HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.12.19LO2 Burllngame - Cclifornla Dcceriber" 19, 1955 A speclcl meetLng of tho Burlinqame Ctty CouncLl wes held on tho rbovcglvcn dr.ter &8 per adJounnnent of Satund*y, Dcccruber L2, 1955. Mcct-lng ce1Icd to orden at 1:5O P.M. - Mayor Slmonds Ln the Cheir. Bo11 CaIl: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Byrd.-Lovc-Si.mondsAbsent Councllmcn: Morgan Councllmen Morgan was excuscd becausc of e prcvlous commltracnt. CouncLlmrn Slmonds stated that tre meetlng was schadulcd to conttnuathc hearing of objcctions ard/or suggcstiSne on the proposed, naw.zonlng ordlnancc. The followLng sectlons werG considerod and Ected upon: sEcTroN l-97?-l-97A Fbnces and Hedges, Helgfrt, etc. Moved by Councllmen Love, scconded by Councllman Atweter and unenlmous-1y carr'led, that the sectlon remain as proposed snd wrlttan ln thezonlng ordlnance. SECTTON 1984 IIe arlng by Commlssion. 0bjection withd::awn, to remain gs wrltten. sECTroN 1985 Elnality of Declsj-on ObJcctlon withdntwn, to romeln as wrlttcn. The-Clty Clerk road a letter f?om McCeff?ey,s Union Servlco, ?01 Ce]lf-ornia Dnlve, rqgucstlng considenation bc glven to eddlng thc wonds"minor rcpelrsn 1n the dcflnltlon of Senvlcc Stetlongr Councllman tovcmoved thet tlre pnopoecd sectlon bc wrlttcn as follows: GASOLfXIE SER-VICE STATIONS. PromLses and the usG thereof, for the retall dlstrt-bution. of gasoline dircctly to moton vchlclci, ol1-s, greases, tlnceand brtterLes, gre&slng and weshLng, end tho sal-c oi" itnor elcosgorlesand gervlces incldental theneto.' The motlon was scconded by Counoll-men Atwater and unenlmously cernLed. glang?!_rcferred to thc Plennlng Consultant at lcst hearlng of Dccomber42, 1953: sEcTroN L910 Moved !f Councllm^an Love, second.ed by Counclknnn Byrd snd unanlmouslycenrLed, sectlon be eccepted es amended to read es- follows: oft isfurther provld.ed. that ln addltlon to the notlce by malI, there shallbc two publlcations thereof ln a dal1y newspaper 6f general circula-tlon publlehed ln thi City of Burllngeme, such publtcatton to be madoet leest ten days to the date set for the heerlng.tl ) SECTION 1912 Moved by Councllmgn Byrd, seconded by Councilmen Atwaten and unanlmous-Iy cerrled, Sectlon 19L2 be amended to read es follows: nAt lts nextr98u1ar meeting after the fl11ng of, such recommendatlons with tho CityC1erk, the Council shaIl set & tlme and place for Lts hoarLng uponsald recommendatlons. At thet time on at any timo to ttrlch f,he-mettenmay be eontinued, the Councll sheI1 pass upon seme and no othe:r notlccnced be glven. Thercafter the Couneil shaII mako and file its resol-utLon and orden determining such applicetlon, end shaI1 consider anddotermlnc same in accordance wlth provLslons hereof as to the mannerof actlon by the Commlsslon.n s_EcT_roN 1926, B-4 On motion of Councilman Love, secondcd by Councilman Atwate:: e:td unan-Lmously caruled, section 1926, B-4 was emended. to read. as follows: tr03 -rllv5.ng roonsr, sleeping rooms, rumpus roons or hobby rooms Ln ganages or3 &ccGssony bulldlngs, provldlng that sucLr rooms sha1l not conteirta kltchen on eny equlpment fon cooklng on prepaning food end sha1lnot becomc e sGparnte rentel property and provldcd fLr.rthen, thet no such room shell be conEtnucted ebove or &s e sccond story to such gerego or accessory bulldlng. SE0TION L928, E Amended to delete the wonds raltered on aainteLned.t on motlon of Councl-lrnan Atweter, seconded by CounclLman Byrd and unani-mouslycernled. SECTION 1929 E Amended to delete words traltered or malntainedr on motion of Council- man Byrd, seconded by Councllman Love and unanlmously cerrled. SECTIoN 1950, B Moved by Councllman Lovo, seconded by Councllma.n Atwate:r end unan-Lmously c,arrled, section 1950 B, add ttf6, Mortuaryr end to changeprss ent #6 to #'1. SECTION 1931 ,A 0n motlon of Cor.mcllmen Lovo, secondcd by Councllmen Atwater andunarrlmously cerrled, amonded to remova S16, Mortuary and renumberfollowlng uses. sEcTIoN 1954, B Moved !Y Coungl]man Love, sgconded by Councilmen By'rd and unenimouslycerrled, amond.sd to reed: nsubSect to the provlsi.6ns of sub-sectlon'&' of this sactlon, wherc there ere bulldlngs extsting on eny oncsLdc of the street ln eny ono -bIock, e.11 bull.dlngs horJafter 6rected.,loceted or rebuilt