HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.12.21105 BrrnllngtsG - Cellfornla Dcoourbcn 2L, L955 A noguler Beettng of the Bunllngaae Clty Councll ras helcl on the above glvea date. ileetlng eaLled to onder at 8:OO P. M. Mayor Straonds ln the ChaLn. RoLI CalI: Present - CouncLl.non: Atrater-Blrd-Irove-Slnonds Absent - CounclLnens ilorgan Councllman fongan appeaned at the meeting at 8355 P. il. The mlnutes of the reguLar meetlng of Decembet 'l, 1955, wero appnovod as submltted, on motlon of CounclLman Love, seconded by Counell^man Atwater and unanimously earrled. The nJ.nutes of the ad,Journed meetLng of December L2, Lmouely approved, on motion of Councllnan Atwaten and Councllman Irovs. The mlnutes of the speclal consent meetlng of Decemben 15 appnoved on motlon of CounclLman B;nrd, seconded by Councl and unanimously carnled. 1955, rere trn&!1- seconded by , 1955, were Lman Iove lhe nlautes of the speclaJ. congent neetlng of Docemben 16, 1953, rere unanLmously appnoved. on motloa of Councllman Byrd snd. seeonded by Counellnan Atraten. lhe mlnutes of the speclal eonsont meettng of Decetrer 19, 1955, Eene unanLmously approved on motLon of Counelluan Atwaten and second,ed by CounclLnan Bynd. Mayon Slmonds announced that thls tras the tlne and pl,ace set pursuantto publleatlon of Resolutlon No. 84-53, for heanlng on a petltton forthe annexatlon of unlrrhablted. terrltory deslgnated as rnre ScofleldPnopentyn. Bhe Clty Clenk read. a letter firon the Burllngamo Ctty PIan-nlng Comnlselon necommendtng appnoval to the proposed ar:nexatlon. Ttrere belng no protests recelved, eltller venbalLy or wr:Itten, Ordln- ance No. 542, entltled ilAnnexlng to the Clty of Bunllngame CertalnProperty l(nown as the Scofteld Propertyn was lntroduoed by Cor:ncll.manIove and glven flrst neadlng. . A Letter dated Deoernber 8, 1955, was read J?om Jmes S. Dl1ley, 1440 Manlbonough Road, suggestlng that the Councll earefirIIy conslden pro-posals submltted fon the devolopment of a Masten Pl,an wtthtn the Cltyand that conslderatl.on be glven to ttre engagement of professlonal.lytralned pJ.anners. The cornnnrnlcatloa was nefenned to the Plarurlng Com- mlsslon. A Letter dated Decenben 1O, 1955, wes nead flom the Bunllngame Merch-antg Commlttee of the Burllngame Chamber of Commerce, requestlng that two benches be placed at ttre corner of Park Road and Burllngaroe Avenrue on the sld.ewaIk at t}re southeast oorner for the oonvenlence of shoppenstnavellng by bus to and Ilom Burllngame. Councllman Bynd, on hehaLfof the San Hateo-Burllngere Transit Company, offered to donate the beactres wtth a provlston that the CIW may not be obllgated ln &soun-lng additlonal llabtLlty lnsuranoe. The ClW EngLneen was lnstructedto securel,y anchor the bencbes. A lettor dated December 1O, 1953, wag nead, Ilom tI. J. Fbaser', Pres-ldent of the Broadway Development AEsoclatlon, expreEsl.ng appneotatlonto the Counell and Clty Departments fon cooperatlon dlsplayed. durlng the recent Chlldnenrs Chrlstmas Santa Claus Parade, The lette:r was ackaorledged and edered plaaed on f[].e. A letten dated Decernben 12, 1955, was nead llom trfirs. Dwlght Gar.ner, Pregldent of the Eerbent Hooven P. T. A., tbanklng ruombers of