offlce wag held for fuithe:r dlicusslon. A-lettor dated Ap:rll 5, L951 was read from Ge6jgs V. Whlte, hrr lLngamoDlementary sehool Dlstriot supe:rlntondent. Tho-Letter advisod thai taeBoa,rd of r:rustees has lssued the autho::lzatlon to enter Lnto acontractx,l!i, ti.:.ctty of Burrlngame fon fine protectlon at the Eoover schoor.Thls natter was refeBed to th€ Clty Atto:rney. A cornmunLcatlon dated. March 29, 195L and recelvod fron the Dads r clubof t-he laohington Sch-ool, :requestlng ths lnstaLlatlon of rstopr slgnson Howard Averue at the lntersectlon of AnL ta Road end Arundei noaE,was referred to the Chlef of Pollce for investlgatlon and repo:rt. A 1e tte:: of lnvltatlon from Ure Callfortrla Seuago Wonks AssocLatLonrogardlng tho Assoclatlons 23nd annu&L conventlon to be held ln }besrxo,Aprll 25-28, 1951, was read and ordered flled. A letter datod Uarch 16, 1951, ras read from F. D. Andorson, ?ark Su-perlntendent, recomlondlng the removar of one tr€e and the tnfumlng ofanglhen tnee as requestod b{ th6 ownerB of tho premlsos at l41p Ed!e-h111 Drlve. C ouncllman By::d moved concurranee ln tlo rocormend,attSnand nequest, seconded by Councllrnan Eunt and unanLmous 1y carnled. A petltlon ttated Aprll 5, L95L, and signed by thlrty pnopenty owlersresldlng withln the 14OO bLock on Paloma Avenue was read. Thls petltlonpointed up the uns lghtly conditlon a]xd heelth menaco existeIlt on thoprop€rty at l4{l Palona Ayenue. An tnvestlgatlon was ordered made andrefer:red to the Bulldlng Inspector, the R[re Dopartrrent and t]re Esal-thDepartmont of ttre Clty fo:r repo:rt. A letter deted March 29, 195L was nead llom Edward S. Gootz.er Presldentof the Bu:rllngaare Rocreatlon Comls slon, reguestlng a cLarifloatLon ofporsonnoJ- status befo::o flnal acceptanco of the 1951-52 budget. It rasnoved by Councl}nan Simonds, seconded by Councllrnan Atsrater and rrnanl- mous Iy carrled, tha t the conmunl.catlon and the subJects 6nta1led be::efenned to the CivlL Servlce Comn5. ttl on and Clty CounclJ. for etudy. Reponts for the rnonth of !(a1ch, J.951, rere read from tho Burl inga[e FLne Depa! tment, Bure au of ELr e PneventLon md Pub llc Safoty, the hrbllcLlbrary, the Ctty Judge and the Ilepartnent of Publlc l[orks. The r6portswero ordored flled. A Ie tte:: dated Aprll 16, 1951, neportlng on the Spnlng TechnlcaL Scsslonof the Callfonnla Sectlsn of the Interrratlonal litunlclpal Slgnal Asso-clatlon held ln hesno Aprll 6 and 7, 195J., ras read f:rom E: E. f,1118,Clty E1octrlclan. fhe repont ras ordered flled. Mayor Love, prior to turning the offlce of Mayo" over to h.Ls auccessor, expressed hls pleasure at havlnE beon glven tbe oppor.tunl ty to servethe cLtlzens of Bur llngame as Mayolr for the paat tuo years. He ttrenkedthe Membe:rs of the CounolL, the CivlL Senvlce Enployees, theChsmbEr of Coronerce and the newspapera for. thelr coope::ation. Ee clted tho manypnoJects accompllshed rrtrL16 ln offloe and pledqed hls eontLrnranc€ tosenve for the b6st lnterests of the cltlzens of Burllngme. Theroupon Councllman Slmonds proposed the nanre of Counclluan E. Kent Atrater tobe the next Mayor of the Ctty of Brr'1lngame. Thls motlon was secondodby Councllnan qfrd and unanimously conflruod. Mayor Atraten tlre n tookthe Chalr. In accoptlng the off,lce of MaJror, M:r. Atwater pralsed the menbers of, ExoCouncll for theLn splendid offorts end assured the members of hls con-tlrnred cooporatLon ln the furthe:rlng of the Lnte:rests of tbe Ctty ofBrlr1lngaae. Othe::s ln attendanca and offerlng congratulatlons to ttrenev Ma;ror and thenklng Mayor tovo for hls outstandlng se::v1ces were:Mr. fhonas YI. McGulgan, P:reoldent of the Chanber of Connelrce; !trs. 27L ghTl:!l:- ighnlonr, chal:rnsn of the Burlingarne Llbrary Board; Royr.. ireagraves, president of tho rnter-club councir and nember of-lho Bay Pank Imp::ov-ement-_C1ub, Supenvlsor Edrard. n. Uclonafa;fo*e:r !