HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1952.11.03428 Burllngarae - Califortrla. November 5, 1952. A regular meeting of the Bu::11ngue Clty Councll was held on the above g5.v en date. Ideeting calIed to order at 8:15 p.m. - I,layor Byrdln the Chal.::. Rol-L Cal1: Present - Counci-lmen: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-simondsAbsent - Councilrnen: None Ire minutes of the p::ev5.ous meetlng of October 20, !952, as submltrted to members of the Councl1, were corrected. to include (L) para-graph three, after the wond rpostponedn lnsert ttre words rrrrntll Nov- ember Ofl, errd ( 2) parag::apt six, after the words rrad.opted. unarr imous Iyupon ro11 eal1 of- membersr insert ttthe City Attorney was instructed - to lnclude a provlsion for a tlme limit of sixty days, ln the Resol-utLon.' Councllman Simonds ther"eupon moved that the minutes be ap-proved, as corected, seconded by C ouncl lman Love and carrLed. The mLnutes of the Speclal Consent meeting of October 25, 1952, assubmltted to membe::s of the Council were unanLmous 1y approved uponmotlon of Councl lman Love srrd seconded by C or.rrci lnan lIorgan. A- letter. dated October 3L, 3-952, was nead fl'om the Burllngame Clty Pl.annlng Corurls s Lon, notlfpng the Councll that the petltion of Mi.Chester A. truenen to re-subdivlde his lot at tO16 Balboa Avenue,had been approved at the regurar meeting of the commLsslon on 0ctober50. Councilman ;,ilimonds advlsed that he had been in attendance at theCoyn|ggfgn_ megting and that folLowlng a tho::oug! revlew of the planssubmltted by l[r. Qiuenor, the membe::s of the C5mmlsslon had ::ecomnend-:-d approval, subJect to itrlct adherence to the pLans as submltted.There belng- 19 9119 present at the CouncLl meetln! to oppose the pro-posed. r'e-subdivls lon, councllman Love moved concirrenol- in the ::icom-mendatlon and Lnt:roduced _for passage, Resorution llo. zda-sZ, grantingapprovsl to the request for a re-subdivl,s ion, wl, th the proirtil on ttritthe.appropriate rgeps be pr.epa:red ald. present6d for appr;va1. Ihemotlon was seconded by C ounci Lrnan Atrater and unanim-ous ly edOptealupon ro11 call of membe::s. A letter dated Octobe:: 5O, 1952, rras reacl from the Civil Servlce Com-mlssion subnittlng the follov,rlng ellglble 1lst for Elreman: 65-A Cook Street, San Francisco 4OOg - 23rd. Street, San Frsrc js. co126 Loma Vl-s ta Driv e, Bur liryiane156 Ti ffany Avenue, San F::ancis co411 E. Bellevue Avenue, Sat l\rlateo 549 Laidley Street, San i-?ancisco 443 Dvtg[t Road, Bu::Iingame, 316 Sart Jose Avenue, San lrancls co 101O Chula Vis ta Averme, Burl5.ngame 5964-Ofteal-l. D::i+e; -9an W*eo teraZt"q 817 Ashbury Street, San It'ancisco L. Eorra::d J. Pearson e' -2. " Phtlip J. HarrLngton -5. Carl Ll. Wertz4. - Gordon W. Jackson5. - Janes F. Duffey6. .Adolph C. Lenge7. , Davld E. KuenzLl'8. Andr"ew J. Brandl . -9. Paul F. 01s en10. Ft anl< J. EnesLI. Bernard P. Lahaderne -il'rr*d Councilmarr lilonggn moved that the eltglble list as submitted, be ac_cepred, seconded by council&arr simonds and. rrnanLrrous Iy canrled. A letter dated Octobe" ZO, _1_99?l was read flom Garman He::igstad, Eub-mi t tlng hl s r es 1 gnat r og^ 9.1 ut irityrnan tn th e R.;";;tt"; -oJp'irtmi,nt, effective Octobei 30, 19b2.