HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.03.05RolI CalI: Present - Councllnen:Absent - C ouno llnen: Jenockes t tfountaln Vlcr, Cal I 2r5 s9. 375,000sq. ft. Sandens Cons truc-tlon Co. Rcdrood Clty C.J.Slons & Son Burllngame , C al IIre blds rcre roforuod torovtox and rcoorrncndatloa 6cetlng. GROI'NDS},{.AN - PARK DEPABTMENT Bu!1lngane, Callfornla March 5, 195I A rogula:r oa6 tlng of th6 Burl,lagane Clty Councll. res hold onttro above glvon dats. iloetlng call.ed to order at 8:15 p.o.llayor Love ln the Chelr. A tte ter- BJrlrd-tsun t-Iove -Slnon0e N ono 84, OOOft.Lots & Parcele per. aq. ft. Open ar.eas &flr6 broaks per"sq. ft. $ .oo 2 Pha:roah Cook 65 tLntelr Rd., Saa lbanclaco C1a:rcnce J. Carlson 1620 C oronado lYay, BurllngancPeter P. Iorl 112 AEtta Rd., Bur'llnganoFraoolc J. Duppc 419 Statc St., Sen Uet6o $ .6o t .68 $ .45 .45 .40 the Clty Englneer and Ctty Attorney forto be sublolttod later ln the evonlngts 140O Capuchlno Avc., Burllngame 1l-52 Cabrlllo Ave., Burllngame 145 Pr.lce St., Daly Clty !l ll ll tf lt n t ll I 2 I 2 $ Ia a letter. to tJre Clty Councll, datcil Ma:roh 2, 1951, thc foI-lorlag oLtglblc llcta rone sqbolttod by the Clvl1 Scivlcc ComLsslonl 1. 2. 3. 4. UTII,IIY ![ANI Waltcr E. Platc Wayne Uonror Melvln A. .[11cn 1. 2. 5. CUS$DIAN: Earl 'l[l11lane IIxc aboyc llsts ;cne acccptcd qaanlnously o[ eotloa of Councll- nan Slnonds and sceondcd by Councllnan Atrater. I lottor dated Maroh 2, 1951, ras rcad fron thc Clvll Servlcc Cosnlsslon rcquestlng that the oltgtblc 1l8t fon gardener., cstabllshed faroh 6, 1950, b6 cxtcndcd for onc yoar. Councllnan Eunt thcrcuDon lnovcd tbat tbe l.lEt be renored es rcquostcd, acoondcd by Councllman Byrd and unenluouo Iy carrled. A lcttor dla tcit Msrch 2, 1951, ras nead fron G. J. Uarr, Dlrcotorof Publlc Works, rcc onnendlng the follorlng: ttre t tno e11g1- blos bo appolntod as groundsmcn ln thc tark Departnent, replao-lag tho tro cxlctlng torporany posltlona; that onc appolntnent 258 0n notlon of Councllnan Huntr seconded by Counollnan Sloonilscnd unaalmously canrlcd, tLrc nlnutes of the provlouo neetlngof Fabnuary 19, 1951, as suboltted to aenber"s of thc Councll and as poetcd on ths Bullcttn Board ln the Clty HaI1, rene approv6d. Blds for tho 1951 lfcsd Abetoeent Dlaklng Prograrn, as advertls-.d for and schcduled fon oponlng at tho rcguLar: neetlag of Ma:rch 5, rere opoacd end rcad ae follors: ITEM qUN{IITY DESCRIPTION I'NIT PER SQ. FT. 2O5 Soutlr Eldorado, San Xatoo 259 Walter E. Platc, [o. 1 appolntcd to tlec Scrag Slnonda, looondod by C 1[o fl1l a vaoancy ln t on th6 c1lglblo llst fcd to that poaltlon on by Counollnan Eunt and as utllltyman be nade to r6p1ac6 tho present tomponary posltlonat thc Scrage Dloposal Plant; and that one appolntment asutllltynan bc nadc fron the o1lglble llst for thc Stroot endSrrcr Dopartnent, auoh appolntnente to bacoBc effeotlvo Maseh 1.6, 1951. Councllnan Slnonds noved that I{o. I on thc ellglb1cllst for groundsnan, Pharoatr Cook, b6 appolntcd ao rcoorm-aded, secondcd by Councllnen Eunt and unanlnously oarrlcd. Onnotlon of Councllman