-[ayor f,. Ibrbert Ha*f i; aird, M:rs. Elllnor ia!o, -fresfaent 9f the Munlcipal F.,qloyeesr Asioclaf,lon. CouncfLar"iive-p:.aceathe na.ne of Andrew C.-By:rd bef@6 the gnoup for the posiif'on ofYlce-ltrayor. Thls notloi was seconded [y ci*ncr]ran iun;-ana unani-urorl.slr conflnmed. vlce-Hayo' Byrd accelted hls orir"" "rur appro-prlate exp:ress Lons. Under tbe ^headlng of Unflnlshed &ls ino Bs, t[ayor Atweton announco d thatthe docl.alon of tbe councll would be ronlereh "ur.ti""- to-ln" s.r,&anclsco.Eator- DEpart'€nt r s regueat fon a pe'nlt to oonstruct ap1p6r1ne rh'ou8b the clty of Bu:rltngame fo110nt ng the ctty clenkrs:readlng of tire appllcatlirn -an! the ietrtlons -s"iErtt"a-i"'pr.oteat. councllman sLnonds atated. tha t rs ris the ,nanfuaous "pr"Ioi of th6co*ncll that although the route proposed appearea-io-i"-til *outg.congliga1, other routes_ sugges ted I narefy- irre sryiine -go;ievar.d, the E1 canlno Rear. and the 4d-car rine rishi-or:-!t1-;t;-ilt pr:esenten insumountabLe englne erlng pnobJ.em. A Resolutlon No. l?-51 uas tb,e"efore Lntroduced by Counci.rrnen Slmondst?yl"s R" gltv and_Cormty of san Fanctaco p"*i""io"-il*constnuct i*_g:""*_!he ?lpeune on certatn clty stre€ts of the Ci.ty of Bur-rlngarno. 'rbe motl.n was seconded by co,ncrlman Byrd end ait6pted bythe unanlBous affrrnatlyo vqte on r6u carl of ruiuJ"".-- ili. rlur",Byanr - ur. J. otttalr9r and ltrr. lliled xusante, eaca irr-tui, coroprl-mented the menbe:rg of the councrl on rtg decl;1on-to-e;rrv ;[. "p;ii-catl on. A clain Ln ttre s,ount- of $1OOO, proseotod by Mrs. Ma:rga:net S. l[a1-lacer -fo:r dameges agarnst th6 criy or a*lrigano-*t;hl;h cr.ale ro-sulted flom a falJ. on tho Cityrs iLdowalks, i,"-a"J"a-a-iE r"rerreato the lngurance ca,,ien. Eris uas doue on notlon of c o,nclr-rranIove, seconded by Counclluan Eunt and. nneurfrous iy ".r"i"A - llonthly clglms --N,mbo:rs Eo9- through 4s5 lncrusive, and n,ith theexcoptlon of numbers 452, 667 ana 5OS - 16!€ p:reseirted. Counct:nanB.5z'd moved, councrr.man rive second,od anat rt uas unanlmous ly car.:ri6dthat these wa*anta be drarn oa the crti i:,"""u"y i;l;;ii rospect-1ve aDouJrts. Resolutlon No- re-sl acceptlng the petrtlon tlred by property ornorsrolatlve to tho wtdenlng.Lr c[aprn iv"nue, was intrlai.;;a-by counctr-man slao-nds, rho moved its passlge. rt wis seeonded ut couhcrrnanr,nve and adopted by the- unonrmoui affir-aatLve voto or due-nlnuerethoneof . 0u notion.of C or:ac l lman. Iov-e, gecondsd fy--ouacfT-qn Ayr.a,!-ne^lrty Attonney rras autlrorlzed to obf,atn tire iriie-""p;;t" for thoChapln Avenre proJsct and that an appnal.ser Ue enpioy;d-- -' Questloned by uayor rtvater nelatlve to the BurHngane rlanor Dral nagepno!]!|r -Clty Engileer trfia:rn stated tbat tb.e sttuetion n"a Ue"r,rectlf{9d by vonbal agreenent betreen hrs offrce .'ra tnai oi t rucounty- Englneen. algo quegtloned as to ttre es tabrl shne nt of an asrg6aa-mont dtstrict ln t'rrat .nea, clty &:glneen uarr: isiiraG&--tuit 1t rouldbo another trrc wecks befon6 a a6c:.sio; coufa Ue-'e;;h;d; '* lguncfrrryr B5rrd calIed.attentl0n to a posslbls trafflc hezard rela-!1"9 tg the slgnal systm at the inter-sectlon or eaeirne D,ive anaq}.."T1rro, --'rrf_eh subject lrsg r:efe:nred io the Ctrlef of poLlce forettontlon and neport. Ttrene bel'ng no fr:rrtren buslness the naetlng ras regularly adJo,rned oa?ijli}"lt councllman Eunt, aecondea uv Couicrrnan [ove "ira-rinrrrrnou"ii APPROVED: .*4:.--t E. KENT ATItrAIER Rospe otfirlJ.y subnl tted, *k-r4trJw He::bert K. m11toCity C1enkMAT]]R