HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1951.01.02qAq A re.guIa:: mee tln3 above given date. Love ln the Chair. of the Burlingame Iriee ting called to Burllngame, Californla January 2, 1951 City Council was held on ttre order at B:1O p.n. - Mayor RolI CaIl: Present - CounciLten: A tvrater-Byrd-Love-S imonds Absent - Councilmen: I{unt Councilman i{unt was excused because of his absence fr ora ttre city, on motion of Councilman Atvrate::, seconded by C or-rnc i lman Sinonds and urranLmous ly carried. The minutes of the prevl-ous moeting of December 1Br'195O, as submitted to 4eBbers of the CLty Council and as posted on the Bulletin Eoard were unanimous 1y ca::ried upon motion of C ouncilman Atvater and Secondod by Councilman Sirnonds. A letter dated De cemb er 27, 195O, was read florn G. J. hiarr, Direc- tor of ?ubIlc 1To::ks, recommendinll that the contract for weed spraying 1n the 1951 veed aba.tement progran be Sranted to The illu- Lavrn Chemical Company for the unlt bid pf ice of $o.066 per lineaI foot. Counci.lman Sirnonds noved concru'rence in the recom- mendation as submitted and intro<luced and moved the passage of Resolution iio. 1-51, accepting and authorizing the mayor to exe- cute contract vith the above company at the unit bld price quoted, seconded by Cor':-ncilman Atwaler and caried by the unanimous af- finnatLve vote of the nembers thereof. A letter dated December 26, 195O, was reaC from G. J. IIar, Dinec- tor of Public Y,i orl<s, requesting the appoinhnent of a junlor civil engineer in the En6li.neering Departncnt. {}ordon G. Peterr,ian, }tro. I ind next elir:ib1e, was appolnte 1 to the above position on tnotion of Councilman Byrcl, seconded by Cor,r.ncilnan Atviater and unani- mously carried. The appointlnent is to be efiective as of Januai.y 3, 1951 and sr,rb ject to the usual requlrements in accordance l'ri th Civil Service Rules and Relulations A letter dated December 26, 1950, rvas read f?orc G. J. Liarr, Director of Public Trlorks, reqr-res ti-ng -,,he Lppointment of a vrater sertriceman, first c1ass. On tnotion of Councillrran Atwater, second- ed by Councilman Byrd arrd unanimously carried, Ilomer P. I1cCoo1, the next eligible was i9iven an appointr:rent, effective January 3, 1951, and su6Ject to the requirements of the Civil Service Rules and Re;;ulations .;overnlng such appolntnents. D. J. Kay, Street Deparlnent l,iaintenance r,lan, vJas granted a two month.s leave of absence, tri thout pay, or u-nti1 l,Iarch 1, 195L, on motion of Cor:ncilman B)'rd, seeonded by Counci-1rnan Atwater and unanli:rous Iy carried and pursuant to a reo.uest subntitted by Irir. Kay in a Letter dated Decembe:: 27, 1950. A letter dated Decembe:: 28, 1950, was read flom I. Karmel, Clty Attorney, advising the Councll that although the Ctty of BurLingame has sold and conveyed five acres of land withln Ray Park to the Bu:: llngame Elementary School Distrlct, the Clty of BurlLngame should assume the cost of publlc lmpnovements changeable to the playground area at Balboa Avonue and Devereux DrLve and paynent made to rheo. G. Iueyer & Sons ln the amount of $2r849.81. Foll"owing a dLscussion on the subiectr. Councllmqn Slmonds moved that the paynent in the speclfled amount be pald, seeonded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmous ly carried. A letter dated December 26, 1950, was read flom City Atto::ney I(arnne 1 referring to a letten received from the Ray Park fmpl"ove- ment CLub, r"eques ting the Counbll to appol,nt eertaln persons as a conmllttee to act fon the ot'trrers of property ln Ray Park Sub- dLvls ion and Ln r"rhtch tho A ttorney advlses that although the Councll has no legal- autho!:lty to c].othe anyone {ri th power to enforce the proteCtive and restrlctlve covenants in the subdlvl- sLon, in hLs opinion ttre appo5.ntments riay be ntade without legaI 1tabiIlty upon the members of the Cor:::ci1. Llayor Love :'equested the City Clerk to schedule a meeting yri th members of the Counc11,the Planning CommissJ-on end representatLves of tl.o Ray Park SubdLvlslon to f1r ther dlscuss the subJect. l 243 Pursuant to a request ln a lettor dated D,ocember 29, 1950, lYon the Bur:rlingame Munlclpal Bnployees t Assoclatl-on that a meeting be arran3ed with rep::es entatlves of the Association and membersof the Councll, for the purpose of dj.scussj.ng wa8e increases and matters pe::talnlng to the Rett::ement Sys tem, Ifiayor Love