HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.02.05__-l 250 Burllngane, Callf ornla February 5, 195L A regular meetlng of the Burl-lngame Clty CounclL was ho}d on the above glven date. Meetlng calLed to order at 8:20 p.m. - Mayor Love ln the Chaln. Roll calL: Presont - counclrnan: Atwater-Byrd-Hunt-Love-slmondsAbsent - CounclLmen3 None The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of January 15, 195L, as submltted to members of tho clty Gouncll and as posted on ttre Bul1et1n Board' ln the Clty HaII wore unanlmousLy approved and adopted on motlon of CounclLiran Byrd, and secondeC by Councllman Atwater. The nlnutes of the ad.Journed mirottng of January 25, 195L, as subxnltted to Coun- c1I mombeis and as posted on the Bulletln Boerd ln the clty HaL1 were approved and adopted on motlon of Councll-man Hunt, seconded by CounclLman Atwater and unanlmous1y carrled. A Letter dated. January 25, L95L, was read. fnom the ii{llIs Estato Incorporated Land Comi:any, advlslng thet the-request of the C^lty of BUr'11ngam6 for dedlcatlon of some of lts Iand, nocessgry for the extenslon of Callfornla Drlve to MlLlbrao Avenue, has been approved.. The l-etter stlpulated certaln provlslons upgn whlch the Clty of Bunllngamo may acqulre the land. Councllman Slmonds movod thst the subJect be referrod to the Ctty Attorney, the Clty Englneen end members of the Clty CounclL fon furthor study, secondod by Councllman Hunt and unanlmousLy earrled. A letter dated January 25, 1951-, bearlng tho slgnatures of 33 resl- dents roslding ln the EdgehlLL Drlve-Paloma Avenue vlclnlty, w?s read requestlng that som6 lnmodlate actlon be taken to ellmlnate the trafflc hazard at the lntersectlon of Edgehll1 Drlve and Paloma Avenue. A lotter, pertalnlng to the above subJect, was read. from Chlef of Pollce Theuer, recommendlng the passege of an ordlnance creatlng a four-way stop at tho above lntersection. A motlon was tkrereupon lntroduced by Councllman Byrd concurrlng ln the recommendatlon submltted by Chlef Theuer, and dlnectlng the Clty Attorney to prepare an ordlnanc€ for adoptlon-affeeting _theproiosed ehange, seconded by Councllman Atwater and unantmously larrtea. Ttre-CLty Clerk was lnstructed to so lnform the petltlon- ers of the actlon taken. A Letter dated January 25, 1951, necelved and read from I{rs. Harold Wl1de, Presldent of the Llncoln P. T. A. cltlng hazards exl-stlng ln tha) Ray Park subdlvlslon due to open creek condltlons, -wasfollowod Ly the readlng of a report submltted by Clty Engllegr Y?rton a survey mado of open dralnage cr:eeks wlthin the flty of Burlln- game. The roport advlsod. of centaln sltuatlons noted. and recommen- d.ed that the more dangerous be taken care of elthor by the 01ty or by prlvate owners. TLre Clty Englneer was lnstructed to contact the owners whereln such condltlon should be rectlfled. The Clty Englneer was further dlrected to contact lfr. Georgo V. !1{hlto, Superlntendent of the Burllngame Elementany Sehool-s to dls- cuss creek condltlons pnevalent on schooJ- property and that a re- port and recommendatlon be submltted to the Councll at lts next meetlng. The Clty CIerk was lnstructed to acknowled.ge recolpt of Mrg. W1Id.et s communlcatlon. A lotter dated January 1?, 195L, recelved and read from L3.oyd Shroves, nelatlve to a trafflc hazard now exlstent on Howard Avenue lmmo- dlatel.y southwesterl-y from E1 Camlno Realr_w?! followed_by tlte-read- lng of- a communlcattbn, dated January 