HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.11.24I 435 Burlingame, Cali forrrla Novemb er 24, 1952 & specLal meetlng of the Clty Counc 11 was held on tle above gLvendate, all member.s havtng been notifLed and cons entLng. The neet-Lng was ea1Ied to order ats 8:3O p.m. -Llayor Byrd ln tde Chai::. RoI1 Ca1l: Present - Councilmen: Atv,rator-Byrd-Love-1,{organAbsent - CouncLlmen: Slmonds Simonds vyas excus ed flom the meeting ln orden to assumeas Uhairman of ilee Eoard of Trusteei of the San L[ateo C ounc ilmanhis dutiesJunior Col1ege. Ii{ayor lfrd aruaor:lcod that ttr e meetlng had. been called for .bhe pur-pose of conducting a public hearing on the proposed annexation ofterrLtory designated Br::r Ilngvl ow Terr.ace. The::e being rro orre pr€s-.9nt t9 oppos e the arrnexati on of the terltory, Councllman liorgal lnt::oduced fo:: fjrst neaciLng, 0::d.lnance No. 5f2, trAnnexlng to theClty of. Br::rlingeme Certaln UirmfrattteO and'Unln6o::poratJd-terr"itoryDesignated Burllngvlew Ter::ace. s Councilnan Irove congratulated thedevelopers 9f the subdlvlslon for petitloning the Couicil to init-late. proceedilrgs for the arurexation to ttre Clty of Bu::1lngarne. QuostLoned by the Courrcll. as to ttr e numb er of homes contefrplatedand the oxtent of the- acreage, both lillr. Sldney C. Johason, owrer ofthe Kenma:r Terrace Subd.lvisLon arrd 1!1r". Ibank S. Conti, deireloper ofthe Burlingrrlew Terrace Subdivision ad.vls ed that a total of sixty-tbree homes ar.e planned, coverlng a totaL of twenty-elgtrt bcres. firere be5.ng no flir ther business, the neetLng was adJourned. at g:4S P. E. Respectftrlly subrnltted T K. T'IIITECity Clerk APPROVLD: AI{DREIT C. 811?D Liayor e ,1 .1(.