theCounoll for thelr lntenest and concern relattve to a trafflc pr"oblemexlstent ln the neighbonhood of the Eooven Sotrool. The Clty Englneer and the Chlef of ?ollce were lnstnucted to f,onk 1n conJtrnetlon rrlthschool authonltles to peruanently reotlfy the probleu. I _I 106 A letter dated. December 15, 1953, was nead Ilom R. C. Theuer, Chlefof Pollce, ad.vlslng that eubsequent to a surrey conducted, it was reeommended that Hlllside Dnlve be made an artental STOP at Vancouv€rAvenue for tnafflc travellng east and that Berrral Avenue at HlllsldeDrlve be made an arterLal slop fon trafflc traveLlng w6st. CounclL-men Atwaten moved that the Councll concur wlth the recomaendation andtheneupon lntroduced for flLnst readlng, Ordlnanoe llo. 545, Lnconpon-ating the recorgmended ohanges lnto the-ordlnances of the Orty oflBur-1Lngarae. A letter dated Deeember 15, 1955, was read, ftom B. C. Theuer, Chlefof Pol1ce, nequestLag that the Councll senlously conslden a reoom-mendation that ln the lnterest of deereasi.ag trlfflo hazards ln thevlol-nlty gf the Pealnsul,a Hospl.tal, that Coionado Way and Suesada'lf,ay be made anterLal STOPS foi north and southbound f,raffl.c. The cormaunleatLon and st'b{ect natter were heLd fon f\rrthen study. Reports for the nonth of Sovenber, 1955, rere read. flon the BurlLn- _qamg. Flre -Deprntnent, the Pollce Depantment, the Depantrnent of hrb1lcHea1th and rfle_I_fare, the Departruent bf PuUttt Works ina tfre tlbrary,and ordened fll,ed. Besolutlon $o. 91-53, nEntering lnto an Agreement wlth the State ofCallfonnla for the fnstaLlatlon and HaLntenance of Centaln RadloEqulpBent for the hrrpose of Carnylng on l'tutual Ald and Ctvll De-fensei w&s lltroduced- by Councllnln ftwater rtro noved fts-passrg",sec-onded by Councllnan Love and unanluously adopted. on noli cafi ofmembers present. Rosolutlon No. 92-55 rAeceptlng the offen of the Tnousdale Construc-tlon Company-.to P*y- one-ha1f' the cost of lmpnovLng Callfornla Drivefipom the northerly-boundary to the present Lonporiti 11mlts of tlieClty of Burllngamer was lntnoduced Ly Counclkrtn tove nho moved ltspeesage, eeoonded by Counct Luan Byr.d,- and adopted unanlmous3.y on no11caLL of uembers present. Ordlnance lilo. 54O, nAuthor.lzlng an Amendment to the Contract pnovld- 11S fq the Pantlclpatlon of the Clty of Bunllngaure in tho CalLfor"nlaState Ermployeest Rettnement Systemr was glven sSoond neadlnt. Coun-cllman Exrd moved-the pessage of Or.dlnanIe No. s4O, secondCE by co""-olLman Love and adopted unanlmously on ro11 caII oi membens pr6sent. Ordlnance I{o. ^541r-entltlod sAn Ondlnance Amendlng the Ondlnanoe Code 9.r tlu Clty o{ But'}llqame by"Sddlng-Eheneto Artlcie EOA - n"eui"ti"ethe Presentatlonr_Flltng gnd neoondlng of Tentatlve "rra rurr.i-!d;;;the Pnocedure to.InstalJ-, Contnol and-Regu1ate all Publfc :rrprovimentson f,ards Deslgnated on suo! Meps; the Enengenoy nequlrlng tnl Olrain-ance to be Effectlve Upon Its Pass&gor and-neplalhe alL"Sectlons ofthe Ordtnance Code ln Confllct Iherewith' was gtven"secona readlng.Councllman Love noved the passage _of ordlnance*Ito. S41 second;J-t;Councilman Byrd and unaninlusly-adopted on no11" calL of members fiesent. MTLLSDA,I,E NO. 1. SUBDTVTS]ON TENTATT1M