22, l-95L, from PoLlce Chlef Theuer, who advlsed that pursuant to a request of a number of cltlzens on that street, a survey had boen conducted and lt was hls recommendatlon that an ordlnance be adopted placlng the area ln questlon ln a hro-hour Ilmlt zone. Mr. Rlchard B1ake, 1519 Howard Avenue, addnessed. the Councll and urged- that lmmedlato aetlon be taken io restrlct all day parklng to othen then resldents on the I-EOO block of Howard Avenue. The quostlon dlscussed. as to whether or not the actlon proposed would actualLy al1ev1ate the condltlon, the subJect was re?erned to the PoLlce Commlttee of tho Council for: funther study and recommondatlon' As manS' of tho all-day- parkors are employees of the Telephone Compeny, the City Clerk was r 25L lnstructed to dlnect a letter to the Telephone Company, reeuest-lng lts cooperatlon by parklng so as not to create a trafflc hazard.. A letter datod January 51, 1951, was read from the Unlon 011 Comp- any of Callfonnla, submlttlng a formal appllcatlon for permltto replace a defectlve lrOO0 gallon storage tank at $tatlon No. 670, wltlr one of 2r0OO galJ.on eapaclty. A letter dated Febnuary1, L951, was read fnom the Flro Department, recommendlng that due to the omergency and foLLowing a study of the p)-ans submlt- ted by thre above Company, permlt be granted sub ordlnances governlng such lnstallatlons. Councthe permlt be granted as r€commended., seconded Hunt and unanlnously camled. j 1 ect to the Lman Byrd movedy Councllmanb A communlcatlon, dated Januany 29, L951, rocelved and read from Edward. Shaplro, dba Horsetrader Edts requestlng permlsslon to open and operate a used car lot on the northwest corner of Iloward and H1gkrland Avenues, was roferred. to the Chlef of PoLlce for, lnvestlgatlon and repont. A letter dated. January 51, L951, was read from R. C. Theuor, Chlef of Pol-lce, requestlng an appointmont of a patnolman, on a temporary basls, to f111 an exlstlng vacancy ln the Pollce Departuent. As number one on the eLlgible Llst has slgnlfled hls lntentlon to walve appointment at thls tlno, lt was regular- J-y moved by Gouncllman Slmonds that number two on the ellglb1e LLst, Norval F. Norman bo appointod on a temporany-!?s1s, sub- Ject- to the usuat c1v11 ser:vlce nequlrements, provldlng that a wrLtten walven ls submltted by eIlgtb]-e number one. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Atwater and unanlmousLy carrled. A letter dated. Januery 51, 1951, was road from G. J. Marn, Dlrector of Pub1lc Works, submlttlng tho reslgnatlon of Mr. Alex M. Forno, sowage plant openator, offectlve at 5:OO p. m. January 31, L95L. MI. Iilarr recommended that ldr. A. Pollak be temponarlly asslgned to the posltlon of sewago plant opera-tor, effectlvo Februany 1, 195L, and that Mr. Walter Platep utlJ-Ity- man ln the Stroet Department be temporarl3-y asslgned as an assls tant to Mr. Po}lal<. Mr. Marrt s letter f urther advlsed that Mr. Earl- dacobsen has been transfernod to the posltlon of utll.ltyman ln the Street Department lnstead of utlLltyman at the Clty Durnp, after the pendlng contract for the operatlon of the dump ls In effect. It was regul-an1y moved by Councllnan Atwater, seconded by CounclLnan Bynd and unanlmously cerrled that th6 reslgnatlon of Mr. Forno be accepted wlth regre! elathat a letter bo dlrected to Mr. Forno exprosslng appreclatlon for h1s val,uabl-e servlce to tho Clty of Burllngamo. On motlon of Councllman Slmonds, I'ltr. A. Pollak