HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.02.19ed to members of th the City HaLl were Iiunt and seconded b ouncll and as posted on the nlmously accopted on lro tl on ounc lIncan BJrrd. 2ss 1951, as s ubrnl t t-Bu1letln Board lnof Counc lIman Burllngane, CaLlfornla February 19, 1951 A regular meeting of the Burllngame CIty Councll was hold on ti'-e above Elven date. illeetln6 call-ed to order at 8:15 p. m. - I{ayorLove in the Chair. Ro11 Ca1I : Present - Counc lkon: A tvr:r ter-B;rrd -Hunt-love - SlmondsAbsent - Counclloen: N one ltre nlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of February 5, oC unavC A letter dated February 14, 1951, was read fron R. C. Theuer, Chiefof Po1lce, advlslng that the flrst two e1161b1e men on the 1lst for' pollco offlcer have walved an appolntment at thls tlme and request- lng that another appolntment be nada. The name of Norman A. Saunders was subnltted and upon motlon of Councilman Simonds, seconded by Councllman Eunt and unanlmously carrled, I'dr. Saunders rrtas appolnted to the posltlon of pollce offlcor, on a tenporary basls and subject to the usual Clv11 Servlce requlsltes. A letter dated February 2, 1951, was read from k. C. Theuor, Chlef of Pollce, reportln6 favorably upon the appllcatlon of lldward Shaplro, dba Horsotlrader Edrs, to operato a used car Iot at the corner of Eoward Avenue and lllghland Avenue. A further letter was road fr:om Lloyd H. Heckman, lnanater of the 1ot, cltlng plans andpollcl€s to be establlshod ln its operatlon, and advlsLng tbat advertlslng ul11 be llmited to radlo, televlslon, and to newspape!: advertlsements. Councilman Slmonds movod acceptance of Chief Theuerrs report and that the perolt be granted, wlth the provlslon that advertislng be conflned to provlslons as set forth ln I'lr. Heckrnanrs letter. ltre motlon was seconded. by Councllman Bynd and unanlmously carrled. A letter dated February L4, 1951, was read from Chief of Pollce theuer, reportlng favorably upon the app)-lcatlon of Lee i.i. I'lcDanl.e1to operate a used car lot at 21 Cal,lfornla Drl"vo. Councllman B-,;rd moved concurrence ln the report and tbre pernlt was Sranted, subJect to provlslons that ad.vertlslng be llmlted to the medla of radio,televlsion and newspaper only, seconded by Councilman Slmonds and unanlmously c arr i6d. A letter dated February 14, 1951, submltting the resi'3nation of Betty Lou Davls as Secre tary-lviatron ln the ?o1lco Departnent, was nead'from Chlef of Police Theuer. Councilnan Slmonds moved that the resl€,natlon be accepted vrith sincere regret and that a letter be directed to I';lss Davis expresslng appreciation for her splendid work, seconded by Councifman l{unt and unanimously carriod. A l-etter recelved and read from liarry i',; . lehrfeld, secretary cf the .trater Commlsslon suburlttlng hls resl6natlon vras accepted on notion of Counclluran Byrd, seconded by Councllman Hunt and unanlmously car.r16d. A letter was instructed to be dlrected to ;ir. Lehrfeld expressing Councll appreclatlon for hIs valuabfe servlce to the Clty. Councllman Slmonds introduced for Councll acceptance, an ldentlfl- cation card to be lssued to those duly appolnted to serve the cltyin the Civll Defenso pro6ram. In accepting the cBrd, r;iay63 tror" stated it was another step taken by the City in lts proparedness for an ener8enc y. A communLcatlon dated tr'ebruary 13, 1951, was read. fr"om A. B. Sulllvan, Clty Manager of the Ctty of San }{a teo, advislng that war-tLme funds of tho Tbree Cltles have been dls tnlbuted and based on the 1944 populatlon percontage, a check 1n the amount of $695.49 has boen made payable to the Clty of liur).1ngarne. Ikre com- municatlon was or:dened f lled.. Reports for the nonth of Januaryr 1951, were Department, !ollce Department, Public r,orks Cl-ty Jud6e and ordered flIed. read from the Fire Department, and the 256 0rdlnance No. 5O5, entltled, nAn ordlnance Aoendlng the ordlnance Codeof the Clty of Burlingame By Addtng A Ne'rl Sectlon !222.5 - Prohlbt-tlng Parklng of Vehlcles on the llorth Side of Donnelly Avenue BetwesnPrlnrose Road and Lorton Avenuett was glven second neading. Councll- nan Hunt noved the adoptlon of the 0rdlnance, secondod by Councll- man Slmonds and adopted unanlmously by ro11 call . Readlng of the entlre ordlnance, No. 5O6, was walved upon motlon Clalms Nos. 1 to 156, were read and upon motlon of Councllnan l{unt, secondod by Councllman Byrd wa:rrants wore ordered drawn on the ?reasury for ttre ir respectlve amounts. lhe Clty Clerk was lnstructed to arrange for a Councll meetlng wltLr representatlves of the Executlve Board of th€ Boy Scouts of Amerlcato dlscusx the Explore:r I?oopts plan for the ralslng of Scout funds. Roger J,eontl and Dtck Carlton, Roosevelt school students, present at the Councll meettng were vrelcomed and lntroduced by Itlayor Love. Q,uestioned by the Council, Fire