on such sldc of the block rm:sf, be set back to theevcregG_dLstance of the bul1d1ngs then exLstlng on suctr sld.e of thcstreet. f, SECTTON 1954 Ct Moved by Cou?c_llman E}td, seconded by Councilman Atweter and unenimous-1y earried, delete subsccti_on rrcn. sEcTroN 1953 0n motlon of Councllman Lov9, seconded by Councllman Byrd. and unen-lmously-carnledr- Sectlon 1953, amended t6 read.: dfl tir" event tfretno buiIding has been erected in e bIock, the setback line shaIl t;'establlshed l-n accondancc wlth the pr"ocedur-c provtded in thts Otvis-lon, but ln no ease shaIl the yerd. sotbeck of- any propos"a U"ffai"gbe less than 15 feet llom the f?ont pnoperty 11n6 i,rrrui" sueh lineabuts an eree dedicated as a sidewefk oi' provided es a padestnianrlgfrt-of-way end, 25 feet ntren such eroe dtes not exist.h SECTTON 1971 ,A 9gy"grlman Brd moved that sectlon 19?1rA bc emendad to include athtrd sentenco to r.ced as follows: rIn-single famfiy a""ffir,g" ofthree or $'orac bednooms tlecnc shall bc e twolcer g."*[" or ce'port ortwo ge.reges ol3 canports of mlnlmrrm dlmonslons """a"*8"lbed aUbvr.r-The motlon w&s seconded bv Councllman Alwaten and canrled, ;iu, -io*- cLLmen Love votlng ilnor t; trrc pnopo"".i"addttlonal sentence. Ihe followln_g sectlon wes requested nevlsed by offlclals ofPclnlnsula Generel Contnectors ana nutld.crs Assocli.tlon, fnc. SECTTOI-I 1967 suggested that I lew 1tem, pgagreph ,ftr be lncluded to read: rLotsover 42 feet and less then sr rJet- ln wldth, il-ei;inicts classtflcdR-5 or R-4 at the effeetlve dete of this ordlnanc" ,ay be bulltj to asldo yard sot-back of three feet, but shal1 "trr-"*i"J'eonform to thls 't 104 ordLnancc.r Movad by Councllman BJ.rd, seconded by CounclLrnen Atwater and unarllmously cenr:ied that the scctLon remaLn as llrlttca ttth tho dnderstnndlng that the sectlon w111 bo refer"red by the ContnactonsAssocLetion to the Plannlng Commlsslon for Lts revlew. Othcn suggested changes werc submltted es followe! SECTION 1958 Moved by Councilman Byrd, seconded by Counellman Atwater end u$o.D- Lmously carrled, delete phrase rrwhich extends more than one foot abovethe maln floor leveL.fl A lette:r ryes read ftom l\[rs. Douglas J. Kay, 1101 Dougles Avonue,enteni.ng an obJectlon to the zoning map now unden consd.doretlon, lnwh19h her Pnoperty would be rezoned es resLdentLal uftrercln lt lil pres-ently zonad commerclal. A simllar request was received from HermanStoeslgn, 42L Cal-lfornle Dnlve. Councllman Byrd moved, seconded byCounellman Love, and unenlmously ee.rnLed, that the ebove mentioncd-Bropertles be netained ln tlne C-Z zone. The follolrllng sectlons-, hcld in abeyance at the lest hearlng,wcre revLewed by merabers of the CounclI. SEOffoNS ][935 and^ 1934 ( tight and Heavy Industny) Respe ctftrlIy subnitted IIERBERT K. IJYI{TTE C13Y CI,ERK APPROVED: Suggested that the abcrve sectlons be deleted. Plannlng Consult.nt Mannadvl"sed that by lneorporatlng such sectlons ln the new zoning ondilsa.ncewould makc lt a more lega1 docriment. Council lman Atwatcr mov[d. thatthe sections be retalned. as wrltten, seconded by Cor:ncllman By:rd, andunenlmously_carrled. Coi.mcllman Bynd moved that the subJect ilatter l-nsectlons 1953 and. 1934 as outl=lned- ln a communieatLon re6elved. jyom Mr.Jyg" Hlmmelr_ be referred. by Mn, Hlmmel to the pS,annlng commlsslon forstudy, seconded by counellman Love and, unanlmously carIled.. { p"tltlon prcsented_by-Mn. Gordon Pltsker, '122 Acacia Drlve, for rr@zot}-lng of a portlo-n of . Burllngame Terrace Sub8lvlsion propenty was refer-red to Mr. Pttsker to confonm-to lug*1 procedurc bi ftrst iubmittingthe petltlon to the plannlng ConmlsJfon. A letter froa &lrs. A. Blumenr 1955 Pankslde Avenuer Bur1lngs.me, r'G-Qlestitq that her property on El Camlno Roal and Biyswater-Avenue bcplaced flom the 5-R zone to tllt of professionaL zoirLrrg. Councl}nan I,-o"9 movedr-ssconded by Councilman Atwater and unanlnoisfy carniia-that Mrs. Blrrmer be re{uested to conform-to regel proceaui,e uy-p;;-sentLng her request to tlre planning commlsstonl Mayol Simonds appotnted Co-uncllman Atweten and Councilmas Byrd as acommittee to confer wlth Mr"s. Blumer relatLve to the-possfUifftt-oipurchaslng the 1ot fon off-street park!.ng. The meetlng was reg:1arIy adJounned et 4:50 p. M. u,d u. s. srMol{Dse JB. MAYOR