was temponanlLy-asslgned io the posltlon of Seirage Disposal Plant Op-eratorr^effectlve feUruar'y t, 195L, wlth a startlng salary of $510.00 per month, seconaeh ny CoUncllnran Hunt and unanlmously-carrled.. counctlman-Slmonds further lntroduced. a motlon dlrectlng t-hu Cfvil $envlce Commlsslon to prepare an e1lglb1e 1lst fon thro posltfon of Sewage Plant Operaton, seconded by Councllman iiyrd end unanlmouslY earnlod. . Resolutlon I{o. t2-5L, awardlng gaso}lne contra'ct to the low bldder, the Seaslde 011 CompBIlXr at Ure d.oslgnated prlces, wts lntnodfieed by Councllman Hunt who moved tts passSge, seconded by Counellmair Byrd and unantmousJ-y adopted by ro11. calL such aftard. as rocomm6nded by the Pqrchaslng Agent and. th9 Clty_ Englneer ln a letter tb tfre Councll dated February 2, 1951. A }etter dated Februany 2, 1951, submlttlng eoples of a signed agreement wlth }dr. Romoo JoLy and the Clty 9f Burllngane for tfie operatlon of the Clty Dumpr_was lead and pursuant to the readlirg of the contraetr-Councllman Hunt, lntroducod and moved- the passage of Resolutlon No. 13-51 awardlng the eontnact to Mr. ioLy Ind authorlzlng the Mayor !9 execute t4e agreement for and-ln behalf of the Clty Councll. The motlon was secondeA by Councllman Slmoniis and unanlmousl-y adopted by noI1 ca}l. A letter d.atecl January 22, 1951, from the Explorers Cnew of t'r;;p #15;, Boy Seouti of-Amerlta, Bur1lngame, requesttng c)x.q b.a] kt permlsslon to palnt house numbers on curbs ln the Clty of Burllng ame, was held for dlseusslon wlth members of the Clty Councll and members of the Executtvo Commlttee of the Boy Scouts at a meetlng proposed to be he1d" ln tho near futune. A letter dated January 51, 1951, fnom Mrs. E. R. Cuddy, 1.324 CarLos Avenue, requestlng that a large magnolla tnee ln front of hen home be vlewed wlth the poss1b1L1ty of r"emovaI, was referrodto Pank Superlntendent Andenson. T'l:e Clty Clerk was lnstructodto so lnform the wrlter. A letter dated February 2, L951, submltted by a number of nesl-dents resld.lng wlthln the North Burllngamo area, was r"ead., ox-presslng appreclatlon to the members of the Clty Counell for thesplendld improvoments that have been made ln that sectlon, partl-cularly the resurfaclng of Callfornla Drlve. The Clty C1erk waslnstrueted to acknowled.ge the letter. A letter dated January 51, L95L, was read from the Burllngame PostNo.163, Amerlcan Leglone offerlng lts servlces and the use of ltsHa}I ln the interest of the C1vlI Defense program, The communlea-tlon was referned to the offlce of Ctvll Defense. A report on atost of slrens wlthln the Clty of Burllngame, as submlttod by theDlrector. of Clvll Defense, was nead. together wlth a recommendatlonthat the cltles of San Mateo, Burllngame, HllLsborough and M111- brae be r:equested to Joln forces ln conductlng a thorough surveyof the comblned aree. FoLLowlng a funther report on the progressof plans relatlve to Clvl1 Defense, Councll-man Slmonds moved that Co1. John F. Alcuro, USA (retil"ed) be appolnted as Dlrector ofClvll- Defense for the Clty of Burllngame, seconded by Councll-man Byrd and unanlmously canrled. A letter dated January 18, 195L, was read from Mr. Steb C. Teal, submitting hts reslgnatlon as a member of tho Burllngame Publlc Llbnary Board. The reslgnatlon was aecopted wlth regret on mo-tlon of CounclLman Byrd, secondod by CounelLman.Atwator and unanlmousLy carnled and a letter of appreclatlon d.lrected to besent to lur. Teal. A