Cnief Lels reported that the Flre Code would be prosented for Council attention at the next re6,ular mee tlng . I,1r. Charles Wehkln5;, 915 Toyon Drlve, Burlingarre, quostioned the 0ounc11 relatlve to the status of his reques t that tho sLdowalk along the sorvlce r:oad from Toyon Drlve to Broadwey be extended. Ctty EnBlneer i{arr advlsod that upon lnveetlgatlon 1t was det€rmin- ea lfrat lt was the property ownerrs responslblllt;r to J-nsta11 sldewalks with the Ctty lnstalling the curblng and autters. of Councllnan Byrd,carrled. Ttre Clerklng the Ordlnance C Exls tlng ArtlcIe 55 lng a New Artlcle 5 C1 ty and Repeallne No. 506 was the re up A lettor dated Februery 16of Publlc ltorks, s ubml ttlnflfty-foot strips of prope San Franc lsco ',la ter Depart tance of the porrnlt and th coples of the agreement, s r:ous Iy carrled. C ounc 1lma lng Committee stated the p hundred feet north of Borafor off-strest parklng fro seconded by Councllman Hunt and unanimouslyread the tlt1e, provlding, rrAn Ordinance Amend- ode cf the Clty of ilurllngame by Repeallng the Deallng Yilith Bulldlng Constructlon and Adopt- 5 Frovldlns For Bulfdlng Cons tructlon !llth1n theall Ordlnances ln Confliet Itrerewithr!, Crdlnanee on lntroducod by Councllman Hunt. , 1951, was read fron G. J. Llarr, Director g a revocable permlt for the use of two, rty adjacent to Callfornia D]'lve from tho nent. Councilnan Hunt moved the accep- e authorization tL.,at tho llayor execute econded by Councilman Atwator and unanl- n Hunt, chalrn'.an of the Off-Street lark- noperty 1n question included four- dway and also pnoperty vrhich would p:rovide m lJorth Lane to Oak Grove Avenue. A letter dated February 9, 1951, was read f:'om G. J. Marr, Dlroctor of Pub1lc rlorks, submlttlng for Councll approval and exocutlon an agreeraent for the use of an addlttonal parcel of land at the Broad- wiy Statton for off-street parklng, from tlre Southorn Paclflc Coirpany. Councllman Hunt moved acceptance of bho agroonent and that tbe- Llayor €x€cute tho supplemontal agreement for and ln behaLf of the Clty oi Burlln6ano, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanlnoqsly carr16d. A coumunlcatlon dated February 15, f951, togetller wlth a map, presented by Wllsey & Co., Ine., ctvl1 onglneers, requgs_t lng_C ounc 1]- approval oi a resubatvlsion of Lot 36 and a portlon of Lot 55, Block 9, BurllnSame Park No. 2, was refel.r€d to the Plannlng cosnmlsslon fon lts re c ommenda tl on. A lotrter dated February 16, 1951, was read of Pollce, advlstng that followlng a resurv tlons, tt was reconmended that a two hour 1 Avenu6; a two hour limtt on Chapln Avenue w anil that a no parklng restrlctlon be lnclud the two hour 1lmlt fron EI Camlno Real west flve feot. Counclfman Slmonds moved concur tton and directed the Clty Attorney to prep lng the chanSos, seconded by Councilman Atw carr led . fron ey o lnil t os tedifor R. C. Thouer, Chleff par:klng condl- be placed on Eowerd of El Camlno Real, n aIl, the streets lnat leas t seventy-e ln the rec ommend.a- an ordlnance onforc- and unan lmo us Iy renc are a ter - c)r 4dt n{ Councllman Simonds moved that the Councll concur in the foIlowlng ndations sul:mitted by the tlhlef of Folice relatlve to limltations: that a trryo hour llrnlt be inposed on eacir of 1ovr1n6. streets: Sanchez and Carmellta Avenues between recomme parktng the fol -(or*rf DAI{ R. LO\E, Californla Drive aricl Chula Vista /r,VerrUoi Juanita Avenue, betwoenCa.lifornia Drirre and Laguna Avenue; Lorton Avenue betv'reen iiays-water Avenue and Eoward Avenue; Park Road between Iioward and Rays-water Avenues; and Primrose Road, between llov,'ard and tsayslvater Avenue; and tliat the east side of Laguna Avenue be restricted torriio Parkingtt between Broadway and }ihinette Avenue. Councllnan Sinonds also includod. in th.e motlon that the City Attorney beinstructed to prepare an ordinance for acioptlon enforclng theproposed changes, secondecl by 0cuncllman Atwater and unanS-mouslycarrled. A letter dabod February 19, 195I, was read from i,1lr. 'lhos. F.i{cGuigan, Prosident of the Burllngame Ohanben of Commerce andVice-chairman of tho tnl-County Bayshore Freelvay Colnmlttee, compllmentlnE the Gouncil for the splendtd council representatlonat a meetlng of the Freeway Commlttee held in San l,Iateo on the morning of February 17. The cofirmunlcatlon was order"ed flled. Actlng on a suggestion.submltted by CounciLnan Byrd tirat the Cityinvestigate the posslbility of adding sodium flurlde to lts watersupply, a step initlated by the City of San Franeisco, the subjectwas referred to the Y,Iater Commisslon for its study and neport. There being r:o further buslness i:efore the Council, the r,reetlng was regularly adjourned on motion of Councilman Atwater, secondedby Councllman Byrd and unanimously carrj,ed. Respec tfu11y subrnltted, IfiiiBERT K. JhITECity Clerk APPROVED: