HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.04.02265 Burllagame, Callfornla Ap:rll 8, 1951 A:regular neetlag of the Bur.llngaue Ctty Corractl ras heldon Uxe above glvon date. trfoetlng oalled to eder at g:OO P. n. - ldayor Lrove ta the Chab. Roll CalI:kegent - Counollmen: Atrater-Byrrd-Er:nt- Love-s Lnonds.lbgent - Councllmens ]Ioae the Elnutea of {ihe pr:evl.ws neettng of trfa:rolr 19, IgEl, es sub-nl.tted to neube:r's of the Clty Counall and as poitea oi thc nr1-- lettn Boeral 1rr t&6 Clty HaI[, tere unaaf-urcus 1y eccepted aar{ eXr- provod oa notlon of Councll:qn Hrurt, geoond6d, by Couaoll,naa Slnonds. A lettor dated ilarah qO, l95lr.gubnitted by Edvard J, f,els,Elro Chlof, reoomeadl.ng that a penolt bo gnanted to flre Standard -Otl_Co-paay of Carlforxl.a, to lastaLl tbee 2r5OO gallon tanksat Broedrat and Cellfo:rnLe DLve, ra8 conourr6d tn-on notl.oa ofcounclrnalr sl,Eonds, eeEonded by couaclloan atreter and nnan!.Eons -ly canr'led. A letter datedl l[a:,'ch 50, 1951, res nead fil@ tilo Board, of EL:roCoroelgrloaem, advlslng that thc follort ng fbus re:ro contactedtq blal on palntlug tho outaldo of tlo Burllngane E[!o Statlouon CeLlfor ale Drire aad neconrnendlng thet tha 1ovost bldden beglven the contnact. A. R. Elllott.... .....tez*.ooA. Quartlt & Sona ... ... 65?.00lf. E. Sllls . . . . r . . . . r . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. 5?5. OO CounolLnan Slnonds moved oonournence ln the roeonnendatl on andthat II. H.-SlIl,s be awarded ths contnect tn tbe speclfled 9p9unt of *5?5.OO, and oubJect to the fo].lorlng aitpulatlons: . (1) paiat to be applle d ln aeoordano e rl tlr thi nanufac tule:r t sEpeolflcetlons: (2) {raterla1 to be purchased and bnought tothe slte Xn lts ontglrral contaLaers; and the t the ronk be dongunden the aupenv!.clon and lnspoctlon of the Elre Crhief. Iheuotlon wag gcoondod by CormolLuaan Atwator and ruraal,nous ly osnrr.ed. I letter dated lfa:roh 50, 1951, waE nead flno E!r"e Chlef Edra:rttJ.-Ipls, tdvlslng ttrat ornangementg bave been nede to conducta o0lecn-Up Weeke la BurHngane, Ap:rll 22, 1951 throuel Apnll29, 195I, and reqrestlng tlrat oipenace be- allored, for-tho-Eal}Lng,of naterlal to eactr :resldeat rdthla thc Ctty of Bnrlln- g&86 o Counollnou Atraton noved that teo request bo'gnantcdand an amount Dot to oxceed $!OO.OO bs ar tlrorlucd, a6conded byCouncLLnan Byrd aatl unarrlnous ly calrled. A le tter dated ldareh 50, 1951, ras read llon G. J. ilalrr, Dlrectorof . ftrbllc Uorksr -cubuttttng ttre neslgnatlon of rfao ea F. -Honton, nalntenanoo nan.ln. the Stroet Dopertncn t and otto EFourr€lr, Juniorhglneer. 0n notlon gf Counolhan Btrlat, th,e nealgnatloa 6t Ja:rcsP. Eolton ras aoc6pt€d, eeoonded Uy C orno ttrusn Huit and unanl,-uouoly - oar:rie d. Ihe reolgaq,tion of 0tto Brouwen raa acceptedon rrotlon of CounolLuan Eunt, saconded by Councilnan ByrO andunanloour 13r oamied. L conblned letten dated ltatch 28, 1951, tas read Iloaa fihe Bulld- lne In8p9o!9:r, lhe Eeglth Depet@lt ana tUe plro rbpa.ah6nt,Butoau of E[re hoventr.otr anil PubUo Safoty, ailvlsln-g ttrat uponlnveetlgatlon of the praLacs at 1I4 Houald, lt rras aeterz!,nidtbat the bul.ldlng^ la 8 truoturally ungou:td aia ln a gubgtanda.:rdaondltlon l[ng. Dadle Aloxando:t. onne:l of tihe pronlceg. ad-dressed the Countll, advLslng that lt 1g her lntentlon fo com-pletoly lrcnovate the prenloes aad to nende:r lt in a flrgt claascondltlon. Mayor Love edvLs€d tha t a hearlng rou1d. bo s cb.eduleil 266 0n May 7o Couaclluan Atwater, tbeneupon lataroduced and raoved th,e passage of Reeolutlon Noe 16-51r rEl.xlng the fLae for Hoarlng oIr Repont of Pnemlses at 114 Horva:rd Avenue, May ?e 1951.r in the Coun-cll Chanbens of tb.rq Clty 8a11, at 8:OO p. E n f,re notLon was seeoaded by CouneLtrrnan Hturt end unanl.mously adopted by roll oaIl of the mepbons t'hereof. A letter dated Maroh 28, 1951, was read, fron R. 0. theuen, Cnf"f of Pollce1 nepontlng favonably on an applS.eatlon subu.tted bV In. James E. Gnahan to openate a used. ear lot oa the southeast co:rrrenof Eowa.nd Avenue and Prfuoroge Road. Iho report as gubmLtted ras acoeptod, on notLon of Couneilnan Byrd and ![:ro Gnatram sag granteel pemlsel.on to openato ttre above mentloned 1ot, subJeet to tJre p?o- vlslons tleat adventl.sLng be ltmtted to :rad,l.o, televlslon and nevs- paper advertlsoments, seconded by CouneLLuan ffiirrt and unqrrlnoualy carnl.ed. A request submltted by Mrs. .&nn K. !{eyens, Senior Ascountlng C1erk- $tenognaphon, for a Leave of abaenae for tihe ponlod Aprl1 9 teAp1'1L-5Ol 1951, ras aooopted subJoet to the Departtaenl Eead,ts .F- proval and wlthout payr on notton of Councllsarl Atwater; seeondedby CounclS.nanByrd and unaniuously oamled. A petltion, dated, Apr13, 2, 1951, wa.s presented to tbe Councl1, signed by 256 nosldents and pnopenty o{ners on Contez Avemre,protestlng the gnantrng of a perrott by tre Ctty of hr}lngame to th,e Ctty of Sen hanclseo to Lay a pipellne dowa Cortez AvernregBur11t*a^xre. Blayon Love stated, for a beneflt to many resLdents- and. pnopenty ownens ln that area pnesent at thp ueetLng, that an open mecttng rould be scheduled fon Moaday, Apnil 91 195L, at 8:OOp. 8., at rhich tfue the petltlonens, roprpesentatlves and erglnseraIlom the Clty of San Enmelsco, the Ctty Cou:ac{I, Ctty Attonretr andClty Englneer uould be lnv.lted to pantlolpate in tJre dl.seueslon and,at *rtch ttme faots would, be pneeentad. AppnecLatirrg tJre fact thatso tsany present wore Lntonested lu the subJeet, Mayon tone lnvitedcompnts from tJrose who deshred to epea"k. Anong those addnesstngthe Councll and entenlng protests were: Itr". Janes Raw3,lns, 1445Cortez Avenre, Jog. A. trtlagutne, L24O Cortez Arenuer F. Gr Spenoere L415 Cortez Avernre, Ehouas rJ. Gnatrme I.?rc: Cetez Averure, Herbont-C. Bayloy, L145 Contez Ayeauel Ttlil,Len Byan, L9SO Gortez and FbedBabo, 1620 Barboa Tray. the eisdltlar. reisoir fot pnotestlng aspresented to the Counoll by the ebove epeakers wers natnly: bazardto llfe and propenty, especLally yourg chlld:ren, d,uring the couatruc-tLon perlod: Contez Avenue ls e narltro$ gtreet witb many of the bulld,-lngs of llght oonstructton; and that the Ctty of Saa franeiEoo o!!ngproperty ln BtrlLngame, del.eh ls not flngt resldentla].. M:rr Ti I[rEsty, Managen of Waten Productlon and Repnesentattve of the SenFbanclseo Water Depa:r.tnent, addressed the Counclle advlelng that fol- S.owtng an Lnten^61ve sttrdy he porsonally conduoted, the noute p:roposed Tas most favorod, maLnly because of tho lower eoonomic oonstrrrotton.Followlng ooneLderable dlscussr.oa, Ifiayor Love stnessed, the luportance 9l Re pnoposed neeting 1+ orde:r to o6tdn tho flrlL factg. Itre CltyClerk was Lnstruoted, to advLse offiol.als and englneers of tlee ;Santrlanclsco Waten. Dopa:rtment of the neettng ead to urge theln attead,anoe. A lettsn aateA Ma:roh 28, 1951, rocel.ved, f)ron D. E. Kenan, L{LZ Ed.ge-h111 Drtve, ,requesttttg lm[edlete aotlon in t]re renoval oi tm La:r'[eeln tnees, defLned by Edr. Kersn as hazards, res neferned, to tJle "Su-perlntendent of Panks for tnvestlgatlon and ?oprrrto A letter dated tla:rch 3O, 1951, receLvod flou Perk Su.perLnteadent An-dereon, recotrnend{qg the renovaL of a tree I}ontlng the promlsea at967 Chula Ylsta Averue, was eonoursred ln on mott on of CounelleanIllrnt, secoaded by counctlnan Atwaten and unml.uouoly canrled. ^A Letter dated Mareh 22, 1951, vae nead fnoa Robert II. KnolLln, 10? Loma vtsta Avenue, rclatl.ve to the recent publlctty on the subJect 9-f eqdfng Illourlde to drlnklng wate:r and offorLng a euggostlon'thatthe Clty of BtrlLngsme Joln wlth other Penlnsula-Comnr:nitles ln su.b-rdtttng a neqtrest to ttre San Enanclseo lYater Depa:rtnent that flourtdebe added, to the waton supply at the Crystal $prtngs Damr Mayon Iovestated that tbe entlre subJect ls now beLrrg revl,ewed by t&e tllater CoBFmlseloa of the Clty of &rllngame. The Letten was ordbred, fl1ed enda ootmunloatLon authorf.zed, d,lrocted to l{n. KnoLLtn thanking h.im fonhl.s lntenest. 267 A conoo.rnlogtlon, dated l,Ia.roh 26, 1951, was !ead. f:ron Ihos, F. McGulgan, r:resldent of the &rllngamo Ch&rber of Couoe:rce1 cmpUnentlng the Councll for lte cooporatl.ou ln the handllngof the Cltyrs Eastor beantlflcati.oa progran ln hrlingme.lhe Clty Clerk rraa lastructed to aclcronledge neoeipt of the1€tter. A couornlcatlou, dated Ap::11 2, 1951, wae :pead flou trllre ChJ.ofE. J. L,olg r necmendLng tbat Welter B1umen, Elro Alar:o Elec-tnlelan be pe:*oltteit to Cttend tho Confsnence of the Interna-tlonal lfrrnta&el Slgnal AssooLatlon la Feano, AprLl 6 and 7. Upon mott oa of Councllmaa Sunt, s ocoaded by CounolLuaa Atrater and uaanlmously carrled, tbe neeomondatl on nac concumed ln and lb. Blume:r rras allored a uaxlm,im erlpenae allonance of $20.OO. Resolut.on oo 15-51, 'Regolutlon of the Clty CouncLl of theClty of &r:rllngane Bela tlve to Worroleor t a Coupensetion Ingurancefo:r Begiste:redl Tolr.rnteer I Dlaaste:l Wekons r' was lntroduced byCounctlmen Slnond.a, rho noved lta passage, aee,onded by Cor.ncll- man Hrurt and uney'{ uou s1y adoptod by rolL caLL of th.e me$ e:ratheroof. O:rdlnenae