__ tvlayoi..fyra, -on behalf of the 'Counci1, expressed appneciatlon_ for Ltr. ileri6irta6rs effonts i" ;h; iirrormanceof hls dutles. councilmm Love mov6d trrat trre ::e"ig".ilo"-be accept- :f^gith i:egret, seconded by Councllnran Atwater ,"a-,lr"rriro""ty "rr_ A lette:: dated octob"T ?9, 19s2, was read. from the Burlrngame ]\[unic-lpa1 -Earployees t Associati.on, r-efiuestlng council consiaeraEion tnamending the present state Retlr.ement System plan rn *, i"rr-iire employ-ees participate. Irlayor Byrd ::eques ted ln"t a "o*r.*r o "[io" be dlrect-ed to the Assoclatioir, - adirlsing -that the subJect wouia u"-"onsrdered1l A*+}*"y and that p::lor to tfrat ttrae a statement as to the cost tot^!9 t;l-ty- be slbmltted to the -cou.nciI by the Associatio;. -l'o" the bene-f+l.of the publlc, Mayo:: Bp:d stated tirat--edlin;rr;i;'onl'of the fewclties ln vtrlch the r.ater imendments to the stefE netimrer,.i n,"t t *v"not. been adopted, but that the change would not ue considlred untll thenext fLs caI yean budget i.s prepar:ed." 429 A letter clated October IQr 1952, was read f)eom Charles E. Wehklng, 912. Toyon D::ive, requesting a_legaI oplnlon fl.om the City Attorn8!,on the -status of property at royon Drive and the Bayshor.e servlce---Road, forme1J..y ogcupled_ by the Bayshore plunbtng Supp ly Company andnow occupied by the Ye1low Truck serv1.ce. euestton-eb 6y trre c6unci1,city_Atto::ney Ksrmel advised that the operatlon of the Eaysho:re ?rr:m6-1ng suppry_ com^pany was conducted under L non-conforrntng uie e,,d. thatsubsoquently flontage-_on the Baysho::e was rezoned flon-rlgfrt lndus-trIal -bo apartment. Mr. Karmel fi_r ther advls ed that under the 1aw,when the operatlon of a business rrnder. a non- c onfor"nl.ng uic, ceases rtheproperty must revert to Lts- zonlng classlflcation. ur6 crt! Attor- .rl-ey wa! lnstructed to lnvestlgate-the varlarce ln connectloir wr trrthe subJect and that an oplnlon be submitted to both Ir{::. f,etrklngand to the Clty Courcl1. A resolution submltted by the Councll of the City of Ri chmond op-.foilng the leglslatlon proposed by the County Suiervisors Assoc_Lation to provLde to," { +{ sales iax, was heid ri:: co*ncii-study. A petltlon to conduct an- au-c-tlon of the-equipment of Louls Leupe, *:-1lg_!:"+*e ss, as ^rLoule r s irractriT e Snopo_ to't"tu -pir"E-""-ulnaty, November LO., at lO:50 a.n. at 260 Hatch Lane, Br:ri ingan e, was pre_sented by the Ross Llercantile company, z++ tvtiss:o"-sEr"ui. "san F?an-clsco. councllms', Love moved thst t[; Ross ]aercantr rc - coinpeny uegranted app:rovaI to conduct the auctlon on the above nentitneh p:: em- ]191r gecolded.by Councilman l{organ and unanlnousfy canrie;; Mi;:--jtoss, ln attendance . at the n-e9tfn-q, p::otested. the I11gh fee imposedto conduct the auctlon, to rihlch friyi,r ayra advlsed fir"i-trrl fee toconduct an auctlon is established by Clti Ordlnsrice. __ -- t_!-:til1.l^11vr|B been flled tn the ofylce of the ciry C1e::k-on ocr_oDer o.,, 1952, llon me:rchants on. Br:::lingame Avenre, flvonlng the re_turr, of Dlagonal pa:rking _on Burllngame Evenue, the'subjec[- iras suu-mltted for council consideratlon. -Mayor. Byrd'advlsea dirai severalngnt| s ago, the councr.l acted on the i'e c omirend.atl on of both the mer-chants and. ttre chamb e:r of comnerce to change Dlagonal pa::k lng toPapa1l-el Pa::klng on a six monttrsr t::1d1 uaJlg and that the City-ir"aexpencled. an amount of app:roximately $1r8oo. to rel-ocaie -farr<rng 3lI?T" : _Y11?" Byrd suggLsted that- tiie'natier -b; h;iA -in-iily.rou un! 1--r ? meetlng ls s cheduled prlo:: to the exp5.::ation of the i txmonths t perloil. -councilman Love stated. that trre nr::r ring,ru Aarrnrr"uI's to conduct a.po11 to determlne the s entlments of trrJ'"iirr"n" orBr:rllng"rns and. vrhlch plan met v,rt th his approval. councrrman slmondsexpressed the opinlon -that the Para11el irirrrng pran "noura'tu co"-tfunred on the sfuc nonths r trial basls. c our,c t Imi.rt Atwater statedthat he belLeved that it need not be contlrnrea ior trre- nrir-srxmonths t period and suggested the possibllrty or estatirsrring s,*-1t'rgane -Avenue as a oi5-way. s!::ee-t wrilr oia[onrr-Fi"ti"J'6rr'tiotr,sLd.es of th.e str"eet and that Howard AveEue serve as the alternates.treet. couacllman Itlorgan reseryed hls opinion ""tri--irr" ,Jrchantsexpressed th6lr vlews._ L4tp.- f . F*!or, of tfre Basso Canpra Shop, andI,fr'. car'1 Berndston of Bernds ton t s coifee shop, both Jrrturua -p"o- tesls 9n- the present parklng-plan, I{r. eerntliton;G;;;;;d that t}resubJect be tabled for .severEL weeks 1n order ttrat iirE-mlr.cr."rrtu ,"yerpress th.e lr vlews at that tlnre. IUr. H. IIarr.ison, of tfre -fr:r f fnghr estatLoner"s and lvi::. Davld slmps on of Fb:: syttre and. simpsonr s. both ex-pressed approval to the_para1roI p1an. irotrowrng nlirr""-&r.scussion,councllym M91san stated that he would not vote Ior trre ctrange toDtagolal Pa::ktng unr-ess the merchants absorbed. th.e cost fo:: the ::e- J9c3!io1 of meters,.and. su-ggested that tJ.e subject Ue again placed. ?n .t+e council- agenda at ttr next meeting. c ouncrlman Slmonils stated1n..rrIs oplnlon there. woulti be nothtng galned by revJ.ewlng the subJectat each.neeting-and therefore movea Ehit no actl.on be taken uhtil"thestx-months t pe::lod has been-compLeted. ttrere u-lng no secona to the T:t*,oP-ry{91PI1-9 reques ted councllnan Loye to prEs iae- iemp-orarlly!-o a1lor the Mayoli to second ttre motlon. Upon resumJ.ng the ChaL::, - uayor Byrd called for a ro11 call on the mo-tlon, trre rEsuii of r*r lehwas as fol].ows: Counci'l yren Atwate::-Lovs-Mq3g€m - N9 CouncLlmen Bln:d-slmonds - yes councL'lman simonds moved that the council neet vdth the chanber ofCommerce and the mer"chants each Saturday mornLng at gtOO-;.n. urtllsuch tlue as a decLsion ls reached, sec6nd.ea uy"counci l:uan- iove ana up on ro11 calJ. of membors, the result was as foJ-lows: 430 Councilmen Atwater- Lrove-i,lorgan-S Smonds - Yes Couricilmen Byrd - 1{o C orrncllman Atwater vras appointed to serve as Chalrman for the C or:::- cil at the Saturday meetLngs. TLre monthly report of the City Jud.ge for the monttr of October, 1952, was read and ordered filed. UNFT}IISI{ED BUSII'{ESS : L. InstalJ.atlon'of street signs 1n Burlingview Ternace. Ctty Eng- lneer Ifiarr advLsed that t]re order has been pJ.aced. and the slgns lrl 11 be lnstalled shortly. 2. E1let Property - ttleinbe:.g IIa11r' - 324 Tarton Avenue. lre Ctty Cle::k advLsed that to date no reply had been receLved ft'om Ibr. E11et rolative to Council request. lhe Clerlr was instructed to forwa::d a re65istered letter to [h. E11et, ad.vlsS.ng trir. E1let that the Council lntends to start condennation proceedi-ngs unless he canfrshow causerr vdry the builtllng at 324 Lorton Avenue shoulcl not be so cond.emned. The City Englneer, the Bullding Inspector, the Fire and Health Depa::tments were lnstructed to inspect the premlses anrC. sub-mlt a written report to the Counctl in timo fo:: the fi:rst regular meetLng of the Counsll in December. A letter dated November 3, 1952, was read fYom trtre Chtef E. J. Lels,requesting the foJ-lowlng: (1) a pe::manent appointment effective Nov- ember 15, L952, to take the place of Delbe::t Bane who resig:.ed Oct- obe:: 1, L952t (2) a p ermanent appoJ.nfuent, effectLve December 1, 1952,to