HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1953.12.1610G fn answering tho lnqulny, CiW Attorney Karmcl outlined. the back-.ground in the preparatlon of the presentatlon of c formal agrecmentand stetcd thet th-u agreem€nt hes been signed by the Clty oI Ufff-bree and that et the offleieL meeting of ihe Counctl thf; evenlng,the metter ls beforo the Bunllngame Cfty Councll fon Lts action iirsubscnlbing ard exccutlng the egrebment'lf accepted.. In ftrrther GX-plenetlon, Ctty_Attorney Ka::mel stated that the egneement provldesthet Lf exccuted, thcre w111 bc an lnrmcdiatc seceJslon of lhe liti-getion now pendlng between the CiW of M111b::ee end the Clty of Br::r-lingeme. $ayon_Slmonds lnvited Mn. IflI1scy, er'rglneer to speek on thc MtlLs Est!.tg dcvelopment. M:r. Wl1sey nead fiom e pnepeiod. stetement, rfu1ahj.ncluded the following facts: Arees (-") F?eewey to ord Bayshone and. aest of seme 1g4 acnes(b) M1l1sda1e Mep No. 1 end school gg &crr6s(c) Uneubdlvldcil eree between Beeway andRelhoad 71 acncsDcductlng 98 s.craes tn Ml11sdale Leevcs zSE renea fonlndustrleL and other uses.(d) west of s. p. Rallroad in Bunllngemo 56p ecnesrt ]s p::oposed to construct 11069 homes, zzg-;[-$z3r7so.0o and g4].et sSsrooo.oo. Asscssed Vatue At 25/, ot_truc vsluc the houses wcst of the rallnoedm"f,:e?:3ttsits*g"%3'$igil[8l-e{"*ireba:i'g:Ei;ilh, lnsuranco butldlrgsr $toorooo.0o. Thc davelopcr rln6es to-ilirimf-Enc obllgatlon for cxlstlng bond lssuos of the Town and. School Dlstnlcts and 1n eddttlon w111 bulld and glve to the Cityr a $SOO,OOO.00 wetcn systcm. W. J. gtgiinncll, 528 Chapln fi,maiirfoquostcd that the City Councll dctcr.urlnc what the school eosts w111 be for the servlclng of theantlclpated populatlon wlthln the 57O acres. A polnt was relsed on the qucstlon whcther tt uroul-d be mone edvant- agcous to the Clty to annex the propenty subscquent to lts develop- ment to vr,hictr Mr. Iflllsey clted examples of problcms to bc cncountcned whon unlncorporatod nfir.lngen arees erG permltted to devclop. &ank B. Ingersoll, ettorney rcpresontlng Trousde.lc Constnuctlon Co.steted that he ls ln necclpt of lo:owledgc fnom the developen thet lfaction on tho Agneemcnt ls not soon consumrnatad, the deveJ.opment wl1Lproceed under regulations of the County. He addcd thet ln hls opin-lon the dcvelopment w111 bo an assot to the Clty of Burllngemo. Robert P. Etlenne, speaJrlng as a buslness man ln the Clty of Burlln- ga.mc, stetcd that the buslnoss mcn neallza that the developor m&yprocccd undcr county rogulatlons and lt wrs thclr oplnlon that lt would bc mec advantagcous 1f the property rrore flrst annexod to thcClty ln ordcr that the dovclopmcnt m&y proceed under the contnol ofthe Clty. ' Burllngsrrle - Callfornle Dccernban 16, L955. A speclel meeting of the Burlingame Ctty Council wes hdld on thcabove given date, all members hevlng been pnevlorsly aptlfled end.conscntlng. Mectlng cel1od, to order at 8:1o P. M. - Mayon slmondsln the Chalr. RoLl call: Prcsent - councllmen: Atwrter-Bynd-Morgen-slmonds Councllmen Love eppeared at 8:25 P, M. Meyor Slmonds ennounced thet thts Rres the tlme end plecc scheduledfor a heerlng on the proposed. Agneement between the Clty of MigbrFor !h" Ctty of &rrllngame snd the Atlentic Llfe fnsurancc Compeny, for edlvlslon of pTgPgrtyr between the two citles and for e pnoposed.-zonlngof the aree wlthln the two panceS.s of 1and. City Attorney KanmeL wegquGstloncd whether the Council may legalIy rendei" e declsion et thlspantlcrrler sesslon of the Council. , 101 Ctty Attonney Karmel stetcd thet another fecton should bc eonsldoned.,thnt only by enterlng lnto an Agreemcnt ney lltlgation ccasc. Fbllorring further dlscusslon, thc City Clork rerd thc proposed Agneo-ment, togethen vrlth chengcs prcviously ag:reed upon and conflrmod byLotter from the Tpsqsdelc Cor:structlon Company, es follows: 1. That EI Cemlno Real and the two senvlcc noede adjaccnt onclther sidc be wlthdrawn f?om C-I zoning, 2. That thc C-] zoning on Skyllnc Blvd. thet fells withln thcClty llmlts of Burllngame bc deLcted wlth the undenstandlngthat lt v'd1I be relocetcd et the tlme that thc tentetlvo mapls approvcd. 5. Io edd e tler of R-5 lots edJecant to and westenly of theexlsting proposed R-2 Lots, extondlng from the proposcd R-5 zotte. on the north to wlthin onc hundred flfty fcet of Ray Parkon the South. A flnther communlcatLon necelvcd {?om the Tnousdele Constructlon Com- PanY, datad Dcccmbcr 9, 1956, wns rcad ln wlrlch contlrmetLon was glvcnto a vcrbal egrcement that the developer w111 pay onc helf the cost ofcxt_ending Callfornle Dnlvc northenly flom thc nontherly boundary ofBurllngame Vl11ega and thet es many of the traes along E1 Camino RoaIes posstble will remeLn. At t'lre concluslon of thc hearlng, members of the councLl, ln tu::n,cxprcssod approvel to the proposed Agncomont. Councllmcn Atwater moved that the Agfcemcnt bc rcccpted, together wlth the appr"ovcdaddltlons and correctlons end introduccd fon passege RcsolutlonNo. 90-55 ilConfirming and Accapttng_Agncemcnt Wtth-C1ty of Mlllbnacand Atlentlc tlfc fnsurnnce Compenyt secondcd by Counci:-men Loveend unanLmously cenrled on roLl call of membens. Mayor Slmonde aJlnouncod thet ttre subJect on the Mt1lsdale No. 1Subdlvisl-on wouLd bc pleced on thc CounclL egende, Monday, Dccembcn2L, 1955. Therc belng no further buslncss,et 11:OO P. M. the meeting was regular:ly adjourned Rospectfirlly submitted I{ERBERT K. WHTTE CITT CI,ERK fr & PRO\ED: U. S. STMO}IDS MAYOR ,J ,