MAP Mayon slmonds Lnvlted Mn. wirsey, elglneer fon the proposed proJectto speak. Mlr,.TttLsey -pnesented- in lIlustratl.ve igr- ofl the eirtiie area,tndlcatlng portlons of the area neserved, for reglainirar, rnarsirrafand coumerelaL dev-eropmglt, Hr. _silsey stated that iwo pilnctplemattens that have been dlscussed ln c6nneotlon wlth tne'profo'g"a pro-l-ect has-been (a) tle matten of dnalnage.and (!) tu" typb oi"-tor"irg.Ee stated that-the deveLopen_has agreed-t9 fl.i1'the pr6lrerty suujecf,to the approval of the -c_lty pnglne6r ind that he and Co;suflrng-fi;srn-eers pnevlously-e_ngaged by the Cor.rncll wllL deslgn structures f,o abe-quately canry off the water. Ee I\rnther mentlonda tnat it wtll beneeessary to pemdt the channels to nenaLn open but the devel.per. hasagneed to sunround the area wlth a Cyolone tiry" fenclng fon protec-tlon. rn the matter of tyrpe.of _housips, gn,-irilsey -airea uion-ur.t{lLllam lrwJ.n, y1s6-pres1&Lnt of the tiouBaare conltnuctlon bo*paty,who advlsed tha! the proposed homes wou}d paralleJ. those of at least5O p-enaent of _th".exlstlng homes ln Bunllngame a"a i" most respectsmay be oompaned wlth homei ln Bu:rLlngame vfttage. - 107 l[r. Jameg Q. Brett, of Coldwell & Banker, realtors :representing tbe doveloper, 1n ansrer to lnqulrles as to fry the entlne llrea nay not be zoned entireLy for. tndustry, statad tha t several hundned acrea are p::esently on the narhe t fon sale for lndustrlal parpoa es but that hlsflrr hea been appnoaohed by but one taaglble prospect. [he follovlng speakers rere a].s o caLled on by l&'. Sll,sey: !d:r. Albe:rt 0rDay, Publt c Relatlons Dl:reotor for the DaLmo VlctorCo. clt6d th€ lnportanae of provldlng adequate houslng for lndus trLal employees. Mn. John Cockcroft, Bu.rllngane nealtor:, spoke on the need for houses of the type proposed for veterans houslng. *1r. CSrrus McMlllan, Presldent of the Burllngame Chambor of Com- merce stated that the Board of Directors ls of the opinlon that theplan worLd serve the best Lnteres ts of the Clty of Burllngame, tothe deveLoper as well as to the Clty, and the plan to reserve a por-tLon for lndustrlaL would create a falr balance of the tax Load.![r. -Pat Merrlck, Executlve Secnetary of the San l{dteo County Tax- paygrg t lssoclatlon, gave nosults of an extenslve survey ho had con-ducted, lndlcatlng that the dist:rlct would produce ilom- lts corrxer-clal and nesldentlal developneat, eIr amount of $L56r969.00 ln cIty,county and school dlstrlct taxes per year. hom the flLgu:res dts ciire- 99, k. ltrerrick stated. that there ls ilttle ground for Iny contentl.onthat the devel.opnent of DtllLsdale rl11 creat6 any serloue- econonlcthreat to tlre Burllngarne E3.enentary Schoo1 Dlstniot. ^ M". !r9gk Ingersoll, attorngy, sumrarLzed the polnts glven lnf?vlT of^th: proJect, and urged-that oonslderatton be glien to therlghts of the propenty orner. . In oppooltlon, tr[:r.^ W-. J. 0tConne1l, S2B Chapln Lane, presentedchants.and maps-, whlch he bad preparett, lndlcitlnl coit's- roa r"vun-ues and the deflclt,!g p" uonnl uy the-clty, uaeea on-irre-.assumptlonthet th_e pqoperty wtl} be ten yeai,s in its'6evefopnent.