communlcatlon dated February 5, 1951, was read. from Dlrectorof Publlc lffonks, Mr. George J. Hlarn, submlttlng a summary ofnine addltlonal. proposed Jobs to be ad.ded to the Sewage Works Enlargements 1n the estlmated amount of cost, S18r136.00, and recommendlng the approval of the ad.dltlons. Councllman Byrd noved concurrence ln the recommendatlon and the passage ofResolution No. 14-51, approvlng the expendlturo, seeonded by Councll-man Atruater and unanlmously adopted by roLL cell. A communlcatlon dated January L?, 1951, wss road from the Farmers Insuranco Group, advlslng the Councll that the Cltyts ComprehensLve Llabl1lty Pollcy appears lnadeguate and suggestlngthat the llmlts may be lncroased from 5O/ZOO/LO - thousand llmltto LOO/2OO/25 thouiand 1lm1t at an lncrease ot LAft ot the presentpollcy. the subJect was referr.ed to Councllman lIunt, Chakmanof the Flnanco Comnlttee of the Councll for study and recommenda-tlon. Mr. Lee McDanleL addressod tho CounclJ- requestlng that conslderatlon be glven to hls appllcatlon to oporate a used ear lot at 2l Callfornla Drlve. The appS-lcatlon was referred. to Chlef of Pollce Theuer fon lnvestlgatlon and repont. The Clty Attorney was requested to preparo to submlt the proposedFlre Code at tho next regul-ar meetlng of the Councll for ltsadoptlon. The CIty Attorney was furthor requostod. to ascertaln whother funds on deposlt as Burllngamofs apportlon ln tho nowl-nactlve fh:r.ee Cltlest Clvlllan Defense Agreement accoqnt were ava11able. Ordlnance No. 505, entltled, trAn Ordlnance Relattng to Clvl1 Defenso and Dlsaste::; and Repeallng Ordlnance No,- 44A and Provldlng lhat Thls Ordlnance Is An Emergency 0nden and Sha1l Become Effectlve Immedlatelyn was glven second readlng and upon motlon of Councllnan Hunt, seconded. by Councllman Byrd, Ordlnance No. 505, wss adopted by the foll-owlng vote:Ayes: CouncllmenrNoes: Councll-men: Absent Councllmen: Atwa ter -Byrd-Hun t-Love -S imonds None Nono t 253 3:911::::^r9.^?91:.ent-ltr€d,, trAn ordlnanc€ Annexlng to trre clty ofs,nJ'ln.ame a C er tarn- Unlnhabl ted and unlncorporated Area Known asnPenlnsura Hospltar otst'tcti ir"pi"tyr-"as glven ,u"ond .""arngand qpon motlon of Counclluan Eunt, s6iondea-by C orr" i ir"n-iy"a,or.dlnance.No. 5o{r was aaoptaa ,J-ioiiii":{fes: Councllmen! A twa ter-Byrtt-Hun t_Love_SlmondsNoes: Councilmen: NoneAbsent Councllmon: None Ordlnance No. S Code of the CltProhlbltlng Par Avenue Be tweenby Councllman S 05, entltled rrAn Ondlnance Anendlnpy- of Burllngame By Addtng A New SeEklng of Vehlcles on the fr'orth SldePrlnrose Road and Lorton Avenuon walmonds and glven flrst readlng. Th6 ordlnencetton l-222.5 -of Don46l1ys ln troduced of Parklng udlng theor One Hourt v/ho novedd by the Resorutlon No. s-sr- rclvfl. Defense and Drsaster, provlding for thedlstrlbutlon of c1vll-defense pow€rs -rnd dut1"", the asslAnmentof functlons and servlces, etc-. ,as tnir.oa,];;d-[y-;;;;iffi;Slnonds who moved 1ts paslage, seconded Uy Counc i Imrn-'iun t-Inaadopt.d by the unanrmous afitirnatrve vJte-of tr.e mem6'er:Jl- - Resorutton No. g-51 --_entlttod rlDlrectrng rnstallatlon of parklngl'le tens on carlfonnle Drrvo fro, Howand nienu" to renrns ui.