No. 5O?r entltled, 'An Orpdinanc e .Anendlng the 0rd1- nance Code of tre CX,ty of Burllngane by Addlng a l{ew Sectlon:L222.6, Llnlti.ng, Stopplng and Pa:rklog of Autonoblles onHonand Averrre, Iorton Avorere, Chapin Avenuer lagu:ea Avertrle,Caruellta Avenue, Juanlta Avorane, Sanohez Aveanre, Park Roa6,and hlmroge Road fo? Uoro Than T$o Eounsr was glven second-readlng. C ouncl l:uan Eunt moved tho adoptlon of-Ordlnanco [o.50r/, aeconded by Councr,l$an Slnonds and adopted by tho follos-lng vote: AI|ES: CoITNCIIJIEN: Attrater-B]Bd-Ilnnt-Dove-SlnondsrOES! COUNCTL&IEN: None ABSEM COUtrCfIJIEN: ]Ione ordlnanoe No. 508, entltled, ,An O:rdlnanco lnendl'ng fl:e 0rd1-nance Codo of the Clty of Burllngame by Addlng A llew SectdonL222.5 Requtrlng a].l Vehlcular hafflc at tbe-fntersectlon ofEdgehtll Drlvo and Palona Averaro tn the CIW of Br:lllngane to Come to a llrl1 Stopr was gLven seoord reedlng. On notion ofCourcollinan Atlator, s eoonded by Counollnan Hunt, O:rdlnance Noo508 ras adopted by tho followlng vote:AESs C0UNCIrrrnNs Atrater-BJrlrd-Hunt-Lcrve-SLnondgIIOEI! CoInICIDI(EN! Non6 ABSENT COI,NCILilENS !{oae Ondlnance Noo SOgr entlt1o4, rAn Ordlnanoe enenillng tho Oordi-nanos Code of tlrc Clty of Burllngame by Adtlfug fheneto a l{enA,rtlc].c 26-A Egtabltahlng a Bunea.r of ill.ne Pneventiou and Pu,b-lLc Safety; ?:reso:rlb!.ng t.ts Drtles; hovldlag Regulatlons fo:rthe heventlon of Ill:rei: S afe e:uardlna IAfe aia 6opentv: Re-peaBng aII orillnances in Confltot Ilr6newlthil waa given-6ocond :rcadlng. _ 0n Eotd. orr of CounctLuan S!,nonds, secondetl by Cor:noll-nan Atwatcr, Olrdl.naace Noo 509 was adopted by tho foliod.ngvotes :AIES: CoUNCfI}IEN: Atratcr-BtrEd-Hunt-Love-Sl.noads NOESs COUNCILUENS None ABSENT COUNCrI,IiIH{: Nonc Urlg9r the hearlng of llnflal.ahed Bu81nes8, a comrnioaU. on sub-ultted by forretr-Dr.reeton of PubLte foorti fttoh, r.portf:le-oae o-lgr.rr -fuglrygo sttrdy uadc ln ttre vlctnl,ty of San tdateo Avenueand Neuohatel .Avernre, raa trefelred to Clty Enginee , G. J. Mallr. A cornrnloatlon, dated Apal,l' 2, 1g51, ras r6ad f:!om Louts B.DeaatteX.a, Dlgtrlot Att@ne1 adnls{.g thet tbe Larr EaforcelrentAsgoclatl.on of San Uateo Counff ls apona orLng classes of la- A corr"nunlcati.on, dated Aprll 11 1,951, srrbnltted by Bedlck D. Elddy, 1453 Borna I Avenuer Burlingano, r6quostlDg pelrru1s ilon to reeubdl,-vlde the propertJr descnlbod as Lots 57 and 58, Block 45, EastoaAddl.tlon No. 4, ras refored to tlre Planntng Cornrnrls slon. There belng ao firrthor bwlneas, tJr6 neetlag ras reguLa:r1y adlJournocl on motlon of Councl Lnan Hunt, soeonded by Councllnan $nrtt and -urlaat- moualy oarnle d. 268 stnrctlo! for. po[oe and othe:r law enforceuent offlcers CurLng theperlod flon Apn11 I 1e Api't1 &, and urglag the attondance ofpollce oftlce:rs vlthln the Clty of Burllngame to attond. lhe oon'. ratrnl.aatlon uaa reforirod to ths Pollce Comlttee of tlre Counell andto the Chlef of Polloo. Reepootfirlly subultted, . HEE,BEtsT K. ffiITEClty Clerk APPROVEDS ,ta.*t ** DAN n. !0V8, IIAYOR