Slnonds, eeoondcd by C ouno l).man Eunt and unanlnously oaulod, No. 2 on tho cltgtblc llst for grounda- nan, Clarence J. Carlson ras appolntcd to that posltlon. on tho cllglblo llst for utllltynan rase Dlspoaal Plant on motlon of Coqncllman ouncllnan Eunt and unanlmously ca:rrled. he Strcct and Sescr Depantment, 1$o. 2or utllttyman, Waync Uorrox, rao appolnt-notlon of Councllnan Slnonda, sccondcd unenlnously car.rlcd. A1l appolntnents nado rero subJect to thc usual Clvil Seryleo rcqulrcnonts andto bocomo offootlvc Maroh 16, 1951. A lettcr datcd lfiarcb 2, 195I, was read fron G. J. llan, Dlrectonof Publlc lyorker. EubElttlng the follorlng thr6c blds for tbe purchase ot a S/4 ton utlllty truck to roplaco thc 1942 FolalutiHty truck ln thc 'flatcr Departnent; Dodge $ 11680.00Chovrolct 11664.80Ford 11 619.61 Ihc l.tter advlsod that thc only flrn bLd xas tbat of thcJ. E. Frenoh Conpany anct lt teg tborcfore rGcoon.ndtctl thatthc Clty pqrcheso a-Dodge 6/4 tor plckup. Queotloned by th6Councll, l{r. Ma:rr statcd tha t he bas slncc becn advlscd bythe Minto Motor Conpany that ttre bld subldtt€d rould bo flrn,but lt ras hls noconncndetlon that the Dodge bld be accopted. Counollnan Byrd Eovod concurrenco ln tbo rccoDrendatlon endthat tho J. E. Fench Conpany b6 af,ardod tho bld for thcs/a wn truck In the anount 6f $11680.00, sccondcd by Councll- man Eunt and unaninoqsly carrled. A lctter dated l[arch 1, 1951, tas read from Dlrector ofPubllc Works Uarr, subnlttlng the roslSnatlon of Gordon G. Peterman, Junlor Englneer ln the Publlo Works Dopartoent. Iro ncslgnatton res aceoptad on motlon of Counctlnan Byndr secondod by Councllnan Eunt aad unanlnously carttlcd. I?re Clty Clerk raa lnatruoted to forrar:d a lettot' to Mr. Pe ternan exprosolng apprcclatlon for hlc rorvlco to thc Clty of Bqrliagame, and further to lnstruct the Clvl1 S€rvlco ConnLsslon to hold an cxanlnatlon and cstabllsh an cllglble llst for the posltlon of Junlor Englncen. t'lre roslgnatlon of D. J. Kay, stroet malntcnanceuaan ras sub- nttted ln a letter datcd [arcb 1, 195I, fron G. J. Marr, Dlrector of publlc torks r Ilee letter recomnendcd that l[r. Ittnrvln Taylor be appolnted on a tenporat'y ba8ls a8 nalntananoo- nan and fqrthor that the Clvl1 Servlce Connlsslon b6 notlfledto holil an exanlnatlon to cstabllsh an eIlglble llst for thoclasslflcatlon of Ealntonanccnan. 0n notlon of Councllman Atsatcr, seeonded by CounclJ,nan Eunt thc rcslgnatlon ras acoepted and tb6 Clty Clerk ras lngtructed to dheot a lettcnto Mr. Kay expr.eaalng apprcclatlon fon h18 servlcc to thc Clty of Bur3.lngarc. l[r. Uarr ras lnforneal that lt ras hls prcr:ogatlvc to naks a tctrponary appolntnent as requcsted lnhis lottor. Ilre Clv1l Servlce ConElsslon rae lns tructeal to eg.tabllsh an €llglblc llrt for nalntonenc€nan at an eally datc. A Xctter datod Fobruary 27, I95I, ras rcad filon tho Bqnllngane !'tre Conmlsslon subnlttlng ccrtaln rccomnendatlons rolatlvo to providlng flr.e protoctlon for tho llooYor scbooI. IIrc reo6nnondations as outllncd ln the lctter rero accoptsd and wor:e referrod to tho Elenentary Sshool l[nugtecg for approvgl bcfors forobl agreencnt ls prepared by the Clty Attorney. 260 A lctten dated Fcbnuary 2O, 1951, ras read. fron thc Plannlng Connlsslon nclatlvc to tts vlcrs ln ttrc mattcr of the Councllcnterlng lnto the appolnhrent of a conmlttee to enfonoe pro-tectlve and nostrlctlve covenants ln Ray Pank, and ln which communloatlon, the Councll rcre advlgsd that the Plannlng Conmlsslon epprcclates the lnterest of thc Ray Park Improve- nent Cl.ub 1n lts effort to malnteln thc standards under rhlch the area ras lnstltutcd but that the partlclpetlon proposed of th,e Councll rould not contntbute lcgal authorlty to the comnlttee.Ihe cormunleatlon ras ordcned fl1ed. A }ettcr dated Manch 2, 1951, firom Eerbcrt K. Whlte, Clty Clenk, togethcr ulth a lcttcr dated February 2, 1951, fron the $tato Conpensatlon Insurance Fund, relatlve to a Safety Progran appll- cablc to the Ctty of Bunllngaeo res read and ncfcrred to theCtly Englncer and the Clty Attorncy fon study and roeonaendatlonto thc Clty Councll. A lctter datcd Febnuary 28, I95L, from Ihoe. Scob1e & $ons, Ino.1 requcstlng penmlsslon to rcnove a large eucalyptus tree on the soutlrerl.y corner of Lot 12, Block 2, Bunllngame Park Subdlvlslon No. 4, uas read, and rcfenrod to Pank Supcrlntcndent Andenson forhls rrltten necorlondatlon to the Clty Counell. Pqb1tc Notlco No. 51-28, edvlslng that the State of Callfornla bylts dlvlslon of San F?ancleeo Bay To11 Crosslngs has applled fon permlsslon to construct a bnldge across the nonthenly pa.rt of San Franclsco Bay was road, rlth thc requeot that rnltten obJeotlons to the propoecd work be submltted to the 0fflce of thcDlstrlot Englneen. Itrere belng no obJectlons, the conmunlcatlon weg ondercd fIled. A petltlon_havlng bcen necelvcd and fIlcd rlth the Clty Clenk, N^Fob?uany $f 195L, requestlng thc Clty Counall to lnttlatc p!ro--ccedlngs to wlden Chapln Avenue betreen Prlnrose Road and El Camlno RsaI and lt belng duly eentlfled that thc slgnaturcs lrepncsentcd 64 of thc owncrs of the street frontage on Chapln Avcnue, Councllnan Atrater moved that the petltlon be accepted and that thc Clty Attorney bc lnatruetcd to proceed rith the pnopsr ncgotlatlons, seconded by- Councllman Slnonds and unanl- mously canrlcd. Clty Attorney KanneI lnforned the Counctl that he has requestcd thc Title Conpany to subnlt prloc rates on titl.c neports. A lettor dated llanch 5, 195L, raa read fnom EanI F. Schnldt, Jr.r Arslstant Scout ExecutLve, ad,vletng that the Scout Councll has authorlzed the Explorer Crow of lloop 15?, Boy $couts of Amerlca,to apply to the Clty of Burllngane for pcnnleslon to palnt bouse nurnbens on cunblngs through the erea eonslstlng of that part of the Clty of Burllngarco bounded by tbe Mllls Estate on the North,Hlllglde Drlvc on the South, EL Caulno BeaI on the Baet and Alvarodo Avenue on thc Ifest. Councllnan Slaonds moved that the applloetlon bc grantcd, subJcct to centaln gtlpulatlone outllnedln thc orlglnal applloatlon. Speaklng on the motlon, Mr, E. J. Benshell ,LAgz Coronado lilay, suggeoted thet the Ray Park Improvement Club be allowed to appnove the proposed sqp!-palnt- lng as the tennttory to bc coverod ls ln thc Ray Park Subdlvlelon e!ro8. Councllman Slnonds thcnoupon lnaLuded ln hlg notlon that thc Inprovenent Clubs be notlfled and thek appnoval obtalned atguch tlme as further "u36-palntlng oporatlons aro to be schcdu- Icd rlthln thelr boundarlcs, secondcd by Councllman Byzd and unanloously oanrlcd. Mr. 0. S. Bareyfogla, 1200 Llncoln Avenue, leader of the Exploror Crer, addressed the Councll, expnesslng approclatlon for tho opportunlty affordcd the Boy Scout groUpo A report on the Ilelnd Annual Confenencc, held ln San Dlego February 15, 14, 15, sponsored by the $tatc Reenoatlon Comnls- slon, suUnltted by E. L. Llnooln, Becreatlon Supenlntendcnt, las rsad and ordered flLcd. A Claln agalnst the Ctty of Burllngamc, pnosented ly"trdrs._Rogs R. T[est, 6o4-Concord Way, Bunllngane, ln ths amount of S86.95, ao a reiult of lnJurles lncurnod ln a fa11,, was reJected and I I l I I I 26L rofcrod to tho Cltyrs lnaurancc calrlor on rootlon of Council-nan Slnonda, seoonded by Councllnan Eunt and unanimouolycarrled. Dlnector of Publlc Worksr l[arr reconaoadoal that tbe lor bldsubnlttod by C. J.-Slrns fon the 1951 Weeit Abatemont D1skhgProgran be aoocptcd. Couoc llnan By.rd Eovcd conourrenoc lntho rcconncndatlon and thc C. J. Sinns & Son Corpany resarandcd th6 bld at tho unlt prlceo quotcd pcr sqqera f€et.aecondcd by CounclIna! Atreter and utanluousIy carrlod. Wltb thc conscnt of the Councll, thc readlng of OrdlnanceNo. 5O6, res ralvod. Councllman Slnondg lntroduocd and novedthc adoptlon of Ordlnancc No. 5O6, entltlcd, rAn 0r.dinancc Anendlng tho Orallnenoc Code of thc Clty of Burllngane ByRepcallng the Exlsting A:rtlcle 55 Deallng rlth BulldlngConstrqctlotr and Atloptlon a l{er Artlole 55 Provltllng forBulldtng Congttqctlon tllllthln the Clty and Bcpeallng al}0rdlnanoes ln Confllct lhenerlth, n secondcd by Councllnan Byrd and adoptcd unanlnousl.y by rol,I call of thc nenbena there of. ayor Lovc subnlttad thc nane of Earl Schnldt for roappolat- treDt as a Ecnbcr. of th6 Flre Comlsslon and upon notlon of Councllman Slnonds, gecoadcd by Councllnar Eunt, thc appolnt-Ecnt res unanlnously conflnoed. lhe nanc of Eorard Imus raa Bubnltt6d by lfayon Love forappolntnent aE a menber of thc Water Connlcalon. 0n notlonof Councllnan Byrd, locondod by Councllmap Slmonds, thcappolntmcnt as unanlEously oonfLrned. Uayor Iove subroltted thc nane of Wll,llan J. Crosby forreappolatnent as a nenbor of tho l.llbr.ary Boar.ril and uponnotlon of Counellman Byrd, aecondcd by Counollman Hunt, thcappolntnent ras unanlnoualy conflrned. tree Clty Clerk ras lnetructcd to advlaa a1I Depertnent Eeadato rubmlt thclr 1951-52 Bufuets to tho Coqnoll by Aprll 1, and further that the Clvll Servlcc Conmlselon be lnitructedto aubnlt salary clasrlflcatloE! and s urveys on that dat6. lleere belng no funther bualners, the neetlng ras regularly adJournecl on notlon of Coqncllnan Eunt, rccondcd by Councl1nan Atrator and unanlmouely oarrled. Respec tfully submlttcd, ,(- HERBEEl ITElTEClty Clerk APPROVED: {**Al'-k DAN R. tovs,frfrtoa