- founue;l*11l1e ,lyklng.to. nyo Hour.str **. iniooaucea ry c;il;ril;n-AuwEE6l. who troved 1ts adop_tlonr - seconded by Councllman Euni anaunanlnously adoptod Uy rol1 caiL. Resolutlon^No. 9-5I, entlttsd, [Dlrectlng Installattor,leters on prlmrose Road fror Chepln Avenue to and IncPnoperty. of the Burllngamo publli: Ltbrany; pr.ovtdlngParking ln Sald Areatr was lntroduced ty Ciruncf fnan--Hu1ts passage, _secondod by. Coulcilnan Siilonds_ila;Ao;;unanlmous afflrmatlve v6te of tlre members. nIf n e Resorutlon No. 1o-5)-r . en tl t1ed, 'Dlrectrng rnstarratlon of parklngMeters on the South Sld.o of -Doirnel1y AvenIo; tdiailg-;nJ pan*ngto two Hoursrr was rntroducod by couircltman nt*aten, - iltro- novea rtspassagor_secondod by Councllnen Byrd and adopted uianfmousty UyrolL caII of nembons . Resolutlon No, 11-5J., entltledr. ItAppllcatlon to Stato Board ofPubl1c Hearth Permlttlng Bunrlirgam6-wate, wonks to coniinue toDlstrlbute Waten Wlthln the Clty end Surnoundhg Are;ii ;;;-lntroducod by C-ouncllman - Byrd _w[ro moved lts pasiage, - "econaeAby counclLnan Hunt and adoltecl by unanlmous irrrriairve vote ofthe members. The Llbra:ry Eeport for the }Ionth of Decembor, lgbo, was read andonderad fl1ed. The Llbrany Board. was requesied to'subnlt a reporton the number of nesldents oUtslde the Cfty of Burllngar1e avafifngthonselves of the Llbrary facllitles. A le tten dated Fbbruu-y 5, _ 1951, was r.ead fron the BurLtngamochaebor of commence acknoiuledglirg ,ooelpt of a co unc ii-c o'fnunrca-tlon.rolatlvo to posslble 1oglslatlon t-o r.egulate nunicfpaf-utlLltles whoreby they provlde servlces bey6nd thei; -;i;;-6oundarres and neconmendlng.!h8t !?." i.ubJ99t be dlscuised furthor al a-poo-pooed_dlnnor neeting wlth the'chamber Board of Dh:ecton" -ria trreClty Councl}. Ihe City CLork was lnstnucted to send notlces to the menbors of thoPl?{rll{tg Comnlsslon, ilfr..I.,oslle. ffoon-e, and Mn. UarI pl Wii;;y,notlfylng thon of a meetlng wlth monb6rs of the clty counclrr-tneClty Englnogr aqd tho.Clty-A.ttorney on Fi"lday evenlirg, feU"uary9r-ln the -cIty HaJlr to furttrer dricuss the 6xtensloi'oi cairronnraDrtv€ north to Mlll_bnae Avenue. The request of Mr. CharLes Wehklng, 918 Toyon Drlve, Burllngame,that conslderatlon be glvon to the extenslon of the- s1d.ewa1E a16ngthe servlco road from Toyon Drlve to Bnoadway, was reforred totho. C l ty-Attorney and^the Clty Englneen for iirvestlgatlon, uponmotlon of Councllmap S lmopds, s econded by C ounc llman-n twa t6r irnd -unan_1,mous1y carr'led. The -Clty C1erk wai lns tructed to so notlfy[4r. Webklng as soon as a declslon is determlned. In response to nunerous comp).alnts recelved 16latlve to thoconstr.uctlon of 1lvlng quarters ovor garages, Councllman Slnonds moved that the Bulldlng Inspector bo notlfled that ln the lssuance of permlts, he conflno hlmself to the Bulldlng Cod€ as adopted by CIty Ondlnance and any vloI-atlon of Sectlon 1501, pontalnlng to the requlremonts of occupancy be rectlflod accondlng to Iaw. The motlon was soconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmously carrled. Mayor Love thanked the many cltlzens,for thelr expresslon of synpathy and accLdent of Mrs . Love. Robert Hardgrove, roporter on the Burllngane Advance, was cornpll- nented on his flno roportlng for that publlcatlon and bost wlshos were extended to lr{r. Hardgrove ln irls forthcomlng new positlon wlth tkre Mlllbrae Sun. There belng no furth€r buslness, ed on motlon of councllnan Byrd, unanlmously carrled.. the meetlng was rogular:1y adJourn- secondod by Councllman Hunt and 254 Befone closlng the meo t Ing, ComnLsslonors and employeos regard fo).lowlng the recent AIPROVED: a,,vt b Dan R. Love, Mayo Respec tf uIIy subml tt€d, Henbert K. WhtteClty Clerk