replace John Swlnt, a tempora:ry el4rloyee; (5) a war-ttne appotnt- ment, effectLve December 1, )-952, to :replace Flreman Robert Hardman,vho ls pnosontly 1n the Armed Forces. C ouncL lman S lmonds moved. thatthe Clty Clerk be instructed to coimunicate by reg5.stered maiI, ro-turn :receipt requested, wl th tho flrst flve on the ellglb1e 1lst, :re- ques ting a reply as to thelr: avslllbl11ty for appolntment and thelrwl1llngness to comp 1y with aLl- phases of the regulatlons of Clv1LServlce; that a time l-lmLt of seven days be allowed for reply; andthat a Council consent meetln5g be s cheduled. at such tlmo as the CttyClq:k j.nfoms the L{ayo:: as to the answers recelved. . The motLon was' second,ed by C orrnci Lnan Iove and unanimously ca.::r,led. Councllfian Love moved thst Palr:roll ehecks Nos. 810 to 1155, ln the amount of $471820.51, fon the month of September, 1952, be approvedl, second.ed by Councllrnpn S llrondri and unarrimous Iy carrled. Ilrs. il.J. McKeonr 9O4 Larkspuli D::lve, questloned the CouncLl as tothe status relatl"ve to the l{uniclpal !111 and to the p::opos ed con-struction of a ILre Statlon on the eastrild.e of the Railroad tracks.illayor By:rd Lnfo::med ltrs. McKeon that a comLttee had been appolnted, _comp::5. sl ng men conversant on the subjdct, to foranrlate a poiicy tobe established in the operation of the Fi11 anct a report witt 6efonthcoming on the comnittee t-s flndings. Iilrs. I{cKeoir was also in-formed that the Ftre Commisslon is considering a plan on ttre construc-tion of the 5:"r e Station and would subs equently be. presented to themembers of the Councl1. C ouncLot o The Clon odltio I Jman l[organ ca1led attention to the unsigb.tly appoaraace of an the southeast corne:: of E1 C anino Real and Rosedale Avenue.ity EngLneer: was l.nstructed. to connn:nicate wlth the State Dlvls-f Highways requestl-ng 5.ts co-operation in cor"rection the con-n. Councilman Simonds Lntroducod for adoptlon, Resolution I{o. 7S:5Ze c-ommending the Boy Scouts for theLr outstandlng efforts tn urglni3the cltlzens of Arnerica to eierclse the rteht ;nd prlvilege td vdte,seconded by C or:lcl lman Love and. unanlmous 1y car':r5.ed upon io1l cal.l - of members. The City Clerk wss Lnst::ucted. to send. a topy of the Res-olution to the Boy Scoutsr*Ln care of Edward. Barcer, Scout Enecutiveof the 1oca1 Boy Scouts. A letter dated Novemb er S, A952, addressed to the Mayon, was readft,om Rev. John R. Wl-Iklns, 1525 Ralston Avenue, voicing-obJectLonsto the contlnuous conEtruction of apartment faat1ltl_es-at tStO na1-ston Averue and d.Lrecting attention to the need for careluL ad.mln- 4sL lstratlon of ttr e Cityrg 1t .. The comlunlcation was referred tothe Clty Attorney with the request that ttre comeunlcatton be ackF nowlodged in behalf of th9 Clty Councll. Bui1dlng Inspecto:: ltlats on was r"equested by the Cou.ncll, to subnrlt,at his earllest corrvenLence, a report to the Clty Council on (1)the erro:rq that exlst ln the Citytg Bui.ldlng Qode at the presenttine, parlilcularly r*re:: e several- interpretalions . occur ( ej the nr:.n-bers of the O::dlnances that should be revoked; and (5) the numb erof 0::dlnances that should be corrected.. - Prio:: to the adjou:rnment Mayo:: Byrd urged every cltlzen to vote atthe Gerre::al Electlon, Novembe:: 4, !952. lbe meetlng was adJournedat_1o:15 p. m. upon motlon of C ounclLrran Love and seconded by C or:n- c11man Atwater. Respectf\rI1y submitted HERBERT K. 1THITEClty Clerk APPROlED: ANDBEII C. BYRD IIAYOR ,(, -fuiK^-/h /{,r,/,2.,)