--- -' _- lfr: {. Jry Burns, Chalruan of tne Burllngaue Eieneniery SchoolDietrlct, subnltted faotor.B in relation to ile ""it"ipri"t increesedschool tex burden. h. Burns stated that the a"{rcipi["a inerosse 1nattendance 1n the Bunllngaae schoors, rf homes i"n"-p""*itila to u"constructed ln [lIlsdare, rould neceisltate double ";;;i;;; aad suchcondLtlon would exlst un!1r guctr tlme eB two bond 1;;u;;-;;". auccess-frrlly voted ugol by the citizens of BurJ-lngane. - l[rs. Robert Eammett, 24 Lona Vlsta Dr1v5, spoke on the potentLaldangers due to tnafflc, _open dltch"", ,r:.:r6aa';;;"k; .iii iLt tir"area would be lsolated flora ohunchos - aad recreattJnd i""rirtr"u.I{r. AlLen B. Bea,aont, 1648 XcDonaLd Way, ffed-A. e"."dt, f+igcastllro Ay9!*", mr. Jghir Hafstad, ?85 I{euiirater lvenue,-lr"l rorr"trool8tra, rr.28 cortez Avenue and othens atso sp-te i"-oipoiitro" tohouslng ln the Millsdale Subdivlslon. _-^H:_t"!l!I 93llt attornoy, an{ tfn. Robert EtLenne, Burllngamer.eal.tot3, eaob spoke ln oupport of the proposal. At the concluelon of_the hearlng, each co,,nc irnan rndrcated hls de-oislon. councllman Bynd lntrodi6ed a *otlon that the councll concurln the neeonmendation of the plannlng comnlsslo" ""a tir.[-iie tent-atlve Bap for tJre proposed Mirrsdale"subdivi;i;; t;-d;;;";;, second_ed by cor'lc llnan trqrg,an rhe r.esurt or iue vote on rorl carr of membenswas :recorded ae follong: Ayes! Councllnen: Atwate:r-Byrd-Morgan Noss i Couyrcl lmon: .Lcrvo-Sl.nondg A petltlon for annexatlon to the city of Burllngare of new unlnhab-lted- terrltgry contlg,ous to.- the ,'ootn"r' cor?orate Ilnrts and d.e-scrlbed as nThe rlr11; Esraten was suurftied-bi-tnJ-niiiiiic mfe rn_surqnoe co. counci lman rove lntroduood and r6"ea tu"-prsiiee or nes-olutlon l{o., 95-Sg, rrDl.:re_ctlng the Civing of Notl ce of propoJed Annex_atlon to t he cltv of- purlingime or ceniir"-uiiirii"uri"a'iliiito"y,Belng a Part of the Mi1ls Eitete and Er.xlng-tE" iiri-."i-iiio" roothe He a:..lng rlrereoftr, seconded by Councl lni,, eyra-r"a -.aopiJa ,,..rr-lmous Iy on noll oaLl'of membens.' (pr"o"f fo. i). Besolutlon ltro. 94-S3r :Dlr-ec-tl{rS the Glvlng of Notlce of proposedAnnexatlon of certarn unkthabl t;d rernito:f, -a"i"g-i-riit' ii trr"llllLs Estate and Etxlng the 11116 ana pia""-io; th; f.;;iig-iheneof,, ---1 APPROVED! lt u. s. sriloNDs, JR UAYON Respectfully submlttedJh EEBBERT K. WHIIE CITY CIENK tras introduced by Counc lLman Bylrd, t&o moved its pa8sage, eecondedby Councllnan. Love ard adopted una:rIllous Iy on roll call of rembers.(Parcel llo. 6). CounoL lman Ipve moved that the Clty EalL offices be closed the norI.n- lng-of December 26, 1953 ard tho moroing of January Z, LgS4, eecondedby Councllnan Byrd and unanlmous Ly cannied. C1alms, I{os. 457? to 4,tZS, in the anount of $e4, 121.84, duly audlted,rere approved and wa:rrantg orde:red on the ctty treasu:ry for.- thetrrospectLve amount s on motion of CounciLmsr Love, seconded by Cgunslf- men Byr.d and unanLnous Iy oamled. Payroll narnante for the tsonth of lfovenber, Nos. s?09 to 60sg lnclus-lver_Ln-the amount of $49rEse.l.1, rene appioved on notlon oi counctl_man B;rrd, seeonded by Councllnan Uolrgsn Lird unanlnoue fy camfea. Tfere-bel!g_no ftrther buslnesg the rne ettng was r:egularly adJourrredat 2300 otClook A. M. 108