announcecl that such a meetlng vrould be held on l\tonday evenlng, Januar.y 8, 1951, at B ot cLock, p.m. ln the Clty IIa11. A letter dated Decemb er 22, 1950, recej.ved and read fYom the Stateof Callfornla, Departnent of Publlc Health, drawln6l the Councilrsattention to the fact that the Clty of Burllngame 5.s ope::atlnga water system rvithout a va1ld pe::mit as requlred by 1aw and u::glng that an appllcatlon for permlt be subrnltted to the State Deparhlent at an eanly date, was referred to the Clty Attorney and the City El:glneer. A Ietter dated January 2, J.951, was read fYom !t:re Chief E. J.Lels advislng that Jotrn Frlcke, hoseman 1n the Fire Department has been ca1Ied lnto ser.vlce eJ]d lt l',-i 11 be necessary to nake a temporary app o !.ntme nt to fill the vacancy, effectLve January 16,1951. I,To. l on the ellglb1e list havlng decllned a temporary appoini;ment, the next e1iglb1e, Harvey E. Johnson, was appointedto the position on a temporary emerEency basls, on motlon of Councilman B;r:rd, seconded by Councilnan Atwater and unanimouslycarrled. A letter dated January 2, L951, lYom T. F. Iifccuigan, Presidentof the Burlingame Chamber of Comme:rce, extending the use of the Chamberts facilLties and equlpment ln asslsting ln the Civll Defense P:rogram vra s referred to Defense Di,rector, Councllnan Simonds . A cornnunLcation dated Ibcember 5, 1950, lyas read flom the Dlvl-slon of Elghways, to2;ether wittr a Flrst Supplernental Memorand.urof Agneement for maJor c5.ty stneets, 1951 flscal year, wlth thenequest that the agroement be executed and netunned. Councilman Simonds introduced and moved the passage of Besolutlon No. 2-51,approvlng the Elrst Supplemental l,iens3sn6un of Agreement for theexpondlture of gas tax alLocation fo:r najo:: clty streets, seconded by Councllman Byr.d and urranLmous 3-y adopted by ro11 callof rnembers pr.es ent. A report lbom the Burllngame Fl::e Departnent, Bureau of FirePrevention and Publlc Safety, Itl:re Alarrn Elec t::ican and i,iechanicfor the month of November, 1950, rvas read and. ondered fl1ed. 0ndinance No. 5O2, entltled ItAn Or.dl-nance Anendlryl Sectlon 506of the 0rdi.nance Code of the Clty of Br-rlingame By P::oviding forAppointments ( Permanont and Tempor.ary) 1n the Classifled Seivi.ce;Repealing all Ordinances and Parts of 0rdlnances in Conflict Iler.ewL th; and DeclanLng thls 3.t Emergency Legislationrt waslntr"oduced by C ounei 1nal1 Atwater ald gLven flrst readlng. Resolution No. 5-51, sFixing the Monthly Compensation of the Pu::chas l-ng Agent for tile City of Bur 15-ngame,' Tsas introduced byCouncllman Simonds who moved Lts passage, seconded by Cor.rnciliranBynd and unanimous 1y adopted by vote of the members present. A claim in ti:e amount of i!12.50 for" lnjuries sr-rffered ln a faLlupon clty streets, presented by Mrs. Clarlce iri. SmLttr, BgO 1I.Clareront, San llateo, was reJected on motlon of Councilman Simonds, seconded. by C ounc l1nan Atwater and unanlmous ly carriedand neferred to the cltyt s insurance carrler. Reporting on the napld strlde the Clty of Burlingame has made inthe lnterest of CivlL Dofense, Illayor Love asked the cLtlzens ofBurli4lame to cooperate on Sunday, January ?, at vihi ch tirne al_lhouseholdors wl thln the Clty wouLd be regLstered. Iilayor lovestated that two measures the clty should conslder were; first,the placlng of a one-pumper sub-fire station east of the railroadtracks; second, the reqlstration of aL1 alions or persons re .is- tered wlth the Comnunls t party. Dinector of Civtl DefenseCoulcllman Slmonds was j.ns tructed to LnvestlSate both proposed measures and to confe:: wlth Clty Attonney Karme1 on the legalttyof a municlpa1. alien reglstration. Defense Director Sir4ondsrepor.ted on the progress Civll Defense has made to date. The City Cler"]c ura s lnstructed to request the City A ttorn-e-y to. sub- rrit- a report on the insurance coverase at the Gunst ilome l-n Washington Park. The lmprovement clubs vri thin the city, the Chanbei of Comrnerce, ttre city employees and both newspapers vrere thanlced for their splendLd efforts in the interest of Civil Defense and. the City Clerk vras instructed to write a letter to both newspapers, e:lpressing Council appreclation for publlctty. There bein;1 no f\i::ther business, the meetLng was regularly ad- j ournecl-. Respec tf\;lIy submit te cl, 244 Appr.ove d: Dan R. Love, I{ayor iiEitBBIiT ii. lJjllTn City 01erk .t^^-1, **